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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
28 Sep 2024   #121

You are as accurate when it comes to all aspects of Russian-Ukrainian conflict as Novichok. You two should interact directly more.

*grabs popcorn*
Novichok  4 | 7630
28 Sep 2024   #122
My hate for Russia is well known on this forum. *rolls eyes*

You are worse than Russian haters. If you supported Russia, you would say this in simple unambiguous English:

The Donbass referendum was legal and Donbass is no longer part of Ukraine.

Donbass is Russia now.

Hence, Russia has every right to defend Donbass from Ukriane.

That's what a friend would say.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
28 Sep 2024   #123
You are worse

Which part of "I'm done talking to you" you didn't understand?
mafketis  38 | 10868
28 Sep 2024   #124
In more 'russia being russia' news....

russians fire on a group of their own soldiers trying to surrender....

real mystery why everybody's not running out to join the russian world....
Novichok  4 | 7630
28 Sep 2024   #125
You are so ...whatever...that you don't see the contradiction in your post.

Predictably, you ignored the meat of my post:

The Donbass referendum was legal and Donbass is no longer part of Ukraine.

Donbass is Russia now.

Hence, Russia has every right to defend Donbass from Ukriane.

There is a Chinese proven I just made up: "With friends like you, Russia doesn't need enemies".

Or: A sure enemy is better than a timid friend.

We kill sure enemies. We don't know what to do with timid friends.
Velund  1 | 498
28 Sep 2024   #126
1) There were never any legit referendum with 95-99% votes for 'yes'

Does that "legit examples" performed in a civil war area?

For legit referendum look at Scotland. At least 2 years of public discussion where both sides are given tv time

Which shelling intensity was in Scotland during public discussion? How many civilian casualties?
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
28 Sep 2024   #127

OK... I don't want Atch to accuse me of not being Christian enough, so...

you ignored

Am I the only one here who ignores you? Don't you see a pattern maybe? :)

a timid friend

A timid friend? No żesz kurwa mać, if you take a pair of compasses, stick it right in the middle of Gdańsk and make a huge circle with the radius of 250 km*, then inside this circle you will not find a greater Russophile than I am. However, being a Russophile doesn't mean supporting the putinist regime and its aggressive war which has a potential of reverting Russia to 1990s (ask Russians if they like the period) or even worse! After this war is over, then no matter what border shifts will occur, it will take decades upon decades for Russia to regain her pre-war position. If banderists were harassing local population, Russia should have protested before international tribunals and the persecuted people should move to Russia (with their demographic problems, Russians would have welcomed them with open arms). The invasion was the worst solution possible. It solved none of the problems and created hundreds more. Supporting the war blindly doesn't prove that you are Russia's friend, it proves that you are an idiot.

As for the bloody referendum, again - I have no idea whether it was legal or not, so there.

*I didn't say 300km, because there's a guy I know in Warsaw who's probably more pro-Russian than I am... probably
mafketis  38 | 10868
28 Sep 2024   #128
If banderists were harassing local population

propaganda that gullible people fell for....

I have no idea whether it was legal or not

Data points....

this was on twitter a long time ago... so no source but... a russian couple that had come to volunteer in an area where supposedly over 90% voted on joining russia found that over 80% (at least) of the local population hated them, spit at them and told them they wanted nothing to do with russia..... square the circle....

Also note people filling out non-confidential forms in front of armed soldiers and already completed forms being dumped into ballot boxes (both widely attested at the time)

If a person is stupid enough to want to believe that those referenda were valid then they can stare at the wallpaper and drool all day there's no getting through to them.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
28 Sep 2024   #129
gullible people fell for...

Maybe they had reasons to fall for it. Monuments of genocidal sick f*cks, museums and stadiums named after them, Waffen-SS Galizien parades and all that - it didn't sound all that implausible.

to believe that those referenda were valid

Isn't there some sort of international legal institution which should issue an opinion in such cases? Surely there should be something more than posts on Twitter?
Korvinus  2 | 558
28 Sep 2024   #130
How many civilian casualties?

Are there Ruskies who really believe that 120% of the population of Donbass voted with 101% approval rate to join the guys who are turning their homes into dust and sending theirs brothers/husbands/sons into modern urban warfare using Mosin Nagant?

But looks how things changed from UA.

-The worst thing that could happen to UA in day one = Becoming re enslaved by Pooteen and in the long therm, commies(the second most popular Russian party) rising to power again.
-The worst thing that could happen to UA now = Losing few territories.

And before anything, no, being nuked is not the worst thing that can happen with a country. Holodomor alone killed way more than all nukes detonated combined. Some Oblasts of UA lost 1/4 of its population in a year, not even Black Death was this deadly. And BTW, Soviet union did tested nukes in his own population.
Novichok  4 | 7630
28 Sep 2024   #131
I have no idea whether it was legal or not, so there.

Yes, you do know it was legal because it was not proven to be illegal in a court of law with both sides present and able to present their evidence.

FYI. I am legally not a murderer until I am proven to be a murderer. Got it?
Velund  1 | 498
28 Sep 2024   #132
Monuments of genocidal sick f*cks, museums and stadiums named after them

How can you call the founding fathers of the Ukrainian nation such vile words? They did not have decades to create the country of dreams, and Poles interfered under their feet in those places where Ukrainian girls had to give themselves in the field to boys with chubas and increase the number and power of the superior Ukrainian race.

«Треба крови по колина, щоб настала вильна Украина»
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
28 Sep 2024   #133
Треба крови по колина, щоб настала вильна Украина

You don't have to remind me.
Novichok  4 | 7630
28 Sep 2024   #134
In the meantime...

From - the best source of news on Planet Earth:

Most Ukrainian soldiers last only a few days...

The Ukrainian military has been so depleted by attrition that new infantry troops are often unfit for combat and flee at the first sign of fighting.

In some units, around two thirds of soldiers are reportedly killed or wounded within days of arriving at the front.

That's why Russia is not desperate to move the front line. All they have to do is wait for another shipment of Ukrainian old men and kids to kill.

BTW, how does the idea of not signing the agreement back in April 2022 look now? Pretty stupid, right?

As a reminder, under that agreement, U would keep everything except Crimea. And no NATO.

Now how stupid was to go to war, lose half of the population, Donbass, and over a million dead or wounded...

I know...Dying for freedom and democracy is so much fun...Movies, books, and maybe even a monument...
Alien  22 | 5460
28 Sep 2024   #135

Nobody listens to anymore.
Velund  1 | 498
28 Sep 2024   #136
Nobody listens

Your Nobody is famous moron....
pawian  219 | 24592
28 Sep 2024   #137

You must work for them if Alien`s innocent remark pissed you off so much. AmaSSing!!
Novichok  4 | 7630
28 Sep 2024   #138
Hey, Russia-hating morons, I lied that the highlighted text in #134 was from just to fvck with your Russia-hating brains...if you actually have them...

The highlighted text in 134 is from...drum roll ...
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
28 Sep 2024   #139
From - the best source of news on Planet Earth:

HaHaHaHa! I never had you down as a moron, but I do now!

Nobody listens to anymore.
@ Alien

Only morons.

Your Nobody is famous moron....
@ Velund

HaHaHa! Another moron that believes RT!!!!

@ pawian

Jerzy, your appalling English is beginning to pi$$ me right off!
Please sort it out and stop teaching awful English to poor, innocent Polish children.
Novichok  4 | 7630
28 Sep 2024   #140
Another moron that believes RT!!!!

Only morons pass judgement without knowing the facts.

Brilliant men like me read RT, DM, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC and watch the leftist garbage like ABC.

There is a special section at the Department of State that reads RT, Pravda, and TASS.

This is what adults do. Children cover their eyes or say nanananananana with their fingers in their ears...That's you.
pawian  219 | 24592
28 Sep 2024   #141
I lied

Yes, we are used to it. No worry! :):):)
pawian  219 | 24592
28 Sep 2024   #142
stop teaching

I will if you promise to maintain me and my family. I will stop teaching if you send me 3000 pounds monthly to make up for my lost earnings. Can you afford it???????????????? :):):)
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
28 Sep 2024   #143
The Donbass referendum was legal

Yeah, as legal as the Russian election! Rich, do you really not see that you are being played here?

Only morons pass judgement without knowing the facts.

Rich, you are talking about yourself again.......

Brilliant men like me read RT,

Only complete morons trust RT.... welcome to that club!

This is what adults do.


Children cover their eyes or say nanananananana with their fingers in their ears...That's you.

I would rather be an intelligent child than an old idiot like you.
Novichok  4 | 7630
29 Sep 2024   #144
So was the self-determination Donbass referendum legal or not?
Novichok  4 | 7630
29 Sep 2024   #145
Russia condemns Israeli attacks on Lebanon
The strategy chosen by West Jerusalem will not help it achieve its goals, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has warned

Hey, Sergey, if Russia had the balls Z would be dead a long time ago and that war would be over by now.

But you decided to play by rules. It doesn't get any more stupid.. Please don't tell me that you don't know where he sleeps right now.

BTW, do tell how Israel can achieve its goals. Goal 1: Never to have another 10/7. Any ideas?
Velund  1 | 498
29 Sep 2024   #146
It doesn't get any more stupid..

Slow denazification gives more thorough extermination of biological carriers of banderite ideology, while keeps more humans alive.

Please don't tell me that you don't know where he sleeps right now.

It will be more efficient, if he will be found hanged in bathroom (like Berezovsky) after he run for the life abroad, to their masters and sponsors, leaving the rest of banderites to die.
mafketis  38 | 10868
29 Sep 2024   #147
it didn't sound all that implausible.

So...... in the 2019 elections... what percentage of votes went to the far right (well define that as the right extreme of konfederacja and further)?

Which parties openly expoused 'banderite' positions and how did they do?
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
29 Sep 2024   #148
what percentage of votes went to the far right

What do you mean far right? Is president Zelensky far right? Well, soldiers of his representative company took part in banderist celebrations of SS-Galizien veterans - there were even photos posted somewhere in this thread (well, one of its previous incarnations). There are monuments standing all over Ukraine (was it "far right" who built them?), genocidal sick f*cks have museums dedicated to them, and streets and stadiums named after them. Some of the politicians and local authorities have Bandera's portraits hanging in their offices, the f*cking barbarians refuse to even give proper Christian burial to the victims of their atrocities (worse than African Hutu, who don't oppose the burial of the Tutsi they murdered) and you ask me "which percentage of votes went to the far right"??? WTF, Maf... and I mean - WTF???
mafketis  38 | 10868
29 Sep 2024   #149
What do you mean far right?

You're the one prattling about 'banderites' running amok in Ukraine... I'm asking for specifics.

Where do you see calls for genocide in modern Ukraine? (lots of calls for genocide on russian state media... where are the equivalents in Ukraine?)

The reburial issues is one that absolutely needs to be addressed

What do you think of Karolina Romanowska?
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
29 Sep 2024   #150
You're the one prattling about 'banderites' running amok in Ukraine...

Erm... no, I'm not. All I said is that people who believed that the Russian-speaking population was harassed by nationalists might have certain reasons to consider this information not entirely implausible.

Where do you see calls for genocide in modern Ukraine?

I see a lot of glorification of genocide perpetrators, including a Waffen-SS formation, that's not that far away. Imagine if in today's Germany monuments of Hitler were built and Rudolf Höss stadiums constructed!

What do you think of Karolina Romanowska?

I don't care about Romanowska or her association, or - for that matter - any self-righteous, goody-two-shoes "reconciliation" advocate until the nazi banderite atrocities are fully admitted and condemned, the monuments of genocidal sick f*cks razed to the ground and slaughtered victims given proper burial. I wouldn't hold my breath though - as history taught us, nazism can only be fully destroyed with fire and brutal force.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

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