Roll up your sleeves for another Poke of Poison
The "experts" and bureaucrats on the FDA's totally-not-compromised-by-Big Pharma vaccine committee have declared that there is a need for a 10th Covid shot in the Fall.
Yes, for those who adhere to FDA and CDC recommendations, people who stay true to "the science" will soon roll up their sleeves for a 10th Covid mRNA shot.
the Covid vaccine that gets into our DNA and has been linked to heart attacks, blood clots and strokes.
Admittedly I misspoke.
What I meant to say is the coronavirus 'spike' protein used by the virus to gain entry to our
cells, not DNA.
Lets everyone give Feniks a big round of applause for her excellent Moderating to catch that.
. All due to 'vaccine hesitancy' caused by people who read rubbish on the internet and believed it.
How much mercury is in each vaccine of the ten vaccines a baby is recommended to get by the age of 15 months jon ?
Oh, never mind, we are talking about the ten Covid vaccines that we are recommended to get so we must stay On-Topic.