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What will Britain's Labor Coup mean for Poland?

Ironside  50 | 12333
13 Jul 2024   #91
And it's obvious that your opinion is that you should be free to express yours but others shouldn't express theirs unless it agrees with yours.

It's a gross misrepresentation of my position on the issue but that is what I would expect of free speech jerks.
You decided to go after particular members you dislike for no other reason

False, I like maf, I don't dislike you, only Novi fits into that category. It was a mere observation about a certain group of posters on PF namely Americans who are obsessing about some subject to the extent that they hardly post anything else and tend to post in all threads even if it is off-topic. Some would consider it spam.
Then you'll never be annoyed again

I'm annoyed only by narcissistic snowflakes like you who believe that someone else opinion about them, their posts, opinions, or the way they post is somehow infringing their First Amendment rights and is an attempt at silencing them.
When in fact it is exactly the opposite.
Do you need a safe space? I didn't know that about you. In this context, even Novie seems to have more sense.
Poloniusz  4 | 869
13 Jul 2024   #92
It's a gross misrepresentation of my position

It was a mere observation

Your views are off-topic and were not asked for by anyone.

I'm annoyed

That's a given and has already been pointed out to you.

Ironside  50 | 12333
14 Jul 2024   #93
Your views

OK. fine, you are pathetic and don't know how to dance snowflake, post some more memes as if they would mean anything else than stress your inability to make a compelling argument.
Don't worry, I like you, you are special. Good on you.
Novichok  4 | 7809
14 Jul 2024   #94
You've never posted anything relevant, interesting or original.

A typical forum parasite...waiting for others to say something. Then they come alive to graze on the flies and rats...

Instead of being grateful for being fed, they call the active posters like me trolls.

That's why I try to end my posts with bait. It never fails to work as intended. I wish I could spike them with arsenic.
Poloniusz  4 | 869
14 Jul 2024   #95
A typical forum parasite...waiting for others to say something.

Very true. I recall he usually only bothered pawian all the time.

But since that poster hasn't posted in awhile the parasite in question needs new sources of narcissistic supply.
Ironside  50 | 12333
15 Jul 2024   #96
Very true.

Ok. you are officially on my blacklist moron. You are stupid enough to ask for it. Now you are F/ lol!
What relevant post have you ever posted? You have no clue about anything Polish-related, some Viki knowledge, and copy and paste memes. What a great contributor you are.
This forum is about Poland not about some foreign losers that have little idea about Poland. I'm one of those very few Poles posting here, who bothers to post here in English for your benefit, for all those who are interested in learning about real Polish issues. N
Nobody knows who the hell you are except that you are an imposter and pretend to be some poster from the past called Polonius who was nothing like your dumb ass.
.like flies and rats...

Listen you obese fat losers watch your stupid mug. Do you think that your real name can't be found? Big mistake.
You are a stupid troll who was tossed out of every half-decent American forum and in others when trash like you yapp nobody pays any heed to you. So to have some kind of attention you landed here and are spamming this site with your stupid ideas and obscure American problems ( for most Poles those issues are obscure)that nobody in Poland cares about.
Even less that you care about Europe or Poland. So what are you doing on Polish forums?
You make no sense you could as well say you provide entertainment to the dead.
By the way, Polish people will get fed up with this forum and all expats in Poland would rather use a different site. I think this forum will become yet another trashy and
obscure American forum with little revenue and no future.
Since such morons like those two are prevalent...well...
mafketis  38 | 10913
15 Jul 2024   #97
expats in Poland would rather use a different site

got any suggestions.... cause this place has been ruined by noxious narcissists and trolls
Lazarus  2 | 364
15 Jul 2024   #98
any suggestions

There's some good discussion going on in a few FB groups. Try Brits in Poland, was an excellent election night event there and since has been discussion about what the new Labour government will mean for Poland.
Poloniusz  4 | 869
15 Jul 2024   #99
Ok. I'm [a] dumb ass.

I didn't read your rant but copied and pasted it into a personality assessment program and was not surprised by the results.

The writer of this text displays several personality traits that could suggest underlying issues:

Aggressiveness: The tone is confrontational and hostile, indicating a tendency toward aggression in communication.

Defensiveness: The writer feels the need to assert their identity and knowledge, suggesting a defensive stance when it comes to their contributions and identity.

Exclusivity: There's a clear in-group versus out-group mentality, emphasizing loyalty to self-identity and dismissing others.

Low Tolerance for Criticism: The reaction to perceived slights is intense, suggesting difficulty in handling disagreement or critique.

Superiority Complex: The writer presents themselves as a knowledgeable authority on issues, which may indicate a need to feel superior to others.

Need to Control Others: The use of phrases like "you are officially on my blacklist" shows a strong desire to regulate interactions and assert dominance over the community dynamics.

Overall, the writing reflects traits associated with possible borderline or narcissistic tendencies, but this is speculative and would require further context and professional assessment to draw any concrete conclusions.

Ironside  50 | 12333
19 Jul 2024   #100
[I copied and pasted your post into a personality assessment program and was not surprised by the results.
this is speculative and would require further context and professional assessment to draw concrete conclusions. However, it can be assumed that writer of that text is a moron.

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