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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

Velund  1 | 499
6 hrs ago   #751
All those were decades ago.

All those was in first decades of national nuclear programs in corresponding countries. ;)

Do you think Poland is so exclusive so it is completely insured against incidents and employee mistakes in first years of real military nuclear program? ;)
Paulina  17 | 4497
6 hrs ago   #752
Turning Poland into a prime target for Russian nukes?

I don't think nukes in Poland are needed for that lol RuSSians can think of any other pretext/excuse, just like they did in order to invade Ukraine.

Having such allies as we do, nukes would be the only 100% deterrent against RuSSia - that's the sad reality, I'm afraid...
cms neuf  1 | 1873
6 hrs ago   #753
How difficult can it be Velund ? If a bunch of dipsomaniac 1940s engineers in the UNNR could manage it then surely Poland could.

Alternatively we can just buy some from India or Israel - already happens in software so why not in another advanced industry ? Trump wants us to pay our own way and I would be glad to chip in a few zloty of my taxes for some nukes
Velund  1 | 499
6 hrs ago   #754
nukes would be the only 100% deterrent against RuSSia

Facilities with nukes will be primary targets in case of any incident between Russia and NATO. Not deterrent, but guarantee of nuclear strike.

Which percentage of territory Poland is ready to assign to "no go zones" for next 300 years (until 137Cs and 90Sr fallouts will decay to relatively safe levels)?

we can just buy some

Start trying....
Feniks  1 | 796
6 hrs ago   #755
After the public spat I've just watched on TV with Trump and Vance acting like a complete pair of bullies toward Zelensky, I'll be amazed if anything is signed by the end of the day. Zelensky couldn't get a word in edgewise.

There was simply no need to treat him like that in front of the world's press. I'm shocked.
cms neuf  1 | 1873
6 hrs ago   #756
The difference is that NN nukes don't work - they are rusty pieces of soviet era ****. Poland will be able to buy state of the art stuff from Israel - we only need a few !
Bobko  27 | 2171
6 hrs ago   #757
There was simply no need to treat him like that in front of the world's press.

6 hrs ago   #758
I don't think nukes in Poland are needed for that

Simplifies decision making for the Russians, though, which enemy to take out first. I'd rather prefer a joint European solution instead of allowing each country its own nukes. You never know what politician will be in charge next year. A Germany with nukes and under the control of the AfD, what could go wrong?
johnny reb  49 | 8010
6 hrs ago   #759
nukes would be the only 100% deterrent against RuSSia -

Except for the fact Russia has over 5,000 nuclear war heads that would wipe Poland off the map.
They have them scattered throughout Russia, in submarines around the world, in long range aircraft, on ICBM's.
Sorry, but Poland can't compete with that.
Feniks  1 | 796
6 hrs ago   #760
For anyone that hasn't seen what I was talking about in post #755:

Vesko Vukovic  - | 196
6 hrs ago   #761

Trump & JD Vance vs. Zelensky

Finally the American people have a President and administration that they can actually be proud of.
cms neuf  1 | 1873
6 hrs ago   #762
JR I am surprised at you - the state of Michigan has a lot of firepower, as do the gangs of Detroit - and that is why you probably have a deterrent to protect yourself (and see off the coyotes)

We just need nukes to defend ourselves - because the US has said their taxpayers don't want to any more
Tacitus  2 | 1272
6 hrs ago   #763
I mean we all knew that Trump and Vance had no class. But that meeting today must have been a low point in the diplomatic history of the USA. I'd be so embarassed if I was an US American right now. To treat the leader of a country that is currently fighting for its' survival so appalling is just shameful.
Paulina  17 | 4497
5 hrs ago   #764
Facilities with nukes will be primary targets in case of any incident between Russia and NATO.

They will be also the primary targets in RuSSia, but somehow RuSSia isn't getting rid of its nukes because of that :D

Which percentage of territory Poland is ready to assign to "no go zones" for next 300 years (until 137Cs and 90Sr fallouts will decay to relatively safe levels)?

I don't know - maybe we should ask North Korea? :D

After the public spat I've just watched on TV with Trump and Vance acting like a complete pair of bullies toward Zelensky

Oh no, good God... I've turned on the news and apparently it's a catastrophe...
Torq  8 | 983
5 hrs ago   #765
Poland can't compete with that.

Poland doesn't want to "compete" with that. I think I explained the absolute necessity of Poland having nukes here...

... their purpose is to make sure that partitions, enslavement, concentration camps and all the Untermenschen stuff doesn't repeat itself. About 200 deployed strategic warheads would ensure that none such things will ever happen again. Why? Simple - Poland is not worth the destruction that those warheads would cause to the invaders.

And all jokes aside, this is not negotiable. The international legal order was thrown to the trash bin; rule based order, peace treaties, alliance deals, guarantees - all toilet paper. In the world that Putin and Trump created we all need nukes.

For anyone that hasn't seen what I was talking about in post #755:

0_0 ... seriously, WTF? It looked like a PF thread live, not an international diplomatic meeting.


Guys, please, I know it will be painful but let's tighten our belts, make necessary sacrifices, beef up our nuclear and conventional forces and finally thank our American friends kindly for their presence in Europe and wish them all the best in their future endeavours away from the European continent. Please.
Feniks  1 | 796
5 hrs ago   #766
To treat the leader of a country that is currently fighting for its' survival so appalling is just shameful.

I've never seen anything like it. Absolutely terrible behaviour.

I've turned on the news and apparently it's a catastrophe...

See my post 760 to watch the low-class bullies in action.....
Torq  8 | 983
5 hrs ago   #767
Absolutely terrible behaviour.

I cannot imagine any half-decent person watching this and not becoming staunchly pro-Ukrainian. What were Trump and this other half-wit thinking? Surely they can't be THAT retarded.
Paulina  17 | 4497
5 hrs ago   #768
I'd rather prefer a joint European solution instead of allowing each country its own nukes.

That would be great, but would the complacent Western Europe go for that?

Sorry, but Poland can't compete with that.

But we could go with a bang :))))

See my post 760 to watch the low-class bullies in action.....

Thanks, I'll watch it in a moment, I'm watching the news right now :/
Velund  1 | 499
5 hrs ago   #769
About 200 deployed strategic warheads

Are poles ready to lower their living standards to north korean level to get and be able to support this indefinitely?
Lenka  5 | 3541
5 hrs ago   #770
I can't watch it. I really can't!

Big, huge lesson for Europe. Ditch any hopes of alliance with USA.
Torq  8 | 983
5 hrs ago   #771
Are poles ready to lower their living standards to north korean level

I don't think it would require that much of a drop in living standards. However, if it does, then yeah - being poor and hungry is still better than being a slave (or seeing your family exterminated).
cms neuf  1 | 1873
5 hrs ago   #772
Britain, France and Israel have nukes but also manage living standards far higher than the poor saps in rural North Nigeria
jon357  72 | 23451
5 hrs ago   #773
Are poles ready to lower their living standards to north korean level

Your living standards are approaching that, however Poland's economy is very much on the up. This can be budgeted for, however if there are cuts, as Torq says,
most people will live with that for the sake of security and freedom.
johnny reb  49 | 8010
5 hrs ago   #774
We just need nukes to defend ourselves -

You are outgunned my friend.
Unless Poland plans on getting 5,000 nukes too.
Poland doesn't want to "compete" with that.

I guess I used the wrong choice of words.
I meant that since Russia has over 5,00 nukes scattered throughout the world that it would take Poland quite awhile if ever to balance that playing field.
Feniks  1 | 796
5 hrs ago   #775
It looked like a PF thread live, not an international diplomatic meeting.

You're not wrong!

What were Trump and this other half-wit thinking?

God only knows but I really don't think they've done themselves or their country any favours with that performance.

Trump, in my opinion, is nothing more than a narcissistic dictator who surrounds himself with sycophants and is now really showing his true colours.

Surely they can't be THAT retarded.

Oh but they are. Waiting for the backlash......
cms neuf  1 | 1873
5 hrs ago   #776
This is a tough watch - Vance is a complete cretin. Makes Trump seem almost reasonable

But really both Trump and Vance are unprepared, unprofessional, like small children
Vesko Vukovic  - | 196
5 hrs ago   #777
Trump kicked him out of the White House.

Zelensky will probably go back to playing the piano with his cock.

Best of all, all of the MAGA crowd are falling for "strong leadership" and this is fantastic for them.
Lenka  5 | 3541
5 hrs ago   #778
There are two things that stand out to me - why do this crap in front of camera? Have a meeting behind closed door and go out with either yes or no.
Two- all the reports were talking about the deal as a done thing. Zelensky was supposed to come just to sign the papers...
cms neuf  1 | 1873
5 hrs ago   #779
Like Putler, the Trump and Vance morons underestimated Zelensky.

What they all have in common is that they are surrounded by yes men, they can't debate with someone who disagrees or points out the truth.

But yes it is nuts to do it on camera.

Terrible moment for Vance - he is trying to asset some authority because of Musk's influence but he performed so poorly in that forum
Ironside  50 | 12999
5 hrs ago   #780
Facilities with nukes will be primary targets in case of any incident between Russia and NATO

However, not by Russia. It would be the last resort or retaliatory limited strike. Hitting Poland with nukes, Russia would block itself in. I would be more afraid of a friendly fire.
we all need nukes.

I don't know about other countries and don't care that much, but in case of Poland it is true.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

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