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Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany?

Novichok  4 | 8538
16 Apr 2024   #91
you seem to hate America and love Russia.

I love "America" and the Americans who meet my specs.

I hate NATO and love Russia because Russia hates NATO. You know...the enemy of my enemy...

Now why do I hate NATO?

1. Becasue Euros love NATO
2. Because NATO is the world's worst thug
3. Because this thug may one day drag America I love into a conflict we would never get into without NATO and Euro parasites
4. Because America I don't love - aka MICC - spends money we don't have on crap that is none of America's fvcking business

Want more or is this enough for now?

Now you can tell me if you are proud of the UK government and why.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
16 Apr 2024   #92

You made your point eloquently and I get it.

But I disagree with you because

Euros love NATO

That is not a reason, it's just a biased opinion.

Because NATO is the world's worst thug

Again, I disagree, NATO never invaded anyone as NATO, but Russia did.

Because this thug may one day drag America I love into a conflict we would never get into without NATO and Euro parasites

I already wiped out your previous arguments so this comment is now irrelevant.

Because America I don't love - aka MICC - spends money we don't have on crap that is none of America's fvcking business

I have to agree with your last point.The UK is guilty of the same.....

Now you can tell me if you are proud of the UK government

I am not and they are about do be demolished at the next election, so we will have a Socialist government here.....much worse.....

Even the Tory Government were guilty of not spending more on defence but Labour will be even worse........ we may all be speaking Russian soon......
jon357  72 | 23490
16 Apr 2024   #93
we will have a Socialist government here.....much worse.....

Or much better.

Labour is Democratic Socialism with a hefty element of Social Democracy. It shouldn't be compared to any other political party abroad. Remember that Socialism, Trade Unions, free compulsory education, old age pensions and the National Health Service were all invented by us. They're as British as Yorkshire tea and crumpets.

The country did well during the Blair years and in issues of foreign policy there will be little or no change from the status quo.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
17 Apr 2024   #94
I am not a big fan of PiS, but after the attack on the combatants in Ravensbrück. The news are spreading Polish media space (not mainstream yet I think)

Now I am officially hostile to the current German government, Scholz and the director of the Museum in Racensbrück.

This is a direct result of the German produced series that villainised Polish underground movement and presented it as antisemitic.
OP Alien  25 | 6424
17 Apr 2024   #95
attack on the combatants in Ravensbrück.

Didn't they also let in representatives of the Home Army?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
17 Apr 2024   #96
It's one group before another, mark my words. In 5, 10 or 20 years it will be another unwanted group
Novichok  4 | 8538
17 Apr 2024   #97
Germany and Western Europe are doomed without Nazis - unpussified men with spines and balls.
Only they can clean up this pile of steaming crap aka migrants.
OP Alien  25 | 6424
17 Apr 2024   #98
unpussified men with spines and balls. with crooked spines and hairy balls?
Lyzko  44 | 9717
17 Apr 2024   #99
@Rich, you're either a plain ol' troll or just plain nuts.....or both!
OP Alien  25 | 6424
22 Apr 2024   #100
Germany and Western Europe are doomed without Nazis

No comment.
Lyzko  44 | 9717
22 Apr 2024   #101
Quite, Alien! Don't even dignify such shock value with a response.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
22 Apr 2024   #102
Labour is Democratic Socialism

Democratic Socialism is a contradiction in terms.How can you have a Socialist Democracy?

Remember that Socialism, Trade Unions, free compulsory education, old age pensions and the National Health Service were all invented by us.

Yes, and all those ideals have proven to be failures!Great ideals, poorly thought out.....

The country did well during the Blair years

But much better under the Thatcher years..... your point?
Lenka  5 | 3535
23 Apr 2024   #103
all those ideals have proven to be failures

All of them?
amiga500  5 | 1501
23 Apr 2024   #104
But much better under the Thatcher years.

Both you and Jon are wrong. Blair admired Thatcher and continued her legacy.
mafketis  38 | 11165
23 Apr 2024   #105
Blair admired Thatcher and continued her legacy.

He was, if anything, more neoliberal than Thatcher though neoliberalism had moved more toward the left by the time he was in office.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
23 Apr 2024   #106

IMHO....the longer the left/green nutters stay in power the stronger the AfD gets....within the german youth they are already the strongest....they are growing up angry!
jon357  72 | 23490
24 Apr 2024   #107

The Social Democrats are centrist rather than left.

But much better under the Thatcher years..... your point?

It didn't. I remember the length of the dole queues, former steelworkers begging for money, police (and soldiers dressed as police) attacking lawfully picketing miners and in the north east, we're seeing the third generation of dolites.

Plus, in 1979 when the b1tch took office, 40% of people owned some shares and we all owned the water, gas, electric, trains, buses, BP and a few other things. Now 12% of people have shares and the rest have nothing.
OP Alien  25 | 6424
25 Apr 2024   #108
Social Democrats are centrist rather than left.

This is not the case in Germany.
jon357  72 | 23490
25 Apr 2024   #109
not the case in Germany.

Look at some of their policies. Centre-right or centrist.

Perhaps the Overton Window shifted there during the conservative Merkel years.

About Germany; adding East Germany to the BDR still seems to affect voting patterns. In the UK people are looking forward to seeing the Tories wiped out for a generation; all polls suggest that they'll suffer their worst loss in political history.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
25 Apr 2024   #110
That depends probably on who is in power and with which gov the people are unhappy Germany it has been rather leftist for years, no matter which party, starting with a rather left/green Merkel (mis)leading a former centrist/conservative party (the CDU)....that muddled everything! And the consequences of this muddling of german politics plays out now and in the future between others with the foundation of a new CDU, a true again conservative/rightist party (the AfD) and the growing irrelevance of the former true leftist party (The Linke)!

In the UK it's a rather rightist party in power, so the opposition has to be leftist....actually in Germany a party who actually does something to fight immigration would gain voters left and right and would win the UK seemingly not!
OP Alien  25 | 6424
25 Apr 2024   #111
party who actually does something to fight immigration would gain voters left and right and would win elections.

For me, this aspect would not play a decisive role. I will choose a party that will ensure the continuation of further development and prosperity in Germany. Neither the extreme left nor the extreme right can do this... and I don't have a problem with migrants for now, nor my Syrian neighbor who drives the latest Range Rover, nor my 8 colleagues at work with a darker skin.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
25 Apr 2024   #112
and I don't have a problem with migrants for now,

Most "better off's" haven't.....hence the leftist/greens find their actual voters in the better-off districts of the german cities whereas the AfD has become the new "workers and farmers party"!

Sounds ridiculous but is actually of the worst long term consequences of Merkel's "muddling"!
OP Alien  25 | 6424
10 May 2024   #113
I see it bleakly, Germany survived World War II, the division, the Cold War, the defeat in football against France, but it will not survive this. What? Well, a kebab costs 10 Euro.
OP Alien  25 | 6424
11 Jun 2024   #114
AfD has become the new "workers and farmers party"!

Well, no, AfD is more of a new Ossi party.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
11 Jun 2024   #115
The development is surely going that way....

The LINKE (former WASG and PSD) leaves a void....and the SPD never really took roots in the East in the first place.

The main difference could and probably will make the BSW! I see her steadily in the sure two-digit-area in the coming elections...the AfD moving into a kind of East-CDU (before the left turn with Merkel, much more conservative and old school).

Even coalitions and alliances will be probably possible...especially in the immigration questions.
OP Alien  25 | 6424
11 Jun 2024   #116

I don't know what to think about them, but BSW is a left-wing AFD. Something like that.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
11 Jun 2024   #117 could call them also nationalistic and socialistic....the "Germany first" slots well with the AfD, they should have no problems with each other in many questions.

In others they will differ though....the AfD is more the party of the working tax payer if you so want, less for social support, regulations and such....
Novichok  4 | 8538
11 Jun 2024   #118
How can any German oppose "German First"?

If not first Third? Tenth?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
11 Jun 2024   #119
How can any German oppose "German First"?

Since the loss of a World War under that motto?

That history put Germany, especially West-Germany, into a different corner than all other countries, but I guess that age ends now too...
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
11 Jun 2024   #120
How can any German oppose "German First"?

Agreed 100%.

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