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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

cms neuf  1 | 1783
19 Oct 2024   #841
Yes, from a reputable newspaper. I'm sure you will call it fake news GK but might be interesting for other people
mafketis  38 | 10950
19 Oct 2024   #842
Yes, from a reputable newspaper.

russians post the vids on telegram.... they think it's great!

just yesterday or so...
cms neuf  1 | 1783
19 Oct 2024   #843
It is difficult to imagine any other country doing this.

Those murderers will have a lifetime of sleepless nights ahead of them
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
19 Oct 2024   #844

Fuckinhell... :-/

Why are the idiots posting this on the Internet? I'm quite sure that when their officers see this, they will be court-martialed. That's what happens when you release criminals (including murderers), dress them up in uniforms and give them "toys" to play with. Not the brightest idea of Putin.
cms neuf  1 | 1783
19 Oct 2024   #845
You think their officers don't know ? Who gave them the drone and the control panel ?

This kind of cruelty is a feature of the North Nigerian military, not a bug
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
19 Oct 2024   #846
Who gave them the drone and the control panel ?

You underestimate the бардак in Russian army. I am convinced that those criminals were acting on their own sick initiative and that they will be prosecuted for their crimes. There is no reason why Russian armed forces, who during the entire war did everything to minimise civilian casualties (compare the war in Ukraine to any large-scale modern conflict), would order such executions of civilians.

Don't let your antipathy towards Russia blind you, guys. Think logically.
amiga500  5 | 1477
19 Oct 2024   #847
Ukrainian values are very different from russian values. Ideas like freedom, individual rights, human dignity and the value of human life

Just LOLZO. Save your low-iq polemics for your nafo twitter buddies.

"The Third Assault Brigade was created by veterans of the far-right Azov Battalion as a volunteer unit following Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, before being folded into the nation's armed forces. It is led by Azov Battalion founder and far-right politician Andriy Biletsky, who in 2010 reportedly called for Ukraine to "lead the white races of the world in a final crusade" against what he described as "Semite-led Untermenschen" - or subhumans."

And these people are the heroes of modern day ukraine.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
19 Oct 2024   #848
And these people are the heroes of modern day ukraine.


The question is: does karma exist, is it a b*tch, and will it come back to them?*

* - OK, that's actually three questions
amiga500  5 | 1477
19 Oct 2024   #849
The question is: does karma exist, is it a b*tch, and will it come back to them?*

Nah the oligarchs and the multinationals will needs someone to keep the migrant slave workers in line, once Ukraine is repopulated after the war.
mafketis  38 | 10950
19 Oct 2024   #850
far-right politician Andriy Biletsky, who in 2010

what about something from this decade?

how many 'far right' members of the Ukrainian parliament are there? (hint: fewer than Poland).
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
19 Oct 2024   #851
once Ukraine is repopulated after the war

Repopulated with whom?

Meanwhile, the first batch of 35 from the projected 290 Chumnoo rocket launchers, mounted on Jelcz trucks, is already in the hands of Polish artillerists, and 11 more will follow soon (they are being integrated in Stalowa Wola steel mill as we speak). At the moment their range of fire is about 300km. However, the South Korean defence council has recently agreed to export 500km range missiles.

A couple of hundred of those will certainly come in handy should the proverbial sh*t ever hit the proverbial fan.
Ironside  50 | 12343
19 Oct 2024   #852
ght' members of the Ukrainian parliament are there? (hint: fewer than Poland).
@ mafketis

hint, you don't have a clue do you? Comparing apples and oranges here. First, define far-right it has no meaning except for progressive newspeak.
johnny reb  46 | 7667
19 Oct 2024   #853
once Ukraine is repopulated after the war.

This will be the Polish men's duty to stand up and contribute generously to help this situation out.
mafketis  38 | 10950
19 Oct 2024   #854
far-right it has no meaning

agreed, but no matter how you define it (apart from resisting control from moscow as russians do) it's not a presence in modern Ukraine. t
cms neuf  1 | 1783
2 days ago   #855
What can be more fascist behavior than individually identifying members of the public and killing them with drones ?

People going shopping, to Apteka, maybe to school.

Killed just because of their ethnicity - they were posing no threat. North Nigerian fascists are trying to take Europe back to 1942
Novichok  4 | 7859
2 days ago   #856
A couple of hundred of those will certainly come in handy... prolonging the war and keep grave diggers happy.

Now the question that nobody wants to answer...

How many Ukrainians must die and how many billions must be spent before PF warrions say "enough"?

You, azholes, do know that everything has a limit. Right?

So, no essays, please. Just a couple of numbers - X and Y.

Let me remind you that in 1945 Germans and Japs did it. Earlier, France, Denmark, and Norway. Were they all cowards and surrender boys?

Almost forgot...Later, in Vietnam, even Americans did it.

But I understand that waging a war from your bedroom and wasting another guy's life and money feels good and morally right.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
2 days ago   #857
Misreading a quote (it was about Poland not Ukraine): check

Being rude to other posters: check

Mentioning irrelevant wars: check

Novi sucking dicks: double check
Novichok  4 | 7859
2 days ago   #858
Hey, Mr. Polite, what is X and Y? Cut the crap.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
2 days ago   #859
You should address your question to someone else. I never mentioned weapons or aid for Ukraine in the post you nonsensically quoted.
Novichok  4 | 7859
2 days ago   #860
In my post 856, only the first line was to addressed to you.

I just used the quoted part of your post to segway into the liberation war fought bravely by Russia.

We know that Russia will keep C, D, and L in Russia and NATO out of U. This leaves the question of what is X and Y on the Western warmongers' side.

Ukrainian men are people, too, and I feel sorry for them that they can't vote with their feet if it's worth dying for Z - P = 0.
pawian  219 | 24885
2 days ago   #861
We know that Russia will keep C, D, and L in Russia

Yes, they will temporarily. When Russia crushes under sanctions and disintegrates, the occupied territories will voluntarily come back to Ukraine.
cms neuf  1 | 1783
2 days ago   #862
Why would you negotiate with a country that assassinates individual civilians for fun and then posts the results on social media ?

It is the behavior of Isis and Hamas.

It's also time for heavy penalties on the sanctions busters who are accessories to these murders
Novichok  4 | 7859
2 days ago   #863
Memo to Russia is evil and Ukraine is a lovely democracy azholes:

I used to live under "Soviet occupation" from 1945 to 1966. Now I live in the US - the best and the safest place on earth.

Now pay attention, morons...No, I would not risk my life crawling under barbed wire to end up in Western "freedom and democracy" where Border Patrol welcomes the invders with fresh water, sandwiches, and a taxi ride to the nearest welfare office and later to a hotel locals can only dream about.

My rule 1 is to stay away from suicidal idiots. One day, they will drag you down...To prevent this unhappy end, as PAK said, it's good to have Plan B.
pawian  219 | 24885
2 days ago   #864
I used to live under "Soviet

Yes. Today you are an exemplary homo sovieticus specimen.

Russia is evil

Holy words.......
mafketis  38 | 10950
2 days ago   #865
russians acting russian....

a new form of entertainment is to pretend to be dead in a funeral where people you know have to say nice things about you....

I sometimes think I'm not nearly russophobic enough....
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
2 days ago   #866
I'm not nearly russophobic enough....

Do you hate South Koreans too?
mafketis  38 | 10950
2 days ago   #867
Do you hate South Koreans too?

South Koreans aren't ignoring atrocities and war crimes being committed in their name and not caring about it at all (beyond wondering what country to invade next).

Big difference.....
mafketis  38 | 10950
2 days ago   #868
russians just tried to hit a shopping center...

mysterious russian soul.....
Novichok  4 | 7859
2 days ago   #869
A reminder...It was a reunification war - no better or worse than the Civil War.
pawian  219 | 24885
2 days ago   #870
A reminder.

Yes, Mr Attention Sicker, thank you. :):):)

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

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