Will PiS be happy if the AfD wins the elections in Germany and forms a government? After all, the AfD is ideologically very close to PiS. Would cooperation with Germany under AfD rule be better or worse than it is now?
Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany?
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11960
30 Jul 2023 #2
.....can't believe it!
AfD is generally pro-Russia/anti-US/anti-NATO/anti-EU.....I mean if PiS now don't fear already a german-russian anti-polish conspiracy now would be the time!
On the other hand, why should only Poland be allowed an ultra-nationalist government? They will miss the actual german gov....
AfD is generally pro-Russia/anti-US/anti-NATO/anti-EU.....I mean if PiS now don't fear already a german-russian anti-polish conspiracy now would be the time!
On the other hand, why should only Poland be allowed an ultra-nationalist government? They will miss the actual german gov....
Will PiS be happy if the AfD wins the elections in Germany and forms a government?
I am not sure about PiS but I will and so will the German citizens and economy.
I somehow can't imagine that Hoecke could possibly defeat Scholz in the next elections. However, who could have predicted back in '16 that Trump would even be close to his eventual victory?
Aehh, the issue at hand is Germany though, not the US. As I thus far have been able to keep abreast of Germany's poltical situation, while the AfD is in fact making its usual inroads in Hoecke's home "state" of Thuringia, Scholz continues to hold a squeezable margin within the broader spectrum of Germany's Parliament, thankfully.
Moreover, Scholz still commands the respect of other European leaders, naturally with the exception of Putin or Orban:-) Furthermore, Biden's way more popular across the board than Trump, in addition, De Santis is about to lose his shirt over that slavery bit.
Stick to the topic please
Moreover, Scholz still commands the respect of other European leaders, naturally with the exception of Putin or Orban:-) Furthermore, Biden's way more popular across the board than Trump, in addition, De Santis is about to lose his shirt over that slavery bit.
Stick to the topic please
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11960
30 Jul 2023 #6
I somehow can't imagine that Hoecke
....rather Weidel, I think....a lesbian female....even the wokest Greens will find it hard! :)
while the AfD is in fact making its usual inroads
The AfD has become the second party of Germany because it is the _only_ party that comes close to approaching everyday Germans' position on migration.
All other parties either have naive views that are clearly maladaptive in the current decade or simply try to ignore the issue of Germany's hopelessly broken asylum system.
It's not the only reason for their growth but it's a big one and represents comprehensive failure of the German political establishment to pay attention to voters.
Want to reduce their popularity? Start deporting migrants/"asylum seekers"/non-citizens who break the law and/or fail to integrate in a reasonable amount of time.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11960
30 Jul 2023 #8
The AfD has become the second party of Germany because it is the _only_ party that comes close to approaching everyday Germans' position on migration.
...not only in Germany! The rightist parties are rising/taking over in most of Europe because of the ongoing immigration malaise mainly!
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11960
30 Jul 2023 #9
The german AfD has recently decided to become a member of the ID..."Identity and Democracy"....an organization for european rightist parties...
Already members are Italy, France, Austria, Flanders, Czech Republic, Estonia, Netherlands, Denmark and now Germany...
Will PiS join too?
Already members are Italy, France, Austria, Flanders, Czech Republic, Estonia, Netherlands, Denmark and now Germany...
Will PiS join too?
In Denmark a mainstream party started taking on positions closer to those of the citizenry and the more rightist party was defanged...
Not sure what's happened in Sweden after the Swedish political establishment made the rightist party there so powerful...
Not sure what's happened in Sweden after the Swedish political establishment made the rightist party there so powerful...
Will PiS join too?
I hope not.
Will PiS join too?
I don't think so, russia co-opted a lot of the right in Europe (and in NAmerica) with it's nonsense RT propaganda about putain establishing traditional christian values in russia (hilarious when you know about levels of divorce, domestic abuse, violence, drug addiction, abortion etc)
Also they just out and out bought some of them.
Konfederacja would be much more likely to join since I assume they've been bought out by russia....
They are not ideology close. Morawiecki to one of those Davos boys, globalist crowd. They lie to their voter base, and dazzle them with same patriotic displays of an empty rhetoric.
They are not ideology close. Morawiecki to one of those Davos boys, globalist crowd. They lie to their voter base, and dazzle them with same patriotic displays of an empty rhetoric.
By the way, German press lie about Poland all the time.
German press lie about Poland
Give some examples. In addition, you must know that in Germany, as in Poland, the press is divided into left-wing and right-wing.
Merkel left a legacy of pro-Russian politicians in SPD:
and also AfD and The Left - which opposed even permission for Poland to deliver our Leopards.
Why radical left and radical right unite to support Putin ? Because any radical movement will find friends in Moscow. That's why Russian propaganda trying to support them all at once is sometimes so schizophrenic - which does a real damage to mental well-being of 'true believers'.
In Soviet times things were so much simpler - and ideological message was consistent - within the bounds of Marxist dialectics. Nowadays Ruskies of different ideological backgrounds often publicly insult each other.
and also AfD and The Left - which opposed even permission for Poland to deliver our Leopards.
Why radical left and radical right unite to support Putin ? Because any radical movement will find friends in Moscow. That's why Russian propaganda trying to support them all at once is sometimes so schizophrenic - which does a real damage to mental well-being of 'true believers'.
In Soviet times things were so much simpler - and ideological message was consistent - within the bounds of Marxist dialectics. Nowadays Ruskies of different ideological backgrounds often publicly insult each other.
After all, the AfD is ideologically very close to PiS
Yes, both are xenophobic and racist. However, AFD claims some Polish lands which once belonged to Germany. PiS will exploit it as another German threat after the EU.
@B.B. you may be right about her.
If the AfD in Germany won and I had to leave Germany like the Jews did before the war, I couldn't escape to Poland because PiS is there. I wonder where I would go. Maybe to Portugal?
What would happen to you if you stayed?
What would happen to you
I don't even want to think about what could happen to me.
AfD is
Is AfD somewhat with that vibe?
The only thing that matters is if AfD is for or against foreign garbage pouring into Europe. All else is bs.
Are you a rabble-rouser>?
It won't work, to wash away all those in power that have a grip and agenda in all what going on there is needed much more than some people voting this or that way, there is need for elite and money willing to gamble against the current main stream.
frouthing at your mouth in an impotent range or insulting people is no going to win anyone to your side...
It won't work, to wash away all those in power that have a grip and agenda in all what going on there is needed much more than some people voting this or that way, there is need for elite and money willing to gamble against the current main stream.
frouthing at your mouth in an impotent range or insulting people is no going to win anyone to your side...
Exactly, Alien! Hoecke and his colleagues are dangerous ideologues who are attempting to slowly dismantle the very foundations of postwar democracy in Germany.
Always more expedient in the short run to take the easy way out of difficult problems. In the long run. history teaches that such is never the right move!
Always more expedient in the short run to take the easy way out of difficult problems. In the long run. history teaches that such is never the right move!
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11960
4 Aug 2023 #26
Is AfD somewhat with that vibe?
Guaranteed! But not the majority...
The radicals in the AfD are at the limits to what is constitutional allowed in Germany....when there would be a danger to destroy what was build after WWII they would be forbidden by the constitutional court, the last safeguard of our democracy.
This court acted before with the other Neo-Nazi-revolutionary party, the NPD....there is no reason it wouldn't act again if there would be a real danger.
But there is good reason to think the AfD will get less radical the more members/voters and the more influence she gets....it wouldn't be the first party which starts out as radical and got quite tame with rising success and responsibilities.
The far majority of the Germans is quite conservative and not radical/revolutionary, neither left nor right...the party has to account for that when they want to go further places!
Can somebody please explain to me how any party anywhere can be in favor of foreign migrant invasion and not be laughed out of town?
BTW, being against the invasion and for enforcement have absolutely nothing to do with "democracy".
BTW, being against the invasion and for enforcement have absolutely nothing to do with "democracy".
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11960
4 Aug 2023 #28
The only thing that matters is if AfD is for or against foreign garbage pouring into Europe
I guess the usual parties, here rather CDU and FDP, are coming to grips with that fact....they don't want to end up like other european countries where the rightists have taken over.
Denmark shows the way....still a rather leftist gov plus a new anti-immigrant policy and voila....the rightist threat was gone!
Denmark Is Leading Europe's Anti-Immigration Policies
....but its still 2 years till the new Bundestags elections, I guess till then the topic of immigration will still find strong supporters with the current leftist parties like the Greens and the SPD, as long as they are in power! To be pro-immigration is a long standing mainstay of their programs....
.the rightist threat was gone!
...which means that the rightist threat was needed and that it worked!
The sad thing is that the centrists wised up not because the invasion was bad but because it was bad for THEM!
No, that doesn't mean that at all!
All it means, is, that as with those rabid Trump supporters in the US, the anti-democratic AfD along with Neo-Nazi supporters in Germany as well as various other countries in Europe like Hungary, ordinary citizens have long lost faith with the the ideals upon which post-War Europe was based, simply because politicians have abandoned the principles of common sense in favor of an American-style melting pot culture which is plainly out of step with local needs throughout the Continent.
All it means, is, that as with those rabid Trump supporters in the US, the anti-democratic AfD along with Neo-Nazi supporters in Germany as well as various other countries in Europe like Hungary, ordinary citizens have long lost faith with the the ideals upon which post-War Europe was based, simply because politicians have abandoned the principles of common sense in favor of an American-style melting pot culture which is plainly out of step with local needs throughout the Continent.