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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

Bobko  27 | 2107
14 hrs ago   #421
My experience is that no comment equals a leftist paper.

You are too rigid.

A leftist publication is... The Atlantic or New York Magazine or The Daily Beast.

A rightist publication is The National Review or Townhall or Redstate.

The New York Times has merely a left bent.

The Wall Street Journal has merely a right bent.

But you still have to respect the institution. To write at the NYTimes or WSJ, you have to be one smart cookie. Class valedictorian, 4.0 GPA in English... is just the start - then you need a great story to your name, and much much else.

A well written article is a joy to read, and opens your eyes to a world you had not even suspected existed before.

Don't hate on the NY Times please. It's the national paper of record. If something is published in the NY Times, it means it almost certainly happened. What other paper can you say that about?
Torq  8 | 1043
14 hrs ago   #422
That book is a treasure trove.

Yes, I've only just started reading it but I can already see it's going to be a feast. 90s in Poland were wild too but the sheer scale of what was happening in Russia is unique. Our 1990s "oligarchs" seem like small Dutch shopkeepers compared to your guys.
Bobko  27 | 2107
14 hrs ago   #423
Our 1990s "oligarchs" seem like small Dutch shopkeepers compared to your guys.

I understand what you mean, and it is true.

We are still living through the consequences of what these guys did. They were all in their late 20s and 30s - organizing victories for Yeltsin against the Communists, orchestrating the coronation of Putin, fighting the Chechens, taming the Ukrainians.

It's wild to me as a 35 year old.

But then I am reminded that this happened before. When I went to a GULAG museum, and saw the execution lists - I saw that many of those repressed party secretaries were only in their 20s.

So a guy, managed to command an entire republic (autonomous republics and future Soviet republics) for some years as a 20-something year old, then found guilty of some made up crime - and executed. What a career path!!! I cannot even come close to touching what they did, and I am already 35.

Other than Russian in 1990s and 1920s, the only other place I know where 20 and 30 year olds commanded entire empires was the French Revolution.

These oligarchs of the 1990s experienced an absolutely unique period in time.
Torq  8 | 1043
13 hrs ago   #424
command an entire republic (...) as a 20-something year old, then found guilty of some made up crime - and executed.

Hm... I suppose that's why your "fat fish" send their children to live in the West, and some of them move/plan moving there themselves. In Russia you can have everything, but you make one false step and out of the window you fly (literally). In the West things are still a bit less chaotic.

I cannot even come close to touching what they did

Probably better for your overall health.

the French Revolution

More aptly called the Anti-French Revolution.
Bobko  27 | 2107
13 hrs ago   #425
send their children to live in the West

They may send their children to live in the West, because they judge them to be "tamer" and "gentler" than themselves.

Speaking for myself, and my cohort of friends - we were in awe of these guys. They were our idols. To live and die by the dollar and the gun - that was the romance.

So for our generation - born 1979-1989 - this is still absolutely sexy stuff. Not something that makes you want to emigrate.

And getting shot in the 1920s, after 5-8 years of busy work reorganizing the entire life of a people - that's not a bad story either.

Probably better for your overall health.

Again, you cannot think about health and greatness at the same time. The true Russian dream is to live as a meteor, as a comet.

More aptly called the Anti-French Revolution.

We still live in the world of the French Revolution. The fact that it happened in France, would make me very proud as a Frenchman.
Paulina  19 | 4484
13 hrs ago   #426
Dual citizen sweet heart.

I'm not your "sweetheart" and your citizenship means squat to me - it's a piece of paper that you obtained, because you married a Polish chick. What matters is what you have in your heart, mind and your soul and considering your attitude towards Poland in my opinion you don't deserve Polish citizenship.

Why is he such a quivering wimp vis a vis putin and xi?

Because bullies have only the "balls" to bully the weaker.

Look what a bit of economic crisis - Covid-19, job loss, inflation - did to majority (Trump won the democratic elections after all) of modern-day Americans.

I've got to say - my thoughts exactly. It's mindblowing and f*cking scary.
Bobko  27 | 2107
13 hrs ago   #427
Because bullies have only the "balls" to bully the weaker.

Now tell me - can you imagine Russia putting an ally on a pedestal for public humiliation?

Russia is accused instead of irrational loyalty to allies.

People said:

1) Assad is a pariah
2) Syria has no oil
3) The whole world is against you

Putin went in anyway.

Everybody calls Assad a butcher, a criminal, a murderer of his own people. That he gases his own people with chemical weapons.

Putin doesn't care.

Russia gets sanctioned on Assad's account.

Earlier - we almost started a global nuclear meltdown over our ally on a little island in the Caribbean.

Feel the difference, as they say. Russians respect and reward loyalty.
Ironside  50 | 12954
13 hrs ago   #428
rue Russian dream is to live as a meteor, as a comet.

Do you need a helping hand to do that? Free of charge.
land in my opinion you don't deserve Polish citizenship.

Nonsense, his attitude towards Poland is not bad at all.
Paulina  19 | 4484
13 hrs ago   #429
Now tell me - can you imagine Russia putting an ally on a pedestal for public humiliation?

Can't say I've ever seen it or heard of it... RuSSia seems to be smart enough not to do such stuff (at least publicly, I don't know what goes on during private talks). That makes me even more worried of what Trump and his bootlickers are capable of.
Paulina  19 | 4484
13 hrs ago   #430
This is what the prime minister of Poland, Donald Tusk, wrote after the way Musk behaved towards Sikorski - I'm glad that someone finally wrote it openly and it sums up perfectly what I think. I'm afraid it fell on deaf ears though... :(:

  • truth.jpg
Torq  8 | 1043
13 hrs ago   #431
for our generation - born 1979-1989

Well, I'm from the left endpoint of the interval, so I still get to call you 'kiddo'.

you cannot think about health and greatness at the same time

That's a truly Crowesque statement. :)

can you imagine Russia putting an ally on a pedestal for public humiliation?

I can't imagine any country doing that. Trump is a complete and utter caveman.
mafketis  38 | 11167
12 hrs ago   #432
What a career path!!!

A russian impressed by a government that killed young adults.... imagine my surprise.....
Torq  8 | 1043
12 hrs ago   #433
Do you need a helping hand to do that?

Are you threatening our dobri brat Bobko? Get a grip, Iron, or Svetovid will *inner censorhip* without even the slightest lubrication.

imagine my surprise...


Like most Americans you take everything you hear or read too literally. Europeans are a bit more sophisticated than that, and Slavs add an extra layer of intricacy on top.
mafketis  38 | 11167
12 hrs ago   #434
Big (maybe) news!

Ukraine and US agree on 30 day ceasefire (pending russian acceptance...) and the US resumes intelligence and other aid...

What will russia do? My bet.... the worst possible thing.
Bobko  27 | 2107
12 hrs ago   #435
A russian impressed by a government that killed young adults....

Very surprising to hear this from an American, where celebrating young adults killed by government is an entire religion.

I vomit... from this "I thank you for your service" bullsh*t.

Every American veteran I studied with, was of the same mind.

You say it to yourself, to make yourself feel less bad about what you make these children do.
mafketis  38 | 11167
12 hrs ago   #436
I vomit... from this "I thank you for your service" bullsh*t".

the russian way of treating veterans is certainly... not very thankful

Not to mention this all time banger.... was this supposed to be a joke or are they just that clueless?

Meanwhile an off-duty Ukrainian soldier saves a civilian....
Bobko  27 | 2107
12 hrs ago   #437
Meanwhile an off-duty Ukrainian soldier saves a civilian....


Have you been attending the Vladimir Zelensky Higher School of Propaganda?

You need to invest more effort into making your plays seem less apparent. Right now - it's too much "on the nose" .

When we are discussing truly effective propaganda, then nuance is the name of the game.

The percent of the truth must approach 90% - not less.
Paulina  19 | 4484
12 hrs ago   #438
@Bobko, is it true about those meat grinders though?? lol ;O
Bobko  27 | 2107
12 hrs ago   #439
is it true about those meat grinders though??

Haha what?

What are you asking about Paulina?

Genuinely confused. OMG I'm dying.

Paulina  19 | 4484
12 hrs ago   #440
@Bobko, I thought everyone heard of it already lol:
Bobko  27 | 2107
12 hrs ago   #441
I thought everyone heard of it already lol

You are an idiot to make jokes about such things.

I thought you were different, and were smarter,

As a woman - have some decency and some compassion.
Paulina  19 | 4484
11 hrs ago   #442
@Bobko, that's some crazy gaslighting on your part. I'm not making any "jokes" - I'm asking if RuSSians are really that tone-deaf or messed up to give meat grinders to mothers of soldiers who died as cannon fodder in a war.

As a woman - have some decency and some compassion.

I do and that's why it blows my mind if it's true. So how about you direct your self-righteous indignation to the right source - whomever came up with that idea of gifting meat grinders to mothers of dead soldiers? o_O
Bobko  27 | 2107
11 hrs ago   #443
direct your self-righteous indignation to the right source - whomever came up with that idea of gifting meat grinders to mothers of dead soldiers

I already direct my anger at the stupid local government functionary that thought this would be a clever way to display his commitment to efforts at the front.

His bourgeois and humanly-dead way of approaching the issue - show he is no material for anything except administrator of some sh*thole.

He has embarrassed himself, and his office. Other people will now have to do the work to correct this.

But this is not what you commented on. You wanted to have a laugh at the expense of this mother that has lost a son. That is what registered with me.
OP cms neuf  2 | 1869
11 hrs ago   #444
I'm not laughing at her son - it is tragic

But in no way was his death honorable or heroic - he was engaged in an illegal invasion, for which he volunteered.
Paulina  19 | 4484
11 hrs ago   #445
But this is not what you commented on.

This is exactly what I commented on or rather asked about - because I had a hard time believing it's actually true (hence "lol").

You wanted to have a laugh at

...the stupidity of anyone who had this "great" idea. 🤦
Bobko  27 | 2107
11 hrs ago   #446
in no way was his death honorable or heroic

He died for his Motherland. The land that raised one hundred generations of his blood. He is one amongst many.

This is as heroic as it comes to a Russian. There is no further tier of heroism.

He has entered Valhalla.
OP cms neuf  2 | 1869
11 hrs ago   #447
I assume there is some pretty awesome home made alcohol in the stolen fridges up in North Nigerian Valhalla

we have already seen how NN treats its veterans and wounded. One of the books I recommend yesterday shows this is a feature not a bug.
Bobko  27 | 2107
11 hrs ago   #448
we have already seen how NN treats its veterans and wounded.

Don't open your dirty mouth about this. The countries that tried to forbid life saving medicines from reaching Russia...

You supply the technology which makes it impossible in many cases for our soldiers to extract their wounded comrades, without dying themselves.

Making jokes about how we treat our men like meat, when you do everything to make it so - and close your eyes to your Ukrainian allies most savage methods.

When this war is done - people for centuries will marvel at how merciful Russia was in comparison to the bloodthirsty West. Trump is right. There is a whole different type of quality of destruction which Russia could have unleashed on Ukraine - if it chose to do so.

We have gone to extremes to isolate this war to Ukraine's military.
pawian  226 | 27558
11 hrs ago   #449
Making jokes about how we treat our men like meat,

Russian soldiers create those jokes themselves, like during WW2. To keep sane thanks to humour however black it might be.

He died for his Motherland.

No, he died senselessly for Putin who will lose in the long run and Russia will lose with him.
Bobko  27 | 2107
11 hrs ago   #450
Russian soldiers create those jokes themselves

As angels, they have the right to say what they want, but not me or you.

In any case - Russian soldiers do not attack in meat waves. This is a propaganda fixture of the West.

Russian soldiers are world innovators in infiltration and storm tactics. They do it in small groups of 3-20 people, and they are the world's best experts at doing it. The work of these small groups of men lead to the collapse of hundreds of square kilometers of frontage.

There are no meat waves. Read your own sources:

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

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