johnny reb 49 | 7927
21 hrs ago #211
to protect Americans from China and Russia?
And the terrorists that biden let in and the Mexican drug cartels ?
Good point Novi.
We already knew that the howling and crying would start from the Europeans once the Golden Cow cut their gravy train off and sure enough, just listen to them rant with their meltdowns about that nasty old U.S.A.
They just REFUSE to admit to that fact.
The more they deny it, the more they get gob smacked with it.
They bad mouth America, leech off America, and wonder why America refuses to play the one-way street card anymore.
I like the idea of putting America first again.
That's irrelevant. We are allying ourselves to China anyway.
Found a new sucker ?
How long do you think China will let you leech off them ?
Good luck with that you idiot.