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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

Torq  8 | 1041
1 day ago   #361
You had people from whom the Russian government stole their children and their life - singing them praises.

There might have been such cowardly vermin in Russian history but surely they were a tiny minority. Russians are brave people.

The Russian understands that when you are before the Imperator - the only correct position is on your knees.

If you are serious, then I have to say that here lies the greatest difference between our nations. A Pole kneels only before God, and all the earthly tyrants can choke on their sceptres - we p*ss on their empires with lukewarm morning urine.

Please, tell me you were joking. :-/

You need to study Russia more.

Apparently. Recommend 3-4 books to me, which you think are vital for understanding Russia, and I promise you I will read them.
OP cms neuf  2 | 1865
1 day ago   #362
The Government Inspector
The Gulag Archipelago
Boys in Zinc

Describes the arc of incompetence and cruelty that underpins North Nigerian history
Bobko  27 | 2098
1 day ago   #363
Please, tell me you were joking

No I am not.

Russia is Byzantium 2.0. The emperor acts as the hand of God.

After Constantinople fell, there was no more Christian Emperor. Moscow's rulers think and feel they took over this mantle. Putin, Dugin and Co. think he is the Christian Emperor.

A Christian Emperor is quite a level above a mere president. There hasn't been one since Napoleon dissolved the Holy Roman Empire and the Turks took over Byzantium.

Recommend 3-4 books to me

1) Lenin "What is to be done" - 1902
2) Petr Aven "Time of Berezovsky" - 2015
3) Vladimir Sorokin "Day of the Oprichnik" - 2006
4) Pushkin "Bronze Horseman" - 1833
5) Unknown - "Tale of Igor's Campaign" - 1185
Torq  8 | 1041
1 day ago   #364

No offence, Cms, but asking you to recommend books about Russia is like asking Crow to recommend books about Vatican.

I'd rather wait for Bobi's recommendations.


1) Lenin "What is to be done" ...

Thank you :)
PolAmKrakow  2 | 877
1 day ago   #365
If your host is rude, or dresses poorly that does not relieve the guest from his obligation to not be rude, or dress inappropriately. Z is a rude beggar who said in the White House that soon America would feel pain. To that he should be told to fvck off, get out and you are cut off. Same I would do to anyone coming into my office asking for money or anything else.

Now imagine at these meetings that Ukraine says yes to the mineral deal, and yes to elections once there is a cease fire. Trump calls up Vlad and tells him the news. Vlad accepts the deal and negotiations begin. Or Vlad doesnt accept the deal and Trump says ok, now Ukraine will get their intelligence back and all the missles they will need to decimate your men on the front lines. Imagine the bloodbath and imagine how Putin then looks to his own people. Or imagine Ukraine says no to the deal, and then Russia continues the slaughter in Kursk and across the front lines. Ukraine would eventually collapse.

The thought of the EU being able to build up production of items needs for self defense is pretty funny. Poland with all the empty factories and buildings in this country just ordered more tanks from South Korea. We have had three years to develop a tank factory, and nothing.
Bobko  27 | 2098
1 day ago   #366
dress inappropriately.

Soon we will put this clown in a cage for the world's entertainment.

Unless he is able to escape and keep broadcasting from some dark room.

Regardless he will no longer decide how the territory known as Ukraine will develop.
pawian  226 | 27546
1 day ago   #367
dresses poorly

AmaSSing that Golden Cow gangsters pay attention to such stupidities. It proves they are imbeciles, not serious politicians.
Torq  8 | 1041
1 day ago   #368
just ordered more tanks from South Korea.


At least South Korea won't switch off our weapon systems on a whim like Trump did with Ukrainian ATACMS IT systems support.

Seriously, PolAm, I'd be surprised if orders for American weapons didn't plummet after this. This is all so f*cking sad, it's unbelievable.
pawian  226 | 27546
1 day ago   #369

Yes, you can only laugh in helpless meltdown over that truth.
Bobko  27 | 2098
1 day ago   #370
Yes, you can only laugh in helpless meltdown over that truth

If Ukraine is the carrier of the Rus throne, then it is a very pathetic history indeed.

Absent for a thousand years, and reborn for an anemic period of civil war.

Again - hahahahaha!
Novichok  4 | 8538
1 day ago   #371
We have had three years to develop a tank factory, and nothing.

Because Poland is not stupid and knows that all that talk about Russia invading Europe is nonsense.

There is no other explanation. When the words don't match action, somebody is a liar or a reckless idiot.

Now, with two big oceans for protection, why the US makes tanks is a mystery equal to how life began or what is at the end of the Universe - just a sign, a wall, or a steep drop...
mafketis  38 | 11165
1 day ago   #372
. Vlad accepts the deal and negotiations begin.

begging putin.... such a comedown for a superpower....

Trump says ok, now Ukraine will get their intelligence back and all the missles they will need to decimate your men on the front lines

What on earth makes you think any russian cares about russian soldiers getting killed?

Really, what bit of evidence over the past three years makes you think that?
Lenka  5 | 3535
1 day ago   #373
or dress inappropriately.

Maybe start with Musk, won't you?

I'd be surprised if orders for American weapons didn't plummet after this.

Same here. And Musk is safer with his Starlink but who knows?
Torq  8 | 1041
1 day ago   #374
Musk is safer with his Starlink

Perhaps not that much safer...
Bobko  27 | 2098
1 day ago   #375
A good couple years on PF.

  • orc
Torq  8 | 1041
1 day ago   #376
A good couple years on PF

Wow, the anniversary is this week :)


In case we don't see each other on Thursday...

For he's a jolly good fellow, 🎶
For he's a jolly good fellow, 🎶
For he's a jolly good fellow, 🎶
Which nobody can deny, 🎶
Which nobody can deny, 🎶
Which nobody can deny!
* 🎶

2) Petr Aven "Time of Berezovsky" - 2015
3) Vladimir Sorokin "Day of the Oprichnik" - 2006

"The Age of Berezovsky" is available to download for free...

... and Sorokin's book is already on its way to me. I'll get the ancient stuff later. Thanks again.

* - shut up, Pawian
Novichok  4 | 8538
1 day ago   #377
Maybe start with Musk, won't you?

Musk is not in the White House to beg. He is there to save this country without being paid a dime.

All the contracts Tesla has with the US were signed under Biden.
Lenka  5 | 3535
1 day ago   #378
Musk is not in the White House to beg.

True. He is there to have some fun. Try something new, different.

Perhaps not that much safer...

I think Trump with Musk managed to really **** off Europe.
Novichok  4 | 8538
1 day ago   #379
I think Trump with Musk managed to really **** off Europe.

I am so proud of you. You should kick the US out and remove the WH number from your smartphones.
pawian  226 | 27546
1 day ago   #380

I didn`t intend to comment anyway. :):):)
mafketis  38 | 11165
1 day ago   #381
Trump with Musk managed to really **** off Europe.

Trump is too weak to stand up to adversaries, he's been too busy alienating allies for that.

Classic weak person syndrome.
Novichok  4 | 8538
1 day ago   #382
rump is too weak to stand up to adversaries,

...especially after he got "shot"...He is still there, pretending ...

I noticed that every time I get nice and mellow, some POS on PF reminds me that it is stupid.

Thanks, kutas...
Crow  154 | 9548
1 day ago   #383
I am pro-Russian

If being objective means being pro-Russian then write me to the club, too.

do we need Russia to be

You didn`t notice Russia`s historical tendency to sooner or later intervene if existence of Serbia is threatened? Russia share that tendency with Poland.


Because Russia and Poland acknowledge Serbia`s spiritual importance for entire Slavic world. The original core must exist and shine. See, it proves that Russia isn`t selfish and let Serbia lead. Same as Poland. So, Serbia lead.
Torq  8 | 1041
23 hrs ago   #384
write me to the club, too

Welcome to the club then! *handshake*

Serbia`s spiritual importance for entire Slavic world.

What have I been saying many times on this board? I've been saying that Serbia is the heart of Slavia and that every Slav in the world should take obligatory holidays in Serbia every couple of years to restore his soul to original factory settings. You are preaching to the converted, Crow. :)
Crow  154 | 9548
23 hrs ago   #385
What have I been saying many times on this board?

I am your fan with a good reason. You are wise.

Serbia is the heart of Slavia and that every Slav in the world should take obligatory holidays in Serbia every couple of years to restore his soul to original factory settings.

Your every word is golden.
Ironside  50 | 12952
23 hrs ago   #386
It's not about the land. It's about NATO.

Don't be ridiculous. You seem to be naive only when it comes to Russia.
While the US talks about democracy and its values and when Russia talks about NATO and the need to defend itself, it is all BS.
It is about power and projection of power. Simple.
and brags about grabbing women, suddenly became Miss Manners the moment Zelensky

I liked that meme with Zelensky weeping - and then they grabbed me by the pussy. lol!
The Russian understands that when you are before the Imperator - the only correct position is on your knees.

Indeed, or like as was saying everybody in Russia is a helot except for the Imperator.
There is a problem with it, in Poland even if there is an Imperator you never go on your knees.
Citizens have rights, and we can only go on our knees before God.
I think Russians have a difficulty grasping it/comprehending it.


You completely missed his point. i.e. Poland should be an independent producer of munitions as much as possible.
Torq  8 | 1041
23 hrs ago   #387
I am your fan

Thanks - the fandom's mutual. :)

You are wise. Your every word is golden.

We Slavs despise false modesty, so I won't deny your words, poštovani i plemeniti brate.


we can only go on our knees before God

I said that first! :)

And totally agree about developing our own weapons.
Novichok  4 | 8538
23 hrs ago   #388
it is all BS.

Yes, because the US has that corrupt monstrosity aka the MICC. Russia does not. It's 800B vs 80B in military budgets.

While the US talks about democracy

The US should shut the fvck up about "democracy" since we don't have it.

Elections every four years do not make the US a democracy. The USSR had those, too.
mafketis  38 | 11165
22 hrs ago   #389
And totally agree about developing our own weapons.

Yes. A weird outcome of the war is no one will trust any other countries weapons... bye bye international arms sale.

But then the weapons that count most day to day are drones. And Ukraine is now the world leader in drone warfare (it's not remotely close).

Will they want to share any of this with Washington? Why should they?
Korvinus  3 | 610
21 hrs ago   #390
Trump calls up Vlad and tells him the news. Vlad accepts the deal and negotiations begin.

They are like the mob. When they cry and make threats it is just intimidation, they are powerless.
It's when they are friendly or when they want to "make peace" that you have to be worried because you can be sure that they will backstab you.

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