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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

Novichok  5 | 7686
14 Sep 2024 #601
Ridiculous to compare the morals of the two camps

Morals, moron? How moral is telling boys that they can be girls if they only get chemically castrated or have their peepee sliced off?

How moral is it to allow men into women's sports, showers, and sororities?

That's what the West scum is doing now and goes apeshit when Russia says niet to fakot activists in Russian schools.

In Russia, a man cannot claim that he is a woman and beat the fvck out of another women in the "Olympics".

In China, they execute drug smugglers. We give them 10, out in 3. If they are black, we blame whitey.
cms neuf  1 | 1748
14 Sep 2024 #602
In North Nigeria you get jailed for calling a war a war, murdered for criticizing the chief thief

In China you get nailed into your apartment if you get covid

in Iran you get arrested and raped by cops for showing your ankles or hair

in North Korea you get hard labor for not polishing your household picture of Kim
Crow  154 | 9165
14 Sep 2024 #603
In North Nigeria you get jailed for calling a war a war, murdered for criticizing the chief thief

One of these days they will start using word war and you won`t like it.

Who knows what can sate you..
Novichok  5 | 7686
14 Sep 2024 #604
In North Nigeria you get jailed for calling a war a war,

In North America, you lose your job for saying that men don't menstruate and that trans women are men, not women.

Every country does what works.
Crow  154 | 9165
14 Sep 2024 #605
The USA was a generally speaking a normal country. How come to it that they adopted satanic ideologies?
Alien  22 | 5494
14 Sep 2024 #606
satanic ideologies

Do you mean Trump?
Joker  2 | 2154
14 Sep 2024 #607
Most certainly the anti Christian Democrats.

Big government is their God
Crow  154 | 9165
14 Sep 2024 #608
Trump love Serbians. He is fine, led by our light. Biden belongs to rogue Jewish habad sect that worship non-European satan and desire to exterminate all Whites and Jews because Jews mixed with Whites.
cms neuf  1 | 1748
14 Sep 2024 #609
All those countries plus their other allies like Niger, Syria, Belarus have one thing on common - the government despise their own citizens.
Novichok  5 | 7686
14 Sep 2024 #610
Who knows what can sate you..

Good point, Crow.

When the SMO officially becomes a liberation war, Russians, while defending their own, will be NAZIs.

On the other hand, the US attacking Iraq will forever be "freedom and democracy"...something...Casualties? What's that..."You have to break some eggs to make an omelette"

Or "It's a collateral damage"...

How nice...
Crow  154 | 9165
14 Sep 2024 #611
Niger, Syria, Belarus have one thing on common - the government despise their own citizens.

But USA citizens are on menu of Biden. We all are. Man is a demon incarnate. A vampire. Satan worshiper.
Novichok  5 | 7686
14 Sep 2024 #612
the government despise their own citizens.

As opposed to the US and other Western "democracies" that love their citizens and to keep them happy bring thousands of criminals without ever asking said citizens if they like the idea.

Why give them some sick idea that the ruling mob should first ask if it's OK.

Hey, cymes, STFU and stop supplying the evidence that you are an idiot. Or have a cup of coffee with Iron. You deserve each other.
Crow  154 | 9165
14 Sep 2024 #613
How nice...

You know. I starting to worry for Poland. Poland was a decent Christian country. Deluded in a positive way. Now, Poland is in the hands of monsters.
GefreiterKania  28 | 1399
14 Sep 2024 #614
Hoping for a position

You're a sad c*nt, Pawian.

If you can all sleep like babies at night, guys, and look in the mirror with broad smiles on your faces, congratulations. Forgive me, however, if every now and then I sow a bit of doubt in your all-knowing and certain-about-everything minds.
pawian  220 | 24946
14 Sep 2024 #615
You're a sad

:):):) Sad? I am sad but only when a great Pole/Poless leaves this shythole. :):):)

look in the mirror with broad smiles on your faces,

Yes, I still can coz I am not a sick Russophile. :):):)
Velund  1 | 529
14 Sep 2024 #616
The USA was a generally speaking a normal country. How come to it that they adopted satanic ideologies?

Well now we know why the Masonic "elite" of the USA so zealously promoted "democracy" together with "freedom" of its own design, and why it did not hesitate to leave hundreds of thousands of corpses all over the world.

The system was worked out by real masters - for each child corpse somewhere in Iraq, the relatives of the "right people" received as perfectly legal MICC dividends quite a considerable share of money siphoned from the US taxpayers. And NATO is an even more masterful solution, which taxes the cannon fodder for conflicts in favor of the same MICC (and their shareholders)...

But suddenly it turned out that this system can leave a lot of child corpses, but in general it is ineffective even against sheep-fcukers in sandals with Kalashnikovs, and it is a problem to fight against a regular army even with all the effort and arsenals denuded.
Bobko  26 | 2189
14 Sep 2024 #617
I marched against the war in Iraq. I think the invasion was criminal.

Hey guys, Himmler here marched against the Iraq War, hahaha!

He's probably also marching against the war in Gaza now, where 4X more civilians died than in the war in Ukraine.

I'm telling you - he's a real schizophrenic.

It's that, or he's just a racist. The way he slid off the moral comparison between the US and Russia, indicates he doesn't really care about the moral dimension and simply hates Russia.
pawian  220 | 24946
14 Sep 2024 #618
hates Russia.

So what??? Imperial Russians hate the West (even those who emigrated to the West and are living in comfy conditions there, far from Russian shyt). Why can`t Westerners cherish similar emotions about Russia???

Leave cms alone. Or fekk off of him. He is a patriot who perfectly counterbalances those useful idiots aka Russophiles.
Novichok  5 | 7686
14 Sep 2024 #619
Bobko and Velund, I thank you very much for being here and for your patience. You said everything that needed to be said so I will be brief with my usual charm...

Hey, Russia hating morons...

Would there be a war in Ukraine if NATO stayed where it was in 1990?

I don't want any crap, essays, analogies, or evasive shlt like this. First yes or no. Then the usual bullshit from the usual idiots...
Bobko  26 | 2189
14 Sep 2024 #620
So what?

Then we should not debate him, or enter into any discussion with him - since it is guaranteed to be a thankless effort.

He doesn't debate in good faith. He closes his eyes to apparent facts, and repeats ad nauseam blatant falsehoods.

If even YOU see that he's driven primarily by irrational hatred of all things Russian - then that's good enough for me to start ignoring him full time.

Compare him to Maf, or even to yourself.... You guys make a lot of claims that make me want to shout, but they're not often completely illogical statements.

For example: CMS Neuf can say out of one side of his mouth that the West should transfer all possible weapons to Ukraine (otherwise the Baltics and Poland are next, he says), and out of the other side of his mouth he will say that nothing in Russia works, the army is incompetent, and the war is already doomed. Both these things can't be true at the same time. It demonstrates that he's a useless demagogue, or simply scared sh*tless of Russia and spouting off nonsense.

His claiming of a moral high ground is the most hilarious thing of all, because he daily makes statements that would make Himmler embarrassed. He talks about North Nigerians (implying that Nigeria is somehow a hopeless sh*thole, though it has a GDP 3X the size of Ukraine), dog meat, subhumans, slaves, etc. I have never seen any Russian refer to Westerners in those terms. His rhetoric justifies the worst excesses originating on Russian tv or press - because it makes it seem as though the West is truly driven by racial hatred towards Russia. Of course, this all goes over his head - but I hope it registers with you.
Novichok  5 | 7686
14 Sep 2024 #621
but they're not often completely illogical statements.

This reminds me of an entry by the first officer:
The Captain was not drunk today.

Both these things can't be true at the same time

They can be in the mind of a Polish moron.

Mind should be in quotes.

Cms is a broad that throws noodles to see which ones will stick.
Bobko  26 | 2189
14 Sep 2024 #622

If I was smart, I would cheer CMS Neuf and Miloslaw on, instead of debating their nonsense.

They are the worst kind of Ukraine supporter - for Ukraine - even though they consider themselves moral crusaders of unimpeachable character.

If people like them win the public debate, then that is the speediest way to curtail Western aid to Ukraine. By painting an unrealistically rosy picture of the state of affairs in that war, they may just convince a large enough section of society to assume that the war is already won and Ukraine is no longer in need of tens of billions of dollars of humanitarian aid and weapons.

This debate happens daily on Twitter, between "sober realist" pro-Ukrainians, and "clueless cheerleaders" like Neuf and Milo. It's even bigger than the debate between pro-Russians and pro-Ukrainians now.

The truth is that Ukraine is in a desperate, desperate position. Every ounce of aid helps to keep them in the fight. Idiots like Neuf that keep repeating the distance to Pokrovsk or "3 Day Operation", make the people that don't know anything about the war think that Ukraine is doing "just fine".

Western populations are already almost evenly split on the question of aiding Ukraine. So when Neuf thinks he's doing Ukraine a favor by spouting hatred that turns nearly everybody off, and claiming that things are going swimmingly - he's doing as much damage as me - a pro-Russian.

How about that?! lol.
Ironside  50 | 12477
14 Sep 2024 #623
yes, it does matter to me who the baddies are.

You should be more concerned what lays in Poland's national interest. Playing at being a priest or a moral authority only when you have nothing to do.
Anyway, To make it easy for you - Russians are the baddies. You can sleep soundly now.
Novichok  5 | 7686
14 Sep 2024 #624
How about that?! lol.

They are worse than that...They create false hope that Ukraine can win. This leads to more deaths among the people they wish well - while they stay safe in their PC rooms.

With friends like this...You know the rest.

I always try to quote your last sentence to let you know that I read the entire post.

Russians are the baddies.

How is Eva, Adolf?
Bobko  26 | 2189
14 Sep 2024 #625
read the entire post.


With friends like this...You know the rest.

That's what I was trying to say, but in much more roundabout way. You said it right.

Neuf and Milo damage Ukraine more, than I ever could.

be more concerned what lays in Poland's national interest

I respect this position.
Bobko  26 | 2189
14 Sep 2024 #626
You should be more concerned what lays in Poland's national interest.

It's not in Poland's interest to warm a snake on its bosom. This snake is Ukraine.

Right now, you feed their women and children, send them weapons, send them money, and advocate for them in international fora. Yet, it doesn't stop them from making the occasional preposterous attack on Poland in the diplomatic realm.

Now let's imagine how Ukraine will behave in 10, 20, 30 years?

Could it potentially become as great a source of irritation as Russia appears to you now? I certainly think it's possible.

Neighbors should always try to find a way of getting along. Anywhere where neighbors do not get along - North and South Korea, Venezuela and Colombia, China and Japan, and so on and so forth - it's always a huge drain on the resources of both, and only brings dividends to their opponents farther afield.

We share a border in Kaliningrad. We have nearly a millennium of common history. We belong to the same family of nations. Who wins if we fight? I can tell you who wins, but I think you know already.
Ironside  50 | 12477
14 Sep 2024 #627
I respect this position.

Not to confuse Torq, between you and me, Russia is playing the game everyone is playing (or should be playing). There are only two issues with it. First, it is against Poland's national interest, second, your Russkey Meer sucks big time you don't bring much to the table. So nobody can be seduced by it, except some retards like Novi who are as far away from it as it is physically possible.
Ironside  50 | 12477
14 Sep 2024 #628
Could it potentially become as great a source of irritation as Russia appears to you now? I certainly think it's possible.

If it comes to that, there is Russia. Having a common enemy and aligned interests would bring about some form of cooperation. Is not out of the question.
Right now Russia is not interested and has nothing to offer. Poland is too small in its eyes.
By the way Russia would do well to get rid as much as possible of Soviet culture.
Bobko  26 | 2189
14 Sep 2024 #629
as much as possible of Soviet culture.

Soviet culture is at least internationalist, and anti-chauvinistic. Say what you want about all the other nasty aspects, but this you can't take away from Soviet culture. Brotherhood of peoples and all that....

If Soviet culture is to be replaced, don't be surprised if it's going to be the old pre-Revolutionary Great Russian chauvinism.

People like your favorite Girkin hate Soviet culture, because it does not do enough for Russians with a capital R. I don't think monarchists like him would be better for Poland than nomenklatura type people like Putin.

Soviet culture keeps a tight lid on Russian supremacy.
Bobko  26 | 2189
14 Sep 2024 #630
I realized I'm using terminology that may not be familiar to people not from the Soviet Union. Here's a link:

Here's a quote:

At the 12th Congress of the RCP(b) Nikolay Bukharin stated: "We, [ethnic Russians] as a former great-power nation, must put ourselves in an unequal position. Only with such a policy, when we artificially put ourselves in a position lower than others, only at this price can we buy the trust of formerly oppressed nations."

Soviet culture is terrified of Russians spreading their shoulders.

I agree it could be dangerous. We might lose the other peoples that live within the Federation.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14
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