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Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland?

cms neuf  2 | 1810
26 May 2018   #271
Exactly - he's not emotionally invested in Poland, but he is financially invested in Russia because he is paid by the thieves that run the place

Polands alliance with the EU and the US certainly has its problems but it's 100 times better than living like a Russian
Crow  154 | 9525
26 May 2018   #272
If alliance with USA and EU don`t kill Poles, alliance with Serbians won`t for sure.

Rome and Third Rome would give us their blessings.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
26 May 2018   #273
Exactly - he's not emotionally invested in Poland, but he is financially invested in Russia because he is paid by the thieves that run the place

Now it's my turn to use the technique practiced by some here: You are lying. Prove it.

I will have breakfast now and I expect a proof that I any connections with Russia by the time I come back in half an hour.
cms neuf  2 | 1810
26 May 2018   #274
I cannot prove that unfortunately - it is only backed up by circumstantial evidence

You follow a pattern of Russian trolling that we have seen here already - start off with some innocent posts and quickly move onto spreading race hate, praising Putin, and parroting the Kremlin party line on various contentious issues

You claim to have lived in Poland but no little about this place, have not convinced anybody that you speak Polish, have a bizarre story about forgetting your native tongue despite graduating from University and presumably writing a thesis on it

There are mistakes in your English.

When challenged about specific Russian crimes - e.g. rapes, the Poznan massacre, Communist terror then you excuse all of them - something that a non-Russian wouldn't really do.

So rather let me say this it is my strong suspicion that you are a Russian.

If you are not then I stand corrected

Ps - bit late for your breakfast- five in the afternoon! Maybe you had a heavy night on the vodka
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
26 May 2018   #275
You claim to have lived in Poland but no little about this place, have not convinced anybody that you speak Polish, ...

You claim to have lived in Poland but no little about this place... It's know, not no. Whats is the definition of "little" that would be applicable to this conversation. I mean, how much do I need to know to meet your requirements? Which is a stupid question because no matter what I cite, you will dismiss as having come google. So scatch that bait.

...have not convinced anybody that you speak Polish...I didn't sign up to work for anybody. Plus, I don't give a ff. Plus, with the google translator, nobody, even you, can convince anyone that you speak Polish. Most Poles living in Poland don't know how to speak proper Polish, only a bunch of disconnected words without structure with a lot kurwas thrown in to toughen the message up.

have a bizarre story about forgetting your native tongue despite graduating from University and presumably writing a thesis on it
cms neuf  2 | 1810
26 May 2018   #276
Well let's say this - I have never met any Pole Of any political persuasion,either here or in any diaspora who would dismiss Katyn As a drop in the bucket.

I also know a few poles who are pro Russia but none who would take a morning to vigourously defend it and all its 20th and 21st century crimes on the Internet to a bunch of strangers

I know many many Polish Americans, many of whom have a negative view of other immigrants. But I honestly can't think of any of them who would call hard-working people Latino scum - most of them know plenty of Latinos either from work, from the neighbourhood, or from church.

Which means that whatever you are then I don't think that you are really a retired PolAm engineer from Chicago.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
26 May 2018   #277
Hmmm, sounds a lot like what's become of American English. Grunts, "Like, uhhh", add to that, liberal curse words thrown in for good measure....just to "toughen the message"!

Yessir, think I'm gonna feel right at home in today's PolandLOL

Please back to the topic
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
26 May 2018   #278
I have never met any Pole Of any political persuasion,either here or in any diaspora who would dismiss Katyn As a drop in the bucket.

Neither have I. So what? To Poles Katyn is a big deal. To everybody else, it is not. Most, if asked, would say, What is Katyn?

I also know a few poles who are pro Russia but none who would take a morning to vigourously defend it and all its 20th and 21st century crimes

I did not defend anybody's crimes. I just asked for the specifics and what the Polish collaborators' contribution was.

I know many many Polish Americans, many of whom have a negative view of other immigrants.

Do you think I stupid enough not to notice your straw argument and the classical liberal move to conflate illegal scum with the legal immigrants like myself? But that was a nice try.

Which means that whatever you are then I don't think that you are really a retired PolAm engineer from Chicago

The forums rules prevent me from expressing clearly what I think about what you think about me.
mafketis  38 | 11127
26 May 2018   #279
To Poles Katyn is a big deal

I'm not surprised by your choice of third person to refer to poles mr russki
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
26 May 2018   #280
Please, make that sentence to your specs.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
26 May 2018   #281
I also know a few poles who are pro Russia but none who would take a morning to vigourously defend it and all its 20th and 21st century crimes

True - both in Poland and the Polonia abroad... There's quite a few that want better relations with Russia like nowoczesna and quite a few poles (like myself) who can respect what Putin has done for his country and how he at least has enough balls to defend the country and people he represents, but none of those Poles make apologies for Katyn or try to downplay or rationalize the murders and suffering inflicted by the Soviets. Actually, even post USSR, Russia (namely under Yeltsin and somewhat at the beginning of Putin's reign) even went as far as releasing the documents related to Soviet atrocities as they pertained to Poles and offered an apology hoping to reconcile and move forward... Not Mazur though - he's still stuck in the 50's USSR where Katyn never occurred and the Red Army liberated Poland and every man woman and child was handing flowers to the soldiers...

most of them know plenty of Latinos either from work, from the neighbourhood, or from church.

That's true. Due to the sheer amount of Polish immigrants in Chicago and NYC working in the construction trade, almost every Pole has regular contact with Latinos - especially Mexicans and Guatemalans. Most of the neighborhoods that Poles live in when they first come to the US are mixed Mexican/polish neighborhoods like Belmont, irving park, portage park, etc. Also the parishes that Poles and Mexicans attend are often the same - with interchanging Spanish/Polish language masses on Sundays.

And FYI Mazur - there's a lot of Poles who came in as illegals/undocumented and became naturalized (basically the reward for not getting caught), worked their way up, paid their taxes, raised their kids and sent them off to college.... but to you those people are scum because of the way they came in...

Considering the fact that you're complaining about a $150 concealed carry fee in another thread, it appears to me these 'scum' contribute a lot more to the economy than you do...

All the Latinos I know are among the most hospitable, generous and hard working people I've ever met. In all honesty, I'd sooner trust a fellow Mexican to bail me out of a bad situation than a Pole. Even the ones that are gang affiliated almost never mess with non affiliated people unless there's a good reason. If anything, I wish we had more Mexicans, Guatemalans and Hondurans like the ones I work with. Those guys have never been greedy, never refused to go the extra mile even if it means they'll have to stay later at work and won't get paid for it. They're legitimately happy to be in the US and have a construction job. If only more people had an attitude like that where they don't play the victim card and that they should be judged based on merit, not skin color or nationality.

Which means that whatever you are then I don't think that you are really a retired PolAm engineer from Chicago.@ cms neuf

I'm pretty sure he is. A quick google search of his username shows so, and I really don't think it's harry... harry has spun some yarns before but his views tend to be the opposite of mazur's
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
27 May 2018   #282
I'm not surprised by your choice of third person to refer to poles mr russki

OK, are you going to correct it or did you realize that you stuck your neck out too far?

For your convenience, here is what I wrote, which as true now as it was at the time I wrote it:

To Poles Katyn is a big deal

So, professor, historian, and the protector of the fragile Polish people, go for it and correct that sentence to your liking.
31 Jul 2018   #283
Ukrainians in Poland live with residence card from shivaidcardscom.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
21 Feb 2021   #284
why do ukrainians even come here? its like going to a bigger city in their land no?

how do they gomout wnd buy wll those expensive phones csrs and go to those clubs with drink prices more than usa tho? are all those fuys mafia or something in those clubs?
Vlad1234  16 | 883
23 Feb 2021   #285
How Ukrainians are treated in Poland? Some sources claim they are beaten, abused and even killed sometimes by Polish nationalists...
jon357  72 | 23482
23 Feb 2021   #286
Which sources?
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
23 Feb 2021   #287
abused and even killed sometimes by Polish nationalists..

I think you mean Russian Nationalists............
Crow  154 | 9525
23 Feb 2021   #288
Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland?

I know why. Because western Europe sincerely, deeply and utterly honestly hate Poland.
Novichok  4 | 8411
23 Feb 2021   #289
I think it starts with contempt and the false sense of non-existing superiority. Just look at the Brits here.
Hate comes in when they are proven wrong.
Crow  154 | 9525
23 Feb 2021   #290
Well, my lips won`t form any sentence or word that may insult Brits. They improving in my eyes. Great people that mistaken joining the EU but wise and brave enough to abandon shi* I mean ship that stinks I mean sinks.
Alien  25 | 6359
25 Jul 2023   #291
As everything changes, Poland has in the meantime welcomed many millions of Ukrainians, which the EU will not forget Poland.... even Poland under the PiS rule. Britain is still licking its wounds from Brexit and Crow has deserted.
Novichok  4 | 8411
25 Jul 2023   #292
Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland?
Why??? Becaue they are white!!!! You don't get credit for those....They have to be:

1. Muslims or,
2. Black or,
3. Anyone hating West that order.
Luke1410  - | 146
25 Jul 2023   #293
@Novichok, why do you think this is? Do you think its because USA/EU debt is owned by the Middle East? And so the media is effectively propaganda for Islamic interests perhaps without even realising it. Its the only way I can make sense of it the situation.
jon357  72 | 23482
25 Jul 2023   #294
Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland?

They don't. They agree, disagree, argue, support each other and formulate policy. It's politics and the nature of a union.

Nobody doubts Poland's commitment to Ukraine. Nor is there 'propaganda' against Poland. Sometimes people come on the forum claiming that Poland is somehow 'misunderstood' whereas in fact Poland is as 'understood' as any other major European country. It is not Shangri-la. People can learn about it; and the fruit of the learning rarely leads to the same point of view that is held by the most ultra-conservative and reactionary posters.

hey have to be:

1. Muslims or,
2. Black or,
3. Anyone hating West

Don't be silly.

Anyway, mass population to and from Poland and most other inhabited places will only increase and continue long after the lives of anyone here today.

And so the media is effectively propaganda for Islamic interests

You wouldn't think so to read most of it. Then again, you're wrong.
Novichok  4 | 8411
25 Jul 2023   #295
why do you think this is?

Simple. A sure-fire career-ender for any white politician is being slapped with a bad label. Today, the hierarchy from the most damaging to the least is as follows:


In Western Europe, the first one and the last are not used as often as in the US.
jon357  72 | 23482
25 Jul 2023   #296

And those qualities either deter or encourage groups of voters. Fortunately most are deterred by politicians like that.

Poland is no exception (and there's no 'propaganda' about Poland. Only dialogue that the OP personally disapproves of).
Novichok  4 | 8411
25 Jul 2023   #297
Fortunately most are deterred by politicians like that.

Unfortunately, these voters are either brainless morons or easily manipulated bootlickers.
The truth is that no white country needs foreigners and Muslims. If whites decided to invade a black country today the way blacks invade Europe, that country would scream neo-colonialism or genocide.

Go visit Mecca and tell us how it went. While there, tell them about "tolerance" and other such virtues.
This is the kind of scum Europe welcomes with open arms.
Alien  25 | 6359
25 Jul 2023   #298
Go visit Mecca

As far as I know, Catholics are not allowed to come closer than 200 km from Mecca
Novichok  4 | 8411
25 Jul 2023   #299
How do Catholics look to make spotting them so easy...

I have an idea...Minimum distance to Europe:

Muslims - 200 km
Chinese - 1000 km
Blacks - 500 km
Alien  25 | 6359
26 Jul 2023   #300
How do Catholics look to make spotting them so easy...

They walk around dressed like tourists, not like them.

Home / News / Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland?

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