America is withdrawing from Europe, politically (lack of predictability), economically (tariffs), and militarily (America first). Will China take over America's role in Europe? They are an economic powerhouse, politically predictable, and militarily no one will stand up to them. 🤨
Will Chinese soldiers be stationed in Poland and Europe in 10 years?
Will China take over America's role in Europe?
Nobody can predict the future but if we can help it there shouldn't be Chinese forces in Poland. I would be careful even with their investments.
Hej bydlaku, potrzebujesz dwóch mistrzów?
Nie wystarczy ci byc sługusem krautów?
Nie wystarczy ci byc sługusem krautów?
Europeans love there pets and dogs. The moment you start allowing Chinese military bases in the EU you will suddenly find dogs vanishing and that will make most Europeans very unhappy.
Imagine going to your local Chinese military canteen and seeing " Toasted cheese and dog " on the menu.
Imagine going to your local Chinese military canteen and seeing " Toasted cheese and dog " on the menu.
Toasted cheese and dog " on the menu.
stop salivating it is nasty.
Perhaps there will be, perhaps not in 10 years, perhaps never...
In geopolitics there are no certainties, no rules set in stone--only game of power, conflicts of interests and projections of force. These things are best dealt with by intelligent adults. Sometimes, alas, the will of voters puts a different kind of people in charge of important countries. That's life.
In geopolitics there are no certainties, no rules set in stone--only game of power, conflicts of interests and projections of force. These things are best dealt with by intelligent adults. Sometimes, alas, the will of voters puts a different kind of people in charge of important countries. That's life.
Will Chinese soldiers be stationed in Poland and Europe in 10 years?
Possible. After new Yalta.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11960
2 days ago #8
Will China take over America's role in Europe?
Before they can think as far as Europe they should clear their things with Taiwan and Japan first, me thinks....and I would rather put my bet with Japan!
Don't say yuck, BB. After the American pro-Russian shift, China won't trust Russia anymore (if they ever did). This will open a potential space for the EU-China deal (not necessarily military) but with potential for huge future mutual benefits (we are talking about the economy which is already larger than American in PPP terms).
This will open a potential space for the EU-China deal
Only via Belgrade. If EU still exist at that point, which I doubt.
Only via Belgrade
Why do China and the EU need Belgrade?
Belgrade is point of balance for major civilizations. To sate their interest in the region via rightful owner of crucial European strategic point. Serbians, that are player hard line Slavic but historically proved open to manage multiple interests.
So, western Europe can`t dictate to Serbians anymore, because world needs balance.
Nothing without Belgrade in Europe. That is new reality. No resources, no energy, no trade deals. Nothing. First, point of balance and then distribution.
That, if western Europe want to exist. If tries to force it, major powers will just turn-off EU and western Europe.
So, western Europe can`t dictate to Serbians anymore, because world needs balance.
Nothing without Belgrade in Europe. That is new reality. No resources, no energy, no trade deals. Nothing. First, point of balance and then distribution.
That, if western Europe want to exist. If tries to force it, major powers will just turn-off EU and western Europe.
Belgrade is point of balance for major civilizations
I think you read it wrong. It is ballast on the bottom the ship called Europe. Still needed and as you say it is a point of balance in a way.
Let us put it this way. In the sense of energy, natural resources, trade deals, security..
What can Brussels offer to you?
What can Belgrade offer to you?
Think about it.
By the nature of my job I encounter many business people from western and central Europe. If asked, they would all opt for Belgrade. They know Brussels is a death trap.
What can Brussels offer to you?
What can Belgrade offer to you?
Think about it.
By the nature of my job I encounter many business people from western and central Europe. If asked, they would all opt for Belgrade. They know Brussels is a death trap.
What can Belgrade offer to you
Nothing...the new Silk Road goes from China through Poland to Germany....bypassing Belgrade.
It will come to Poland and Germany exactly because Belgrade isn`t controlled by western Europe. If western Europe tries to controls Belgrade, western Europe wouldn `t exist.
When Putin came to power?
When western Europe attacked Serbs.
When China reconciled with Russia?
When Russia moved to support Serbs.
When the USA moved to side of Russia?
When Russia and China made deal with Serbs.
When Putin came to power?
When western Europe attacked Serbs.
When China reconciled with Russia?
When Russia moved to support Serbs.
When the USA moved to side of Russia?
When Russia and China made deal with Serbs.
Now we know that you are insane!
Why do you think I deal with you?
Will China take over America's role in Europe?
They'll take over east Asia first. And then economically and politically dominate Australia .
They'll take over east Asia first.
I dunno... a recent Chinese internet trend is people pointing out that formerly crowded place are now empty...
No one seriously believes the official population statistic of 1.4 billion... IIRC two separate countries put demographic experts on the job to figure out the real population and they both, independently, came up somewhere between 800 million and 1 billion (probably closer to the former).
The economy is complete crap since stupid communists creating a stupid housing oversupply that has gobbled up savings and they have a terrible age distribution (thanks to stupid communist 1 child policy0.
Almost every day people are setting fire to factories because they're not getting paid. and 'ruin the nation' (sabotage) is a new movement.
I'm sure the PRC has huge ambitions and would like to dominate East Asia and the Pacific (including NZ and australia) but it's not clear how much they can actually do given realities on the ground.
somewhere between 800 million and 1 billion (probably closer to the former).
This is enough.
This is enough.
enough for what?
military adventurism will/would cause a lot of mortality among the younger generations (and China desperately needs young people to work for the burgeoning aging population.... rather like Germany).
China can't fufill Xi's endless ambition (if he's still in charge which is anything but certain) but it can do a lot of damage trying....
BB Germans are already sniffing there. You are not well informed as to what your country is up to.
What can Brussels offer to you?
Tons of paper and cry about protecting nature. In other words, it is a waste, even that country is a result of people having two minds there, they are not French but not German either, and they can't make up their minds.
Why do you think I deal with you?
Because you are insane.
The Chinese are already in Europe, in every, even the smallest town there is a Chinese restaurant. I must admit that the food at "my" Chinese tastes very good to me.
We should worry more about r*SSian 'sleeper cells'. They did it in Ukraine, they have form with this, and there are a lot of r*SSians working around Europe, generally on passports of Baltic countries. The exodus of Ukrainian refugees is also something that the r*SSians could exploit.
They did it in Ukraine
Not only in Ukraine. Their main aim is to divide the EU: they already managed to manipulate the British into leaving the union, they have their Slovak and Hungarian Trojan horses, they invest heavily into AfD, RN and other crypto-nazis all around Europe.
they already managed to manipulate the British into leaving the union
They also got Tusk and PSL elected, they now control the electoral system for Eurovision 2025.
Oh my god will this puppet mastery ever end??
For someone who claims to be conservative PSL be sure do sprout a lot of mainstream gazetta wyborcza nonsense. The russians fixed the brexit vote lol
You are like a child freaking out because he has to sleep in the dark room without mummy for the first time.
You are like a child freaking out because he has to sleep in the dark room without mummy for the first time.