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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

Crow  154 | 9548
1 day ago   #961
Insolent Zelensky yells at, insults USA, its support, and its President. Chutzpah. Big fight at WH.

Evil Zel, the papal monster, gets middle finger from the Trump. Truly historical moment.

What a history in the making. First, Russians ended their colonial status on western Europe and now Anglos refuse servitude to the mulato Rome.
Torq  8 | 1050
1 day ago   #962
Long live Anglo-Slavic alliance!


Also, long live Israel-Iran alliance, India-Pakistan alliance and Armenia-Azerbaijan alliance.
Crow  154 | 9548
1 day ago   #963
Oh stop with your snotty snarky remarks.

But predobri brate, Lenka is right.
cms neuf  1 | 1886
1 day ago   #965
Yes - a gangster with a weird haircut and lots of insecurities
Ironside  50 | 13021
1 day ago   #966
a gangster with a weird haircut and lots of insecurities

Another astronomer had spoken. Taking about a third rate issue. What else will you tell us that has nothing to do with anything?
Do you imagine you are commenting on politics?
Are you Polish by any chance?
I for one am curious about what Zelensky is counting on and what his gamble is?
Novichok  4 | 8941
1 day ago   #967
gets middle finger from the Trump. Truly historical moment.

I would make it even more historic with:

Z, get the fvck out of here. if you need something, go to the EU. We are done.

Another astronomer had spoken.

It may be bad for your reputation here, but I like your posts more and more..
Novichok  4 | 8941
1 day ago   #969
changes are already visible

If this continues much longer, my chest will burst and my middle fingers will fall off from overexposure to UV...
Torq  8 | 1050
1 day ago   #970
I like your posts more and more

An NDek and the biggest Pole-hater becoming best pals! Only on PF, ladies and gentlemen, only on PF.

Novi and Iron becoming pals, Pawian and I finding common ground, and Crow shouting "Long live Anglo-Slavic alliance!" Something's wrong with the Matrix; probably some recent software update messed up the database or something.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 236
1 day ago   #971
If Trump and Putin continue like this, the EU and China will feel threatened and will start some kind of alliance.
Torq  8 | 1050
1 day ago   #972
the EU and China will feel threatened and will start some kind of alliance

China-EU together-forever

为人民服务, Wèi rénmín fúwù

To serve people of China and the EU in their struggle to free the world from joint American and Russian imperialism!

OK... there's definitely some glitch in the matrix. :D
Torq  8 | 1050
1 day ago   #974

Mówi się "siema". No siema, Iron.
Novichok  4 | 8941
1 day ago   #975
Children, today we will learn the difference between a genius like me and a typical Polish moron. Here we go...

As a genius, I realize that the only country in the whole wide world that is capable of destroying America is Russia. Therefore, it is in my interest to make Russians less anxious and maybe even get to like Americans as friends the way we used to be. Consequently, I have been playing the Russian anthem and taking their side whenever possible without being fake.

At the other end of the genius - moron spectrum are Polaks. Not all but enough to see a pattern. So what do Polish morons do? They do what they did in the past: aggravate their neighbors with insults and imaginary superiority.

As if that was not enough, they come to an American forum and insult Americans - the only real friends they have.

Yesterday, the morons went further...Knowing that for the next 12 years Trump and his friends will occupy the White House and possibly control US Congress, these imbeciles decided to insult the US president - a man uniquely capable of giving Poland his two middle fingers, plus a Fvck You. He can also take his army and toys home and pi** on Poland - just as the PF cuntdodger has shown to us today.

All of the above is beyond the comprehension of a typical Polsh moron - a person guided by nothing other than feelings and emotions.

Go to YouTube and entered "entitled Karen" for details. A perfect match...
Ironside  50 | 13021
1 day ago   #976
Mówi się "siema". No siema, Iron.

If you don't recognize Chinese, your post is a fake.
Torq  8 | 1050
1 day ago   #977
As a genius, I realize (...) it is in my interest to make Russians less anxious (...) I have been playing the Russian anthem and taking their side


Newsflash for you, genius: PF is a rather sleepy internet board with about two dozen regular posters. Whether we support or hate a president, a prime minister or a king, means nothing. Whether we are Russophiles, Russophobes, fascists, wokists or whatnot - nobody gives a f*ck. The point is to have fun. Entertainment. It's a bit like cable TV only more interactive.

Więc zluzuj majty, Ryszardzie.

a fake

Everything's fake these days. Especially on the internet.
Novichok  4 | 8941
1 day ago   #978
The point is to have fun.

Do you want me to count the insults PF Polish azzholes aimed at the US and Russia?
Torq  8 | 1050
1 day ago   #979
Do you want me to count

If you have nothing better to do.

People are people, emotions are emotions, and you too have been hurling insults at people and countries, so stop complaining.
Novichok  4 | 8941
1 day ago   #980
People are people, emotions are emotions,

...and Polish morons are Polish morons - incapable of choosing their targets wisely.

Memo to Polish morons: Targeting Trump is moronic. See Z on the way out.
Paulina  17 | 4529
1 day ago   #981
But if you don't like the conditions, you go to another bank.

I'm afraid Ukraine doesn't have such luxury. The only other option available is the EU and the EU doesn't have enough means to replace US help and probably also the will...

The US has zero obligation to Ukraine.

It does have a moral obligation since it drawn Ukraine into this. It's also the EU's and Poland's moral obligation. But I can see that a moral responsibility isn't enough for many Americans and they don't care. That's something Zelensky has to keep in mind.

your moral high ground does not exist.

Um... My "moral high ground" does exist, it's just you and your president clearly don't care about morality (and your president additionally doesn't care about the truth).

As if that was not enough, they come to an American forum and insult Americans

I don't recall people insulting Americans as a nation in this discussion. We're just giving our opinions about Trump's and Vance's behaviour the same way you and other Americans give opinions about European politicians. Also, we're just a few people on an internet forum - we're not the ones talking to your Holy Cow of a president - we have a president and a prime minister for that, you hopeless moron :D 😂🤦

"for the next 12 years" - you're a funny guy lol

Later, when I have more time, I will also comment on what Bobko wrote about the meeting.
Novichok  4 | 8941
1 day ago   #982
We're just giving our opinions about Trump's and Vance's behaviour the same way you and other Americans give opinions about European politicians.

Let me reminds you that Trump and the US are your salvation. Without them, you are shilt.

OK, a roadkill...

The fact that you mentioned Trump's behavior but not Z's makes you that moronic Polak who can't figure out who her friends are. No, it's not Zhole.

Europaen politicians are nothing but US' enemy and a liability.

I will also comment on what Bobko wrote about the meeting.

Comment about the meeting. We read Bobko's posts and nothing you will say will change anything about his posts.
Paulina  17 | 4529
1 day ago   #983
Let me reminds you that Trump and the US are your salvation.

"Salvation" from what? From that RuSSian invasion that "will never happen" according to you? ;D

And if Trump will be anyone's salvation and if he's even willing to be one - that remains to be seen.

The fact that you mentioned Trump's behavior but not Z's

I was talking about Zelensky's behaviour in my previous comments.

Europaen politicians are nothing but US' enemy and a liability.

Yet another of your many, many lies.

nothing you will say will change anything about his posts

Nothing what you write will change anything about posts of others either :))) And I'm not here to convince the likes of you about anything :))))
Vesko Vukovic  - | 236
1 day ago   #984
In essence, the spat with Zelensky was the result of him constantly expressing his distaste for a truce, which annoyed Trump.
In order to understand the matter, it is not enough to watch the last few minutes, but the entire conversation of 50 minutes.

For 40 minutes, everything went more or less normally. Trump talked about ores, minerals and soldiers dying, and Zelensky about guarantees and how Putin must be stopped. Trump repeats several times: first a deal, then we'll go easy on guarantees, Zelensky insists that Putin can't get anything, that he has to pay, that he's a murderer and a terrorist. He lies like a dog about who violated the ceasefire in the last ten years and who used the Minsk agreements for what. He is visibly irritated by the fact that Trump strictly uses the term "President Putin" and is careful not to insult the Russians, and puts them more or less on the same level as the Ukrainians.

It's not a very happy atmosphere, but it goes well for 40 minutes. Trump presents himself as a peacemaker and at one point talks about how the war is terrible and the cities have been destroyed, this fool interrupts him and says without a hint of hesitation: "Perhaps Putin told you that he destroyed our cities, we live, we work, our children go to school" (this is the second time in two days that he publicly accused Trump that Putin is making up arguments for him). Trump passed over at least two or three similar remarks to him and actually behaved quite diplomatically, considering how that jerk performed and behaved.

All hell breaks loose at the moment when the journalist asks a question about Poland like this: "Poland was under Russian control for decades after WWII. They looked at America not only as the most powerful country, but also the richest, with the best music and movies. My friends in Poland are now worried that you are aligning yourself too much with Putin. What is your message to them?"

Trump gives literally the most humane and most polite answer on the entire press conference: "If I didn't agree with both of them, we wouldn't have a deal. I can take it upon myself now to spit on Putin, and what happens next? Should I call him and say hey Vladimir, let's make a deal? It doesn't work like that. I'm on the side of the USA here. I can be the most toughest guy in the world, no problem, but then we don't have a deal."

There, Vance feels the need to add that they had a president who for three years pounded on the chest of a hero, cursed and spat at Putin on a dog sled, and how far did it go? It is time to use diplomacy instead of curses, because this is where the US can truly show its greatness.

This remark of Vance's went to the journalist who asked the question, not at all to Zelensky. And there was absolutely no reason to argue with him.

Zelensky neither left or right, but straight to Vance: "Can I ask you something?" And there he reads him a lesson half of lies and half of delusions, and without an iota of hesitation he ends it with: "So, J-D, what kind of diplomacy are you talking about?"

So, he reads him a lesson (despite there not being any provocation), and in that scrubbing calls him by his name and not "Mr. Vice President". A diplomatic scandal just like that.

Vance lost his cool because he has no experience in these situations and is in a style that no one will do the scrubbing on his turf. This one accepts the argument, and then Trump loses it too and we know the rest.
Novichok  4 | 8941
1 day ago   #985
"Salvation" from what? From that RuSSian invasion...

...that is imminent, according to Polish morons...That's why you, Polish morons, want nukes.

I was talking about Zelensky's behaviour in my previous comments.

When you mention behavior you mention everybody's. It's known as "context", you idiot...

Yet another of your many, many lies.

Name one who has done anything for the US.

Yes, I know, letting the US have a military base was a favor to the US. The same with ant-US Euro tariffs. For our benefit, of course...

Nothing what you write will change anything about posts of others either :)))

You missed my point.

Post your comments about T-Z meeting. Bobko's posts are perfect and don't need your comments.
pawian  225 | 27474
1 day ago   #986
The point is to have fun.


Więc zluzuj majty, Ryszardzie.

Rysiek, jak często zmieniasz beliznę gdy ktoś Cię obsztorcuje na forum???
Novichok  4 | 8941
1 day ago   #987
This one accepts the argument, and then Trump loses it too and we know the rest.

Yes, we do: The US will keep another 100B at home or not print it.

Fvck Z. Fvck U. Fvck EU. We have our own problems.

BTW, why is it that the best posts are from the Russians and their supporters - like Vesko - and the worst feminine, emotional, and feeeely garbage always comes from the Poles?
pawian  225 | 27474
1 day ago   #988

Summary, please. Life is too short to read that long bs.
pawian  225 | 27474
1 day ago   #990
Deny that.

I can`t deny or corroborate anything on the basis of your short quote from Novi which is taken out of context.

I don`t have time and will to read such long bs from forum azholes so I requested a summary. After I am given one, I can deny or corroborate.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19
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