Far-right wing parties gained less than 5% of the votes in the last election
It was 15 to 30 percent in western ukranian areas, but it's irrelevant. As I have repeated ad-nasuem, it's not who gets the votes it's who has the brawn and the weapons, who is willing to use extreme violence, who runs the civil militia and night patrols, ie who controls the streets is what's important, and in Ukraine that is the Azovites/Banderites.
It's like in your motherland, no one voted for the islamists or the migrant criminal gangs, yet they still control some neighbourhoods with unofficial sharia, commit crimes with impunity, perform female genital mutilation on innocent children and sexually harass/abuse your daughters and granddaughters, yet you will say no one voted for them! it's all good!
yet despite this reality slapping you in the face you will still vote for SDP/Greens and demand more of the same. don't break your nails whilst voting pussy ass boy, gutmenschen cuck.