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Army of Poland and other kin Slavic countries

Crow  154 | 9558
12 May 2021   #1
Times are troubled and Slavs are vigilant.

Feel the Slavic power / First in space, first on Earth

How Powerful is Poland? Polish Military Power 2021


Polish Army PT-91 Twardy Tanks Maneuver


Wojsko Polskie / Polish Army



Novichok  4 | 9007
12 May 2021   #2
How Powerful is Poland?

As powerful as in 1939 and 1944. Just enough to act stupid, but not enough to win.
OP Crow  154 | 9558
12 May 2021   #3
I disagree with such a stance.

Spot this > King Peter of Yugoslavia at Polish manoeuvres - Król Jugosławii Piotr na polskich manewrach >

I assure you, Poland and Yugoslavia were armed at least same as back then Soviet Union. At least that technological level and seemingly had better connections with USA, Britain and France. If politics behind curtain didn`t destabilize Poland and Yugoslavia, alliance would be activated, plus joined with at least Czechoslovakia, as was deal. We (Poland, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia) were significant power. If Soviets were able to resist, we would be also able. But, politics. We all were betrayed firstly by Britain and France. Then Poland became desperate and made unilateral move and invaded Czechoslovakia. That violated treaties with Yugoslavia that declared neutrality on Reich, with just certain concessions. Soviets then made final deal with Hitler, Poland was invaded from east and west. Pact with Hitler and events in Poland and Czechoslovakia made Yugoslavia politically volatile and coup d'état happened, Serbs moved on the streets to protest against Germany and pact between Germany-Yugoslavia was canceled. Then Yugoslavia was invaded by the Germany, Italy, Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria. Final blow to the royal army in the midst of outside invasion was formation of Vatican sponsored Nazi state of Croatia within Yugoslavia.

Point is. Economies if USA, Britain and France and entire western Europe needed war. They invented Hitler, Musolini, Franko. They then made false deals with Poland, Yugoslavia, Soviets. Crucial plan was to deal with Slavs, with genocides whenever possible, to grab their resources and also to deal with certain Jewish magnates, solve Jewish question in Europe. That was the idea. All other stories are daily politics.
Novichok  4 | 9007
12 May 2021   #4
I disagree with such a stance.

You can disagree all you want but the results speak for themselves. In that contest, you lose.

If politics behind the curtain didn`t destabilize Poland and Yugoslavia, the alliance would be activated

And if Poland had two dozen nukes, WW2 would not have even started. Ifs don't count.
OP Crow  154 | 9558
12 May 2021   #5
You can disagree all you want but the results speak for themselves. In that contest, you lose.

Well sure, war is not just army. War is layered. Its also politics. Even primarily. Look with whom is Poland in alliance. With Britain, France, USA, Turkey, Germany, etc. If not sad would be funny.

So yes, take all in account, results are predictable. If just not for that arming of Serbia from Russia via Poland`s air space, no matter all complainants of EU and NATO, and no matter ongoing anti-Serbian Vatican`s projects. Poland to allow that to Serbia is the real glitch in the matrix. Do we have OUR OWN politics? Poland and Serbia?

And if Poland had two dozen nukes, WW2 would not have even started. Ifs don't count.

Nukes wouldn`t annul role of politics in war. Would only increase Slavic casualties.
OP Crow  154 | 9558
13 May 2021   #6

Army of the Czech Republic²⁰¹⁹ x Military motivation >

The Czech Army Scouts >

Czech Military Power 2021 | How Powerful is Czech Republic?>


Novichok  4 | 9007
13 May 2021   #7
Why would Czech Republic need an army? I thought that the good citizens there comply with the covid rules.
OP Crow  154 | 9558
13 May 2021   #8
Why? To tackle Germany, for example.
Novichok  4 | 9007
13 May 2021   #9
I like jokes. That was a good one.
Tacitus  2 | 1272
13 May 2021   #10
To tackle Germany, for example

The Czech Republic cooperates with Germany on a level that Serbia can only dream of.
OP Crow  154 | 9558
13 May 2021   #11
I thought non can surpase me in jokes. But you... amazing man. Amazing
Tacitus  2 | 1272
13 May 2021   #12
Do Serbia and Czech have a combined military unit?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
13 May 2021   #13
I like the idea of a pan east european army and people.
Novichok  4 | 9007
13 May 2021   #14
I will, too, as soon as I am told who the enemy is.
OP Crow  154 | 9558
13 May 2021   #15
Do Serbia and Czech have a combined military unit?

Czechs would be free. Same as Poland, same as Lusatia. Same as eastern Germany.

I like the idea of a pan east european army and people.

Only Serbia can make this become reality. And I do think Serbia pushing for it.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
13 May 2021   #16
I agree only Serbia can do it in all reality.
Novichok  4 | 9007
13 May 2021   #17
Serbia, with its 9 million people, is one-quarter of Poland. My best advice for the two of you is to sober up as soon as you can.
OP Crow  154 | 9558
14 May 2021   #18
Yet, Gavrilo was needed for the independence of Poland. Serbian. Exactly as Adam Mizkiewich said to Czartorisky. ``Work with Serbs.`` Mizkiewich didn`t expect support to Poland from the Vatican, France or the USA, or anybody else. Serbians.
Bobko  27 | 2193
8 Jan 2024   #19
I watched this funny video on YouTube.

The first comment under the video, is from a Pole, who says "No matter what you think about Duda, the beginning of the clip was amazing".

I will admit, it even stirred my Russian heart, to hear Duda say "We are a nation that has lived here for more than 1050 years!".

I immediately felt an urge to throw a salute to the supreme commander of the republic!

Who knew Duda can be such an orator.

The only part of the video where I laughed was the aviation components. Poland needs some new aircraft.

Bobko  27 | 2193
8 Jan 2024   #20
I think I'm gonna start a thread about the needs of the Polish military on the modernization and reform front.

Velund and Kostya forgive me.
Bobko  27 | 2193
8 Jan 2024   #21
The starting point is the that all of you dreamers have to accept that Russia is definitely number 2 military in the world now, if not number 1.


1) Experience
2) Experience
3) Experience
4) Military industrial base

We have the most hardened and experienced storm infantry in the world. Your Navy Seals and Delta Force, would sh*t themselves, doing what yesterday's auto mechanic is doing now in Ukraine.

Anywhere we deploy them, in Africa, Latin America, or Asia - they will inevitably conquer the opposition. They are simply that hard.

Basically, nobody but Ukrainians can resist them. And Ukrainians are struggling.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015
8 Jan 2024   #22
The West should more be like the afghan goat herder...dunno what they did but it worked....against Russia AND the combined West!

Torq  8 | 1067
8 Jan 2024   #23
Russia is definitely number 2 military in the world now, if not number 1.

Hey, you were supposed to talk about the Polish army! ;)

Basically, nobody but Ukrainians can resist them. And Ukrainians are struggling.


I appreciate your effort of trying to instil fear into Polish hearts, Bobi. Alas, I predict only a very moderate success, if any, of your endeavour.
Torq  8 | 1067
8 Jan 2024   #24
like the afghan goat herder

Heroic as those herders may be, Poles are at least equally heroic.

And if someone thinks that Afghan mountains are more difficult terrain to wage war in than Polish forests (30% of our country's area!) then there is a surprise in store for him. :)
OP Crow  154 | 9558
8 Jan 2024   #25
Amazing. I see Lusatia and Galicia will be in Poland soon. Just that Russia push NATO out of Europe and create some maneuverable space to other Slavs.

Duda say "We are a nation that has lived here for more than 1050 years!".

Thanks for sharing this video. Duda said it nicely but, of course, we Slavs and Slavs in Poland, in particular, are much older civilization.
Korvinus  4 | 613
11 Jan 2024   #26
Russia is definitely number 2 military in the world now, if not number 1.

Second military in the world, y'all lol lol lol
Liberating the oppressed Russian-speaking hens and goats of Ukraine lo: lol lol

So far the second military in the world can't pass through Ukraine, armed with leftover cold war weapons. You seriously think you can scare someone from NATO?

Maybe if Russians focused more on fighting the Ukrainian army instead of murdering civilians, they wouldn't be losing so badly. It's humiliating tbh, that the 'number 2 military in the world' can only enjoy success against unarmed population.
Torq  8 | 1067
11 Jan 2024   #27
if Russians focused more on fighting the Ukrainian army instead of murdering civilians

There are surprisingly few civilian casualties, considering the scale of the invasion and the intensity of fights. It was mentioned (with numbers and comparisons to other conflicts) many times in various threads.

they wouldn't be losing so badly

Russians are not losing. Their economy is switched into war mode and they have larger population so in the long run, with waivering western support for Ukraine, it is very likely that they will win.

can only enjoy success against unarmed population

This is simply not true. You may not like Russians, you may wish them a humiliating defeat, but at least be fair.
Ironside  50 | 13044
11 Jan 2024   #28
I wonder if the Russian Army still has that on its menu a pear-sweet dessert. Pears in syrup that looks a lot like a marble syrub but is not.
Korvinus  4 | 613
11 Jan 2024   #29
There are surprisingly few civilian casualties

Fake and gay. Ukraine obviously considers civilians in occupied territories Ukrainian citizens and makes every effort to avoid collateral damage, while Russia treats them as slaves fit to be robbed, murdered or press-ganged for meat assaults on a whim. Including shelling Donetsk with an aim to produce civilian casaulties to blame Ukraine and reduce international support.

you may wish them a humiliating defeat, but at least be fair.

He says after Russian missiles have targeted civilian power transformers, hot water plants and grain silos.
Bobko  27 | 2193
12 Jan 2024   #30
Too much to translate, sorry... PRL uniforms by branch of service. 1970s.

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