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European News and Poland Thread 3

OP Novichok 5 | 7804
29 Feb 2024 #901
you would hate Tusk.

I am taking a strict by-the-book Pailina line: In a "democracy", the people have no right to complain about the government they elected.
mafketis 37 | 10789
1 Mar 2024 #902
Tusk is a Polish traitor to the EU.

How so? Please give specific details.
amiga500 4 | 1490
1 Mar 2024 #903
No U.K thread so will post here. George Galloway of the Workers Party of Britain has been returned to Parliament in a landslide. Finally, a real socialist/old left firebrand is in the halls of power. You must be jumping over the moon with joy jon ;)
jon357 73 | 22653
1 Mar 2024 #904
Finally, a real socialist

He's not though; the guy is a carpetbagger who's done exactly the same thing before, twice, and only ever serves one term. It's always in constituencies where there are problems (there was no Labour candidate in this one) and he always messes it up by doing no work in the constituency.

He also changes the name of his 'party' every couple of years and tries to upset applecarts but never succeeds.
jon357 73 | 22653
1 Mar 2024 #905
Worth mentioning too that it was a by-election where the main party unusually didn't stand and where most voters stayed at home. The general election has to be a maximum of 10 months away and is likely to be in 6 since they don't like calling them in winter.
amiga500 4 | 1490
1 Mar 2024 #906
where the main party unusually didn't stand

That's an umm interesting way of putting of what happened, ;) Don't think Labour will win many seats where there's a paki/bangledesh/nigerian muslim/et all sizable population
jon357 73 | 22653
1 Mar 2024 #907
way of putting of what happened

They didn't stand; there was no Labour candidate.

Don't think Labour will win many seats where there's a paki/bangledesh/nigerian muslim

They always do and are expected to do well; it's unwise to judge voting patterns in a general election based on a rather weird by-election in which the clown Galloway stood and in which the main party didn't stand.

Interestingly, an independent came second in this one; something that shows how odd it was.
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
1 Mar 2024 #908
How so? Please give specific details.

Kaczyinski accused the opposition leader, Tusk,of "gathering all dark elements under his banner in order simply to win, to implement a plan that is not Polish, but [a plan] of the Brussels bureaucracy".

Kaczyński has regularly warned of the alleged dangers of an opposition victory, saying in May that it would mean "the end of Poland". PiS accuses PO of acting in Germany and the EU's interests,

Opinion polls in Poland show that Tusk is negatively viewed by 56 percent of those surveyed while 32 percent see him positively.

Tusk is the worst traitor to Polish values. A collaborator who, like Judas,commits crimes against his own people.Tusk has introduced a communist regime the likes of which Poland has not known since 1981. In the name of what? In the name of left-wing ideology.

Tusk is Pro EU and his own career, he does not care about Poland.
pawian 221 | 24284
1 Mar 2024 #909
introduced a communist regime

No, you stupid mongrel, it was ritard PIS who introduced such a regime that is why we call them bolsheviks.

Tusk is Pro EU

Exactly!! Like all decent and intelligent Poles and Polesses. But mongrels from London sewers like you don`t comprehend such basic issues. Go back to your sewers, stinker, and relish on your life of a mongrel. Ha!
Alien 22 | 5225
1 Mar 2024 #910
"the end of Poland

Kaczyński has always been talking nonsense that came to his tongue.
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
1 Mar 2024 #911
it was ritard PIS who introduced such a regime that is why we call them bolsheviks.

PIS are Bolsheviks, really?So, according to you, Ritards are suddenly Comminists?
You really need to read up on your history and politics or I will make mincemeat of you.
pawian 221 | 24284
1 Mar 2024 #912
I will make mincemeat of you.

Do you want to eat me, darling ??? Bad mongrel. hahahaha
Joker 2 | 2229
1 Mar 2024 #913
Do you want to eat me, darling ??

Thats sounds like something a Eurogay would say!!

Which one are you in this photo? Jerzy.

pawian 221 | 24284
1 Mar 2024 #914
Thats sounds like

Milo`s dreams.... :):):) Bad mongrel.:):):)
Joker 2 | 2229
1 Mar 2024 #915
Do you have gay tendencies towards men? You call them darling like you're someone's bi*ch or is it just a leftard thing?
pawian 221 | 24284
1 Mar 2024 #916
You call them darling

Are you envious??? I will call you darling, too, no problem. hahahahaha buhahahaha

Darling Joker, do you want to eat me like that mongrel Milo? :):):)
Joker 2 | 2229
2 Mar 2024 #917
. hahahahaha buhahahaha

You're not even remotely funny at all, Jerzy.

A sad clown desperate for attention thats all. As we all can witness from your resurrection of your old ass threads and then talk to yourself.

Why dont yourself get a dog for companionship?
OP Novichok 5 | 7804
2 Mar 2024 #918
The French government is mulling sending a small military force directly into Ukraine to serve as instructors for Kiev's Armed Forces and as a "deterrent" to Moscow, newspaper Le Monde reported on Friday, citing its sources.

...and a readers' comment:

Hopefully, they all come back in black bags...

No dilemma, Russia will put a bounty on their heads & hunt them down.

Memo to Americans: Don't follow Euro morons because they are Euros and morons.
mafketis 37 | 10789
2 Mar 2024 #919
"gathering all dark elements under his banner

What 'dark elements' what does 'under his banner' mean?

PiS accuses PO of acting in Germany and the EU's interests


Tusk is negatively viewed

How does this make him a 'traitor'? What do polls say about Kaczyński?
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
2 Mar 2024 #920
No, you stupid mongrel

The weak and pathetic troll Jerzy, who posts on here as the ape Pawian, has no imagination at all!He just repeats the same old insults ad infinitum....even when they are obvious lies like this one.I post on other forums where the trolls are much more imaginative than he, with his small brain, can manage.

It's all "Water off a duck's back" to me, sticks and stones and all that!
But Jerzy is becoming increasingly boring...... come on you wombat!Why not spice up your insults..... let us see your true potential!
pawian 221 | 24284
2 Mar 2024 #921

Darling, the truth is that I am a decent ape by character and I am not so versatile when insults are concerned. Each time I need to insult sb I have to resort to an online dictionary. I looked up a mongrel for you and have been sticking to it since then. Don`t expect other special effects coz you are not worth them. ):):):).
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
2 Mar 2024 #922
Darling, the truth is that I am a decent ape by character

The truth is that you are not decent,not very intelligent and have no imagination at all!
And you calling me darling is just you saying "I am a Gay man".
pawian 221 | 24284
2 Mar 2024 #923

It suits you. I can`t help it. :):):)
PS. If you prefer to be called ciućka instead of darling, let me know. :):)
jon357 73 | 22653
6 Mar 2024 #924
Looks like the farmers are kicking off in Warsaw.

Some dramatic scenes today...
OP Novichok 5 | 7804
6 Mar 2024 #925
Some dramatic scenes today...

In a "democracy"??? I am shocked...

Why don't they write to their "democratically elected legal representatives" the way bootlickers like Atch and Paulina do? Or just patiently wait for the next elections...
jon357 73 | 22653
6 Mar 2024 #926
Try not to be such a jerk. People, other people, are discussing serious things.
OP Novichok 5 | 7804
6 Mar 2024 #927
In what way was my post not serious? In a democracy, you have many options to express your views peacefully. None involve breaking laws.
Did you write to your democratically elected legal representative in Poland or the UK? If you did, I am proud of you...You are a model citizen.
Ironside 50 | 12345
6 Mar 2024 #928
Looks like the farmers are kicking off in Warsaw.

Tusk had given an order to the police hence those clashes.
OP Novichok 5 | 7804
6 Mar 2024 #929
Tusk had given an order

Tusk was right. Roads are for moving cars and trucks, not parking lots.
Those farmers should write to their democratically elected legal representatives - the bootlicker way...nice and no swear words...
jon357 73 | 22653
6 Mar 2024 #930
Tusk had given an order to the police

That's his job. They were trying to bring tractors to the city.

Interestingly, Poland imports more grain from r*SSia than from Ukraine. Yet they weren't ever blocking that.

It's transparent who's behind this.

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