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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 18

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
4 Feb 2025   #901

From your link:

....Nowadays, Ukraine counts between 56,000 to 140,000 Jews, who enjoy freedoms and protections never imagined by their grandparents. That includes an updated law passed last month criminalizing antisemitic acts. ....

That sounds acceptable, doesn't it?
Tacitus  2 | 1308
4 Feb 2025   #902

it dosn't matter, it's the whole ideology that's the problem

Far-right wing parties gained less than 5% of the votes in the last election in 2019. The country is led by native Russian speakers with jewish roots. Which I might add, is not busy comitting war crimes against Russian civilians the moment they occupied Russian land.

In short yeah, those are all nonsensical Russian talking points. Used in defence of a country that brutally invaded a smaller, peaceful neighbour and whose leadership is open about their desire to destroy Ukraine. Whose bombs have killed Holocaust survivors. Whose soldiers have comitted multiple atrocities in Butcha and elsewhere.
amiga500  5 | 1521
4 Feb 2025   #903
attempted ethnocide of Ukraine.

Care to pull up some studies regarding the ethnic genetic differences between russians and ukranians? Once again you're just parroting low iq psyop twitters that don't have a basis in reality.
If you had used 'attempted culturecide of Ukraine' you would have had more credibility.
mafketis  38 | 11155
4 Feb 2025   #904
Care to pull up some studies regarding the ethnic genetic differences between russians and ukranians?

russian state media (information arm of the government) makes it clear they don't want people to identify as 'Ukrainian' (because Ukrainians are demon-possessed russians) and they don't want a language called Ukrainian to exist and they don't want Ukraine as a place on the map except as a region of russia...

And, they make it clear that Ukrainians that don't agree to this need to be killed...

An oldie but a goodie.... (he was saying the same thing in summer 2024 for what it's worth)
Tacitus  2 | 1308
4 Feb 2025   #905
Do we have any news on what is going on in Kursk? Russia has plainly failed to retake it until 20th january, and the NK have (temporarily) withdrawn, but is there anything else happining?
Novichok  5 | 8958
4 Feb 2025   #906
That includes an updated law passed last month criminalizing antisemitic acts. ....

There are at least three kinds: assaults, vandalism, and publicly expressed opinions.

Do you know which ones are crimes?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
4 Feb 2025   #907
Not much actually....but I found that in some news source:

....In a New Year's letter, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un hailed Putin and made a possible reference to the war in Ukraine.

He said 2025 would be the year "when the Russian army and people defeat neo-Nazism and achieve a great victory".

I couldn't help thinking he makes Nazism looking good....who doesn't want to fight that stone age communism!
johnny reb  49 | 8052
4 Feb 2025   #908
I suggested this months ago here on the P.F.
Seems like a fair trade
Trump has said he wants Ukraine to "do a deal" with the US.
Trump said he wanted Kyiv to supply Ukraine's rare earth metals to the US in exchange for aid.
The U.S since 2022 has given Ukraine in excess of $65 billion in military aid.
Rare earth metals are used in products as varied as electric vehicles and fighter jets.
Trump is definitely a business man.
Tacitus  2 | 1308
4 Feb 2025   #909
@johnny reb

If that convinces Trump to keep supporting Ukraine, why not?
johnny reb  49 | 8052
4 Feb 2025   #910
My thought was like they say in Jamaica, Nuttin' fo Nuttin'.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
4 Feb 2025   #911
....the same here!

I read Zelensky agreed actually already, that deal is more or less done!

Ukraine welcomes Trump offer to trade its minerals for military support

Now Putin fumes!

Russia to Trump: Back off Ukraine's rare earths
johnny reb  49 | 8052
4 Feb 2025   #912
Now Putin fumes!

Of course, that is what Putin was after all along.
Trump beat Putin to it.
Tacitus  2 | 1308
4 Feb 2025   #913
Just a shame that Zelensky needs to resort to such arguments. Only because Trump convinced people that US aid for Ukraine was some sort of charity and not the most effective foreign policy move the USA did in living history.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
4 Feb 2025   #914 PLUS rare earths!

Trump is one crafty bugger, they are all underestimating him!
Bobko  27 | 2150
4 Feb 2025   #915
Trump is one crafty bugger, they are all underestimating him!

Come on, BB...

One crook is trying to fool another crook.

Here, I'm attaching below a map of Ukraine's mineral wealth. Notice anything about where these rare earths and other minerals are located?

That's right - the absolute lion's share is in two regions - Donetsk and Luhansk.

So Trump won't be able to just send weapons, he's gonna have to send American troops. Something tells me he won't do that.

  • IMG_5459.jpeg
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
4 Feb 2025   #916
*studies map*

Learned something interesting today, thank you!

If we spin this further, this could be the first war about earthly resources....if J.R. is right and THIS was the true reason for Putins with a new player!
Bobko  27 | 2150
4 Feb 2025   #917
THIS was the true reason for Putins invasion...

The Donbass, starting from the second half of the 19th century, became the industrial heart of Russia (it is like our Rhine Valley).

Its rich coal and iron ore mines supplied the energy and the metal for Russia's industrialization and modernization.

The poster from the 1920s, which I'm attaching below illustrates the role the Donets Basin played and continues to play.

To get all those industries off the ground people came from all over the world. American, German, and British industrialists opened some of the first large factories. Millions of people from all over Russia moved there, founding new towns and cities.

Prior to the arrival of Russian settlers, the area was known as the Wild Fields, because it was practically uninhabited. (Source:

So we didn't just come for the resources, though they are enormous, but because it was our people that turned this formerly desolated area into a thriving region.

  • IMG_5462.jpeg
Tacitus  2 | 1308
4 Feb 2025   #918

but because it was our people that turned this formerly desolated area into a thriving region.

In other words, a colonial war.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
4 Feb 2025   #919
....but because it was our people that turned this formerly desolated area into a thriving region.....

....all true, but for a ruler the actual available resources, even more so when "rare", should be alot more worth than memories and traditions and such. Of course they prove always to be a huge point to gain support from his underlings for necessary wars and skirmishes.
The populace would probably be not as sympathetic if they have to send their sons to the front if its said it's only for some rare earth...

That would also fit actually also better Putin's profile, not really so emotional....quite the contrary, he has to calculate hard the costs in money, arms, people with the possible gains....and here romanticized history doesn't count, usable resources do!

That makes now so much more sense....I always wondered why Putin risked to lose so much just for some hostile land and people? never was just "the land", it was what's under!
mafketis  38 | 11155
4 Feb 2025   #920
Donetsk and Luhansk. conveeeeeeeeeenient.....

money to be had and the russians come to steal it.....

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Bobko  27 | 2150
4 Feb 2025   #921
money to be had and the russians come to steal it...

Maybe you have reading comprehension issues... we developed the area. Before that it was depopulated, and the main reason was.... the Tatars. Yes, those same Tatars that are now an ethnic minority in Crimea and that we are all supposed to feel sorry for. They raped and stole so much, that people decided it's not worth living there.

If we are stealing from anyone, then it is from ourselves.

All the Ukrainians managed during the last thirty years was to run the plants in Mariupol and Avdeevka into the ground. These are the largest steelmaking plants in Europe, and some of the largest in the world. They were run and owned by Rinat Akhmetov, an ethnic Tatar that emerged from organized crime circles in the 1990s. Very briefly, he was the richest man in Europe.

Ukraine was the poorest country in Europe, but they had the RICHEST MAN. Richer even than any Russian.

Russia destroyed its oligarchs in the early 2000s, but Ukraine remained beholden to them.
Bobko  27 | 2150
4 Feb 2025   #922
Trump is extremely cynical to offer a country that has lost half its population to emigration, has suffered a million dead, and has an economy in tatters - further aid only on the condition of handing over its mineral wealth.

Ukraine needs every little bit of wealth it has under its control to get back up on its feet.

Was glad to see Scholz call out Trump on this today. Also, some encouraging outrage from the Kremlin.

Ukraine is not some Iraq or Afghanistan.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
4 Feb 2025   #923
Ukraine was the poorest country in Europe

Looking at your map, they could have a bright future!

further aid only on the condition of handing over its mineral wealth.

Na ja....don't get me wrong....but in Zelensky's place I would be glad about such a hard business deal, resources for military aid, as it is he has to beg Scholz for everything, and many things he isn't even getting (Taurus).

So, he might feel better supported by Trump in the end, cynical or not!
mafketis  38 | 11155
4 Feb 2025   #924
we developed the area

Youre a soviet Ukrainian now?

lost half its population to emigration, has suffered a million dead, and has an economy in tatters

yeah russian psychos did all that so they could ease their cognitive dissonance.... what a worthless drag on humanity russia is....
Tacitus  2 | 1308
4 Feb 2025   #925

has suffered a million dead,

Do you believe that Russia has suffered a million deaths as well?
Bobko  27 | 2150
4 Feb 2025   #926
Youre a soviet Ukrainian now?

The period when the Donbass overtook the Ural Mountain and Central Russia industrial areas, was during the late 1800s.

russian psychos did all that

Ukraine used to tell us "Come at me bro!", like Korvinus and CMS here. Well, we came.

Looking at your map, they could have a bright future!

Looking at a map, I can see that Ukraine only has a bright future if it works with its older brother.
Alien  25 | 6367
4 Feb 2025   #927
bright future

You mean a bright future...lit up by rockets and drones?
mafketis  38 | 11155
4 Feb 2025   #928
Ukraine used to tell us "Come at me bro!",

Actually they said "Don't be a violent psycho, bro!" and russia.... being a country of violent psychos.... acted like violent psychos do.

Ukraine only has a bright future if it works with its older brother

Abel only has a bright future if he's nice to Cain?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
4 Feb 2025   #929
Ukraine used to tell us "Come at me bro!"

Did they? Is there some history before the invasion we Westerners know nothing about?

(There is nothing better than hearing the local peculiarities from a close source:)
Bobko  27 | 2150
4 Feb 2025   #930
You mean a bright future

I mean:

1) Reestablishing trade with the country that was the main buyer of your sh*t for over 1,100 years

2) Not making life miserable for the 30 million plus Ukrainians living in Russia

3) Allying with the only country that would ever sacrifice millions of its own sons to free your territory

4) The synergy arising from the combination of our enormous resources. Europe and the world will tremble.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 18

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