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How will Poland do in Euro 2024

Torq 8 | 1222
21 Jun 2024 #511
Feck it. Always a heartache.

This Austria is a good team. I'll keep my fingers crossed for them in the knock-out stage.

I don't get how that's a foul.

Our keeper went all the way and the Austrian striker used it to force a foul. Experienced players do that all the time.
AntV 5 | 830
21 Jun 2024 #512
I don't like it. The keeper should be allowed to go for ball in the box. Offensive player gets be it.
Torq 8 | 1222
21 Jun 2024 #513
Offensive player gets be it.

Well, if one day we mix football with cyborgball this rule will probably be introduced. ;)
AntV 5 | 830
21 Jun 2024 #514

::D. Let's do it...within reason!
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12112
21 Jun 2024 #515
The keeper should be allowed to go for ball in the box.

He might have gone after the ball, but he got these legs....

I'll keep my fingers crossed for them in the knock-out stage.

ACHEM *cough*
Torq 8 | 1222
21 Jun 2024 #516
ACHEM *cough*

Well, of course Germany is first on my list of teams to support :) Also because I have money on them :)
AntV 5 | 830
21 Jun 2024 #517
I'll keep my fingers crossed for them in the knock-out stage.

I'm a PIG (Poland, Italy, Germany), but I like this Austrian team, since Germany has decided on such awful uniforms I might need to change to a PIA.
gumishu 14 | 6297
21 Jun 2024 #518
somehow I knew Austrians would score three goals - I was only wrong about how many Poles would score
AntV 5 | 830
21 Jun 2024 #519

No one's talking to you. 😀
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12112
21 Jun 2024 #520
since Germany has decided on such awful uniforms

....the next game should be in our normal trikots again...PLEASE! 😏
gumishu 14 | 6297
21 Jun 2024 #521

so? I'm just good with predictions :)
AntV 5 | 830
21 Jun 2024 #522

You jinxed biało-czerwono. Shame on you!



I don't think I'ever seen a worse uniform in an sport. Hell, I'll taken the Cleveland Brown unis over the non-trikot.
Torq 8 | 1222
21 Jun 2024 #523
since Germany has decided on such awful uniforms

Oh, come on, they're not that bad...

Germany NT

... ;)
AntV 5 | 830
21 Jun 2024 #524

🤣🤣🤣. Ah sh!t, that's too funny!

Die Frauschaft!
Torq 8 | 1222
21 Jun 2024 #525
Anyways... Austria won (deservedly), Poland is out.

This thread can be closed because we already know how Poland did, and a new general Euro thread can be opened.

Die Frauschaft!

:D :D :D
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
21 Jun 2024 #526
Oh, come on, they're not that bad...


PC jerseys, they better have taken the Lidl ones that the kids wear at the beginning.
mafketis 37 | 10965
21 Jun 2024 #527
Austria won (deservedly), Poland is out.

So.... my joke from #252 (page 9) is more relevant than ever. Yay me!
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
21 Jun 2024 #528
Poland is out.

Poland is in a very difficult position but it is not out.

If Holland wins against France tonight & Poland beats France in the 3rd game, Poland can still be through.
Torq 8 | 1222
21 Jun 2024 #529
Thanks, Crno. So, technically, we're not out yet but I wouldn't hold my breath.
gumishu 14 | 6297
21 Jun 2024 #530
Poland beats France in the 3rd game,

forever an optimist, aren't you :P
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12112
21 Jun 2024 #531
If Holland wins against France tonight

The Dutschies could be mean to another team for a change too, right? Right!

Crnogorac3 4 | 920
21 Jun 2024 #532

Mbappe with a broken nose. Serves him well for entering politics by sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and trying to sway the young French trying to convince them to vote for the leftists (and against the right) in the upcoming French elections.
AntV 5 | 830
21 Jun 2024 #533
Besides, he's so freaking fast and nimble...and French...that any type of equalizer is welcome.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12112
21 Jun 2024 #534
that any type of equalizer is welcome


So....but it's hard to squeeze my thumbs for the hard....what I'm doing for Poland! ;)
AntV 5 | 830
21 Jun 2024 #535
what I'm doing for Poland! ;)

The sacrifices us non-Poles make for that country is angelic, BB. And, yet, not one Pole on this godforsaken forum has offered us a hot bowl of żurek. How we thanklessly sacrifice, beebs. 😀
OP jon357 74 | 23067
21 Jun 2024 #536

Po faced and tight with money.

Mbappe with a broken nose

Great politics, a thoroughly decent young man but I wish he'd sprain his ankle.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12112
21 Jun 2024 #537
...a hot bowl of żurek

*goes looking was that is* but YEAH! :)
AntV 5 | 830
21 Jun 2024 #538
Great politics

Terrible comment!

I wish he'd sprain his ankle.

🤣. Good one!

*goes looking was that is* but YEAH

Ahh, Beebs, you are missing out. It's a sour soup-slightly sort-of creamy-like...sorta.

Oh, BTW, EDT-= Eastern Daylight-savings Time.
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
21 Jun 2024 #539
@Bratwurst Boy

You supported Poland against Austria your fellow Germans? What would Hitler say to that? Is it because of your Silesian family origins?


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