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The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression??

OP pawian  226 | 27546
23 Dec 2024   #121
They need to send you to Sakhalin

Yes, Russians did it to patriotic Poles in the past. Thank you for reviving the memory of those noble heroes.

Polish patriots sent to Sakhalin by imperial Russians

  • jacekmalczewskikat.jpg
Ironside  50 | 12952
23 Dec 2024   #122
Polish patriots sent

You try to send me to Russia all the time. I returned the favor.
Maybe you become a patriotic Pole after some time in there. So far you are an embarrassing moron.
OP pawian  226 | 27546
23 Dec 2024   #123
You try to send me to Russia

I am sending you back to Russia coz you belong there as a Kremlin stooge.
While you want to send me there as a Polish patriot oppressed by imperial Russians.
See the difference???
Ironside  50 | 12952
23 Dec 2024   #124
I am sending you back to Russia coz you belong there as a Kremlin stooge.

Which is nonsense and BS. You sent me there cause you are dumb,
While you want to send me there as a Polish patriot oppressed by imperial Russians.

Tsk I want to send you there for you to get some sense and for you to grow up.
OP pawian  226 | 27546
23 Dec 2024   #125
Ironside  50 | 12952
23 Dec 2024   #126

Indiction insufflated oxygen intake means your brain does not function properly.
OP pawian  226 | 27546
23 Dec 2024   #127
Yaaawn. Try better, Kremlin stooge. :):):)
Bobko  27 | 2098
24 Dec 2024   #128


*I hate to use a Francoist slogan*

You try to send me to Russia

You are welcome in Russia!

you want to send me there

Crazy f*cking Poles... sending each other to Russia! Continuing the work of the great Pole Dzerzhinski, I see. Who will work in Poland?

Also, it is a gross violation of Russian sovereignty, when Poles can send each other to Sakhalin over the head of Putin. There are proper protocols and procedures, and these must be followed.

  • IMG_4846.jpeg
OP pawian  226 | 27546
24 Dec 2024   #129
Crazy f*cking Poles... sending each other to Russia!

Yes, amasing!!! :):):)

However, only I am a true crazy Pole. Iron is crazy but a plastic Pole. It is a huge difference.
Ironside  50 | 12952
24 Dec 2024   #130
I am a true crazy Pole.

you are a moron, and the above post is the best example of your moronic ways.
Ironside  50 | 12952
24 Dec 2024   #131
You are welcome in Russia!

Thank you, you are welcome in Poland.
sending each other to Russia!

Not really. I'm just trying to show some fool that his nonsense is stupid. I failed to do so, my fault for arguing with a fool.
OP pawian  226 | 27546
24 Dec 2024   #132
you are welcome in Poland.

Exactly!! At last you will find yourself a friend in Poland. And if you ask Bobko, he will also agree to become your relative so that you have a family here, too. hahahaha

I'm just trying to show

that you mentally and morally belong to Russia as a Kremlin stooge.
Ironside  50 | 12952
24 Dec 2024   #133

lol! You are going crazy here. WTF? lol!

I guess Xmass time and the devil spirit that possess you is anxious.
OP pawian  226 | 27546
24 Dec 2024   #134
Xmass time

Poloniusz  5 | 969
24 Dec 2024   #135

"Chrismukkah" :)

Interfaith families find meaning in "Chrismukkah"

"I think for people who are Jewish, it can feel very threatening and it can feel like really giving in to the majority culture and losing what you are and that unique part of yourself."

NPR is a very leftist bullhorn, so don't worry about clicking the link. They are very much your kind of people. :)

And don't miss the audio for this story! To save you from your sudden and convenient ADHD, go to the 2-minute mark, where the female reporter (what else these days?) in a whispered voice laden with tension says, "For Jewish partners, bringing Christmas and Christianity into a home can be uncomfortable."

Oddly (well, not really), they left this part out of the text, but the whole story is very reminiscent of pre-war Poland, isn't it? Or perhaps not, since the Jews and Poles lived so apart from each other that only 1% ever intermarried. :)
OP pawian  226 | 27546
24 Dec 2024   #136
kind people. :)

Yes, we are kind people and apes and I am so glad there are more of us in the world. Thank you.
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Dec 2024   #137


It's ok to say Xmas (but with one X). It's from the Greek and represents the initial C for Christ. X was used as a symbol for Christ many centuries ago and Xmas has been used as a form of the word Christmas for a few hundred years.
OP pawian  226 | 27546
24 Dec 2024   #138
It's ok to say Xmas (but with one X)

Of course but Iron writes it with 3 Xs and two Ss like XXXmass. He is a little dysslexxicc, you know. This fact could absolve him from being corrected but if he is too lazy to write the full name like Christmas and still writes equally long XXXmass, then he is up for correction from me anyway.
OP pawian  226 | 27546
25 Dec 2024   #139
Iron, the Kremlin stooge, comments on my appeal he should move to Russia where he belongs.
Which is nonsense and BS.

Later on, the forum imperial Russian, Mr Bobko says:
You are welcome in Russia!

To which our Kremlin stooge Iron replies:
Thank you, you are welcome in Poland.

Note that I wasn`t invited by Bobko to Russia coz he perfectly knows I would organise and lead a plot aka mutiny to overthrow their current KGB regime which is destroying Russia like no other tsar or communist secretary before.
OP pawian  226 | 27546
25 Dec 2024   #140
Thank you,

Thank you, too, Mr Stooge. ):):):
OP pawian  226 | 27546
25 Dec 2024   #141

*I hate to use a Francoist slogan*

Exactly!! You hate it but still use it to gain advantage. Just like other imperial Russians are using fascist aka Nazi methods to conquer Ukraine.
Ironside  50 | 12952
25 Dec 2024   #142
I would organise and lead a plot aka mutiny to overthrow their current KGB regime

LOL! What are you if you are not 12 and live in fantasy land?
Iron replies:

So what?
If I say hello in Chinese to a Chinese person it makes me Chinese stooge? Your soviet mentality is in full bloom here lol!
with 3 Xs

It is a brazen lie, are you a compulsive liar?
OP pawian  226 | 27546
25 Dec 2024   #143
If I say hello in Chinese

Saying hello in Chinese isn`t as revealing as your refusal to defend the Baltics or support Ukraine cos you play into the Kremlin`s expectations in this way., Mr Stooge!
Ironside  50 | 12952
25 Dec 2024   #144
cos you play into the Kremlin`s expectations

hmm... You know the Kremlin's expectations intimately, don't you? Tell us more about it.
OP pawian  226 | 27546
25 Dec 2024   #145
he Kremlin's expectations i

Sth you propagate in your posts:
They should fend for themselves or ask the US for help

It means leaving them a prey to Russian imperialism.

And you only cleverly avoid further story, namely that after Ukraine and the Baltics conquered by imperial Russians it will be Poland`s turn. But this will make you happy when Russians rule here coz you and your nationalist buddies will be able to create your own gov, working as Russian stooges, the same as in communist times.
Ironside  50 | 12952
25 Dec 2024   #146
the Baltics conquered by imperial Russians it will be Poland`s turn

Would be? Maybe or maybe not. After all the Baltic are a part of NATO, a tasting ground. What would NATO, basically means the US do if Russians in some form or other attacked the Baltic?
Why would Poland put its forces into that fry? Who would defend Poland if we lost those forces? Putting more forces into the Baltic it is a waste of time and resources a strategic point of view.
The right course of action - would be to take over Królewiec and Belarus. Can Poland do it on its own? What support do the US and NATO provide in the cause of such a scenario?
You want to play, play in clay, not with the lives of real people and my country, irresponsible morons or Kremlin stooges like you are the worst!
OP pawian  226 | 27546
25 Dec 2024   #147
Maybe or maybe not.

Very infantile and naive belief. Reminds me of those Polish rightist elites who ruled Poland before WW2. They also had this approach to many matters.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
25 Dec 2024   #148
Who would defend Poland if we lost those forces?

Germany would...we are in NATO too.....I can't imagine the other european NATO member just looking would be the biggest humiliation and the end of NATO, maybe even the West!
Ironside  50 | 12952
25 Dec 2024   #149
Reminds me of those Polish rightist elites who ruled Poland before WW2.

As expected you turned it around. That is all you can do. lol!
No, you plank you are more like them, you want Poland to go first to the front to fight while others count money and resources. I'm sure the US would like to see Poland responding while they provide 'a moral' support. Not to escalate the conflict to a confrontation between the US and Russian forces - they would love to use a proxy.
IF a happy stupid proxy like you is willing to dance in - even better.
In Poland interest is to put American boots in front of us and don't let them use us - we have more to lose. Stake are higher for us. Simple.
OP pawian  226 | 27546
25 Dec 2024   #150
As expected you

No, I didn`t. I only reminded you how the approach maybe yes, maybe no ended in Polish history. It is amaSSing you have learnt nothing from it.

Home / News / The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression??

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