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Britain - problem for Poland and Poles?

Crow  154 | 9463
18 Sep 2016   #1
Is it really possible that Britain becoming problem to Poland and Poles? With all internal processes there. What you people think?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
18 Sep 2016   #2
Crow there have been settled Polish communities here since the end of WW2 (yes we know why).
There have been about three terrible incidents of racially motivated violence recently. However the perpetrators of these crimes were probably so thick and uneducated that they did not even know the nationality of their victims, just that they were 'foreign.

It doesn't take much to spark things off, as you as a Serbian must know very well.
I do not condone this kind of behaviour in any way, but right now in the UK, the plan seems to have been to introduce mass immigration and to demonise the British working class. They are told they are too lazy to work, and that their jobs must go to immigrants.

goodness knows waht might have happened in some countries with this situation, probably a bloodbath by now.
there are thousands of Polish people settled in their lives and jobs here, their children in school, everybody happy. But you do not want to hear about that do you?
18 Sep 2016   #3
Britain becoming problem to Poland and Poles

Crow, there are about 800,000 Poles living in the UK, so with those numbers I'm guessing that most of them are happy and content here having made new lives for themselves and their families.

I think Brexit has exacerbated existing racial tension and unfortunately the UK is seeing an increase in racially motivated incidents, and not just on Poles it has to be said. Attacks such as the recent ones highlighted in the press, are still rare. This is not the norm in Britain, much as you would like to demonize us.

As Roz has said, the type of people who commit crimes such as these are not exactly renowned for their intelligence. They are nothing more than mindless thugs, and are not representative of the British people.

goodness knows waht might have happened in some countries with this situation, probably a bloodbath by now.

Exactly. On the whole, the UK is a very tolerant country considering the numbers of immigrants we have here.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
18 Sep 2016   #4
there have been settled Polish communities here since the end of WW2 (yes we know why).

why? because British betrayal of Poland? because of Soviet betrayal of Poland? or because of German attack? Or little bit all that?

It doesn't take much to spark things off, as you as a Serbian must know very well.

One can destabilize country or region within a particular country very easily, anywhere in the world but, one who wants that have to have capability and reason. Same is when one wants to destabilize relations between two nations/peoples. Sure, things can go restless even spontaneously if there is fertile ground for it, as it is case in Britain, where, as we all know, exist deep indoctrination against everything Slavic. Its in their literature, language, culture, etc, etc.

but right now in the UK, the plan seems to have been to introduce mass immigration and to demonise the British working class.

See, obviously, there are financial circles which wants to ``accelerate`` events in Britain. Reasons are unknown yet.

goodness knows waht might have happened in some countries with this situation, probably a bloodbath by now.

you mean, in some less important country? Is that it? Listen, Britain isn`t that important now. With every new day less and less important.

there are thousands of Polish people settled in their lives and jobs here, their children in school, everybody happy

Seams that somebody in Britain wants Poles out of Britain, so if comes to it better that Poles return to Poland. They could be happy in Poland, too.
18 Sep 2016   #5
in Britain, where, as we all know, exist deep indoctrination against everything Slavic.

That exists only in your head Crow.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
18 Sep 2016   #6
Good then. My head don`t rule Britain.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
18 Sep 2016   #7
See, obviously, there are financial circles which wants to ``accelerate`` events in Britain. Reasons are unknown yet.

That I could agree with.

you mean, in some less important country? Is that it?

no I meant in a less tolerant country, you know maybe like Serbia. but yes, less important if you say so

Seams that somebody in Britain wants Poles out of Britain,

.oh do not be so very silly. Obviously Polish and other people are wanted in the UK, to do the work that us Brits are purportedly too lazy to do...:D

Listen, Britain isn`t that important now

Who said that it was?

" in Britain, where, as we all know, exist deep indoctrination against everything Slavic. Its in their literature, language, culture, etc, etc."
oh please, do not be more stupid than you have to be.,
18 Sep 2016   #8
but right now in the UK, the plan seems to have been to introduce mass immigration and to demonise the British working class.

After Thatcherism and mass immigration of low-paid workers the British working class should now introduce competition between employees where they would compte between themselves to raise the minimal wage.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
18 Sep 2016   #9
you are not going to start whining about the word 'slovenly' are you Crow?
If so, then do some research on it, because you are wrong.
BTW I have met plenty of Serbs who ran away after murdering their neighbours in the 90s and now live at British taxpayers expense in nice council houses.

They seem pretty happy with London tbh.
18 Sep 2016   #10
Sorry, I meant employers not employees.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
18 Sep 2016   #11
... where they would compte between themselves to raise the minimal wage.

Sure, Britain is overrun with workers from former British colonies and from countries where Britain actively took part in their destruction. Its kind of boomerang effect. Just, governments have its own aims and those aims often differ from interests of own population. Now, people have to compete for survival in environment created by the oppressive and worldwide terrorist British government. For now, good standard of living provided social peace, while things gets nasty as we see.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
18 Sep 2016   #12
Now, people have to compete for survival in environment created by the oppressive and worldwide terrorists.

what like these guys?

OP Crow  154 | 9463
18 Sep 2016   #13
Let us stay on topic. These days Poles are targeted in Britain. Its a fact.

what like these guys?

that photo if proven hoax, part of war anti-Serbian propaganda. Just google that topic.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
18 Sep 2016   #14
Just google that topic.

I have, and it seems like Serbian atrocities have been downplayed, if not whitewashed.

No, Crow, Polish people are not 'targeted'. I know there are some total idiots that are attacking 'foreigners', but in general Polish and British get on fine.

It almost seems as though you WANT people to hate each other. In fact there is a thing called 'engendering racial hatred' and to be honest, I think that is what you are doing now.

'inciting' not 'engendering'
nothanks  - | 626
18 Sep 2016   #15
I am under the belief the Media is using this to increase support against BRExit or at-least use it as a cautionary tale. Even for Poles back in Poland [don't be xenophobic].

But has there been a significant jump in attacks against only/mostly Poles or has it increased for everyone?
OP Crow  154 | 9463
18 Sep 2016   #16
see, that`s a good question.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
18 Sep 2016   #17
Crow I pointed that out in my first reply to you......
OP Crow  154 | 9463
18 Sep 2016   #18
i`m not sure.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
18 Sep 2016   #19
However the perpetrators of these crimes were probably so thick and uneducated that they did not even know the nationality of their victims, just that they were 'foreign.

here ya go Crowie....
None of us are 'sure' what is going on, and there is no doubt we are all, of every nationality, being manipulated by the British government.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
18 Sep 2016   #20
"None of us are 'sure' what is going on"

I agree Roz but this is something different to what I and my family had to deal with as migrants to the UK in the 50's and 60's , Talking to my family back in the UK things are going bad, even for those of us that have been settled in the UK since 1950, no one wants to admit they are Polish or of Polish Decent, we are an easy target, we are white Europeans that do not fit the bill as a racial minority, cos we is not black, brown or non christian, so no one is taking our plight seriously.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
18 Sep 2016   #21
it is bad then.

My son did get some stick at his last school for his Polish name, mostly jokes about working in the local meat processing plant. But it was not serious.

This is shameful, what we are reading in the papers.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
18 Sep 2016   #22
"This is shameful, what we are reading in the papers."

I'm not too sure if some of the papers are not fueling this whole situation.

Sorry your lad is getting some stick because of his surname , I used to get it all the time, never did me any harm in the long run, it's the physical manifestation of this current prejudice that worries me most.
19 Sep 2016   #23
Muslims, rather unsurprisingly, have been the victims of racial incidents, and I've also read reports of incidents involving an American, an Italian, a Welsh woman, a Spaniard, and Pakistanis. Plus people of mixed race.

A Moroccan lady I personally know, was sworn and spat at on the bus for wearing a headscarf. She has lived in the UK for 14 years and told me she had never previously had any problems here. Now she is understandably scared.

What I personally believe, at least if newspaper reports are to be believed, is that there are morons out there who genuinely believe that now the people have voted for Brexit, immigrants will straight away have to go back to the country they came from, as so many reports feature victims saying they were told to " go back to their own country", or " you will have to leave now ", " the people have voted". It is almost as if for some people, Brexit, at least in their minds, has given them some sort of licence to vent their feelings.

I certainly don't think media coverage before the vote helped either. It just whipped up a storm of bad feeling towards immigrants, and in my opinion, Brexit was about immigration more than anything else.

These incidents and attacks on Poles are sickening, but I don't think that Poles specifically are being targeted, anyone foreign will do for these morons.

Understandably though, Poles are going to worry about the escalation of racial incidents.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
19 Sep 2016   #24
Who knows, let us hope that decent Polish workers and families won`t be massively targeted by British restless mob. Let us hope that we won`t see more of those ugly rapports of Poles being attacked and exposed to all kind of humiliations.

Also, nobody can`t deny that we live in interesting era. Maybe, just maybe, time has come for greater homogenization of Slavic peoples, all due to dictate of interests, if not for anything else.

comment and video by CNN

UK's Polish community targeted in hate crimes

One of the largest and oldest immigrant communities in the UK is facing racial tensions and increased hate crimes since Britain voted to leave the EU.

19 Sep 2016   #25
The hypocrisy in the Eastern European mindset is laughable. One thread discusses how we don't want that kind here in Poland and then this thread discusses how those over there don't want us there and look how they treat us, how dare they.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
19 Sep 2016   #26
Post-Brexit Britain is an entirely different place than over a hundred years ago, when Joseph Conrad came to England and became one of the best prose writers in the English language:-)

Today, Britain has become a xenophobic jungle, probably worse than it was nearly twenty years ago when I was there last.
19 Sep 2016   #27
Post-Brexit Britain is an entirely different place than over a hundred years ago.

Xenophobic jungle, probably worse than it was nearly twenty years ago when I was there last.

So how do you know, since it's been 20 years from your last visit.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
19 Sep 2016   #28
Look with your eyes, man! When last across the pond, the IRA was the big ticket issue. Poles weren't really a problem, as I recall, more the Hindus, the Pakis and your occasional crackpot sounding off in Speaker's CornerLOL
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
20 Sep 2016   #29
Today, Britain has become a xenophobic jungle

No it has not, thank you. How would you know if you have not been here for 20 years anyway?
OP Crow  154 | 9463
20 Sep 2016   #30
An article by The Guardian. A personal story

Poles on Brexit: 'I don't think many will stay. Life in Britain is tough'

Polish people in Britain and back home tell of uncertainty amid reports of xenophobia and UK's refusal to offer any guarantees

How would you know if you have not been here for 20 years anyway?

Don`t say that CNN now spread anti-British propaganda?? Its deeply pro-Anglo media house and BDW, its a rare case when rapports from CNN goes hand in hand with rapports from some other and especially from Serbian media that are, as all sane people nicely know, truly and absolutely trustworthy, what is real rarity in Europe and on our planet.

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