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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
18 Oct 2024   #811
There are some nationalist cranks who are still stuck in the past and who think Poland can deal with russia

Hey! :-/

We already know. In 1990's we got the best things West can provide

They just don't get that an economic/political system that is good for one country might not work very well for another. A leather saddle is good for a horse but not necessarily for a canary. Poland had very rough 1990s too but we are a different civilisation from Russia, so we managed. For Russians it was a bit to much, so they decided to go their own way. The West should respect the obvious fact that there are differences between countries, cultures and civilisations. This idiotic drive towards uniformisation of the entire globe is what really annoys me.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11707
18 Oct 2024   #812
It's called "globalization", I believe.....and for awhile no-borders and free travel did sound good coming out of prison-countries which jailed their people for decades.

But enough is enough, I guess....more and more people think abit more border would be a good thing....blame the uncontrolled mass immigration from far away countries!
cms neuf  1 | 1783
18 Oct 2024   #813
Life in North Nigeria today

The liquid reserves of NN National Wealth Fund are exhausted by more than 60%

More sanctions, properly enforced until the day Putler and Lavrov are in The Hague
johnny reb  46 | 7667
18 Oct 2024   #814
Zelensky delivered an ultimatum to NATO, warning that his country may pursue nuclear weapons if it is not granted membership in the alliance.

The pledge came during a conversation with former U.S. President Trump last September. Zelensky said he told Trump that Ukraine would either join "some kind of alliance" or be "forced to pursue nuclear weapons," adding that he knew of no stronger option than NATO.
"I believe Trump heard me and said that it was a fair argument," Zelensky said.
Novichok  4 | 7859
18 Oct 2024   #815
abit more border would be a good thing

...just as the lock on the front door. It's amazing how well it works for the open-border azholes but should never, ever be applied to the country. That is mean, xenophobic, and racist.

Zelensky said he told Trump that Ukraine would either join "some kind of alliance" or be "forced to pursue nuclear weapons,"

What a great plan...the US being dragged into a war with Russia via Article 5 or WW3 with nukes.

I have a better plan...U should form a military alliance with Poland. Since, according to PF morons, Russia is on its last legs, beating Russia should be a walk in the park.

There, me a military genius...
johnny reb  46 | 7667
18 Oct 2024   #816
Russia is on its last legs,

Yes, Russia just bought 12,000 N. Korean soldiers so Ukraine should buy 12,000 S. Korean soldiers.
There, me a genius two.
Novichok  4 | 7859
18 Oct 2024   #817
buy 12,000 S. Korean soldiers.

Two problems...

1. Ukraine is on US welfare and broke
2. South Koreans are too smart to die for a lost cause. Only Western and Polish volunteers are that stupid.

My question is: What did we get for 200 billion bucks we blew on the most corrupt Euro "democracy" while risking a war with Russia?
cms neuf  1 | 1783
18 Oct 2024   #818
More comedy from North Nigeria

Unless you are one of the poor bastards who has to live there

Promoting a child free lifestyle will join the long list of things that are criminalized.
mafketis  38 | 10950
18 Oct 2024   #819
Why do I despise russians?

Because they're always doing crap like this...

From the tsars thru the CCCP to today's rotten system.... it's all about stifling opinions and keeping the population under the heel of the government.... and russians like it that way. I can't respect any people for whom freedom isn't an important value and for russians.... it's not.
Bobko  27 | 2184
18 Oct 2024   #820
can't respect any people for whom freedom isn't an important value and for russians.... it's not.

The Lord High Executioner has pronounced his sentence!

I wonder, what you did Mafketis to earn your "freedom"?

Were you there, in Boston Harbor, as they dumped the tea? Did you fire your musket in anger at the Redcoats at Lexington and Concord?

Did you enlist during that war, when the North fought for its vision of a better Union?

Otherwise - it's not very clear what makes you better than the average statistical Russian (who also has ancestors, and they participated in probably a few more revolutions than yours).

The average American is as much a blinkered sheep (probably much more), as an average Russian.

Before you condemn 150 million people for something they have nearly zero control over, look at yourself.

The difference between a zealot of freedom such as yourself and a debased and orcish slave is the passport they were born with. I wouldn't go around flaunting something you have slightly less than zero to do with.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
18 Oct 2024   #821
Promoting a child free lifestyle will join the long list of things that are criminalized.

Proper order!

I am not for criminalising childless social parasites - if nature doesn't want them, for some reason, to pass on their useless genes, then we shouldn't correct her; but promoting such lifestyle strikes at the very core of any society and any nation. Child free propaganda? What about Jew Free? LGBT free? Or - let's bring it to the obvious conclusion - human free propaganda?

Spreading propaganda that may affect people who would otherwise be happy to have children, and convince them to become childless social parasites, in a situation where white Europe is practically dying out, should be illegal in every European country. Go Russia!


From your link...

If Russia isn't stopped, in 20 years, Russians will come to kill YOUR children.

... this is nothing but retarded scaremongering. In 20 years Russian demography will stop Russia from even considering any wars of aggression. They are dying out, just like we are, but at an even faster rate.
Bobko  27 | 2184
18 Oct 2024   #822
In 20 years Russian demography will stop Russia from even considering any wars of aggression.

On the one hand, you could argue that Russia is EVEN MORE WILLING to tolerate high casualties than the Soviet Union. The death of 15,000+ Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan played a large role in that country's collapse. Russia, by all accounts, has lost more than 100,000 men as killed in action during the Ukraine operation. Several hundred thousand more have been wounded. Nevertheless, Russia is carrying on.

The Soviet Union had an infinitely healthier demographic situation than modern Russia.

On the other hand, there are these factors:

1) Russian law forbids using conscripts in foreign wars. Putin has held up this end of the deal, and for now it has only been volunteers fighting in Ukraine.

2) There's not enough volunteers, so instead they have to be supplemented with Nepalis, Koreans, and Kenyans.

3) Russia's most prosperous cities are practically isolated from the war, and its effects.

If these three things changed... that is - conscripts were sent to fight, foreigners dried up, and Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan had to start sending large amounts of men - Russia probably would not have the same ability to sustain the fight.

In the end, what matters most is who sits in the Kremlin.

In one hypothetical scenario, even a Russia degraded to 40-50 million people can still find people to fight. In another hypothetical scenario, the death of several thousand conscripts completely destabilizes Russia. The key is who is at the steering wheel.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
18 Oct 2024   #823
Russia probably would not have the same ability to sustain the fight.

That's putting it mildly. If Russia ever came to "kill YOUR children", as Maf's retarded link says, which I assume means killing children in further European countries beyond Ukraine, the cost would be enormous. Even if it was Poland alone attacked in the "next step". Not only their invading soldiers would be slaughtered (conscripts or not) at a much higher rate - and they would need exponentially more of them than for the entire lamentable Ukrainian affair - but the damage done by long range precision weapons would be immense. There are operational scenarios prepared that make one's hair stand on end - no winners in them. And the cost - irreversible, for both sides.

even a Russia degraded to 40-50 million people can still find people to fight

...and how would such Russia look like? How would she survive when even today Java Island or Bangladesh have higher population? What would the infrastructure, science, social services etc. look like with population slaughtered down to such a low number? Surely even the most belligerent die hard bitter-enders wouldn't want that for their country?
pawian  219 | 24885
18 Oct 2024   #824
They are dying out,

That`s one of the reasons Putin invaded Ukraine. He earnestly hoped to gain fresh new blood. The barbarian Russians` practice of stealing Ukrainian children proves it well.
But he miscalculated and Russia is losing the war and its population .
mafketis  38 | 10950
18 Oct 2024   #825
means killing children in further European countries beyond Ukraine

you just accept russia killing Ukrainian children? that's sick....

I wonder, what you did Mafketis to earn your "freedom"?

I am the proud inheritor of those who fought for freedom and I honor them by living up to standards of free people (including not being afraid to criticize the government).

I respect Poles and Ukrainians because they all understand the importance of freedom and aren't afraid to stand up to oppressive governments.

Meanwhile mr russia-is-so-great is terrified of someone important knowing what you really think...

russians know what's going on in Ukraine (attempted ethnocide) and they don't care... that's the worst condemnation I can think of... I despise the russian public far more than i do your violent psychopathic government because they passively enable the psychopaths through their bovine apathy and obedience..
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
18 Oct 2024   #826
you just accept russia killing Ukrainian children?

And what twisted thought process led you to this conclusion?
cms neuf  1 | 1783
18 Oct 2024   #827
The Koreans are there because they have no choice. I see they are being given NN names and uniforms.

What I don't understand is the pure mercenaries like the Nepalis. It's not like being a security guard at an oil well in Libya. in this case the NNs are incentivized to send mercenaries on the most dangerous mission, invading a country they had probably never heard of.
mafketis  38 | 10950
18 Oct 2024   #828
The Koreans are there because they have no choice

I think it's because NK wants them to get some battlefield experience.... it doesn't take much imagination to guess why....
Korvinus  2 | 567
18 Oct 2024   #829
The Koreans are there because they have no choice.

Yes, that's literally how it works. There was a scandal in Poland few years ago, when it turned out some companies used North Korean "workers". They were transported here by plane blindly, not even told they left North Korea, then locked on the building site 24/7, completely cut from the outside world. It's pure slave labour being sold by Kim.
Nevertheless the foreign legion as well as wagneridiots were just individuals signing up as mercenaries, but NK is the first foreign state that sends its citizens into this war, meaning NK becomes invasion force as well and is in a state of war with Ukraine.

This is a serious escalation.
mafketis  38 | 10950
18 Oct 2024   #830
This is a serious escalation.

Don't tell the gutless wonders like Scholz or Biden (or Jake 'I lurv russia' Sullivan)... they'll go belly up and surrender once they realize that 'deescalation' doesn't work with russia.....
cms neuf  1 | 1783
18 Oct 2024   #831
I think their battlefield experience might end up measured in minutes, not hours.

Senseless slaughter- like WW1
mafketis  38 | 10950
18 Oct 2024   #832
battlefield experience might end up measured in minutes, not hours

The grunts yeah... they're not long for this world, but NK's also sending officers...
Miloslaw  21 | 5050
18 Oct 2024   #833
Putin is killing Russia with his insane invasion of Ukraine.

pawian  219 | 24885
18 Oct 2024   #834
Putin is killing Russia

I have nothing against...... :):):) Goddess bless him!!!! hahahaha

Europe for Europeans!!! Russian barbarians go back where you mentally belong aka Asia!!!!
Novichok  4 | 7859
18 Oct 2024   #835
you just accept russia killing Ukrainian children? that's sick....

How many children did Russia execute since Feb 2022?

Any other way of killing children has always been legal. See Dresden, Hiroshima, Vietnam, and Iraq. Also: Collateral damage.
Novichok  4 | 7859
19 Oct 2024   #836
Zelensky plan 'quickest way to world war' - Orban's top adviser
Budapest will not support Kiev's proposal, which would escalate the Ukraine conflict, a government spokesman has said

Orban's top adviser - genius

PF Russia haters craving nukes - suicidal morons
cms neuf  1 | 1783
19 Oct 2024   #837
Top advisor looks like a job that includes plenty of "yes Mr Orban, thank you Mr Orban"

The North Nigerians are now using drones to pick out individual civilians in Kherson. Not collateral damage at all. I hope the drone operators know they are committing war crimes personally and will be due a long stretch in prison after the war. Also seems a strange way to win hearts and minds of your slavic brothers.

They are doing this because they are unable to hit military targets with the cheap **** they use
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
19 Oct 2024   #838
are now using drones to pick out individual civilians in Kherson

Any links?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 956
19 Oct 2024   #839
Europe for Europeans!!!

Sounds a lot like "Germany is for Germans". Funny little mustache man used that as a slogan for genocide.

Ukraine still has the technology and knowledge to restart its nuclear program. Getting some black market uranium would be no problem for them with the billions they have from sleepy Joe and Kumala. This had to be anticipated by someone, and it now gives Vlad every reason in his mind to use a nuke when he feels like it. All he has to do is say he was targeting a nuclear program location. False flag operation with this information would be right up Vlads alley.
mafketis  38 | 10950
19 Oct 2024   #840
using drones to pick out individual civilians in Kherson. Not collateral damage at all.

Purposeful targeting of random civilians by people who have no regard for human life.... they call it 'safari'....

russians think this will make Ukrainians want to be ruled by russia?

I guess it works, the quickest way to popularity for a russian leader is to kill a bunch fo russians... they love being oppressed. Their delusion is thinking anyone else wants that.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

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