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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

Lenka  5 | 3454
15 hrs ago #781
They'd sooner like to see Ukraine burn to the ground, than be Russian.

Because Ikrainians don't want to be Rissians.
they'll blame all of it on Russia

And who should be blamed if not the aggressor?
mafketis  38 | 10876
14 hrs ago #782
ussia has never heard of the "Wounded Warriors program".

They have a terrible record with wounded veterans... the general public doesn't want to look at them or remember they exist.
Novichok  5 | 7739
13 hrs ago #783
They have a terrible record with wounded veterans...

Ours are homeless and on drugs. Want pics?
And who should be blamed if not the aggressor?

Russia didn't move to NATO. NATO moved to Russia.

Russian troops are in Russia or there is no such thing as self-determination.

Ukrainian troops invaded Russia and are the aggressor.

There is nothing dumber than Euro women. Facts don't matter. Laws don't matter. Only feelings...

BTW, where is the moron who claimed that moving kids out of harm's way was a war crime?

I was moved by the Germans out of harm's way - the harm that AK idiots created by playing stupid games with the Red Army.

Dear Germans, I really appreciate it.
mafketis  38 | 10876
13 hrs ago #784
Russel Bentley was an American who went to Ukraine to fight and was killed by his comrades.... an investigation with some details has been released.
Alien  22 | 5444
12 hrs ago #785
who went to Ukraine

However, he fought on the russian side.
mafketis  38 | 10876
11 hrs ago #786
However, he fought on the russian side.

Yeah.... exactly he went to Ukraine to kill Ukrainians for russia and russians ended up torturing him to death.

Not so surprising...
Novichok  5 | 7739
10 hrs ago #787
Yeah.... exactly he went to Ukraine to kill Ukrainians for russia

There are NATO azholes who go to Russia to kill Russians.

They are lucky I am not the president of Russia. They would be executed on the spot.
Korvinus  2 | 553
10 hrs ago #788
Ukrainian troops invaded Russia and are the aggressor.

Poor Russia. Even when they invade their neighbors (invade them for a third time in 10 years, btw), they are the victim.

Russia can't even enjoy attacking their neighbors and annexing their lands in peace without being targeted by nefarious plots against them.
Novichok  5 | 7739
10 hrs ago #789
Even when they invade their neighbors

Invading neighbors to create a buffer is a lot more excusable than invading places 10,000 miles away the invading army was clueless where and why on the day before the invasion.
cms neuf  1 | 1771
10 hrs ago #790
A 64 year old man, there to help the North Nigerian cause. Tortured, sexually assaulted, his body desecrated and set on fire.

And yet people think the Ukrainians should negotiate with these criminals.
Novichok  5 | 7739
10 hrs ago #791
And yet people think the Ukrainians should negotiate with these criminals.

Instead of serving them raw like sushi, the US fried 200,000 Japs in August 1945.

They still love "America".

Try harder...
Miloslaw  21 | 4900
9 hrs ago #792
Instead of serving them raw like sushi, the US fried 200,000 Japs in August 1945.

They still love "America".

Try harder...

That is a very weak and poor comparison..... you need to try harder.... and anyway, Russians are far too cowardly to use nukes when they know that in an MAD scenario, everyone will lose, but the Russians would lose most.
Velund  1 | 537
3 hrs ago #793
but the Russians would lose most.

"Try harder" as you like to say. After exchange of a full set of nukes, US will have parts of Nevada desert and possible a strip of livable land on the north (if Canada will be smart enough to not participate). Britain probably will have no clean lands with normal ecosystem at all. Russia will have quite big now inhabited Taiga and Tundra territories that can be quickly developed to host survivors.

PS: "Perimeter" system that will command retaliation strike is not coward, it is electronic...
Alien  22 | 5444
2 hrs ago #794
India wants to sell 2,500 of its old T72 tanks. Will russia buy them? There has to be some way to stop that. Or what?
cms neuf  1 | 1771
2 hrs ago #795
Who is going to buy rusty junk like that ? Only somebody who was desperate and didn't care about their soldiers would buy such a death trap.
GefreiterKania  28 | 1384
2 hrs ago #796
rusty junk

T-72 is a versatile and dangerous weapon. Especially that it can be modernised quickly and at low cost (ask Ukrainians if they like PT-91 Twardy).

2500 of these tanks in Russian hands would definitely be something to worry about for Ukraine.
mafketis  38 | 10876
1 hr ago #797
The Biden policy of defending russian military targets is going away...

Ukraine hits another big ammo depot, this time in Krasnodar (said to be stockpile for Nork ammo, most likely produced by slave labor)

And they hit another spot in the Tver region...

It will make russophiles sad but that's a lot of weapons that won't be used to kill Ukrainians....
cms neuf  1 | 1771
1 hr ago #798
Google why are T72s so bad and you will get plenty of hits.

No doubt Indian tank commanders have seen those exploding turrets on YouTube

Still if the North Nigerians want to park 2000 of them at their permanent base, 8km from Pokrovsk, then they can do so.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

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