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Coronavirus in Poland - part 2

OP Alien  25 | 6424
20 Jan 2025   #481
send you 20 bucks if you just STFU and GFO.

No problem. STFU/GFO. You can send 20 bucks. 😁
Novichok  4 | 8538
20 Jan 2025   #482
You have to be gone for four weeks or the deal is off.
OP Alien  25 | 6424
20 Jan 2025   #483
gone for four weeks

Is it enough if I put you on the ignore list for 4 weeks?
OP Alien  25 | 6424
20 Jan 2025   #485

Everyone dies at some point, so my condolences are in advance. Just not because of Corona without a respirator.
johnny reb  49 | 7954
8 Feb 2025   #486
I thought the lockdown laws were decided by the states - not by some Federal doctor ?

While that murderer Federal doctor was raking in the $millions$ for killing people and got a full pardon by mush brain doesn't mean Trump's team isn't investigating him and the kick backs he got from the pharmaceutical who had 100% immunity for their "experimental poke of poison.
What was he pardoned for if he didn't do anything wrong. lol
Did you know that the manufacturers of those so called Covid vaccinations made over 90 BILLION in profit off them ?
Probably not by your stupid comments just to diminish Ptak.
Rest of your post is just the normal angry white old dude stuff

And rightly so by anyone with an ounce of common sense which disqualifies you two diminishing ignorant trolls.
another self hating cracker.

A bit of a racist remark coming from an Aboriginal.
cms neuf  2 | 1865
8 Feb 2025   #487
I thought at the time Trump claimed that his team invented the vaccine. I will look for a link

Yes I did know that the profits on it were obscene - especially in the US , where Pfizer were allowed a monologue. Here in Europe Pfizer was one of 3 options

Here you are
johnny reb  49 | 7954
8 Feb 2025   #488
I thought at the time Trump claimed that his team invented the vaccine.

How did we go from the manufacturers of those so called Covid vaccinations to Trump claiming to have developed them ? lol
Is that what is called a redirect because you can't dispute what I posted.
I was sure we were talking about the murderer Fauci and not Trump.
cms neuf  2 | 1865
8 Feb 2025   #489
Trump claimed the credit for them

I don't know what you posted - the normal boring ramblings and unsubstantiated claims

Lockdown was bad - I get it. That took place under Trump
johnny reb  49 | 7954
8 Feb 2025   #490
I don't know what you posted -

Really, did you forget that you responded to it ? lol
Lockdown was bad - I get it. That took place under Trump

So now we have gone from Fauci being investigated for his illegal gains to Trump creating the vaccine to lock downs. Oh ja ja.
Another redirect to avoid staying focused on the topic of my original post that you responded to.
the normal boring ramblings and unsubstantiated claims

More of your diminishments to avoid debating Fauci's illegal activities that are now being investigated by Trumps team.
All the rest of your Rinse & Repeat have been debated twenty times in this thread.
So stay focused, as hard as it is for you, on the topic which is the criminal Fauci and not Trump or the development of the poke of poison, to lockdowns.
Are you stoned by any chance to not being able to stay focused ?
Novichok  4 | 8538
8 Feb 2025   #491
Lockdown was bad - I get it. That took place under Trump

Lockdowns were on state orders. Trump had nothing to do with them.
johnny reb  49 | 7954
8 Feb 2025   #492
Novi don't let him do a redirect, we are debating Fauci criminal activities of killing people, and his lies and his kickbacks and nothing else at his point.
Seem stoner can't debate these facts.
cms neuf  2 | 1865
8 Feb 2025   #493
What did Fauci do that was illegal ?

The lockdowns ? Not him

The vaccines ? Trump took credit for them
Ironside  50 | 12952
8 Feb 2025   #494

I would send him for a walk on the NH highway, there is a good chance that an intoxicated driver will hit him with his truck.
cms neuf  2 | 1865
8 Feb 2025   #495
Why ? He's just an official - did his job

What is it about him that winds you guys up so much?
johnny reb  49 | 7954
8 Feb 2025   #496
Why ? He's just an official - did his job

No, no he did not.
Are you not comprehending this ?
He DID NOT do his job, he knowingly defrauded the U.S. government, his employer.
What is it about him that winds you guys up so much?

Probably because this is one of the biggest scandals of my lifetime that has affected me personally and destroyed the good life that I had and there is nothing I can do about it.
Now AGAIN, lets focus on Fauci and not johnny reb or Trump.
What did Fauci do that was illegal ?

Wait for the investigation by Trumps team on this criminal and you will find out first hand.
Until then start with Fauci undermining the operations of the U.S. Government, unlawfully deleting Federal covid -19 records, using personal e-mail to avoid the Freedomm of Information Act, and repeatedly acting unbecoming of a Federal employee.
New e-mails have suggested that Fauci was aware of Dr. Morens's criminal behavior and may have even engaged in Federal records violations himself.
Add that to lying to the people by telling us that the poke of poison would prevent us from contracting Covid when it clearly did no such thing and even killed people.
cms, I am not going to do your homework for you.
Spend more time researching your questions and less time diminishing people to have someone to argue with.
Its getting old.
Ironside  50 | 12952
8 Feb 2025   #497
with his truck

With an unregistered GM pickup truck, to be precise. lol!
cms neuf  2 | 1865
8 Feb 2025   #498
I don't know if Fauci said the virus prevents transmission. Biden did for sure.

Who did he "defraud" ?
johnny reb  49 | 7954
8 Feb 2025   #499
Who did he "defraud" ?

Did I stutter ?
I am not going to do your homework for you.

Novichok  4 | 8538
8 Feb 2025   #500
Who did he "defraud" ?

Everybody who suffered a financial loss because of his "science" and participation in the Wuhan crimes.
johnny reb  49 | 7954
8 Feb 2025   #501
Don't waste your time Novi.
cms just likes to play dumb or maybe he is not playing.
He has google and siri.
Let him ask them his leading questions to get an answer to them.
Otherwise he can wait and read the findings of Trumps investigations that are now in progress to uncover Fauci 's crimes that biden pardoned him for.
Trump is chipping away at the Swamp one step at a time.
Wait until he starts on Pelosi and Liz Cheney who biden pardoned.
We will see just how dirty the Swamp is/was.
Novichok  4 | 8538
8 Feb 2025   #502
Trump is chipping away at the Swamp one step at a time.

...lifting slimy rocks for all of us to see what was under...

Soon, we will know that out of that trillion we spend on the military only the first 25% is for the defense of the United States.

The rest, just like that USAID, is military welfare for the parasites in Asia and Europe.
johnny reb  49 | 7954
9 Feb 2025   #503
Trump will expose Fauci for what he was/is/did.
He lied to the American people, the world and to the American government.
He killed a whole lot of people.
Like Crooked Hilary, he destroyed documented evidence of his sins.
biden may have pardoned him but everyone will know the truth.
The poor bastard doesn't dare go out in public in fear for his life.
Novichok  4 | 8538
9 Feb 2025   #504
Trump will expose Fauci for what he was/is/did.

Biden gave this SOB immunity from criminal prosecution but not from congressional hearings - for all to see...

After that, nobody will attempt to sell all that crap with lockdowns and masks to us ever again...
johnny reb  49 | 7954
9 Feb 2025   #505
Biden gave this SOB immunity from criminal prosecution

But if Fauci did nothing wrong why would he need immunity for his crimes ?
cms neuf  2 | 1865
9 Feb 2025   #506
To protect him from North Nigerian style political prosecution

Obviously not enough - your system is creaking and your democracy looks weak at the moment
Feniks  2 | 819
9 Feb 2025   #507
And here are the usual suspects banging on and on and on..........about America in a thread about Coronavirus in Poland.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 877
9 Feb 2025   #508
Lets be clear. Trump did NOT create the vaccines. He fast tracked them, and nothing more. The Lockdown under Trump was based on the guidance of FAUCI, the WHO and CDC. All of whom had no science backing any of their fvcked up claims. All Fauci and the others had were "ideas", nothing based on testing or scientific fact. Fauci and the others all lied when saying the vaccines would keep you from getting covid, then it was reduced to keep you from getting really bad covid, then it went to keep you from dying, then it went to it wont keep you from spreacding, getting infected, or dying. It was all a fvcking joke and Fauci and the others profited from it. Anyone supporting any of these people of organizations now is a fvcking moron.
Ironside  50 | 12952
9 Feb 2025   #509
What is it about him that winds you guys up so much?

It is a fact that he didn't do his job properly. He for some personal gain chose to lie, endangering the public, the lives of people. He is the epitome of a professional going rogue because of greed.
Even in the unlikely event he was mistaken not corrupted it was his fault. It means he shouldn't be in the position he was because of incompetence.
Personal integrity, merit, professionalism, and a clean record of conduct are valuable.
Those are pillars of a free society, built on trust. He should uphold those values and authority bestowed on him by society should be used to preserve those values not pervert them.
That very perversion is what gets people.
Why do you not understand this? Where are you from again?
cms neuf  2 | 1865
9 Feb 2025   #510
Fast tracking the vaccine would mean turning a blind eye to testing and side effects surely ? But that is precisely what Trump is claiming

The lockdowns were all down to the states, not Fauci

But as Fenikz says nothing of this relates to Poland. Here instead of locking doctors up we are trying to learn lessons - stockpile drugs and equipment, create hospital space, work for a healthier population with lower risk factors.

Home / News / Coronavirus in Poland - part 2

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