No. They need to strive so that one day Israel will be among the largest recipients of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize, celebrated for its unwavering commitment to diversity and democracy.
There have been many notable recipients, including Helmut Kohl (former Chancellor of Germany), Jean Monnet (one of the founding fathers of the EU), and José Manuel Barroso (former President of the European Commission).
Could the fact that you don't know about this prize be a sign that it's reserved exclusively for Inner Party members of the EU? Is it considered thoughtcrime for Outer Party members and Proles to even be aware of it?
I had to google that....and in Germany it's known as the "Karlspreis der Stadt Aachen"....and yeah, I have heard of that!
And the Jews got them already, if you mean that....
2024 Switzerland / Russia Pinchas Goldschmidt and the Jewish communities in Europe
I don't think Israel will get it ever and I doubt very much they are striving for that....they have their own messes to clear up instead of working for european unification! That's just not their concern!
Frankly I can't (or won't) think about the machinations and backdoor-deals necessary to bring Scholz truly back as chancellor....he seems to believe in them, though!
....Germans wonder, because he talks and sounds exactly like if that would be a possibility.
On the other hand are most Germans puzzled why the SPD decided to run again with Scholz as main candidate, even as all polls just show abject distaste and dislike for him. He is truly not knows what the SPDians are thinking! *shrugs*
Anyone who hasn't been scared by statements from AfD politicians will hardly be affected by this. People vote for the AfD because of this kind of rhetoric, not in spite of it.
People vote for the AfD because of this kind of rhetoric, n
Yes, but annexing (by force) Canada, invading Greenland and occupying the Panama Canal are ideas that might scare slightly more moderate AfD supporters.
....they tried that with calling everybody and his grandmom "Nazi"....and warning of the "end of the Democracy" too....didn't work as planned either, so who knows!
If they decided that it's best to be in opposition due to international situation and best for own party and Germany in long run while accommodating Scholz with a personal unknown reward or "deal". I am not really that surprised
....or maybe there was just no other possible candidate to find in the whole party? The early election is already in a few weeks....maybe they truly lack the alternatives? Who knows...
Often times though, the sins of the parents or the fathers in this case, are visited upon the children, unfair as this may be.
I remind you of a once well-known publication from the late '60's or perhaps somewhat later, "Papa, hast du's getan? - Taeterkinder sprechen" (Is this what you did, papa? - Perpetrators' children speak out). Although by then the War had already been over for practically thirty years, the deep, indeed, barely healed, scars of the Hitler years, in particular the Holocaust, remained open wounds, as well as a source of bruising shame, in particular, for German nationals abroad!!
Must the Romans to this day be held accountable for the atrocities of the Roman Empire? Must the Jews of the world be held accountable for the atrocities of Israel?
Clearly the issue of culpability doesn't extend in fact to succeeding generations. However, every country, Poland included, must bear the burdens of their history, from which no nation is exempt, be it Palestine, Israel, France, Italy, Germany etc.
Curious though that while the Romans were responsible for the crucifixion of Christ, we don't hate all Italians, merely because members of that time Italy (in which Rome is located) produced a Pontius Pilate, Trajan along any number of other antisemites.
Don Quijote, as we know, fought windmills. The newly elected AfD candidate for chancellor Alice Weidel announced today that she will fight windmills in Germany until they are all gone. 🤔Well, maybe we could at least occupy Iceland in the future.
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