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How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started

Crow  154 | 9548
31 May 2024   #511
Poland will be saved when Serbia flatten Rome and dispel evil magic. If that`s what it takes, so be it. Fuc* the fiends.

Have no fear! Sarmatia shall prevail!


Rome is the range
Crow  154 | 9548
31 May 2024   #512
Rome is the range

correction > Rome is in the range of Serbian armament, air defense and rocketry, land to land missiles
mafketis  38 | 11165
31 May 2024   #513
it will take violence to remove Orban at some point

He's like PiS but over 10 times worse - his loyal voters look back in fondness at not having to make decisions and don't even care that he's destroying the country's future (young people are leaving in droves).

Similar case with Fico....
Crow  154 | 9548
31 May 2024   #514
Hungary and Slovakia gave up from Rome and gravitate to Belgrade.

Poland is next.

mafketis  38 | 11165
31 May 2024   #515
gravitate to Belgrade

and corruption? You can't spell Srbija without 'corruption'....
Crow  154 | 9548
31 May 2024   #516
Just buy popcorn and watch what happening.

Crow knows. Sarmatians reclaimers came back.
Korvinus  3 | 610
5 Jun 2024   #517
Poland is next.

You clearly have no idea about how it is to live under RU occupation... Check histories from Ukrainians who used to live in Mariupol and are now in the western regions of Ukraine. There is a reason to why RU nuclear threats works against westerners but don`t work against Poles or Balts for eg. Is not that they don`t fear being nuked. Is that they fear being under RU rule more than they fear being nuked.
Crow  154 | 9548
5 Jun 2024   #518
You clearly have no idea about how it is to live under RU occupation

Oh, I know all it well. But, I am not ONE SIDED as you are. Brate! Why brate you forgiving to those that mutilated your ancestors at Arkona and you don`t wish to see reality of your kin? What evil spirits clouded your eyes?

Complete history of Rome, Greeks and western Europe is looting and enslaving. ALL they achieved is thru deception and stealing. THEY used the moment and seized the power at one point of history. THEY re-directed wealth flow in Europe and world. THEY pushed Slavs ie Sarmatians and pressed so much what remained of our people and of our ancient noble families (because we also have our `immortals`) so that we were reduced to defense. Life in misery and long night. So our people fled from its own ancestors, from itself. Fled to false world created by the evil magicians of Rome and western Europe. False good life, from the blood of worlds.

So now Russia arises. That power what remained of our almost completely ruined civilization. Arises and says NO. What you stole, you stole, you won`t stealing anymore. What you assimilated, you assimilated, but NO more. What you killed in multiple genocides, you killed, but you won`t kill anymore.

That imperfect Russia said that to THEM. to the masters of lie and evil manipulation.

SEE, THIS IS TRUTH, BRATE. Truth is that we never sow happy Russia. Only Russia in agony. But, they now rebelled. Russians rebelled. So help us God, we Racowie are with them on this one. For the ancestors and golden freedom!

And what official Poland want. Monument to Bandera. To sacrifice Poland`s Slavs for the good of Rome`s black nobility. No, Poland`s officials don`t have credibility to do that.

And when you see battle standard of Sarmatia, our Dragons and fire-steels, you take your best aim and shoot at Serbians, if you have heart for such betrayal of your ancestors. That, assuming you are Polish. Your own blood and soul will rebel agisnt yourself and you will finish as the madman.
Novichok  4 | 8538
5 Jun 2024   #519
Is that they fear being under RU rule more than they fear being nuked.

Was Poland under the Soviet occupation from 1945 on?

If it was, it was the weirdest occupation ever...Never saw one military truck, one tank, or even one Soviet soldier in my entire life there. For this, I had to see movies...

I know because if I saw one I would give him a hug for preventing Western "democracies" from liberating Poland. Early on, we had that vision of the Polish version of Vietnam...No. Thanks.
Crow  154 | 9548
5 Jun 2024   #520
In the wake of WW3

One of these days Milorad Dodik, President of Serb Republic within Bosnia-Herzegovina needs to meet with Vladimir Putin.

But, who is Milorad Dodik, beside he is the leader of Bosnian Serbs. Milorad Dodik is also heavily sponsored by the Polish magnates from the USA Polish diaspora but, also from Poland. Magnates that tend to stronger ties with Anglo world and normal ties with Russia. Magnates that would like to see balance within Slavic world and Europe restored. Thru strong Serbian state. As it was in deeper past. So no more friction. All via private company of the Corey Lewandowski, Trumps aide.

So, Milorad Dodik is the man of balance for the Polish and Russian magnates. And he mediate. Let us wish him luck. We who love Slavic civilization.

Sastaju se Putin i Dodik


Interesting. Isn`t it. Milorad Dodik, Serbian leader from Bosnia-Herzegovina that has support of rich Poles and Russians.
Crow  154 | 9548
5 Jun 2024   #521
Yes, Racowie are back. Sarmatians reclaimers.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7953
12 Jun 2024   #522
Ho Boy, here is one for you to Google and expand on Novi.

Novichok  4 | 8538
12 Jun 2024   #523
I read it but couldn't find the punch line. I need help...
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
14 Jun 2024   #524
JR Jim is overreacting as usual.This is not WW3.

Putin has just tried to get peace in Ukraine.He obviously knows that he is losing this war.

He wanted Ukraine to give up 25% of Ukraine and to commit to not joining NATO.

Ukraine, quite rightly, told him to F off!

Who is running scared now?
OP johnny reb  49 | 7953
14 Jun 2024   #525
Are you posting from your peanut gallery again ?
You are a day late and a dollar short as this was already discussed.
Read both of my posts here:
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
14 Jun 2024   #526
Are you posting from your peanut gallery again ?

WTF is a peanut gallery?

Read both of my posts here.

With good reason, I tend to avoid your posts, but bravo, you flagged it up before me.

But Putin knows that he is losing this war.And it could get worse.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7953
14 Jun 2024   #527
WTF is a peanut gallery?

Google it professor
It fits you perfectly.

But Putin knows that he is losing this war.And it could get worse.

He is doing a tight rope walk with NATO.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7953
14 Aug 2024   #528
The latest on who blew up Nord Stream.
Nearly two years after the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines were damaged by explosions in the Baltic Sea, investigators are now focusing on a Ukrainian suspect believed to be involved in the sabotage.
The German Attorney General has issued an arrest warrant for the individual, who was last known to be in Poland but has since gone into hiding.
pawian  226 | 27545
14 Aug 2024   #529
was last known to be in Poland but has since gone into hiding.

Not into hiding but returned to Ukraine in early July. Simple. Germans can kiss his ass. hahahaha
mafketis  38 | 11165
14 Aug 2024   #530
returned to Ukraine in early July

Don't know if he did it but whoever blew up that abortion is a hero.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7953
15 Aug 2024   #532
This article tells who did it and how they did it.
Six Ukrainian drunks did it.
Thye pulled it off with a single yacht, a six-person crew, rudimentary diving equipment and a set of light explosives - was dreamt up by a few Ukrainian military men amid an alcohol-fuelled bash. 'I always laugh when I read media speculation about some huge operation involving secret services, submarines, drones and satellites,' the officer said. 'The whole thing was born out of a night of heavy boozing and the iron determination of a handful of people who had the guts to risk their lives for their country.'

Read the whole article here:
pawian  226 | 27545
15 Aug 2024   #533
the iron determination of a handful of people who had the guts to risk their lives for their country.'

Amasing Ukrainians! Glory to heroes.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
15 Aug 2024   #534
Agreed, now the UK and USA need to give them their permission to fire their long range missiles from Ukraine into Russia.That could be a war winner......
OP johnny reb  49 | 7953
16 Aug 2024   #535
.That could be a war winner......

That would be suicide.
And please don't speak for the USA.
You want London destroyed then have at it.
Ironside  50 | 12952
16 Aug 2024   #536
Never saw one military truck,

Your parents chained you to the wall in the cellar? that would explain a lot.
Korvinus  3 | 610
16 Aug 2024   #537
Putin could easily prevent that by calling for negotiations tomorrow and withdrawing Russian troops back to pre-invasion positions.

But he refuses to because if he does, he'll look weak. And the horde will not abide a weak khan.
Crow  154 | 9548
16 Aug 2024   #538
Poland moving against Serbia while public in Poland isn`t even aware of it says is all. That is how Poland as the state became relevant and will become spent, when public in Poland became aware of this. There won`t be any partition in Poland. Nothing of Poland will be because Poland can`t exist as anti-Serbia ie anti-Sarmatia. Its self negation. Self-cancelation from within. There will be something new. There will be return to default.
Korvinus  3 | 610
16 Aug 2024   #539
I an curious, if Serbia joins the EU or we were told , " Serbia will be joining the EU in the next 14 months " would you support Russia invading Serbia and annexing it like with Ukraine?
Crow  154 | 9548
16 Aug 2024   #540
Zelenski`s Ukraine is Slavic territory, populated by Slavs, mostly former Serbians, Russians and Poles but, that Ukraine in on anti-Slavic path set that way by non-Slavic corporate circles. Its anti-Slavic monstrosity. Plus, its obstacle to Russia to support Slavic South ie Serbia that is under assault. By attacking Russia, official Poland practically openly declared war to Serbia. Until now, path of Poland was clouded by certain things but now becoming clear. Poland today is clearly anti-Slavic state. Like Ukraine. Fist of western Europe and Vatican that hammering the vitality of its own civilization. Slavs of Poland are now hostages of anti-Slavic Poland.

So, its just the matter of short time when fragmentation of Poland will start from within. If its just Russia, enemy would confuse Slavs of Poland but, its about Serbians. So, Slavs of Poland shall awake. And, if its awake in time, we all together may even save idea of Poland. Of Slavic ie Sarmatian Poland.

Nothing is above Sarmatia ie Slavia.

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