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Coronavirus in Poland - part 2

Feniks  2 | 863
29 Jun 2024   #301
I caught the measles and lived to be a cantankerous old man.

I caught measles at age 5, ended up hospitalised and almost died. I can still remember it.

You can make light of it but it's a serious disease which is on the increase because of idiot anti-vaxxers.
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Jun 2024   #302

I remember that outbreak in South Wales with the children dying. All due to 'vaccine hesitancy' caused by people who read rubbish on the internet and believed it.

The sort of people who spread that rubbish should be ashamed of themselves, however I suspect some of them have very little sense of shame and not much in the way of a conscience. And those beliefs always come as part of a package, usually with anti-fluoridisation nonsense too.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
29 Jun 2024   #303
You can make light of it but it's a serious disease which is on the increase because of idiot anti-vaxxers.

Agreed 100%.

I am pretty sure that I was vaccinated against measles,but still caught it, but because I was vaccinated it was very mild.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Jun 2024   #304
My mother never took us kids to the hospital unless the bone was sticking out.
Now can we get back to the Covid vaccine that gets into our DNA and has been linked to heart attacks, blood clots and strokes.
The one that is now NOT recommended for anyone healthy and under 20 years old.
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Jun 2024   #305
Those three things have stronger links to lifestyle, yet few people turn down a pie or a box of chocolates.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 Jun 2024   #306
Those three things have stronger links to lifestyle,

No doubt yet on the death certificate they were putting cause of death as being Covid.
Don't get confused with cause of death being caused by the Covid Vaccine because those stats were not recorded very well for some odd reason. lol
Feniks  2 | 863
30 Jun 2024   #307
I suspect some of them have very little sense of shame and not much in the way of a conscience.

I doubt they even think about the consequences of spreading misinformation. A good example of that misinformation is in post #304 where the idiot poster states that the Covid vaccine gets into a person's DNA. Absolute bollocks.
Novichok  4 | 8784
30 Jun 2024   #308
... consequences of spreading misinformation.

In a free speech society, we can spread whatever we want because we don't have a Ministry of Truth. That's a European invention.

If some moron acts on such information and dies it's Darwin 101 and good for society. One moron less...Sorry...I meant fewer.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 Jun 2024   #309
where the idiot poster states that the Covid vaccine gets into a person's DNA. Absolute bollocks.

I didn't say alters or changes your DNA so you might want to google a little further smarty pants.
And you call yourself a chemist. Pfffft !
Feniks  2 | 863
30 Jun 2024   #310
can we get back to the Covid vaccine that gets into our DNA

the idiot poster states that the Covid vaccine gets into a person's DNA.

You are as thick as sh!t.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 Jun 2024   #311
You are as thick as sh!t.

You are as thin/dim as the Hershy squirts
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
30 Jun 2024   #312
You are as thick as sh!t.

Thicker even.......

You are as thin/dim as the Hershy squirts

And he talks like a primary school child or Joe difference really.....
johnny reb  49 | 8003
1 Jul 2024   #313
And he talks like a primary school child

Oh lord, here comes the little British Yorkshire Yipper. me too - me too. lmfao
(The Reb boots him like a little football down the road sending him whimpering to his mama)
You are as thick as sh!t.

You are sh!t
jon357  72 | 23706
1 Jul 2024   #314
[quoteI]Ididn't say alters or changes your DNA[/quote]If it "gets in", how is it "in" unless it somehow "alters or changes"?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
1 Jul 2024   #315
Roll up your sleeves for another Poke of Poison
The "experts" and bureaucrats on the FDA's totally-not-compromised-by-Big Pharma vaccine committee have declared that there is a need for a 10th Covid shot in the Fall.
Yes, for those who adhere to FDA and CDC recommendations, people who stay true to "the science" will soon roll up their sleeves for a 10th Covid mRNA shot.

the Covid vaccine that gets into our DNA and has been linked to heart attacks, blood clots and strokes.

Admittedly I misspoke.
What I meant to say is the coronavirus 'spike' protein used by the virus to gain entry to our cells, not DNA.
Lets everyone give Feniks a big round of applause for her excellent Moderating to catch that.

. All due to 'vaccine hesitancy' caused by people who read rubbish on the internet and believed it.

How much mercury is in each vaccine of the ten vaccines a baby is recommended to get by the age of 15 months jon ?
Oh, never mind, we are talking about the ten Covid vaccines that we are recommended to get so we must stay On-Topic.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
1 Jul 2024   #316
Lets everyone give Feniks a big round of applause for her excellent Moderating to catch that.

johnny reb  49 | 8003
3 Jul 2024   #317
Rand Paul is demanding the Pentagon explain why it tried to hide taxpayer dollars sent to China for risky virus research.
A new Defense Department report shockingly revealed the agency lost track of millions of taxpayer dollars sent to the adversary of the US.
Paul is being denied critical information that will link Fauci to this money and his involvement.
So far Fauci has denied that he had anything to do with this.
Senator Rand Paul has twice sent referrals to the Justice Department for Fauci's prosecution, telling 'he committed a felony by lying to Congress saying he didn't fund gain and function research. He's still saying that.'
And Fauci is the ONLY non-government person in the U.S. getting personal protection from a team of U.S. Marshalls so someone doesn't grab him and waterboard him for the truth.
I pray that I live long enough to see this guy in prison for killing millions of people and destroying their livelihood while he got rich from doing it.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Jul 2024   #318
Of course they don't which is why potentially fatal diseases like measles are on the increase again:

The reason M&M are on the rise again is because our governments lie to us, Love.
How an intergenerational, eugenics-centered organized crime system uses engineered "pandemics" and vaccines to rob, sterilize, debilitate and murder populations
Do you REALLY question why people are refusing to vaccinate their children ?

Here Feniks, I dug this up just for you to educate yourself about what and why Covid was really all about.
Its a long read but when you are finished you will be educated

Solving Covid - The Covid 19, Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline

Copy and paste this in your header.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Aug 2024   #319
Buckle Up People
A new coronavirus variant named KP.3.1.1 has risen to dominance in the U.S., almost doubling in prevalence in just two weeks, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports.
Experts are warning that the new variant which, as of August 3, accounts for more than 1 in 4 U.S. COVID-19 cases is "more of a challenge" to our immune systems compared to previous variants.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
5 Aug 2024   #320
more of a challenge" to our immune systems compared to previous variants.

We know that viruses mutate, which is why they survive.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Aug 2024   #321
Why bury my informative post with your meaningless blabber
OP Alien  26 | 6565
5 Aug 2024   #322

Nobody cares about this except me. Besides, this thread is marked with my name, so please behave yourself.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
24 Aug 2024   #323
Don't know

Your post number 836 in Off topic USA News and Poland
OP Alien  26 | 6565
3 Oct 2024   #324
There was a suspicion of Marburg-Virus in Germany. Fortunately, it was not confirmed. If this suspicion were to be confirmed, Corona would be a slightly better cold compared to Marburg.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Oct 2024   #325
Not conspiracy theories anymore.

First and foremost understand that the Covid injection WAS NOT a vaccine.
Google it for yourself because I don't care to argue this fact with morons.

Secondly after extensive studies of the content of this Covid injection forced upon us.... some interesting facts finally came out about it.
At Least 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements Found in COVID-19 ...
I don't care to debate that FACT with the dumbed down Meatheads here either.
Google it for yourselves.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
20 Oct 2024   #326
At Least 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements

From the beginning of the epidemic to the end of 2021, I received 3 Covid vaccines and.....I'm still alive.
jon357  72 | 23706
20 Oct 2024   #327
I'm still alive.

The same. Never been healthier.

not a vaccine.

It was, and that's cut n' pasted off some internet crazy
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Oct 2024   #328
It was,

No, no the Covid shot IS NOT a vaccine jon, so quit peddling your lies.
I did not cut and paste that which is another of your lies.
Again, Google it and educate yourself.
...I'm still alive.

The point was that they lied to us of what was in their experimental injection into our body.
55 undeclared chemical elements that we were unaware of until years later.
Google it and educate yourself.
You sheep are too embarrassed to admit that you are clueless what they injected into our body and the long term effects it will have on generations to come.
Put your mask back on jon and it will protect you from getting Covid. lol
Or get the poke of poison and it will prevent you from getting Covid lie that they fed us.
We need some new conspiracies as all the old ones have come true. Hoot !
jon357  72 | 23706
20 Oct 2024   #329
IS NOT a vaccine

It is. I had mine and you had yours.

If you don't think it's a vaccine, what do you think it is?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Oct 2024   #330
It is.

Its not, google it and educate yourself.

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