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US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland

bimber94  7 | 254
4 Jul 2010   #331
Ask any potato farmer in PL.
convex  20 | 3928
4 Jul 2010   #332
In that case, America can take back the millions of Colorado beetle it dropped on Poland in the 1960s to destroy Poland's potato crops - or perhaps just nuke 'em with their missiles.

Wasn't Poland "occupied" at the time? Or was it free and invading neighbors on its own will?
bimber94  7 | 254
4 Jul 2010   #333
Yes to your first question and no to your second, Convex. What do you mean exactly? Even if Poland was occupied by Russia at the time, that still doesn't give USA the right to destroy Poland's crops. SOS! Save Our Spuds.
convex  20 | 3928
4 Jul 2010   #334
Poland was either occupied and under the control of a external power, or it wasn't. The strategy was to exacerbate the bad planning decisions made by the central government and allow the people to "free" themselves.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is, you're welcome, and we'd like our beetles back.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
4 Jul 2010   #335
Ask any potato farmer in PL

Could you give some credible evidence for your claim? I am sorry but this sounds too far fetched for me to take it at face value.
Piorun  - | 655
4 Jul 2010   #336
America can take back the millions of Colorado beetle it dropped on Poland in the 1960s to destroy Poland's potato crops - or perhaps just nuke 'em with their missiles.

How pathetic. First and foremost it’s not 1960’s as you have stated but 1950 to be exact when first communist propaganda reports appeared making this claim by 1951 they have abounded this claim and you won’t find this kind of reports in official press. To give credibility to the report they often quoted the supposed confession of American pilot Robert Hilard who was shut down over Korea and allegedly confessed to taking part in air drop of colorado beetle over East Germany, which brings us to a second point even the communist propaganda machine at the time was not stupid enough to make a direct claim as to American involvement over Polish territory at the time. The media campaign at the time aimed to force the use of pesticide like Polish made azotox or Soviet produced HCH not to mention gamex or DDT to which your average uneducated “potato farmer” as you have put it was reluctant to use and once sarcastic jokes started to be wildly circulated among the population they abandoned this claim. Here’s an example of one such joke:

“Did you know that the Soviets have used their airforce to plant over 2 million hectares of crops? Ha you call this “News”. As a matter of fact Americans were the first to use their airforce for agricultural purpose. Howe’s that? Who do you suppose made a beetle drop over East Germany?

Since most of the independent farmers were against the use of pesticide over their fields even though they were find 500 zloty for the refusal many did and the government organized youth brigades of beetle pickers a much more eco friendly approach to deal with the problem. Today we all know what the effects of DDT are. By 1954 even the official press published sarcastic remarks aimed at the official campaign of the time. For instance in popular magazine “Szpilki” of that time one can read "Jak nam donoszą nasi korespondenci, w gminie Głuchów (pow. skierniewicki) pojawił się wyjątkowo złośliwy gatunek stonki. Kiedy dzielna drużyna przeciwstonkowa z gromady Byczki wyruszyła w pole – stonka nie stawiała oporu. Połów był duży, ale cóż się okazało po powrocie do bazy? Oto złośliwa stonka zamieniła się w same koniki polne..."

Fact is that while there were claims of 10 thousand places in Poland where an unusually large groups of beetle population was reported all of which were located in Western Poland btw, by 1956 there were 72 thousand such places reported all over the country. The moral of the story is that due to the reluctance of uneducated potato farmers to believe their government official position and campaign to use the new wonder cure DDT, even the mighty communist propaganda had to change their tactics and approach in dealing with this crisis.

What do you mean exactly? Even if Poland was occupied by Russia at the time, that still doesn't give USA the right to destroy Poland's crops. SOS! Save Our Spuds.

Surely you jest.

Edit: Normally I would ignore this but once too many times I have seen comments such as “potato farmer” or “wieśniak” on your part. So what’s wrong with being a potato farmer in your view? or Wieśniak?
bimber94  7 | 254
4 Jul 2010   #337
When did I say or even imply there's anything wrong with potato farmers? Seems like you have a big chip on your shoulder, and I don't mean of the potato kind.
Piorun  - | 655
4 Jul 2010   #338
and I don't mean of the potato kind.

Who cares what you mean! You have a very simplistic view. Judging from what you have said in your posts reading one or two articles which were clearly a propaganda piece at the time does not make you an expert on the subject. BTW your views are not shared by your average potato farmer so there’s no need to call on them to back you up. Oh yes I forgot all those desperate pleas were moved to random.
Crow  154 | 9463
4 Jul 2010   #339
it was Hilary,

ah, Clitor woman? Its one crazy family, to tell you frankly
Pinching Pete  - | 554
4 Jul 2010   #340
ah, Clitor woman? Its one crazy family

What man? C'mon.. don't be a hater..
bimber94  7 | 254
4 Jul 2010   #341
You haven't answered my question, Piorun. And here's another: when did I even mention the word 'wieśniak'? Grow up, sunshine, and get a life. Niech ci piorun szczeli!!
Seanus  15 | 19666
4 Jul 2010   #342
Newsflash: Komorowski to reject those missiles as he hates the word Patriot.
Crow  154 | 9463
26 Sep 2011   #344
In both World Wars Slavs suffered greatest casualties. What would be destine of Slavs in eventual WWIII?

NATO shield poses threat to Serbia, expert says

BELGRADE -- The U.S. missile bases in Romania could represent a threat to Serbia since it could end up being a collateral damage in a possible missile attack.

Only two days after the agreement had been signed to set up the U.S. missile shield in the U.S. Deveselu Air Base, Washington signed an agreement on September 15 to build an identical base in Poland.

Russia has stated it will take reciprocal measures and direct its missiles toward the bases hosting the NATO missiles.

rock  - | 428
27 Sep 2011   #345
WWIII is closer, I am afraid we will witness in our life time.
Seanus  15 | 19666
27 Sep 2011   #346
Good point, rock. Only because buffoons like Obama have been allowed to get his wicked way. The people don't want this, I can assure you. We need to kill those who want to start it, simple. I volunteer my services. If I knew those that wanted to do it, I wouldn't hesitate about putting a bullet in their heads.
pgtx  29 | 3094
27 Sep 2011   #347
If I knew those that wanted to do it, I wouldn't hesitate about putting a bullet in their heads.

such big words. why don't you just do it yourself?

The people don't want this, I can assure you.

yet, people had voted...
27 Sep 2011   #348
seanus wrote:

Only because buffoons like Obama have been allowed to get his wicked way.

if you're making a comment like that, i assume you have some past US presidents in mind that had better international politics?

what, specifically, is this "wicked way" you speak of?

seanus wrote:

If I knew those that wanted to do it....

do what?
AngelNC  2 | 84
27 Sep 2011   #349
[quote=FUZZYWICKETS if you're making a comment like that, i assume you have some past US presidents in mind that had better international politics? [/quote]

I wouldn't be surprised if he does, Obama sucks big time and at least right now it's more important what he does for us here and not his international politics. You can worry about international politics after all of our domestic problems will be solved.
rock  - | 428
27 Sep 2011   #350
Rockefeller says that 7 billion human beings is too much for the world. It has to decrease to 2 billion :(
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
1 Oct 2011   #351
Mother (or is it Father) Nature will take care of it. Some virus or some asteroid or some man-made weapon-of-mass destruction will probably wipe out billions of people. I suspect this is not man-kinds first time around.
valpomike  11 | 194
1 Oct 2011   #352
Don't count on this, with this president, he only does what will get him votes, or what is good for himself. He does not care for any others. He will say one thing and do another, as he has done in the past.

ShawnH  8 | 1488
1 Oct 2011   #353
He will say one thing and do another, as he has done in the past.

Yeah, like "reaching out in dialogue" to the Al-Quaida enemy, then killing more of them than W. So there is something to like about this guy...
Crow  154 | 9463
1 Oct 2011   #354
False friends of Poland don`t ask Poland. They just issue another demand and Poland have to obey. If Poland stop to obey in a blink of an eye Poland would be demonized in media, etc.... they would found reason
Seanus  15 | 19666
1 Oct 2011   #355
I wonder how Tusk would feel if Russia struck an eventual missile shield. Limited remorse probably!
Crow  154 | 9463
2 Oct 2011   #356
all what Germany dream of is how to get rid of Slavs or how to assimilate them and weaken and then grab their land. It would be perfect for Germany if Slavs weakening or exterminate each others.
sascha  1 | 824
2 Oct 2011   #357
germans are fukkkkinn scared of russians, for them the symbol of all slavs, if u understand what i mean. ;)
Crow  154 | 9463
2 Oct 2011   #358
Russians mistaken with Germany and failed to finish with it on time. But, considering that Germany constantly repeat mistakes, Russians would for sure get new chance
legend  3 | 658
2 Oct 2011   #359
In both World Wars Slavs suffered greatest casualties.

From 1900-1991

At least 65,761,000 Slavs died.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
2 Oct 2011   #360
germans are fukkkkinn scared of russians, for them the symbol of all slavs

Yes.. why do you think an economic power like Deutchland lets the US camp on their soil? Of course, they're afraid of the Russians. Russians are a damn terror when they want to fight, extremely resourceful. They are logical and do not wince at killing. Wars are ultimately fought on the ground, it's psychological.

I would say the only Europeans not afraid of the Russians are Limeys and Poles. I will say this, as an American Slav, I do not hate the Russian, on the contrary, feel an loose affinity for them. As long as they don't act like the "big boss" I think they are alright.

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