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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

GefreiterKania  30 | 1527
8 hrs ago   #781
two countries that you absolutely hate.

Hence all the drama with Polish schools, the spelling of Polish names, calling Poles in Lithuania the 5th column etc. etc.

If we had had a bit more balls we would have gone Greece vs Macedonia on them, refuse to recognize them and block their entry everywhere until they don't agree to change the name of their country from Lithuania to Samogitia, or at least FSROL (Former Soviet Republic of Lithuania).


Aaaaah... feck it... don't mind me. I'm just an old(ish) bitter man. Go ahead and be a tiger all you want. Good luck.


User Bobko and user GefteiterKania is Russian 100%.

You're 50% right! :)

Now in time of Komarowski


Flower blockade and attack on refugee shows every good person who is Poland in reality.

OK, now I'm just confused...
Bobko  27 | 2167
8 hrs ago   #782


OK, now I'm just confused...

Flour? As in, the product of milling wheat?

You're 50% right! :)

Poor Tassa doesn't realize he has entered the lion's den.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1527
8 hrs ago   #783
Poor Tassa doesn't realize he has entered the lion's den.

Damn it, we have to be kinder to new members. This forum will never grow if we go full-PF on every newcomer.


Hey, Tassa - check this out...


❤️ ❤️ ❤️


*whispers* we'llgethimproperlylaterwhenhe'salreadyaddicted
8 hrs ago   #784
You are from Poland? Bobko is 100% troll who use Ukrainian name. He has mission from FSB to discredit Ukraine I see many trolls in Lithuania that use same format. I speak about the trade embargo and Polish politics who are in Outin's pocket.

Today it is Baltics who are number one support of Ukraine with Great Britain and America. Poland has not much time to make decision where it will go.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1527
8 hrs ago   #785
You are from Poland?

Indeed I am.

Bobko is 100% troll (...) He has mission from FSB

Defo. He's also Jewish and makes matzah from Samogitian children. Scandalous.

Today it is Baltics who are number one support of Ukraine with Great Britain and America.

Go Baltics! Keep up the good work! Meanwhile, would you consider making a donation of any amount...

... to keep the PF running? Thanks!
Bobko  27 | 2167
8 hrs ago   #786
100% troll who use Ukrainian name

I invite you to sit on my penis until your fever subsides.

Defo. He's also Jewish and makes matzah

This idiot probably heard of the Ukrainian/Soviet Olympic pole vaulter, Sergei Bubka. He also doesn't know that probably 30% of Russians carry Ukrainian surnames.

If you love Ukraine so much, you could try making it actually as accessible for seeking asylum as Poland has made itself.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1527
8 hrs ago   #787
Bobko is 100% troll

I invite you to sit on my penis

This is not exactly what I had in mind when I said "be kinder to new members", but let's see... maybe it'll work.

This idiot

Now he's definitely not making any donation. :-/
Bobko  27 | 2167
8 hrs ago   #788
Now he's definitely not making any donation. :-/

I wish a "normal" PF member would respond sooner, and let Tassa see that this isn't some Russian propaganda sandbox. So that he could see we are an abused and maligned minority, exercising the highest degree of diplomatic tact and patience as we deal with our assailants from all sides.
8 hrs ago   #789
Bobko put your penis in your ******* thank you Russian piece of ****. I hat do you do showing your ugly face on Polish forum?

I am sorry why you ask me to donate money? The forum is free and I am new user. It is very strange you ask for money. I never see such forum in my life.
pawian  219 | 24792
8 hrs ago   #790
Bobko and user GefteiterKania is Russian

Both love Russia and are proud of it. :):):)
GefreiterKania  30 | 1527
8 hrs ago   #791
I wish a "normal" PF member would respond sooner

We should therefore wait for Iron to express his eternal love for Samogitians. :)

we are an abused and maligned minority, exercising the highest degree of diplomatic tact and patience as we deal with our assailants from all sides

You are fluffy, cuddly darlings indeed. Most people here are :) But for Tassa to realise it, we have to give him a bit more time before we tell him to sit on our penises and die of cancer. We can't go 100%-PF on people or they will be kinda scared and leave. I should have exercised more restraint with my initial response to #772 as well.

Bobko put your penis in your ******* thank you Russian piece of ****.

I think we are witnessing the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

I am sorry why you ask me to donate money?

A joke. I have a strange sense of humour.

I never see such forum in my life.

Me neither.
Bobko  27 | 2167
8 hrs ago   #792
I only invited you to sit on my penis, and now you are telling me in imperative form what to do? This is not how people talk to each other. You are not in your forgotten forests any more, but amongst civilized people. Please behave accordingly.
pawian  219 | 24792
7 hrs ago   #793
but amongst civilized people.

Not really. Some of them are barbarians coz they support Russia. Others are not humans but monkeys. Huge difference from civilised in both cases.
Bobko  27 | 2167
7 hrs ago   #794
not humans but monkeys

I'll be dead before some łoś from the forests of Samogitia starts telling me stories about how he built the pyramids 3,000 years ago.

When the Teutonic Knights went through them, it was the Russians and Poles that saved them from total annihilation.
pawian  219 | 24792
7 hrs ago   #795
it was the Russians

Russians didn`t exist then yet. :):):) It was Kyiv Rus people. Today`s Ukraine.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1527
7 hrs ago   #796
It was Kyiv Rus people. Today`s Ukraine.

And here we go again...
Bobko  27 | 2167
7 hrs ago   #797
Today`s Ukraine

Actually it was the Northwestern part of Russia. Specifically, they were forces under Alexander Nevsky (Rurikovich), Prince of Novgorod.

Later he became a Grand Prince of Kiev, but he started in Novgorod, where his father Grand Prince Yaroslav of Vladimir sent him.
pawian  219 | 24792
7 hrs ago   #798

Not Russia but Rus.
Prince of Novgorod

Of course. But Novgorod was in Rus, not Russia.
Imperial Russians falsify even their MA history.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1527
7 hrs ago   #799
it was the Russians and Poles that saved them

We even let them rule our country. Lithuanian Jagiellonian dynasty ruled Poland for almost 200 years. And what do we get in return? Some gratitude? A little tiny "thank you" maybe? No.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122
7 hrs ago   #800
It was real politics Polish heartlands barely got invaded from the East thanks to that
mafketis  38 | 10911
7 hrs ago   #801
Today it is Baltics who are number one support of Ukraine with Great Britain and America. Poland has not much time to make decision where it will go.

The US is a crappy, unreliable ally that promises a lot and then doesn't deliver..... Poland decided long ago that russia has nothing to offer free people but chains and misery and poverty (all of which russians love).

There are some nationalist cranks who are still stuck in the past and who think Poland can deal with russia and not suffer terribly (they're wrong) and those stuck in the past.

Modern Lithuania is a fine country of free people (and a small russian minority that longs for servitude).

Tegyvuoja Lietuva!
mafketis  38 | 10911
6 hrs ago   #802
clueless westerners or those nostalgic for the PRL delude themselves about russia, meanwhile...

russian drone enters Romanian airspace.... and not the part that borders Ukraine....
cms neuf  1 | 1752
6 hrs ago   #803
We have a North Nigerian comparing beautiful, clean, modern Lithuania to Africa ?

Lesotho is very nice BTW - certainly better food than in Omsk
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
5 hrs ago   #804
We have a North Nigerian comparing beautiful, clean, modern Lithuania to Africa ?

Are you kidding?Lithuanians don't live in mud huts......
Novichok  4 | 7809
5 hrs ago   #805

The stupidest post of the month.

In fact, the above is so moronic that it's unrebuttable but for the wrong reasons.

Where do I send your Moron of the Month award?
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
5 hrs ago   #806
This is how pathetic and desperate Russia is;

Miloslaw  21 | 5027
5 hrs ago   #807
I just can't see Russia ever having a proper democratic government,Russians just don't seem to have that mentality.
But suspend your disbelief for a moment.
Just imagine what reaction a peaceful, friendly and democratic Russia would get from the west?
Billions in aid..... membership of NATO..... maybe even the EU...... makes you think....
Velund  1 | 511
4 hrs ago   #808
Lithuanians don't live in mud huts......

BTW, it is ukrainian technology, working fine in steppe where no trees around. Some mud, some manure, some straws... And you have a nice hut walls... Half year of drying with a good ventilation - and no manure smell anymore...

Just imagine what reaction a peaceful, friendly and democratic Russia would get from the west?

We already know. In 1990's we got the best things West can provide. Thank you, but no more. Leave it to yourself.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
4 hrs ago   #809
Some mud, some manure, some straws... And

This is a Russian that knows in his heart that Russia has lost and is desperately clutching at straws......
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 hrs ago   #810
In 1990's we got the best things West can provide. just watch Russia fall apart the second time...

Western-style democracy is the biggest fraud perpetrated on the stupid...They think that being allowed to vote every four years is "democracy".

Velund, I need a favor...Please tell me what are the so-called "disputed territories" that voted to separate from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.

Is Donbass the whole of it or just part?

Also, what percentage is still occupied by the UA?

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

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