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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

Miloslaw  21 | 4928
1 day ago   #421
Divine Justice! Fires That Break Out in Russia Cannot Be Extinguished!

Are you serious???You are posting a Turkish video!Turkey is a member of NATO but overly friendly with Russia and yet the video you posted shows that Ukraine is outwitting Russia!

Say what you want but the US would have that war done and finished in less than four weeks

Complete and utter bollox!Like they did in Korea?Vietnam?Afghanistan?Syria? or Iraq?
The US military is very powerful but, unfortunately not all that clever......

As for the rest of your Russian bum licking post, I don't think it's worth a comment.

When are you moving to Russia, the country you love more than America?
Velund  1 | 498
1 day ago   #422
There is nothing rational or logical about Russia. It's a mystical place.

"The Russian state has the advantage over others that it is governed directly by God himself, otherwise it is impossible to understand how it exists."

- Christopher Antonovich Minich (Count Burhard Christoph von Münnich), Russian general-field marshal of German descent
johnny reb  46 | 7516
1 day ago   #423
When are you moving to Russia, the country you love more than America?

Did you forget, Fuzz Nuts, he's got you on his Ignore list.
You'll have to find someone else to troll as the problematic troll here.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
1 day ago   #424
And while Luka is playing games, Z is complaining about the west's failure to provide enough weapons, and it failure to allow their use in Russia. The Pentagon responded sharply that they are not dragging anything out. Z is once again proving he cant control his mouth and after such a short time ago he was in the US. New estimates coming out of the war have Russia losing up to 1200 men per day to death or injury. That is a tremendous amount of men lost. Also reports coming out of Russia that interest rates are nearing 20% and labor shortages are starting to hurt the economy as well. At the same time, it looks like the Russian army is preparing to continue the war through 2025 at least. Can Ukraine last that long? If Trump wins, I think not.
Novichok  4 | 7630
1 day ago   #425
Russia losing up to 1200 men per day to death or injury.

That's why "police actions" - known in Russia as SMOs - drive me crazy. After Vietnam, Russia should know better.

Either you have a war and hit the enemy with all you have or you don't even start it.

Nothing half-ass ends well.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
1 day ago   #426
The Vietnamese never had weapons that could hit America

The Ukrainians can easily hit Moscow with better weapons than the NNs have, and against useless air defences.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
1 day ago   #427
And the US never went "all in" with Vietnam. Had they, it would have been a different story. War is not a polite play by the rules thing. It should be fast and relentless. That was Vlads mistake. Thinking he could roll in and take over. Had he just gone in hard and heavy this would have ended quickly for everyone.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
1 day ago   #428
They did go in hard - tried to capture the airport (difficult to achieve when drunk and with no ammo) and sent a column of tanks to Kiev (without fuel)

It's very difficult to win any war, big or small, with poorly trained troops and obsolete equipment.

They sent slaves to try and conquer free people - what did they expect would happen ?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
1 day ago   #429
@cms neuf
I would disagree. The invasion was poorly planned and executed. Too large of a front line, and not enough precision. Not that I wish they had, but just making a point. I agree poorly tained troops dont help. But to say Russia has obsolete equipment is not entirely accurate. I think Russia wasted a lot of its modern weapons because the invasion was so poorly planned.
Alien  22 | 5460
1 day ago   #430
The invasion was poorly planned and executed

There was also no element of surprise, as was the case with the capture of Crimea.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
1 day ago   #431
Precision attacks needs microchips and good engineers - North Nigeria can't afford chips and let all the good engineers emigrate to California.

They simply don't have the equipment for precision attacks - their preferred weapons are Korean War tanks and underpaid trolls

Of course it was poorly planned - what do you expect from a bunch of senile corrupt alcoholics who are too pussy to give their boss bad news
mafketis  38 | 10868
1 day ago   #432
because the invasion was so poorly planned.

All the indications are russia didn't think it would be an invasion but rather a homecoming and russian soldiers would be greeted with flowers....

The single most important reason for the invasion was the conviction of putain (and probably a majority of russians) that Ukraine isn't real but rather a renegade province of russia and that a small Ukrainianized elite was oppressing the large majority of people who felt russian....

As Snyder puts it the invasion happened because: "you (Ukraine) don't exist" all the other reasons given have maybe a shred of truth but were not the real reason.

And russian rhetoric at first thought they could decapitate the system and the population would fall obediently into place (like russian sheeple would).

As that's proved wrong... russia more and more openly talks about the need to kill millions of people....

Planning implies a rational reason... there was nothing remotely rational about the invasion.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
1 day ago   #433
Meanwhile, hybrid war - which is a part of Russian-Ukrainian/West conflict - continues on Polish-Belarussian border...

PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
1 day ago   #434
russia didn't think it would be an invasion but rather a homecoming

That is what the western press said, not what Russia said. More than 140K men on the border prior to invasion is not a group looking for a homecoming.

no element of surprise

This is part of what I mean by poor planning and execution. If the goal was to overthrow Z, the effort should have been massive and targeted mostly in the direction of Kiev. Instead they went for swaths of land, which they still hold, but havent been able to get rid of Z.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
1 day ago   #435
I don't know how many times you need to hear it

They don't have reliable precision weapons - many fail on launch and many more are intercepted

They can do massive, but only against civilian targets. Wasn't going to help them decapitate the government

They badly underestimated Zelensky too. North Nigerian spies told Putler what he wanted to hear rather than the truth
mafketis  38 | 10868
1 day ago   #436
not what Russia said

it's what putain wrote:

The troops were largely for show (especially since they had no supplies to speak of, they thought the grateful Ukrainians would give them everything they needed).

the kiling was meant to be limited to the top government and military (those that hadn't been bought off).

. If the goal was to overthrow Z

Z is the symbol of the russian army in this abortion.... using it for Zelenskyy is confusing to those that actually follow things.

spies told Putler what he wanted to hear

happens to all dictators...
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
1 day ago   #437
it's what putain wrote:

Putin wrote nothing of the kind in that Wiki article. He said Russians and Ukrainians were one in the same. Not that I agree, but he never said he expected to be welcomed with open arms. The Russian symbol Z only throws off people who dont understand the contect in which I am writing, and if they dont understand thats on them.

Russia has shown they have plenty of precision weapons. They are killing people and taking out targets every day. They arent as good as the western weapons but they are hardly junk when they are still working nearly three years later.

We are going on three years, and this war cannot go on forever. Someone will win more than the other. It wont be Ukraine winning more than Russia. They cant even reclaim the land Russia took when the war started, and are losing the land they were able to get back last year.
Korvinus  2 | 558
1 day ago   #438
Not that I agree, but he never said he expected to be welcomed with open arms.

Putin believed that Ukrainians wouldn't resist like most Russia supporters here. His discourse in the invasion indicates that. He assumed that only the most diehard nationalistic Ukrainians would resist. And in the same discourse, he criticized Ukrainian "decommunization," and with his invasion, he only made Ukrainians hate Russia and him even more.
The creator of Stalker game is a Ukrainian who identified himself as Russian. He has spoken Russian since his birth, but thanks to Putin's actions, he is now a diehard Ukrainian supporter who donates millions to the Ukrainian army.
Novichok  4 | 7630
20 hrs ago   #439
Had he just gone in hard and heavy this would have ended quickly for everyone.

100% agree.

Putin should have watched this video before the invasion:

Even that stupid rat knows you go for the head. In this case, it's Kiev, all government buildings, and the elite's homes.

Z's house should have been the very first target in Feb 2022.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
20 hrs ago   #440
Deliberate targeting of "the elite" - civilian families, is a war crime.

Anyway Zelensky had the good sense to hide underground away from bombs. That already gave him the possibility for some De Gaulle style photo ops and as a skilled communicator it quickly got the free world on Ukraine's side - including "realist" countries like France and Italy.

Nothing is done well in North Nigeria, except amateur ****.
mafketis  38 | 10868
20 hrs ago   #441
ussia is a magical country, with a soul the width of the universe

It's a mystical place

It's full of emotional cripples who fetishize their own oppression and weaponize their suffering... nothing magical about that, just a toxic mess.

Nothing is worse than weak, resentful failures who blame everyone else for their own failures... and that's all russia does.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
19 hrs ago   #442
@cms neuf
So it was a war crime when the US targeted Sadam and his family? Would it be a war crime if Putin were targeted by Ukraine?

Putin himself has never said this. It is a narrative that the press ran with. Using 140K men to invade is not a number that says hey we are just going to ride down to Kiev and wipe out the government. That is a number that says we are expecting a real war. That said, Vlads army had been robbed blind by insiders for years and he obviously didnt know about it. So the start of the war was not what he had in mind. But I dont believe the narrative that he was thinking people would cheer on Russia's arrival.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
19 hrs ago   #443
Yes it was -,Iraq was an illegal war.

Putin himself - no, he is the commander in chief. His family in their home, yes, though they are obviously all thieves.

But we are not talking about what America did 20 years ago. We are taking about North Nigerian war crimes that are happening today
Crow  154 | 9207
19 hrs ago   #444
Nations, like some persons, likes to experience sado-mazo treatment. Much better to live life in normalcy.
Novichok  4 | 7630
19 hrs ago   #445
But I dont believe the narrative that he was thinking people would cheer on Russia's arrival.

A known debating trick...Set high goals for the enemy and gloat when he "failed".

See: Three days to take Kiev.
Korvinus  2 | 558
19 hrs ago   #446
If we continue to support Ukraine they will win the war of attrition. Unless China steps in majorly, Russia is going to face big problems sometime in 2026-2027. Western support is entirely sustainable well into the future, though.

Russian winning the war depends on convincing the west to stop assisting Ukraine, which is why they constantly push the narrative of "inevitable Russian victory" which we witness aping here. They really need the west to stop helping Ukraine in order to win.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
19 hrs ago   #447
@cms neuf
I am not arguing the war with Sadam, just asking questions. In theory then, it would be ok for Vlad to take out Z as a legitimate target if he didnt target his family?

How can Ukraine win a war of attrition when they dont have enough men? China's economy is collapsing, and it can be argued that China needs Russia more than Russia needs China.
Novichok  4 | 7630
19 hrs ago   #448
Kiev may have to accept loss of territory - ex-NATO boss
Ukraine could end up sacrificing land in order to end the conflict with Russia, Jens Stoltenberg has said

Hey, azhole, U lost Donbass and Crimea through a referendum. So this ship has sailed and is not coming back no matter what Kiev thinks.
pawian  219 | 24592
18 hrs ago   #449
Kiev may have to accept loss of territory - ex-NATO boss

Yes, they will sooner or later.
But when Russia disintegrates into 15 Russtans, Ukrainians will recover the lost territory.
Crow  154 | 9207
18 hrs ago   #450
Rome is powerful. I wouldn`t underestimate it. So I understand why Poland hesitate to openly support Serbia. I do understand that. Poland live in fear, in fierce control. We Serbians should be happy that Poles don`t hate us. At least that.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

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