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Coronavirus in Poland - part 2

Ironside  51 | 13124
9 Feb 2025   #511
But that is precisely what Trump is claiming

To do that one needs to have a green light from so-called medical experts. Trump is not an expert he listens to advice and assumes that a doctor in a medical field that claims something ex-cathedra is solid like gold.
Shifting blame about vaccines onto politicians is a joke.
Lockdowns are a different matter but the public was clamoring for it and there was a lot of pressure in favor of lockdowns. If you insist you can say that was Trump's fault but if not for those sellouts like Fauci who should know better it would have never gained momentum. ---
Here instead of locking doctors up we are trying to learn lessons

What lesson? Justifying everything as the right decision? Lockdowns were fine and necessary, forced vaccinations too, all those greedy little jerks who claim to be doctors - got away Scot free. WTF are you yapping about? It seems to me you haven't learned anything.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Feb 2025   #512
It seems to me you haven't learned anything.

Nope, he is damned to not get it no matter how it is put to him.
Fauci is a criminal that killed a whole lot of people and he is claiming ...
instead of locking doctors up

Yes, that is what happens to criminals in the U.S., they get locked up unless they have enough money to be pardoned.
And here are the usual suspects banging on and on and on.....

Oh stfu for once unless you have something constructive to add to this thread.
Remember, you are no longer the controlling Mod that you use to be so put a sock in it
..about America in a thread about Coronavirus in Poland.

Boo Hoo Hoo
Oh Love, go back to the start of this thread and every other post is about America because that is where Fauci was employed and making the decisions for the world about Covid.
It all started by Fauci covert experimental Covid labs located all around the world.
Now shut up and quit banging on with your diminishments.
cms neuf  2 | 1973
9 Feb 2025   #513
He didn't make any decisions for us - rightly or wrongly most of Europe was locked down before the first case in the US

We can make our own decisions - good or bad
Ironside  51 | 13124
9 Feb 2025   #514
We can make our own decisions - good or bad

Is there any doubt about it that those were bad decisions?
Novichok  4 | 8784
9 Feb 2025   #515
Anyone supporting any of these people of organizations now is a fvcking moron.

As if I wrote it myself...

So who supports WHO here? Please raise your moronic hand...
cms neuf  2 | 1973
9 Feb 2025   #516
First lockdown - definitely a good decision

After that not really but lockdown had Polish popular support, even if I disagreed with it
Novichok  4 | 8784
9 Feb 2025   #517
First lockdown - definitely a good decision

Even the first one was moronic because lockdowns destroy the economy!

Before you order the first one, you have to explain how many lockdowns the country can afford in the next 50 years? Just one? How about 10?

Memo to lockdown morons: No country can afford to go on vacations for a year.
cms neuf  2 | 1973
9 Feb 2025   #518
What's the next 50 years got to do with the price of fish ?

I won't be around anyway, like half of Poland. The idea was to work out what the virus was, try and prepare a response and let the health service cope.

The PiS government didn't do any of those things well so we ended up with the next lockdowns which I agree we're a disaster for the economy
PolAmKrakow  2 | 955
10 Feb 2025   #519
Fauci was the worlds most outspoken lockdown and vaccine proponent. He is the one person that every other country, outside of Sweden, followed advice from. He was profiting off of every word he spoke. He lied every day. More people died from being treated improperly in the hospitals than did from covid. Remember the discovery that laying people on their backs while on a ventilator was what was killing them? All the testing that we all had to pay for was a scam. People lost their jobs because they wouldnt get vacinated. Trump just restored military people to their positions who lost their jobs because they wouldnt get the experimental vaccine. This isnt some small thing that should be forgotten or pushed under the rug.
cms neuf  2 | 1973
10 Feb 2025   #520
Poland didn't follow Fauci's advice - we have our own government and health officials.

We had completely different timing and severity of lockdowns to the US

Literally no idea what you are talking about
PolAmKrakow  2 | 955
10 Feb 2025   #521
Poland didn't follow Fauci's advice

You have no idea. Nearly word for word, and with nearly identical timing both health ministers repeated Fauci, and duplicated the US actions concerning COVID. Every country was following the US lead on it. It is after all where the vaccine funding, and two of the three vaccines came from. The CDC and WHO followed nearly everything Fauci put into the public that was absolute bvllshit. Social distancing, masks, no socializing in groups, wearing masks outisde are just examples of things Fauci made up on his own with no science to back him that the world followed. He has even admitted these things now. I hope he gets charged in every State and country possible.

The US lockdown was March 12, Poland March 20. Flatten the curve? Flatten the world economy.
cms neuf  2 | 1973
10 Feb 2025   #522
That's not true - and it only takes 30 seconds of googling.

Polish lockdowns were 10 days before any stay at home in US. Italian lockdowns started nearly 3 weeks before the US

Why would we wait for some old dude in Washington to give us instructions when a deadly virus is spreading quickly ?

Anyway little sense arguing with your weird facts
PolAmKrakow  2 | 955
10 Feb 2025   #523
I dont use wikipedia. It is hardly an accurate source of information.
Lenka  5 | 3549
10 Feb 2025   #524
It is hardly an accurate source of information.

Then provide your source?
jon357  72 | 23706
10 Feb 2025   #525
just examples of things Fauci made up on his own

He didn't.
Novichok  4 | 8784
10 Feb 2025   #526
He did.

when a deadly virus is spreading quickly ?

How many healthy people under 50 died in Poland from that virus? Not with the virus. From the virus...
cms neuf  2 | 1973
10 Feb 2025   #527
I dunno - I guess a few thousand, depends what you mean "healthy"

People over 50 aren't important? That's bad news for the PF user base, already down to about a dozen

I know 2 "healthy" guys who died - both had complications with other conditions that they had lived with for many years
Ironside  51 | 13124
10 Feb 2025   #528
Are we back to the square one?
That virus is so bad but suddenly disappeared after refugees from, Ukraine entered Poland in their millions without any sanitary checks, God knows how many diseases they brought with them, but the main one died the next day. Miracle?
Novichok  4 | 8784
10 Feb 2025   #529
That virus is so bad but suddenly disappeared after refugees from,

Amazing...We had the same miracle in the US...

Masks, 6 feet, vaccinations - shlt like this except for the 10 million foreign scum after Bidenistas took over in 2021. None of that was needed...

The same with leftist demonstrations - not required.

Funerals and weddings - required.
Novichok  4 | 8784
10 Feb 2025   #530
Dr. Anthony Fauci is no longer getting the honor of his own exhibit at the National Institutes of Health museum.

Thanks to Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), the nearly $170,000 project was nixed as millions of dollars worth of Health and Human Services contracts were canceled.

Canceled - what a great idea ...
jon357  72 | 23706
11 Feb 2025   #531
He did.

He didn't.
Novichok  4 | 8784
11 Feb 2025   #533
People over 50 aren't important?

No, they are not.

All life-sustaining, heavy lifting is done by men under 50.

If police officers, firemen, EMTs, and soldiers can go to work so can teachers and barbers.

Are you going to tell me why you are here?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Feb 2025   #534
Then provide your source?

Fauci, "I don't recall and I don't remember.'
Fauci destroyed e-mails and used his personal computer to avoid F.O.I.A.
Thats about as guilty as it can get, Lenka.
Novichok  4 | 8784
11 Feb 2025   #535
Fauci, "I don't recall and I don't remember.'

It worked for Hildabeast...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Feb 2025   #536
Dr. Anthony Fauci is no longer getting the honor of his own exhibit at the National Institutes of Health museum.

I saw that Novi.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) canceled more than $180 million in contracts over 48 hours, including a nearly $170,000 contract for an Anthony Fauci museum exhibit.
"In the past 48 hours, HHS canceled 62 contract [sic] worth $182 million," The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) announced in a Friday social media post. "These contracts were entirely for administrative expenses - none touched any healthcare programs.
This included terminating a $168,000 contract for an Anthony Fauci exhibit at the NIH Museum."

No wonder this country is in debt up to its ears the way these Woke blow OUR money.
I wrote out three checks this morning, one to my accountant to do my income taxes, one to the Federal government for my Federal taxes and one to the State of Michigan for my State taxes and I didn't even get a thank you card.
Lenka  5 | 3549
11 Feb 2025   #537
Thats about as guilty as it can get, Lenka.

Has nothing to do with my response which was about the dates of different measures introduced in different countries
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Feb 2025   #538
Has nothing to do with my response

And here I was sure that it did referring to PolAm's comment that you responded to.
Lenka  5 | 3549
11 Feb 2025   #539
I did, and the comment was about PolAm not trusting Wikipedia about the lockdown etc dates
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Feb 2025   #540
PolAm not trusting Wikipedia about the lockdown etc dates

It isn`t real Polam whom we used to know, it is his personal assistant or secretary. I suspect real Polam is incapacitated after a stroke or sth and sb took over his account.

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