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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

Novichok  5 | 7715
10 Sep 2024 #421
I'm not claiming that the population of the Donbas voted anything in a valid referendum, you are.

I never claimed any such thing. So pay attention now and notice the absence of meaningless adjectives like free, fair, and valid.

Go play the adjective games with adjective suckers and other morons.

BTW, I like for this exact reason: When they report, they don't color with stupid adjectives. Western presstitutes do it all day long.

This is what I claimed:

Step 1. The citizens of Donbass voted to separate from Ukraine.

Step 2. Donbass asked Russia to join the Russian Federation.

Step 3. Russia said OK and now Donbass is part of the Russian Federation.

Case closed.

If you smell rat, go find it and let us all see it.

The French Canadians had a separation referendum. Nobody told them to move to France.

Try harder...

Why there is no any proofs that US elections was free and fair after numerous "anomalies" observed?

The burden of proof is always on the accuser. I don't have to prove that I didn't steal as it is impossible to prove the negative in 99% of cases without a perfect alibi.

Did you get it, Laz?
Velund  1 | 534
10 Sep 2024 #422
There were none in Donbass or Crimea.

During five days, 133 foreign observers from 28 countries followed the voting in the referendum on the DNR's joining Russia. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic.

On the final day of voting, representatives of Germany, Britain, Syria, Togo, Spain, Colombia, South Africa, Ghana, Serbia, India, Iceland and Latvia worked at polling stations in Donetsk and Makeyevka.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
10 Sep 2024 #423
Not one of these was an official representative apart from maybe the Syrian.

Rest of them were fruitcakes and losers
Novichok  5 | 7715
10 Sep 2024 #424
133 foreign observers from 28 countries followed the voting in the referendum on the DNR's joining Russia.

A meaningless point to the PF Russia haters. They always know better - including what Putin thinks before he does.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
10 Sep 2024 #425
Here is a website listing fake whack job observers

All grifters
Velund  1 | 534
10 Sep 2024 #426
Here is a website

Hm... Maybe it will be a good idea to register "" website and rent the space on its pages on a per-record basis? ;)

Rich, maybe you should act as agent that for considerably higher cost will offer services to remove records from that website? ;)

All grifters

Any proofs?
Novichok  5 | 7715
10 Sep 2024 #427
All grifters

A grifter is better than a moron...

Is Ukraine suing Russia for Donbass?

The statute of limitation runs out by 2524 so get on the stick...

to register "" website and rent the space on its pages on a per-record basis? ;)

There is no hard drive big enough...
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11756
10 Sep 2024 #428
..hey Novi....any news from that big TV duell...who is winning?
Novichok  5 | 7715
10 Sep 2024 #429
I am not sure who is winning but I am sure who is fvcked. It's the US taxpayers who are forking over one trillion a year on interest and another trillion on defense. So the race will be who will want to spend more...

All we need is the enemy. That's why the US MICC loves Russia and wishes Russia the very best.

I am posting this for my Russian friends. The azholes will not touch it because it doesn't fit.

BTW, can somebody explain to me why Russia cooperating with Iran is very, very bad but the US cooperating with Taiwan is very, very good?
Lazarus  2 | 319
10 Sep 2024 #430
Step 1. The citizens of Donbass voted to separate from Ukraine.

In order for them to have voted that, there needed to have been a free and fair election: prove there was one.

Russia had already agreed that the Donbas was part of independent Ukraine, so Russia was not able to grant that 'request'.

now Donbass is part of the Russian Federation.

Nope, ask the entire world: only Belarus, North Korea, Syria and Nicaragua will tell you the Donbas is part of Russia.

The French Canadians had a separation referendum. Nobody told them to move to France.

That's because they are Canadians who speak French. You claim that the people in the Donbas are Russians, not Ukrainians who speak Russian.
Miloslaw  21 | 4890
10 Sep 2024 #431
Did you ever try to debate without getting personal?

You thought that was personal?

I wouldn't do that with you.

BTW, I am still waiting for your evidence of me being wrong.

I don't need any evidence to back me up.You have condemned yourself with your own posts!

And posting videos from a Romanian Russian ar$e licker does not help your case.
Watch this video instead;

A Russian revolution must be coming...... Russians are turning against Putin...... they have seen the light......

Russia is losing this war!

The Russian revolution is coming.It is just up to the Russian people when that might be.
But it will come and one day Putin and his cronies will be gone but what will Russians replace him with?

Breaking news.........

Russia is losing this war........ Ukraine is winning!
Velund  1 | 534
10 Sep 2024 #432
You claim that the people in the Donbas are Russians, not Ukrainians who speak Russian.

Russians holding ukrainian passports also work fine.
Novichok  5 | 7715
11 Sep 2024 #433
You have condemned yourself with your own posts!

Name one where I was wrong.

there needed to have been a free and fair election: prove there was one.

No, moron, I don't have tp prove anything because I don't clam anything beyond that a referendum has take place.

If you want to claim that it was not free and fair, first define what "free" and "fair" means. Than show that the referendum fits the definition.

Next, go somewhere and sue Russia.

Is Ukraine suing Russia for Donbass?
Novichok  5 | 7715
11 Sep 2024 #434
there needed to have been a free and fair election: prove there was one.

No, moron, I don't have tp prove anything because I don't clam anything beyond that a referendum has taken place.

If you want to claim that it was not free and fair, first define what "free" and "fair" means. Then show that the referendum does not fit the definition.

Next, go somewhere and sue Russia.

Is Ukraine suing Russia for Donbass?

Russians holding ukrainian passports also work fine.

Spot on.

A person is first Russian before he is a citizen of Ukraine and holds Ukrainian passport.
Novichok  5 | 7715
11 Sep 2024 #435
Nope, ask the entire world: only Belarus, North Korea,

If Donbass was part of Ukraine, you could go to the nearest U consulate to get a visa to go there.

Newsflash! It won't work.

I will let you guess why.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
11 Sep 2024 #436
While we debate referendums, Biden is considering letting Ukraine use US long range weapons within Russian territory. Blinken is making the rounds in Europe to ramp up the war, and Starmer is meeting with Biden on Friday. No one is paying attention to whats actually happening concerning this war. This could escalate very quickly if Biden allows Ukraine to use weapons like this in Russia.

At what point does Vlad say fvck it and drop a small nuke somewhere? I believe the only reason he hasnt so far is because he has been patient and wants to keep the land he is taking so he can use it. But what if he gets to a point where hes willing to sacrifice some of it to prove a point? No article 5 for Ukraine, and not much left of the Black Fleet to destroy in retailiation. What happens if one of the US made long range missiles is a little off course and does something to regular Russian families and children?

Both sides are escalating things, and the rest of Europe is standing around not really preparing for what could happen. We are only five months away from the three year anniversary of this war starting, and we are no closer to a resolution. It looks to me as though we may be drifting further away from a potential resolution and closer to an escalation no one should want.
GefreiterKania  28 | 1379
11 Sep 2024 #437
We are only five months away from the three year anniversary of this war starting, and we are no closer to a resolution.

What's the rush? Soviet-Afghan war lasted over 9 years before powers that be decided that it was time to close the circus. Big, important heads sometimes need more time to process things.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
11 Sep 2024 #438
I would agree, but no one really GAF about Afghanistan for the last 70 years or so, other than the families that lost their husbands, fathers and sons there. Europe and the world should care about this a little more because its not heading toward a resolution right now, its heading towards escalation that could include Poland directly.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
11 Sep 2024 #439
Putler will not use nukes because his military won't let him. He might have a fake ass button in his office but of course it's not connected to a live nuke.

Let Ukraine hit military targets in Norrh Nigeria. If Putler moves those close to civilians then that is his problem.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
11 Sep 2024 #440
@cms neuf
You cant serious in your posts. Let Ukraine kick off WW3. Vlad, based on the Russian nuclear doctrine can launch a small nuke any time he wants now since the incursion into Kursk. Quite sure he has plenty of nukes that work since last inspections a few years ago confirmed as much.

My family has an escape plan, I hope everyone else does too. The conversation here is really disappointing the last few months as it relates to actual opinion based discussion concerning facts. All the emotional bull$hit is tired.
mafketis  38 | 10861
11 Sep 2024 #441
Let Ukraine kick off WW3

We are very well down the road to WWIII already, it's a process, not an event.

and russia started it in 2008, these things progress slowly then rapidly... it's still chugging along second gear now

had a united west stood firmer in 2014 (or even reacted more strongly in early 2024) we might have delayed or gotten off the road

Anything but a clear russian defeat (that russia recognizes as a defeat) will keep pushing us down the WWIII path.
Lazarus  2 | 319
11 Sep 2024 #442
I don't clam anything beyond that a referendum has take place.

A referendum is a free and fair vote by the electorate on a single question. Lining people up, pointing guns at them and telling them to put appropriately marked pieces of paper in a box is not a referendum.

And even if the referendum had been valid, that doesn't change the fact that Russia agreed that the Donbas is part of Ukraine.

If Donbass was part of Ukraine, you could go to the nearest U consulate to get a visa to go there.

No, I couldn't, because I don't need a visa to visit Ukraine. But don't let facts get in the way of your idiocy.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
11 Sep 2024 #443
Pointing the finger at Russia for starting this, is not going to end it. We all know who started it. We know their demands. We know Ukraine's demands. So why isnt someone forcing the two to negotiate? And we all know that the US and UK dont want that. The US specifically wants to burn through its stockpile of older weapons while producing new stockpiles.

I understand the process, and whats amazing is that some here just want the war to keep on going. Forget the fact that everyday more Ukraine men are dying, because that doesnt seem to matter to several people here as much as the deaths of Russians doesnt matter. No one has determined what a clear Russian defeat actually is, and to think Vlad will be gone is not something I think anyone actually believes will happen until he dies.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
11 Sep 2024 #444
There is surely a high chance of Putler going.

since 1917 there have been 3 violent overthrows and 2 Palace coups in North Nigeria. Prigozhin almost made another one last year. You think Putler's scum underlings won't be as ruthless in dealing with him ?
jon357  73 | 22626
11 Sep 2024 #445
We are very well down the road to WWIII already, it's a process, not an event.

and russia started it in 2008

I'd say (and experts say this too and were saying it in the buildup to 2022) that this is something they had planned for a very long time.

since 1917 there have been 3 violent overthrows and 2 Palace coups in North Nigeria

Very few orc 'leaders' die peacefully in their beds.

It would be droll to do a re-enactment of the cellar in Ekaterinburg. They should spare his kids though, for decency's sake (not that r*SSia has ever held back from murdering children), and perhaps substitute them with Lavrov, Simonyan and a few oligarchs plus a random selection of paid internet trolls.

Delightful news about the British Storm Shadow missiles. The orcs like to dish it but it seems they aren't at all keen on taking it.
Lazarus  2 | 319
11 Sep 2024 #446
Prigozhin almost made another one last year.

The irony is that Prigozhin was most probably being loyal to Putin and trying to remove elements that he believed were attempting to remove Putler.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
11 Sep 2024 #447
@cms neuf
I dont agree. I think Vlad has himself so well protected by over paid guards that it will be next to impossible to kill him. And if someone were able to accomplish this, is he any better than Putin? Better the devil you know sometimes. Big picture questions are not being asked. Why are these two not being forced to negotiate? I would agree that Russia as far as size of military and strength has been defeated in many respects as it concerns NATO and the west, but Ukraine is not going to push Russia out of Ukraine. Its simply not going to happen. Eventually Russia will simply bleed Ukraines men to a point that it will conceed more land. This isnt a game of "Risk" this is the loss of a whole generation of men.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
11 Sep 2024 #448
Ceausescu was protected by overpaid guards, and Gadaffi, and the East Germans, Noriega etc etc.

One day those guards will see the way the wind is blowing
Bobko  26 | 2173
11 Sep 2024 #449

Putin is our father and our teacher... anointed by God.

He has not only the nuclear button, but our hearts as well.

Don't compare him to some Romanian loser who was out of touch.

Putin knows what I want, before I ever realized it for myself.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

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