Why ? He's just an official - did his job
No, no he did not.
Are you not comprehending this ?
He DID NOT do his job, he knowingly defrauded the U.S. government, his employer.
What is it about him that winds you guys up so much?
Probably because this is one of the biggest scandals of my lifetime that has affected me personally and destroyed the good life that I had and there is nothing I can do about it.
Now AGAIN, lets focus on Fauci and not johnny reb or Trump.
What did Fauci do that was illegal ?
Wait for the investigation by Trumps team on this criminal and you will find out first hand.
Until then start with Fauci undermining the operations of the U.S. Government, unlawfully deleting Federal covid -19 records, using personal e-mail to avoid the Freedomm of Information Act, and repeatedly acting unbecoming of a Federal employee.
New e-mails have suggested that Fauci was aware of Dr. Morens's criminal behavior and may have even engaged in Federal records violations himself.
Add that to lying to the people by telling us that the poke of poison would prevent us from contracting Covid when it clearly did no such thing and even killed people.
cms, I am not going to do your homework for you.
Spend more time researching your questions and less time diminishing people to have someone to argue with.
Its getting old.