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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

mafketis  38 | 11176
4 hrs ago   #931
Plus, nicest

Then why didn't anyone want to be in a country with you?
Crow  154 | 9519
4 hrs ago   #932
Exactly because of numerous foreign influences. That we will expunge, then we restore the Serbian Velika Zupanija.

Cooperation with strangers is good but when they want to rule us its a cancer.
johnny reb  49 | 8014
4 hrs ago   #933
We have been shown through this conflict that we cannot count on USA.

Oh stop with your snotty snarky remarks.
You have seen through this conflict with Trump in charge that American support will be on American terms, not yours.
When you go to the bank to borrow money it is done on the banks terms, not yours.
And for you to suggest otherwise to the President of the bank, it is very disrespectful to the hand that is helping you out.
Torq  8 | 1006
4 hrs ago   #934
When you go to the bank to borrow money it is done on the banks terms, not yours.

Sure. But if you don't like the conditions, you go to another bank.

And if...

the President of the bank

... is an obnoxious type, a convicted felon and in general a shady figure, then you shake the dust off your feet and never come back to that bank again.
cms neuf  1 | 1879
4 hrs ago   #935
Why do you Americans keep making stupid ass metaphors about small businesses and real estate ?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 936
4 hrs ago   #936
Russia invaded because Ukraine had no intention of honoring and did not honor the Minsk accords, this publicly admitted to by Merkel when she said they had no intention of honoring them and they were only a delay tactic. Your opinions and feelings are not supported by facts. If you think this was theater, you are simply not worth talking to.

A signed peace treaty is not the same as a support policy. Pull your head out of your a$$. The Biden policy can be tossed in the trash because it is not a treaty or law.

The US has zero obligation to Ukraine. It has an oblication to NATO, Ukraine is not and will never be in NATO. IF the EU lets them in then the EU can provide security for them, but no one from the EU is willing to do that. So until the EU countries step up and offer security, your moral high ground does not exist.
johnny reb  49 | 8014
4 hrs ago   #937
But if you don't like the conditions, you go to another bank.

Looks like that is Z's choice.
Do you have any suggestions who that bank may be ?
then you shake the dust off your feet and never come back to that bank again.

Hopefully because the American taxpayers certainly have not gotten a return on their money now have they.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 209
4 hrs ago   #938

Serbian geopolitical TV show Aktuelnosti

(from 42 min where does Poland stand?)

(from 1h:01 min why Polish merchants, farmers, truck drivers will eventually come to despise western Ukraine)

Economist Nemanja Antiฤ‡ with some interesting takes on Poland ๐Ÿ˜
jon357  72 | 23458
4 hrs ago   #939
trump and his sidekick vance truly disgrathemselves and their country on TV last night.

It's good to see the groundswell of support for President Zelenskyy after having to sit through such an appalling (and obviously planned) display of bad behaviour from those two jerks.

trumpet obviously wanted something and didn't get it. It will be interesting to follow the real peace negotiations next week.
Torq  8 | 1006
4 hrs ago   #940
Do you have any suggestions who that bank may be ?

HSBC, BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, Santander, ING Group, UniCredit Milan - there's many to choose from.

American taxpayers certainly have not got a return on their money

You will start complaining about money when Europe is finally pissed off enough to ally herself to BRICS and dollar stops being the world's reserve currency (turning basically into toilet paper). The American taxpayers will finally have a very good reason to complain about money then. All that Trump has to do for that to happen is keep doing what he's currently doing. :)
johnny reb  49 | 8014
4 hrs ago   #941
It will be interesting to follow the real peace negotiations next week.

Are you copy and pasting this same post every few hours, jon ?
- there's many to choose from.

And what kind of military equipment do they have that Z needs ?
when Europe is finally pissed off enough to ally herself to BRICS and dollar stops being the world's reserve currency

LOL - what a frivolous threat but meanwhile I will keep shaking in my boots. Hoot !
mafketis  38 | 11176
3 hrs ago   #942
ussia invaded because Ukraine had no intention of honoring and did not honor the Minsk accords

poor russia.... can't even invade a country without being double-crossed by the people you invaded...

Do you actually read what you write?
Torq  8 | 1006
3 hrs ago   #943
And what kind of military equipment do they have that Z needs ?

Europe has pretty much every type of weapons. There is still no political will to pass certain types of equipment to Ukraine but this might change.

what a frivolous threat

Threat? Not at all. Merely a logical consequence of Trump's actions.
Ironside  50 | 13000
3 hrs ago   #944
t's hard not to form the impression that Zelensky completely sabotaged himself.

I told you so. I don't think he is on drugs, but he is on his power trip and does what he knows, not realizing circumstances have changed. That makes him a bad politician.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 209
2 hrs ago   #945

Trump ERUPTS at Zelensky; Col. MacGregor Knows Why!
Bobko  27 | 2174
2 hrs ago   #946
We must have been watching different videos

Yeah, you probably watched the one that's recorded from the back, and starts with Vance speaking.

There's another video which is recorded facing them, and there it's clear Vance was talking to a journalist, after Trump finished responding to a question.

The sequence of events is:

1) Trump is answering a question from a journalist about negotiation tactics with Putin. He says it's important to get alignment. Claims he could easily call Putin bad names and ratchet up the pressure on Russia ("I can be tough, I can be extremely tough"), but that that would scarcely lead to a deal. Zelensky was making different faces like a school boy the entire time Trump was speaking.

2) Then Vance says he would like to build on the president's answer. Addressing the journalists (this is clear - he faces away from Zelensky), he says it's time to try something different after three years of a president (Biden) that called Putin bad names plenty of times, but also failed to stop the war. He argues that now is the time for diplomacy.

3) Suddenly, Zelensky says: "Can I ask you a question?". Vance says, "Yeah, sure!". Zelensky says, "Yeah?!", and Vance says "Yep!". Zelensky says, "Ok!" and then rolls his eyes, sighs, and begins explaining to Vance as if he was a child that his country was invaded. Until this point, the three men had only been talking to the journalists and never with each other.

4) Then he says, "My country was attacked in 2014, that was Obama. Then came Trump. Then Biden. Now Trump is back again. The war continues - nothing has been done." How is that kind of comment helpful to anyone - haha?

5) Vance interrupts Zelensky and tells him he needs to be thankful instead of relitigating his position in front of the media. Asks Zelensky if he's ever said "thank you" once, since he had arrived that morning.

6) Zelensky says "I've thanked America many times in the past. But I was thanking the entire American people." Clearly the implication is that he has nothing to be thankful for to the Trump administration.

7) This gets Trump really going, and he begins reminding Zelensky that Obama sent him blankets, and Trump was the first to send Javelins.

The rest is a disaster. But what's clear is that Zelensky was definitely the one that started it. Vance was clearly not addressing him, and wasn't even saying anything controversial. His point was that sanctions, weapons, and warlike speeches had failed to significantly alter the trajectory of the war - and it was time to try diplomacy.

Zelensky could have politely ignored all these things that were irritating him, and the meeting would have ended in 5 minutes. It's not like he hasn't heard them before, and not only from Americans but from Orban, Fico, and others. He was very close to being home free, but then right before the final whistle he decides to open his mouth.

The clips which were spread first this morning were very deceptive in how they presented things. They started right on the moment when Vance is already yelling at Zelensky to be thankful, and it seems like he's under attack from the two men at the same time - unable to defend himself.

The reality is that there were 40 totally normal minutes before, and then Zelensky all of a sudden goes off script and essentially makes it seem as though Vance and Trump's plan is idiotic. This is inportant context.
Torq  8 | 1006
2 hrs ago   #947
makes it seem as though Vance and Trump's plan is idiotic

What is the plan though? Trump desperately wants to achieve a peace deal (maybe he wants to fulfill his campaign promise, maybe he want a Nobel Peace Price, whatever) so he wants Zelensky to give Russia the lost land and agree for Ukraine to give up NATO membership. Why does Zelensky need Trump for that? He can negotiate this with Putin himself. Maybe that's the reason for his reaction - to gain something more for Ukraine than that.
Bobko  27 | 2174
2 hrs ago   #948
Maybe that's the reason for his reaction

Zelensky's plan heading into Washington:

1) Mollify the Americans by signing an extremely watered down "mineral deal".

2) Importantly, get in front of the American president before Putin has his chance.

3) Use the day of planned events to get closer to Trump on a personal level, and use his charm to effect a change in the American president's point of view on the war.

4) Ensure that a follow-up meeting, preferably with European leaders in attendance, is scheduled to happen shortly.

5) In brief, keep up the pressure campaign of stroking Trump's ego, practicing Zelensky's personal charisma, and feeding the Americans meaningless "wins" - until one day it finally shifts its position on either NATO or some other security guarantee. Over three years of this war, Zelensky has seen how sustained pressure can force even people like Scholz and Biden to budge.

That's what Zelensky and his team have been building up since November 5th of last year. From all their actions, it was clear this was the plan. Swallow any humiliations, forgive any insults... all in the name of eventually securing for the country the all necessary American guarantees. Seemed a small price to pay. Instead:

1) No mineral deal was signed. Trump I imagine is pis*ed. He didn't even want this meeting, and had already complained that Zelensky sent his minister of finance back empty handed from Kiev. The mineral deal was supposed to be the way of keeping the Americans on the hook.

2) Meetings for the rest of the day were cancelled and Zelensky was thrown out of the White House. Apparently there were even dinner plans - also cancelled. Chance to schmooze the Americans lost.

3) Total and complete collapse of Ukrainian American relations, at least until the end of Trump's term. Great success!

What's the point of discussing any plans, when this was such an easily avoidable own goal? By not doing anything, the plan was being furthered. By opening his mouth, all future plans have become meaningless.

Not sure if I am making myself clear.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 209
2 hrs ago   #949
Bannon explains what really happened between Trump and Zelensky
jon357  72 | 23458
2 hrs ago   #950

Is he out of prison now?
Vesko Vukovic  - | 209
1 hr ago   #951
Reactions from Russia ๐Ÿ˜

Maria Zakharova said that it is a miracle how Trump and Vance managed to restrain themselves and didn't hit that scum Zelensky.
jon357  72 | 23458
1 hr ago   #952

Was he sober?
Vesko Vukovic  - | 209
1 hr ago   #953

Insolent Zelensky yells at, insults USA, its support, and its President. Chutzpah. Big fight at WH.
cms neuf  1 | 1879
54 mins ago   #954
An alternative reading of the results Bobko

1. Zelensky is arguably the leader of the free world after that performance. If there is something close to European unity he achieved it last night.

2. He didn't sell his country out for a lithium mine. America can have that when they supply security guarantees

3. He showed clearly that Trump and Vance and their hangers on are not serious people

4. He delivered a crushing blow to American soft power which has already been trashed the last month

5. Showed cowardly US politicians how to stand up to the moron Trump

6. Guess who will be getting a Nobel peace prize

7. He is a fine example for your children - tell the truth, stand tall. Who cares if he plays piano with his cock or has taken drugs sometime ?
Novichok  4 | 8898
35 mins ago   #955
What is the plan though? Trump desperately

You are like Z.

Who gave you the right to get into Trump's head and add that stupid "desperately" in your idiotic post?

I have seen that Polish mind reading to the puking point. Every fvcking Polak here knows what Putin is thinking, planning, or is afraid of.

For contrast, look at Bobko's posts above. His country is at war, and his countrymen are dying. Yet, he is methodical, logical, and balanced in his opinions.

Memo to Polaks: You are a disgrace. That's why I have been siding with the Russians here and will continue till they win. Then, as in the past, I will watch their May 9 parade.

No, Trump will not be insulted by some fvcking Jew on US welfare.

tell the truth, stand tall

You are so right...Here we go:

You are a fvcking moron and a worthless POS. It's azzholes like you that have the blood of the dead Ukrainians on their hands, you idiot.

I am standing tall and said what I feel.
Torq  8 | 1006
17 mins ago   #956
You are like Z.

Only younger and more handsome.

Who gave you the right to get into Trump's head

Entering into the vast and largely empty expanse of Donald Trump's head was not my intention. I was merely stating the obvious thing that we can all observe - Trump desperately trying to do two things...

1. achieve a peace deal after he promised to end this war in 24 hours
2. not look like an idiot

... and failing miserably on both.

I have been siding with the Russians here and will continue till they win. Then, as in the past, I will watch their May 9 parade

Who could possibly, ever, give a f*ck about your siding, continuing and watching? How is that relevant to anything?

Trump will not be insulted by some fvcking Jew

He tried Jewish magic himself...

... but Zelensky was immune to his Jewish Finger spell.
Novichok  4 | 8898
13 mins ago   #957
How is that relevant to anything?

Cite one post of yours that is relevant to anyone.

Memo to Putin:

Now that the smelly Jew p****ed off the US, kill as many as you can and be done.

Best wishes from America.
Torq  8 | 1006
10 mins ago   #958
Cite one post of yours that is relevant to anyone.

I could do that or I could tell you to f*ck off. Hmm... which option to choose? Hmm... OK, I choose the latter.

F*ck off.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19
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