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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

Novichok  5 | 7693
15 Sep 2024 #631
your Russkey Meer sucks big time you don't bring much to the table.

Your table or Russia's?

Russia controls 20% of what used to be Ukraine.

This happens to be best part of the steak. Russia's table looks mighty good to the Western thieves and that is why they still hope for a miracle of being able to put their bloody paws on it.

They almost succeeded...Now, eat shlt...
Novichok  5 | 7693
15 Sep 2024 #632
More EU leaders joining 'peace camp' - Orban
The bloc's members are starting to realize that the Ukraine conflict is not "their war," the Hungarian PM has said

No shlt! How many damn times did I say the same thing...except that it was BEFORE thousands of Ukrainians tuned up dead.
cms neuf  1 | 1759
15 Sep 2024 #633
I'm not marching for Gaza because I am older, because it's an issue I know less about and because I have other things to do. But I could march if I wanted to, because we live here in a democracy. in Moscow you have no right to protest about anytthing. You would be soon by thrown into some crappy two stroke van

You are right that Nigeria has a GDP 3x that of Ukraine. In fact it will catch up with Putler's empire soon. And it's maybe an unfair comparison as it is moving forward, doesn't invade it's neighbors, isn't under sanctions, is diversifying it's economy away from oil, is fighting corruption and building a shaky democracy.

You guys have delusions of grandeur, and compare your country to America, Germany, China and other true global powers. It makes no sense when living standards and economic and military power are so low.

Thanks for reminding me about Pokrovsk. How many KM away ? I heard it would fall by mid September. Todays the 15th.

And as for these peons to soviet lifestyle - it is sick. Yeah there were nice parades, olympic medals and lots of holiday. All nice if you forget the gulags and the queues, the censorship, terrible living standards and hopelessness.
Joker  2 | 2154
15 Sep 2024 #634
'm not marching for Gaza because I am older,

That still makes you a useful idiot for Iran.

You would be soon by thrown into some crappy two stroke van

That means you really want to but are too afraid of the police.

So, you rather encourage the useful idiots in America to do your dirty work for you? What a pussy!
GefreiterKania  28 | 1379
15 Sep 2024 #635
a sick Russophile

I've always admitted my warm feelings towards Russia and you constantly keep calling it "sick". So a question to you: why being a Russophile is sick and being a Ukrophile or Germanophile isn't? Both those nations also committed atrocities against Poles in the past, one might even argue that more (Germany) or proportionally more (Ukraine) than Russia. So why is there forgiveness only for them and not for Russia? Why is cms_neuf's illogical and blind hatred something that you tolerate and even condone as patriotic whilst you just can't stomach my sympathy for Russia? An honest question, Pawian.

You should be more concerned what lays in Poland's national interest.

Full-blown cynicism? Very well, let's go there. How is strong Ukraine good for Poland? We have already witnessed their pride and "turbopatriotism" now when they are weak and in need. How will they behave when they are victorious and stronger? How is becoming stronger by a nation with an eternal chip on their shoulder against us good for Poland? Especially that their nationalism is so impenitent that they even refuse admitting the genocide they committed (not to even mention apologising for it).

How is Ukraine in the EU good for Poland? That would mean redirecting all forms of aid towards them, only made worse by the ominpresent corruption (think about all the billions drowned in Greece and multiply it by ten). How are our 20-acre farmers (or even the 500-acre ones) supposed to compete equally with Ukrainian 1000000-acre monster farms: Kernel Holding - 600000 hectares, UkrLandFarming 500000 ha, Agroprosperis - 470,000 ha, Mironowski Chleboprodukt - 370000 ha, Astarta 250000 ha etc. - there are 93 such agroholdings owned by the Dutch, Saudi and American capital (among others). If they are in the EU on equal conditions with us, our farmers are pretty much f*cked. How is that good for Poland?

How is Ukraine in NATO good for Poland? It would be a constant bone of contention with Russia and an eternal casus belli, destabilising the region. Also, what would NATO do in case of a conflict between Greece and Turkey? Difficult to say, isn't it? So what would NATO do if Ukraine was a member and one day they decided to regain the ancient Ukrainian land of "Закерзоння"? How is that good for Poland?

If we want to be full-time cynics, always only looking out for number one, then a smaller Ukraine (without Donbass and with limited access to the Black Sea), weaker, dependent on us, and being a demographic pool we can draw from, is a much better option, isn't it? The question is: do we want to be full-time, hard-headed cynics?

I think Bobko is right. It is all about emotions, deeply hidden complexes and anxieties rather than logic and cruel game of interests. There's simply too many things that are self-contradictory and irrational about people's attitude towards this war to conclude otherwise.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 904
15 Sep 2024 #636
It's not in Poland's interest to warm a snake on its bosom. This snake is Ukraine.

All the while many here promote Ukranian news and hopes, Ukraine continues to not allow Poland to repatriate the bodies from the Volyn massacre. Ukraine refuses to call it genocide, when Poland admitted its genocidal acts in 2003 toward Ukraine. Not only does poland feed and take care of Ukraine women and children but it is the safe haven for tens of thousands of men who are of fighting age who have escaped Ukraine and refuse to fight.

Now Russia has quadrupled its forces in Kursk as they move to push Ukraine out. And reports are coming out that Russia will have the Pokrovsk region surrounded in the coming days. Putin just has more men, and keeps sending as many as he wants. This is the absolute most important part of this war. There are simply not enough Ukraine men who are willing to die for Ukraine, and in the end, Russia will take what it wants based on manpower.
cms neuf  1 | 1759
15 Sep 2024 #637
Putler has had more men for 3 years. Just a shame they are badly trained drunks with outdated equipment.

If they have 4x the numbers of troops in Kursk now that means either

- they are rookie farm boys ?
- they have been taken from Donbas ?
- they have been taken from Moscow (we all know Putler will want to keep his best most loyal troops close to the bunker, ready for his final battle)
- all lf the above?
Joker  2 | 2154
15 Sep 2024 #638
Trump stated he would have the war ended by his inauguration day, if elected ..... This is your best hope judging by all the armchair generals on this thread.
mafketis  38 | 10857
15 Sep 2024 #639
Trump stated

Trumps says a lot of stuff.... and then nothing happens...

How many times did he say he was going to build a wall?

He built no wall.

He's all talk and no follow through.

Anyone who hasn't seen through that yet.... is a dope.
Ironside  50 | 12375
15 Sep 2024 #640
Now, eat shlt..

No I pass, that is your staple diet.

Move there if you love it so much. A retard who doesn't even speak Russian and has never been there has a lot to say about it. You couldn't make that up!
Korvinus  2 | 549
15 Sep 2024 #641
Remember that one of the possible objectives with Kursk invasion(force RU to take troops from frontlines) failed in the first days?
Frontline report: Russian forces finally sacrifice Pokrovsk offensive to defend Kursk​

Crow  154 | 9177
15 Sep 2024 #642
As maniacs, indoctrinated with clerical Catholicism (in Greataer Croatia), Islamism (on Kosovo, Albania and Bosnia) and arrogance about Slavic inferiority (in Romania), in the regions around Serbia sharpening their knifes, good news arriving of Russa`s control of situation.

Scott Ritter: Catastrophic NATO Losses in Ukraine - A Thousand Soldiers Wiped Out!

Korvinus  2 | 549
15 Sep 2024 #643
Scott Ritter

Nig*ga, I'm not even wasting my time to watch what this pedophile says.

He's not in any insider position and hasn't been for over a decade. He has no special knowledge of the situation. He's a dime-a-dozen e-grifter and not worth paying attention to.
Crow  154 | 9177
15 Sep 2024 #644
Douglas Macgregor: Kursk Devastation - Ukraine's Forces Crushed Beyond Recovery!

Korvinus  2 | 549
15 Sep 2024 #645
He's a dime-a-dozen e-grifter and not worth paying attention to.

Or even worse, shills like Douglas MacGregor. At almost all times they seem to think that Russia is on the verge of complete victory and Ukraine is on the verge of complete collapse.

That isn't in the least bit helpful for making realistic assessments. Just garbage in and garbage out.
McGregor is the same guy who pretended the other day that a two-year-old video of Russia moving empty missiles for a parade meant something big. Who predicted a complete defeat of Ukraine 5 days after the war and then, 10 days? And in July of 2022?
Crow  154 | 9177
15 Sep 2024 #646
Scott Ritter: NATO's Desperate Plot Revealed - Kursk Offensive Could Ignite World War!

mafketis  38 | 10857
15 Sep 2024 #647
For those pushing 'negotiations'.... russian state media ridicules them....

It takes two to tango and one side in Ukraine doesn't want peace.
Crow  154 | 9177
15 Sep 2024 #648
4 hours ago

Douglas Macgregor: Ukraine's Kursk Disaster-An Offensive That's Cost Them Everything!

mafketis  38 | 10857
15 Sep 2024 #649
And just like that!

Another russian red line is quietly abandoned....

Crow  154 | 9177
15 Sep 2024 #650
45 min ago

Scott Ritter: NATO Powerless as Ukraine's Kursk Offensive Collapses - Catastrophic Losses!

Ironside  50 | 12375
15 Sep 2024 #651
Full-blown cynicism?

I wouldn't call it cynicism. It is rather more appropriate to call it realism.
All concerns you presented are something that might happen in the future. It doesn't necessarily happen. Poland needs is a proper elite that would take Poland's national interest as their primary goal and realism as their motto.
Even the strongest Ukraine will be weaker than Poland and Russia in the foreseeable future.
Hence weakening Russia makes a lot of sense. I doubt the reason of those who don't believe the validity of such a course of action.
They might be all about their emotions.
Then there are simpletons and plebs everywhere and they react emotionally to all kinds of propaganda.
Crow  154 | 9177
15 Sep 2024 #652
Hence weakening Russia makes a lot of sense.

Official Poland`s attempt to weaken Russia is a mistake at the moment when Russia offering sincere partnership to Serbia, Hungary and others, global players included. We witnessing formation of a Multi-polar world. That is good, not bad for Poland.

So this attempt to weaken Russia at this time is only proof that Poland isn`t sovereign country. That is rather sad and, its a pity.
mafketis  38 | 10857
15 Sep 2024 #653
ussia offering sincere partnership to Serbia

Nobody cares about serbia.... the least important country in Europe!
Korvinus  2 | 549
15 Sep 2024 #654
We witnessing formation of a Multi-polar world.

How about Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia?
Crow  154 | 9177
15 Sep 2024 #655
How about Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia?

What about Mexico, Cuba, South America, Serbia, etc, etc, etc.

I said we witnessing formation of a Multi-Polar world. That is step forward from status of Uni-Polar world. Humanity progress. We won`t stop until we transit from planetary civilization to solar civilization and then even farther. We will suffer on our path but we shall manage.

In it, there is the unique space for all human civilizations. For Slavic, too.
Korvinus  2 | 549
15 Sep 2024 #656
I said we witnessing formation of a Multi-Polar world.

In a multi-polar world, the poles would be Europe, North America, East Asia, and some Arab structure.
What Russia has, except delusions of grandeur, to justify is position as great power of multipolar world?
Economy? Non-existent. The country is just replacable raw resources exporter.
Demography? Lol.
Military? It can't defeat even poor-as-**** Ukraine that got supplied with leftover cold war NATO weapons.
There's just not enough dudes, not enough money, and not enough influence in Russia for it to be a Great Power in that way. The only reason Russia is mostly left alone is the Pax Americana.
Ironside  50 | 12375
15 Sep 2024 #657
Official Poland`s attempt to weaken Russia is a mistake

It is not. It is what anybody would do in Poland's place. So would Russia.
time is only proof that Poland isn`t sovereign country.

It proof nothing of the sort. Rather than spew nonsense talk some more about Sarmatia and Dragons.

Do want to know that badly who is good and who is bad? Here is a simple answer - bellum iustum.
That gives you clear criteria if a war is morally justifiable. Christian theory says - "it is one thing to wage a war of self-defense; it is quite another to seek to impose domination on another nation".
Velund  1 | 532
15 Sep 2024 #658
What Russia has, except delusions of grandeur

"There was no greater natural advantage in life than having an enemy overestimate your faults unless it was to have a friend underestimate your virtues. "
Ironside  50 | 12375
15 Sep 2024 #659
"There was no greater natural advantage

lol! What enemy? At best, he is a cheerleader for one side. You are very dramatic, are you bored? Join a Special military operation that should wake you up. lol!
mafketis  38 | 10857
15 Sep 2024 #660
Apparently the russian channel telegram is showing a unit in rostov where russian soldiers are being treated.... well pretty much like russians are always treated....

They're tied to phone poles, beaten and if they don't make monthly payments to their commanding officer are sent to 'zero' positions where chances of survival are.... not good.

the russian world in all its russianness!

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

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