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The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression??

pawian  226 | 27817
7 Sep 2022   #1
The Polish company which produces excellent Piorun/Thunder MANPADS has just signed a contract with Estonia: 300 missiles and 100 launchers.

Why, someone may wonder?

Estonians learnt that the Polish army ordered 3500 missiles and 600 launchers. In case of war, Polish systems will immediately travel to Estonia where they will be used both by allied Polish soldiers or Estonian ones already acquainted with Pioruns.

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Crow  155 | 9736
7 Sep 2022   #2
I suggest immediate deployment of Polish troops in Baltic states. They need protection. Actually best would be to merge with Poland. Sweden and Finland, too. All in Poland. Eastern Germany, too. Not to speak of Galicia.

Poland would be only bigger. I told it here long ago.

Because Poland is wise and has good investments.
jon357  72 | 23693
7 Sep 2022   #3
I suggest immediate deployment of Polish troops in Baltic states

Everywhere needs protection from r*SSia however there are already troops deployed there to protect them.
Crow  155 | 9736
7 Sep 2022   #4
Nothing can`t save them if they fail to merge with Poland. Nothing else. NATO is dead dic*. Only within Poland they will find shelter.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 Sep 2022   #5
Poland would be only bigger.

The problem is that Poles are not rabid empire lovers like Russians. We have never been, actually. The Polish expansion with took place in the East in previous centuries was chaotically accidental.
jon357  72 | 23693
7 Sep 2022   #6
Nothing can`t save them if they fail to merge with Poland

Why would they want to?

NATO is dead

As Putler and r*SSia have found, it is very much not.
Crow  155 | 9736
7 Sep 2022   #7
The Polish expansion with took place in the East in previous centuries was chaotically accidental.

because of Pope, say it openly, brate. Instead to raid on Western side (where Germanics started to consolidate on Sorbian lands), you moved to Eastern side. If you are Polish, you can speak openly when speak to Serbian, you know.

Back in that time Europe was urinated and architecture that led to today`s disaster was created.

We know because we raided with you back then all the way to Orsha and to Moscow. Just we did it for Poland. Over ancient Sarmatian connection and because only Poland was able and willing to help us against Ottomans.

But, we are back in theater again. The Dragon is awaken.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 Sep 2022   #8
The Dragon is awaken.

Exactly. That is why Estonians are buying Polish MANPADS, while Latvians are bringing back the compulsory military service.

In response to Russia's war against Ukraine, Latvia is reintroducing compulsory military service for men from 2023. Since 2007 - three years after joining Nato - the Latvian armed forces have consisted only of professional soldiers, alongside a National Guard made up of volunteers.
Crow  155 | 9736
7 Sep 2022   #9
Complete Western and Central Europe would be ours. And they will be happy.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 Sep 2022   #10
Europe would be ours

Be careful not to swallow too much coz you will choke. Also, you will have problems with digesting what you swallowed. Ha!
Crow  155 | 9736
7 Sep 2022   #11
True. Problem is they are so incompetent, poor and they don`t have choice. They themselves will come to be saved and that may ruin us.

We will see.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 Sep 2022   #12

Russians or Serbs would like to be as "poor" as the Baltics. hahahaha Serbia`s GNP is exactly half of Estonia`s.
Miloslaw  22 | 5247
7 Sep 2022   #13
Serbia`s GNP is exactly half of Estonia`s.

Hilarious and sad at the same time.
How can people be so blinkered and stupid?
Do they just listen to people they agree with and ignore opposing views?
I think that with social media that is increasingly the case and is leading to more divided societies and divisive politics.
Not a good trend.
Open debate and freedom of speech has served us well.
We should not turn our backs on that.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
8 Sep 2022   #14
The Polish expansion with took place in the East in previous centuries was chaotically accidental.

Mostly on request and exchange of services, most likely as a form of securing own investments and pushing for a more agricultural society (especially Ukraine) to increase wheat exports to western europe).

Nowadays Poland has enough internal problems from the need to develop and invest it's eastern regions.

Occasional raiding and plundering reduced to a threat of illegal immigration that doesn't respect the rule of Poland's laws.

Otherwise foreign motor gangs and states like Belarus have not much influence or possibility to threaten Poland.

Lithuania, Germany, Czech rep, Slovakia are on relatively friendly terms and Sweden has no reason or wish to interfere in Poland.

So only possible threat is from Russia in a military/special operations forms.

And while Russia is stuck in Ukraine, it delays any possible invasion of Poland.
Crow  155 | 9736
8 Sep 2022   #15

You think you have correct data on Serbian economy?
Then also, standard of living isn`t only GDP.

In Serbia people don`t worry for heat during the winter. Or electricity. Or food shortages. We travel. We have good night life. We live. Go ask western Europeans and Baltics. Go ask them.

Think about all that.

See? Things change. In fact, returning to normalcy, again. Designation of West returning to its original birthplace and that is Balkan and Serbian lands, ie Slavic world.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Sep 2022   #16
We have good night life.

I don`t care about it coz I am a family man. :):)

However, I do care about McDonald`s coz my kids like visiting it a few times a year. In Serbia I would have to work twice longer to buy one BigMac than in Poland or Estonia.

Think about all that.

No. Thinking about Poland united with nationalist Serbia and imperial RuSSia makes me wanna puke. And 90% Poles share that feeling. Get used to it, your efforts here are completely useless.
Miloslaw  22 | 5247
8 Sep 2022   #17
I don`t care about it coz I am a family man. :):

Me too.

In Serbia I would have to work twice longer to buy one BigMac than in Poland or Estonia

Wake up Crow!!!!

Thinking about Poland united with nationalist Serbia and imperial RuSSia makes me wanna puke

Me too.
Even the thought of is disgusting.
Read and learn Crow.
Poles have absolutely no interest at all of uniting with Serbs.
Come back to reality before Russia f**ks you.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Sep 2022   #18
The Baltics and Poland undertake joint initiatives ahead of the EU. Amasing!

In a joint statement issued on Thursday, September 8, by the heads of governments of Poland , Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia , they expressed their political will and firm intention to introduce temporary national restrictions on Russian citizens who hold EU visas. This decision is a way of punishing Russia for invading Ukraine .
Crow  155 | 9736
9 Sep 2022   #19
Wake up Crow!!!!

Svetovid love us. We are country of Pljeskavica. BigMac is plastic.

The Baltics and Poland undertake joint initiatives ahead of the EU. Amasing!

Poland would be only bigger.

Not how Vatican wanted. It would be again thanks to Slavs. And Svetovid.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Sep 2022   #20
Poland would be only bigger.

No, we don`t need bigger Poland. We like what we have. We will only defend the Baltics in compliance with NATO commitments against RuSSist aggression. That`s all.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Sep 2022   #21
So only possible threat is from Russia

Yes. That is why the Baltics refuse to accept RuSSist pseudo referendums in occupied Ukraine:

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas: "Since Russia is promoting fake referendums in the occupied territories of Ukraine, let me say it loud and clear: We will never recognize it".
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Oct 2022   #22
Lithuanian citizens have raised some funds to buy kamikaze drones from a Polish company as a gift to heroic Ukraine which is repelling Mongols` invasion.

"We have agreed with the manufacturers that the money raised by the public to purchase a loitering munition system from Poland will be used to buy two complete sets, including the launching system and 37 units of loitering munitions, the so-called kamikaze drones," the vice minister said in a statement.

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Miloslaw  22 | 5247
1 Oct 2022   #24
In Serbia people don`t worry for heat during the winter. Or electricity. Or food shortages. We travel. We have good night life. We live

Same in the Uk.

Svetovid love us

I don't believe that rubbish and even if he did.
Who cares?

The Beloeussian dictator said the other day "We will win this war because we are Slavs and cannot face humiliation" .

What ethnicity does he think Ukrainians are?
They are more Slav than Russians.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Oct 2022   #25
They are more Slav than Russians.

Yes, coz ethnic Slavic RuSSians are 80% in RuSSia.
Crow  155 | 9736
2 Oct 2022   #27
The Beloeussian dictator said

What about UK dictator? You can make UK rule sweet as candy but we know truth, sad truth. That is how few corporations rule you in a world of matrix around you. Then, you tries to spread your sh*t on rest of the world.

So please don`t BS like a crocodile.

What ethnicity does he think Ukrainians are?

They are all Sarmatians ie Serbs and they shall return to us. Like Poles and all others.

We all suffer because of the greed of strangers.
Miloslaw  22 | 5247
2 Oct 2022   #28

Ukrainians are Slavs, you cannot deny it.
They are more Slav than Russians or Serbs as those two have been bastardised by non Slavs.
Ukrainians will prevail and save all Slavs, even the bastards.
Crnogorac3  3 | 673
2 Oct 2022   #29
They are more Slav

You mean the turko-mongoloid tribe the Khazars which converted to Judaism in the 7th century that you and Zelensky, Victoria Nuland - Kagan as well as the current majority of the ruling elite in Ukraine belongs to? Ukraine is currently ruled by mostly non-Slavs but thanks to the wise leadership of President Putin who launched the Special Military Operation that anomaly will soon be coming to an end.

Sviatoslav I Igorevich, the Grand Duke of Kievan Rus and the one who destroyed Khazaria


A Rus destroyed them then and a Rus will destroy them now.
Miloslaw  22 | 5247
3 Oct 2022   #30
You mean the turko-mongoloid tribe

Don't you mean the Russo mogoloid tribe?
The Russians are sending more and more non Slavic Russians to die in Ukraine.
Face facts.
Russian revolution is coming.
Putin has had it.

Home / News / The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression??

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