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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

johnny reb  49 | 7927
21 hrs ago   #211
to protect Americans from China and Russia?

And the terrorists that biden let in and the Mexican drug cartels ?
Good point Novi.
We already knew that the howling and crying would start from the Europeans once the Golden Cow cut their gravy train off and sure enough, just listen to them rant with their meltdowns about that nasty old U.S.A.
They just REFUSE to admit to that fact.
The more they deny it, the more they get gob smacked with it.
They bad mouth America, leech off America, and wonder why America refuses to play the one-way street card anymore.
I like the idea of putting America first again.
That's irrelevant. We are allying ourselves to China anyway.

Found a new sucker ?
How long do you think China will let you leech off them ?
Good luck with that you idiot.
Novichok  4 | 8485
21 hrs ago   #212
Why stay in Europe at all?

To restrain you, azzholes, from starting WW3. See Poland talking nuke shlt.

We have no problems with Russia. It's you, morons, who is the problem.
Korvinus  3 | 608
21 hrs ago   #213
their soldiers suddenly became unable to defend from big-eared alcoholics from Siberia (as Neuf calls them).

And? Are you proud of it? If you where a man of principle you would support Ukrainian freedom fighters.
Novichok  4 | 8485
20 hrs ago   #214
If you where a man of principle you would support Ukrainian freedom fighters.

The only freedom fighters are the Russians in Donbass.

Tell the UA to get the fvck out and all will be good. Plus, a Russia-friendly team in Kiev and no NATO.

Did you know that Donbass is as Russian as Hawaii is American?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
20 hrs ago   #215
Germany better start hot stepping too because America is done protecting them at the expense of American citizens.

...and we do! Look at that:

The new Skyranger from air defense, against the waves of russian drones and ready and getting delivered!

Lotsa firepower against threats from above but needs only a few hands at all.....perfect for a small army against massive attacks!
Torq  8 | 1018
20 hrs ago   #216
Go on home Yankee soldiers, go on home 🎶
Have you got no f*cking homes of your own? 🎶
Europeans were born to be free 🎶
Get out, Yankees, leave us be 🎶
So go on home Yankee soldiers, go on home
! 🎶


Come on - let's write the protest song together. I started with the first stanza, now you write the rest of the song.

Keep those stanzas coming, guys!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
20 hrs ago   #217
Keep those stanzas coming, guys!

....but.....but.....but.....I don't wanna the Chinese here instead.....

I believe the West-Germans like their USians alot!
Torq  8 | 1018
20 hrs ago   #218
I don't wanna the Chinese here instead (...) West-Germans like their USians alot

We don't want the Chinese here, 🎶
we still love you, it's unreal! 🎶
So PLEASE hear our voice 🎶
you are leaving us no choice 🎶
Yankee soldiers, you are leaving us no choice! 🎶

Oh, the Yankees came with boots so tall, 🎶
We cheered them loud, we loved them all. 🎶
But now the tides have turned, you see, 🎶
And China's here-c'est la vie. 🎶
Yankee soldiers, kurwa mać--c'est la vie!!! 🎶

LA LA LA LA LA 🎶 🎶 🎶

Keep those stanzas coming, guys!
Torq  8 | 1018
20 hrs ago   #220
soooo cooool! 🤩

Protest songs are the best! There's no point arguing on an internet forum and coming up with all those various arguments when you can simply sing what you want! Remember, BB - the catchier the song, the better the argument. The arguing has come to an end - it's time for protest songs!
Ironside  50 | 12946
20 hrs ago   #221
guys, how come I don't see Ukraine is winning anymore?
@ Novichok

You are old and blind, that is why. You need special eye glasses for that/
pawian  226 | 27471
20 hrs ago   #222
Did you know that Donbass is as Russian

It is currently occupied by Russians. But it will return to Ukraine one day. Coz such is the fate of unjust occupations that they come to an end. Hitler`s did. So did Soviet.
Velund  1 | 490
17 hrs ago   #223
Coz such is the fate of unjust occupations that they come to an end.

Your predictions about future of US occupation of mexican Texas and New Mexico?
Novichok  4 | 8485
17 hrs ago   #224
Hey, what's going on...I asked three or four times how come I don't see Ukraine is winning anymore and nothing? Not a peep from the happy warriors...

Velund, can you help me with this mystery?
pawian  226 | 27471
17 hrs ago   #225
You need special eye glasses for that/

Offer him a glass eye. The one which will replace his corrupt crystal ball, so Novi will be able to see the future of Donbass better than now. hahahaha buhahaha Ale witz!

mexican Texas and New Mexico?

Funny. :):): However, as you are imperial, I won`t praise or comment more on it. I don`t want to spoil you. :):):)
Korvinus  3 | 608
17 hrs ago   #226
don't see Ukraine is winning anymore and nothing

Ukraine should win. If there is supposed to be any hope for the future.
Sadly, Trump happened. It is always like that. There have been Trumps, Putins, Hitlers, Stalins.
We are trying to go forward, despite that.
pawian  226 | 27471
17 hrs ago   #227
Ukraine should win

Of course she has already won and will win even more in the future coz her cause is just. Don`t mind temporary setbacks - this is life which is supposed to teach us resiliency and perseverance!
Korvinus  3 | 608
17 hrs ago   #228
My only question is if we will bring him here before he gets executed Ceaușescu-style after a short trial...

Still, I'd like explanation of that. Trump's executed Ceaușescu-style? By his followers? Like Novi? Is this the reason he is behaving like an idiot? Novi, is Trump afraid of you?
pawian  226 | 27471
17 hrs ago   #229
Ukraine is winning anymore and nothing?

Who told you this bs???? Don`t fall for that, show some remnants of your old genius which you were so proud of before. Coz they hate you so they lie to brainwash you.
Crow  154 | 9535
16 hrs ago   #230
Polish western borders are in danger, not eastern.
pawian  226 | 27471
16 hrs ago   #231
western borders

Crow, thank you for using an antiquated compass rose from communist Serbia which shows West on the right and East on the left. Communist Serbs produced such maps en masse to baffle Western spies.
Crow  154 | 9535
16 hrs ago   #232
Our di*s are vigilant.
pawian  226 | 27471
16 hrs ago   #233
You mean your dyck is cruising for bruising??? Good luck, then.
Torq  8 | 1018
16 hrs ago   #234
What? Four hours and no new stanzas of our European Protest Song? The spirit of artistic defiance is dead on this forum :( :( :(

pawian  226 | 27471
16 hrs ago   #235
no new stanzas of our European Protest Song?

What is this about???
Torq  8 | 1018
16 hrs ago   #236
#210 #216 #218 #220 :(
Torq  8 | 1018
15 hrs ago   #237
Something wrong is going on in the USA, so a guy from West Virginia comes up with a kick-ass protest song...

... and we, Europeans? We can't even come up with one decent anti-Trump protest song when he ditches Ukraine. :(
Novichok  4 | 8485
15 hrs ago   #238
Ukraine should win.

I should be pope.

So why I don't see Ukraine is winning!!! anymore?

To remind you all who the real genius here is...

Shortly after the war started in Feb 2022, I said this:

Russia cannot afford to lose this war.

What I didn't know was that it would take an American president to make it happen and for a very simple reason:

Americans would rather not be at war with Russia. We are weird that way and not as brave as the citizens of Poland.

Totally brilliant, Novi...Pure genius.
pawian  226 | 27471
15 hrs ago   #239
We can't even come up with one decent anti-Trump protest

Of course we can!!!
Trump Golden Cow lalalalala
Się zesrał lalalala
jak ujrzał Putina lalala
Ruskiego skurwysyna lalalalala.

Piece of cake.
Anything else?

Totally brilliant, Novi..

The last time your wife said it was 40 years ago. :):):)
Torq  8 | 1018
15 hrs ago   #240
Trump Golden Cow lalalalala
Się zesrał lalalala
jak ujrzał Putina lalala
Ruskiego skurwysyna lalalalala.

While I agree with the overall message of the song and, by and large, share the general sentiment it expresses, I think you should definitely work a little bit more on the rhymes, language and general artistic quality.

But hey - at least you tried. *thumbs up*

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

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