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How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started

Novichok  4 | 8538
26 May 2024   #421
Crow, you should be the president of Poland. Or at least stick around here...

NATO: Denmark used to spend 1.4% of GDP and Russia didn't attack the "happiest" place on earth

EU: Once out of the EU, Poland would be free to do what it wants.

Neutrality: Switzerland is doing well. Not scared of "evil" Russia.

Middle finger: Save it for Western azholes and migrants.

Hungary and Serbia: Brilliant! Neither of the three could dominate the other two.

Poland will cease to exist: It will be swallowed by the hordes of foreign scum just as the UK is slowly disappearing as a white nation.

Research shows that white paint that was made gray will never be white again. Goodbye, Western Europe...

Before you die, I want an explanation why the US lost thousands of its best to liberate you from "Nazis". Looking back, Nazis were your friends compared to the millions of incompatible migrant garbage you are now stuck with forever.

God bless Hungary, Serbia, and migrant-free Poland...
Korvinus  3 | 610
26 May 2024   #422
* move out of NATO
* move out of EU

Why do you say that, because of Kosovo?
Crow  154 | 9548
26 May 2024   #423
NATO isn`t able to protect anybody but only to lure Poland in problems and EU will soon collapse in chatasrofic economic disarey.

And don`t think of confrontation with Russia. At this moment Russia is so strong that can erase western Europe in an instant and USA wouldn`t give a sh*t but rather offer economic cooperation to Russia. That is reality. Regarding Poland, reality is that Russia don`t see Poland as a real threat. Yet. And that is good. Also, while Russia don`t give a sh*t for NATO, be absolutely sure that Russia taking in consideration fact of Poland being part of Slavic world and with it being deeply connected with Serbia, Slovakia, Hungary, etc. Russia more care how would consequences of eventual Poland`s disaster affect public in Slavic countries and would that have negative impact on public in Russia. (THAT IS ONLY THING THAT CAN AFFECT INTERNAL BALANCE IN RUSSIA). Point is, Poland is already more protected by its Slavic heritage then by NATO, EU or Vatican. But, if Poland make obvious mistake, forget statehood of Poland. In place of Poland, new Slavic states would emerge just like that.

Why do you say that, because of Kosovo?

Forget Kosovo. Its solved problem, the way it suits to Serbians, no matter its not obvious now.
Korvinus  3 | 610
26 May 2024   #424
Russia is so strong that can erase western Europe

You lost me here bro. Russia can't even get 15% of Ukraine territory. And is nothing but a prison of nations that managed to collapse twice in a single lifetime.
Crow  154 | 9548
26 May 2024   #425
This isn`t for discussion because you don`t have information as I do. Where you live info is scarce. Here where I live we have info from all sides. When Russians decide to accelerate, it will happen quickly and you would change your mind in an instant. When that happen know this. If you live in Poland, you would be welcome in Serbia as refugee. I mean, even if Poland isn`t direct target. Anyway, come in Serbia, until the dust settles. Or in Hungary. Forget about other options. Just forget. Only Hungary and Serbia would be options. Mark my words, brate.

Russians are tired of sh*t and they will finish this once and for all.
Korvinus  3 | 610
26 May 2024   #426
* show middle finger to the Pope

Before the Polish-Lithuanian union that turned our attention east, Poland was pretty much integrated into catholic Europe. We were not a core country, like the Kingdom of France, but had a status similar to kingdoms of Scandinavia. Grand Duchy of Lithuania received western Christianity via Poland. Our first royal family, the Piasts had strong dynastic ties with Sweden, Norway and the Germanic duchies, Jagiellonians on the other hand with Czech and Hungarian kingdoms,and later also with Habsburgs.

* enter in local alliance with Hungary and Serbia

Hungary is too butthurt towards virtually every neighbor (and doesn't conceal the fact it wants to steal their lands). Even Czechs and Slovaks were unable to closely cooperate after 1989 and had to divorce in 1993. Central European block is an unrealistic illusion. Even our former ruling party, Law and Justice, which loved to indulge in such fantasies, didn't dare to propose leaving the EU for some unclear central European alternative. They knew the Polish people would swiftly end them like the Ukrainians ended Janukovych's regime.
Crow  154 | 9548
26 May 2024   #427
Before the Polish-Lithuanian union that turned our attention east, Poland was pretty much integrated into catholic Europe.

Serbians, too. But, fortunately we had Nemanjic noble house (they were ancestors of Polish Jadwiga, too) and when Pope pressed Serbia strongly they gave him middle finger. If we Serbs could done it, you Poles also can. You have more options then we had. You can opt for Polish Catholic Church. Just sever ties with papacy. It anyway doesn`t help Poland in anything but only making problems. Have your own head of Church and call him Pope if you wish.

We would all, anyway, later evolve into the Slavic Christian Church.
Korvinus  3 | 610
26 May 2024   #428
Where you live info is scarce.

You seem unaware but Ukraine has not even implemented universal conscription yet just partial and selective. Russia is so strong Ukraine doesn't need to mass mobilize...
Crow  154 | 9548
26 May 2024   #429
Poland will cease to exist

I doubt it. I have confidence in events to come. Poles would rebel against their government. And that would be that. Poland would change and find its balance within Slavic civilization. Most glorious moment of Poland yet to come. I am sure. New golden age.
Crow  154 | 9548
26 May 2024   #430
You seem unaware

Russia refrain itself from heavy casualties of modern conventional warfare. Thermobaric warheads and tactical nukes just like that is next stage.

And they will just warn in advance and then indiscriminately cover entire cities and areas. Then, only specialized units would move. Nothing massive. Bombing with tactical nukes and thermobarics then advance of specialized force for atomic warfare and tanks. Then again and again and again.

Somebody threaten their advancing force, they use ICBM on enemy Capital cities. Then again, tactical nukes and thermobarics then advance of specialized force for atomic warfare and tanks.

No defense from it. It won`t be war.

There were experts talking of it. Trust to Serbian source.
Novichok  4 | 8538
26 May 2024   #431
Poles would rebel against their government.

They won't. They didn't under "commies" so they won't under the EU and the money they get.

Nothing massive.

This will work very well. Small enough to kill tens of thousands instantly but not enough to trigger a full-on, life-ending nuclear war.
Crow  154 | 9548
26 May 2024   #432
Sure. That won`t be war. It would be something new entirely. It would be glassing.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
26 May 2024   #433
Baltic states and Poland may deploy troops to Ukraine if Russia succeeds
Then what ?
cms neuf  2 | 1865
26 May 2024   #434
Does any evening go by without you bitter old men fantasizing about your 80 year old nukes ?

They don't work
We are not scared of them
North Nigeria is too scared to fire them
mafketis  38 | 11165
26 May 2024   #435
North Nigeria is too scared to fire them

according to zeihan (usual caveats) the US informed russia that if nukes are used they will directly target putain... US intelligence knows where he is at any given second
Novichok  4 | 8538
26 May 2024   #436
the US informed russia that if nukes are used they will directly target putain..

The US will not do any such thing. The US wrote off 58,000 dead Americans in Vietnam but didn't hit dikes and other targets crying to be hit - even if this meant endangering US pilots and losing the war.

Nukes are not binary. There are as many grades as there are genders and other perversions in Lgbtland.
Crow  154 | 9548
26 May 2024   #437
They won't. They didn't under "commies" so they won't under the EU and the money they get.

But they will.

I know Poles and I am in contact with some of their prominent youtubers. At this stage, Poles would be more intimidated by Serbian then by Russian victories. They need to see how Serbians win over the German satellites on Balkan. They need to see Racowie ride again in all their resplendent might. Not long after, Poles would rebel against NATO. They know their place is with us. They just need to know we are back. With the dragon standard. That will help them find orientation in this turmoil. Ancestral call.
Novichok  4 | 8538
27 May 2024   #438
Crow, there is no reason why Poles should "rebel" against the EU money or NATO's protection.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
27 May 2024   #439
The Baltic states announced plans alongside Norway, Finland and Poland to construct a "drone wall" along their shared borders with Russia today.
Does this mean Poland will start shooting down Russian drones that are in their airspace ?
Novichok  4 | 8538
27 May 2024   #440
Does this mean Poland will start shooting down Russian drones that are in their airspace?

Of well as the German ones...
Korvinus  3 | 610
27 May 2024   #441
Russia refrain itself from heavy casualties

LOL. I have a bridge to sell to you...
I've seen this nonsense before - Russians are advancing slowly because they want to save civilians. It was funny back then, its funny now. Hundreds of lost Russian tanks and armored vehicles show the actual cost of their advance.

They're advancing slowly because Ukrainians are able to mount a strong defense and only give ground after fertilizing it with hundreds of Russian bodies.
Novichok  4 | 8538
27 May 2024   #442
after fertilizing it with hundreds of Russian bodies.

What happened to those who were executed in Katyn? Where are they now? Were they used as fertilizer?
jon357  72 | 23490
27 May 2024   #443
What a vile thing to write.
Novichok  4 | 8538
27 May 2024   #444
Russia, to my knowledge, is the only country that admitted a crime of such magnitude and erected or allowed to erect a memorial site to remind the world what their leaders did in the past.

If Putin read the hateful posts by Russia-hating Polaks, he should order the Katyn monument leveled and shipped in pieces to Poland.

I am still waiting for a monument erected in Japan to remember the bestiality the American POWs were subjected to by the Japs.

I am so disappointed the US had only two... Too late now...

What a vile thing to write.

Where is the "vile" part?

OK...I know so you don't have to answer...It was here:

and only give ground after fertilizing it with hundreds of Russian bodies.

This somehow you didn't notice?
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
27 May 2024   #445
Where is the "vile" part?

It's just something gay to say, Novi, as there was nothing vile about it.

I think Poland is just about to start WW3 any day now.
Poland, along with several Baltic NATO states, have indicated that they are ready to put boots on the ground in Ukraine if Russia manages to make a breakthrough with the latest assault.

About right now if I lived in Warsaw I would be getting my passport updated and a run plan secured.
cms neuf  2 | 1865
27 May 2024   #446
Meanwhile actually in Warsaw I am wondering whether to go to the gym or have a swim and then which restaurant to go to.

We are not planning any escape and if we do we can travel as far as Portugal without a passport.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
27 May 2024   #447
if I lived in Warsaw I would be getting my passport updated and a run plan secured.

Good idea.

Tusk is wasting billions on building a Maginot Line.

Poland unveils details of €2.4bn fortification of eastern borders

What's the point? Two months ago France simply declared it would send its own troops to Ukraine and this was the Russian response:

FINAL COUNTDOWN 'It would take just two minutes to nuke PARIS' threatens Putin ally as Russia warns France not to send troops to Ukraine

The French went quiet after that.
cms neuf  2 | 1865
27 May 2024   #448
I hope someone tells them that France have nukes too
Crow  154 | 9548
27 May 2024   #449
All French nukes are under direct command of the USA military. Go check. If just one ICBM move from France on Russia, Russia will understand that as the USA attack on Russia then we have global and full nuclear holocaust.

We all know, it won`t come to that. USA will rather detonate `rogue` French nuke above the France. In an instant.

Wise people see whats coming. It is western Europe against Russia and it would be bloodbath.

No, its western Europe against rest of the world because God only knows what Asian and African armies would join Russia and march to pacify western Europe. And Russia would accept that to spare its own army from casualties, and just provide technical support.

And USA won`t move a finger when shi* hits the fan.

This is what coming.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
27 May 2024   #450
I hope someone tells them that France have nukes too

Yes they do but unlike the Russians the French are notorious for protesting.

Who is likely to be voted out or resign over public fear and outrage of being incinerated?

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