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Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11918
2 Sep 2024   #271
If the AfD came to power, they would be the first to abolish democracy and free elections. you have a link for least?
GefreiterKania  31 | 1435
2 Sep 2024   #272
Thank you, GK.

Not at all.

You are a genius.

Rarely recognised as such by my contemporaries. :(

Did that once in our history, and Germany has never fully recovered from this.

Because you started war against the entire world! This time it's only about some immigrants. Surely you can do it. Sie schaffen das doch lässig!
Novichok  4 | 8765
2 Sep 2024   #273
Did that once in our history, and Germany has never fully recovered from this.

Would you, Germans, hang the Nuremberg lovelies? It was the Americans and the Russians who did it for you.

BTW, how many war criminals did you, Germans, execute for their war crimes?

If you don't know, name three so I will feel better.
OP Alien  25 | 6360
2 Sep 2024   #274
do you have a link for

No, but I have a head and history books.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
2 Sep 2024   #275
@Bratwurst Boy

do you have a link for that

You might wanna look up what Höcke said what he'd do if the AfD takes power. "Wohltemperierte Grausamkeiten* for a start.


and will remain unnamed

Climate change, Putin's Russia, modernization of our economy to name a few. All of which way more challenging to our security and wealth.

BTW, how many war criminals did you, Germans, execute for their war crimes?


I mean technically the GDR executed some after show trials, but they lacked any legitimacy.

GG 102 "The death penalty is abolished."

It only took us the horrors of the 3rd Reich to realize that. Most of the civilized world took longer to understand that. And I have no doubt that the USA will one day as well.
Paulina  17 | 4465
2 Sep 2024   #276
Would you, Germans, hang the Nuremberg lovelies?

Would your pals, the Soviets or RuSSians hang the "lovelies" responsible for the Katyń massacre?

How many of them did the Soviets or RuSSians execute?

If you don't know I'm going to tell you right away - none.

From Wikipedia:

"In 1991, the Chief Military Prosecutor for the Soviet Union began proceedings against Pyotr Karpovich Soprunenko (1908-1992), the above-mentioned former head of the NKVD's Prisoners of War and Internees affairs department, for his role in the Katyn killings, but eventually declined to prosecute because Soprunenko was 83, almost blind, and recovering from a cancer operation."

"Poor" thing. That monster got to live to 83. There is no karma.
OP Alien  25 | 6360
2 Sep 2024   #277
Soprunenko was 83, almost blind, and recovering from a cancer operation."

We have a similar one on the forum, he is still very active.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
2 Sep 2024   #278

Didnt some of the Russian executioners end up being purged by Stalin and Chrustchev for unrelated reasons? Not very satisfactory to be sure, but some consolation perhaps?
mafketis  38 | 11143
2 Sep 2024   #279
Solutions that respect our laws and values take time.

Here's a hint: you will have to change your laws or your values or far worse.

With migration, bad cultural values drive out good ones. Let hundreds of thousands of people from low trust chaotic societies into a high trust well-run society and either the arrivals try to assimilate (not intergrate, assimilate) or say goodbye to your well-run high trust society.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
2 Sep 2024   #280
Even if you don't agree with the source, this article gives a very refreshing perspective of things:

The German establishment is desperately clinging to power in the face of democracy

Like in France, there is an open and crude effort to deny voters their democratic choice.

Eastern Germany has always collectively opposed whatever nonsense was brewing in the West, whether it was Nazis circa WWII or a subsequent expanding American influence that favored their Western compatriots and left them with a lower standard of living. The idea being peddled by critics of their electoral choice that they're throwing themselves into the arms of some kind of right-wing Nazis is laughable, given the historical context.

Apparently any excuse will do in an attempt to justify the inevitable post-electoral coup by the ruling establishment elites, so they can keep lecturing the rest of the world about democracy.
Paulina  17 | 4465
2 Sep 2024   #281
@Poloniusz, RT lecturing someone on democracy and exaggerating about calling someone "Nazis" is indeed laughable, given the present day context :D

American influence that favored their Western compatriots and left them with a lower standard of living

What kind of nonsense is this? :D

Didnt some of the Russian executioners end up being purged by Stalin and Chrustchev for unrelated reasons?

I have no idea, it's possible I suppose. Apparently they often died young or went crazy. I think I remember reading that some of them allegedly killed themselves, but whether they did or someone "helped" them to shut them up maybe - I guess only God knows (and Putin)...

The thing is that some of them got to live to the 1990s and RuSSians had this one chance after 50 years of lying to do the right thing. But they didn't. The RuSSian investigation lasted till 2004 until all of the perpetrators died and the reason given for ending the investigation was that... the perpetrators died. The results of investigation got classified. So not only the families of Katyń victims didn't get any justice - they are still being denied the knowledge about the massacre which RuSSians have. The families and the whole of Poland:

RuSSians even refused to classify the Katyń massacre as a war crime. I have no words for this.
Joker  2 | 2390
2 Sep 2024   #282
Ive just heard the good news from Germany... Congratulations, a stunning blown to the leftist losers:):)

AfD becomes first far-right party to win German state election since 1945

dealing a crushing blow to Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government with only a year to go before the next federal election.

All we need now is a Trump victory in November:)
Poloniusz  5 | 970
2 Sep 2024   #283
lecturing someone on democracy and exaggerating about calling someone "Nazis" is indeed laughable, given the present day context

Indeed, like watching two clowns bicker for the spotlight.

What kind of nonsense is this? :D

It's called factual history.

Western countries imposed diplomatic and economic boycotts on the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact nations. Meanwhile, the United States and its allies made substantial investments in West Germany after WWII and continued to do so over the subsequent decades. This significant economic support led to marked disparities in economic development between West and East Germany (and Poland too since you weren't aware).

After reunification, East Germany faced significant job losses and a lengthy process to align its economy with West Germany. Despite having the right to work in the West, East Germans often encountered discrimination. West Germans generally went out of their way to show contempt for East Germans by displaying a more favorable attitude toward immigrants such as Turks, Arabs, Asians, and Africans instead.

You can relate to this yourself in how PRL 'Poles' will warmly welcome foreigners while openly despising Polonia. The key difference is that West Germans looked down socially on East Germans, while PRL 'Poles' resent having to look up at the economic successes of Polonia.
Paulina  17 | 4465
2 Sep 2024   #284
Western countries imposed diplomatic and economic boycotts on the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact nations.


This significant economic support led to marked disparities in economic development between West and East Germany.

Oh and communist planned economy didn't have anything to do with that by any chance? :D

You can relate to this yourself in how PRL 'Poles' will warmly welcome foreigners while openly despising Polonia.

You are truly not right in the head. Me and other Poles don't despise Polonia. I only despise psychopaths like you and Novichok.
Bobko  27 | 2131
2 Sep 2024   #285
What kind of nonsense is this? :D

If you don't like reading RT, how about the Financial Times?

Quoting from today's article:

Experts say it is not just the east's economic problems that influence voting behaviour, but the memory of past injustices. Ulrich Sondermann-Becker, an analyst with regional broadcaster MDR, calls them the "Wendewunden", the wounds from the Wende.

Many in the east still associate that period with high unemployment, mass closures of industrial companies and the "devaluation of people's life experiences" in the GDR "which has continued into the present".

"People feel they were just overrun, with unbelievable arrogance," he said.

... and another quote:

A majority also oppose plans by Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government to station US medium-range missiles in Germany from 2026. That is combined with a strong strain of anti-Americanism inherited from the days of the communist German Democratic Republic.

"In GDR times it was the Soviets who dictated everything - now it's the Americans," said Heinz Wolff, a pensioner from the Thuringian town of Jena on the sidelines of a campaign appearance there last week by Scholz.


  • IMG_3444.jpeg
Paulina  17 | 4465
2 Sep 2024   #286
This sounds like part of Polish society:

Many in the east still associate that period with high unemployment, mass closures of industrial companies and the "devaluation of people's life experiences" in the GDR "which has continued into the present".

In Poland that part of society usually votes for PiS.
Judging by what you quoted it looks like East Germans have their own "bogeyman" from the communist times - the US and PiS voters have their own - Germany. At least that's my take on it. 🤔
Novichok  4 | 8765
2 Sep 2024   #287
RT lecturing someone on democracy and exaggerating about calling someone "Nazis" is indeed laughable,

Memo to morons: You got to read it to rip it, azholes...

...said an idiot who loves Western "freedom and democracy" liberation wars as long as they are not where she lives.

Western "freedom and democracy" liberation wars are for others. Like Korea and Vietnam. Poland was free and democratic enough not to get this gift from hell...

Memo to the Red Army in Poland:

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you guys for making a freedom and democracy liberation war impossible for the Western warmongers to bring to Poland.
Paulina  17 | 4465
2 Sep 2024   #288
..liberation wars as long as they are not where she lives.

Yes, lying idiot, that's why I was against the invasion of Iraq lol You make perfect "sense", as usual! 🤦

Poland was free and democratic enough not to get this gift from hell...

It was neither free nor democratic, but fortunately the Soviet Union fell apart and thank God, the West and the stupidity of communists for that! :)))
Novichok  4 | 8765
2 Sep 2024   #289
Hey, moron, I didn't mention Iraq.

How about the "freedom and democracy" war in Donbass?

Do you like this one to go on because it's not your ass that's on the line?
OP Alien  25 | 6360
3 Sep 2024   #290

Ha,ha, software error and sperrminority disappeared.
Paulina  17 | 4465
3 Sep 2024   #291
Hey, moron, I didn't mention Iraq.

But I did.

How about the "freedom and democracy" war in Donbass?

That one was started by RuSSia, moron lol
Novichok  4 | 8765
3 Sep 2024   #292
That one was three azholes: Biden, Borys, and Zhole.

Russia is liberating Russian Donbass from the UA - the real aggressor.
Paulina  17 | 4465
4 Sep 2024   #293
@Novichok, no, that war for "freedom and Russkiy Mir" was started by Putin.
Novichok  4 | 8765
4 Sep 2024   #294
...becaue the UA wouldn't leave Russian territory.
Once the UA leaves Donbass, the war is over.
OP Alien  25 | 6360
4 Sep 2024   #295
Once the UA leaves Donbass, the war is over.

Wishful thinking
AntV  3 | 670
4 Sep 2024   #296
Because you started war against the entire world

Which reminds me of this:

GefreiterKania  31 | 1435
4 Sep 2024   #297

"What are you, Mars or something?". :D

Novichok  4 | 8765
4 Sep 2024   #298
Germany will not attack the world because the world got the world's dumbest cop policing the world for free while going flat broke.
pawian  224 | 27252
4 Sep 2024   #299
Germany will not attack the world

Of course not. The most notorious attacker nowadays is imperial Russia.
Lyzko  45 | 9748
4 Sep 2024   #300
I maintain that this frightening, yet predictable, sharp turn to the right is
a result of what many have expressed over the years as a certain "empathy fatigue"
with regard to the mandatory Holocaust education since not long after the end of

This combined with Merkel's allowance of seemingly non-stop waves of refugees,
continued under Scholz, has made the average German in areas of the country
pretty hot under the collar.

As in the US, many Germans are simply blinded by issues of race and culture, unable
to think clearly about the ramifications of an extreme right wing leader.

In Germany's case though, the implications are particularly scary.

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