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Polish People STILL denied US Entry

GUZY  5 | 8
3 Jan 2012   #1
Poland has been America's historically staunch ally and fellow fighter for freedom, but despite the close ties between the two countries, the Polish are often denied entry to visit relatives in America. Citizens of every member of the EU can travel freely to the USA without a Visa except Bulgaria, Romania, and Poland. And Poland has paid her dues.
patrick  6 | 113
3 Jan 2012   #2
It's embarrassing for me as an American that this situation continues to exist.
sarahk  - | 18
3 Jan 2012   #3
It's a strange relationship, since Poland is part of the EU and Schengen, but has limitations like Russia does (which, Russia also does to US citizens, but Poland is very lenient about US citizens receiving visas). I know that if someone in their 20s travels in June, they'll likely be denied, since June is a good time to start looking for jobs and it's assumed that all 20-somethings are looking for a job...
3 Jan 2012   #4
it's a shame there was no blog underneath the article, would have been interesting to see what others had to say about it.
nunczka  8 | 457
3 Jan 2012   #5
Liberty and justice for all. Pfttt! Obama's uncle And aunt are here illegal but are allowed to stay.

Haitians are landing in Florida illegally every month.

Our Southern borders are a joke.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
3 Jan 2012   #6
I'm not sure you can blame The President for immigration policy. After all, the Republicans (who are anti-immigration) have a majority.
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161
4 Jan 2012   #7
It's embarrassing for me as an American that this situation continues to exist

meanwhile 1,000 mexicans just jumped over the border in Cali.. xD
4 Jan 2012   #8
when Poland moves and borders the continental United States, they'd get the same border police that Mexico has and it would be just as easy to cross.
roastbeefdinner  - | 6
5 Jan 2012   #9
George W was a huge fan and ally of the Poles, Barry Hussein is not, its that simple.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
5 Jan 2012   #10
Bush even attended a Polish American festival in Texas when in office, just out of curiosity.
5 Jan 2012   #11
George W was a huge fan and ally of the Poles, Barry Hussein is not, its that simple.

explain. since it's so simple.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
5 Jan 2012   #12
George W was a huge fan and ally of the Poles

He didn't do anything about the visa waiver. I doubt he could find Poland on a map.

Bush even attended a Polish American festival in Texas when in office, just out of curiosity.

That's what elected politicians do.
Ironside  50 | 12928
5 Jan 2012   #13
Poland is a Significant exception in the VWP. Hardly news here.
The point is that all excuses given for that just do not add up. Blaming Poles for the restriction - priceless !
What about circumstances that let illegals in the USA to thrive unmolested?
5 Jan 2012   #14
Let's be accurate.

"Excuses" from who? Speculation by random people on the internet, including yourself, doesn't count.

What official statements has the United States government given for keeping Poland out of the Visa Waiver Program? Has Obama given any official "excuse" as to why? Did GWB, over his 8 year term, give any official reasons?
Meathead  5 | 467
6 Jan 2012   #15
Since the Poles aren't wanted in the UK we should take them off their hands. Heck they could repopulate Detroit.
tygrys  2 | 290
6 Jan 2012   #16
"Poles being denied entry for suspicion they may overstay their Visa, they become disqualified from the VWP"

Duh. doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Too many don't return like they should, they are harming themselves. They don't learn the language when they get here and lie their way to stay.. Geez
Ironside  50 | 12928
6 Jan 2012   #17
Duh. doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

you are dumbo thats obvious.

Too many don't return like they should, they are harming themselves

Sure, as if only Poles would not return, sure blame Poles - you are such a *******!

They don't learn the language when they get here and lie their way to stay.. Geez

What it has to do with anything ? you are an embittered sad fool and you doing disservice to all decent people anywhere by posting here.

Can you find a more polite way to phrase your comments, thank you.
6 Jan 2012   #18
Duh. doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Too many don't return like they should, they are harming themselves.

but they're not harming themselves because after all, the EU is a magic kingdom now that lets poles work wherever they want. they have no use for the USA anymore. they can have everything and more in the EU. Poland is an EU country. Poland had a good fiscal year last year. Poland is.....Poland is......Poland....

I just figured I'd get all that crap out of the way.

Moving on, there is simply no logical reason why the US would continue to deny Poles free access to the USA for no reason at all. Whether the specific reasons have been made public or not, Poles are still continually denied visas to go to the USA for fear that they may not return. THAT is the facts. The USA has no other reason to deny them visas other than the obvious.

For all you conspiracy theorists, the only one that I can see as a possibility is that Poland's own government is the force behind Poland's continual denial into the VWP.
Ironside  50 | 12928
7 Jan 2012   #19
For all you conspiracy theorists, the only one that I can see as a possibility is that Poland's own government is the force behind Poland's continual denial into the VWP.

suspecting hidden motives of the USA establishment standing on the issue ?and in the same sentence - I can see as a possibility that Poland's own government is the force behind Poland's continual denial into the VWP. Nice fuzz !

Also that implies that Poland's government have ways of influencing the USA. Really fuzz ....
8 Jan 2012   #20
Also that implies that Poland's government have ways of influencing the USA.

no. it would mean that the Polish government tells the USA to keep their refusal rate high enough to keep them out of the VWP. A couple thousand less Poles visiting the USA per year means nothing to the USA from a "tourist revenue" standpoint and it also means the USA has less illegals to deal with (if Poland is telling them to do this, it's obviously because there would be a potential problem with visa free travel for Poles).

it's a win-win. Poland gains more ZUS payers, the USA has less illegals to chase.

but that's just theoretical.....we're talking about conspiracy theories, right?
f stop  24 | 2493
8 Jan 2012   #21
That is insulting. Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia have visa waivers and Poland does not??
Meathead  5 | 467
8 Jan 2012   #22
no. it would mean that the Polish government tells the USA to keep their refusal rate high enough to keep them out of the VWP

This is probably the reason why. It doesn't make sense for the USofA to treat Poland differently.
Ironside  50 | 12928
8 Jan 2012   #23
but that's just theoretical.....we're talking about conspiracy theories, right?

We are taking theoretically ...not need for any other qualifiers
It doesn't make sense for the Polish government to do that, they are not able to think and act that way.
On the other hand the USA government is influenced by lobbying. All that takes is only one strong lobby !
legend  3 | 658
9 Jan 2012   #24
This is a real case of racism on American side.
In the mean time Polish officials are trying to suck on Americas tits trying to get a good rep.

Go ask the Polish families who lost their sons in the MIddle East for a nonsense war for an honest opinion.
Poland was completely wrong to join Americans and NATO(spits).
Unfortunetly many people dont see this until they experience loses themselves.

Since the Poles aren't wanted in the UK we should take them off their hands. Heck they could repopulate Detroit.

Detriot is almost a thirld world city. I think multicularism and DIEversity have taken its toll there.
America used to be 90 percent white. Nows that number is 65 percent or less.
Then just look at the US debt, 50 million who are below the poverty line, and another 50 million who are barely above that line.

The middle class is dying, the poor are getting poorer and yet USA KEEPS THE gates open to ILLEGAL immigrants from say Mexico while not allowing Poles the right to immigrate easier.
9 Jan 2012   #25
USA KEEPS THE gates open to ILLEGAL immigrants from say Mexico

this is a false statement and you know it. we share hundreds and hundreds of miles of border with Mexico. you can't stop all of them from coming in, whether it's illegal to do so or not and once they're in, we simply don't have the resources to throw them all out and keep them out. the border police kicks them over to their side on a regular basis but they're like cockroaches, can't kill em' and they just keep on coming.

Go ask the Polish families who lost their sons in the MIddle East for a nonsense war for an honest opinion.

go ask the americans and the american families who lost their sons and daughters in the middle east the same question. we've lost over 4,000. don't think for a second that the war is popular amongst most americans.
Ironside  50 | 12928
9 Jan 2012   #26

Because they think only about staying in power and personal gains, not about the country.
More like them would be claiming that including Poland into the VWP is their success.. They would never ask for favour like that form the USA government, ..nothing for them ....
9 Jan 2012   #27
They would never ask for favour like that form the USA government, ..nothing for them ....

But if we're talking conspiracy theories, at least the one I mentioned, it wouldn't be asking the USA for a favor. What does the USA have to lose by keeping Poland out of the VWP? The 10% that are refused a visa hardly would make any difference financially for the USA regarding tourist revenue and if anything, the US embassy continues to collect application fees from Poles by making them apply for the visa.

I see more benefit for the Polish government to keep Poland out of the VWP than in it.
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jan 2012   #28
the reason is pretty simple - Mexican kids born in the US will be Democratic voters - Polish kids in the US will more likely be Republican voters (even though they both are worth each other)
legend  3 | 658
9 Jan 2012   #29
The USA certainly isnt doing its best to prevent them from entering though.
I would think keeping their troops in the US (maybe near the borders) would be better than fighting wars half a world away.

go ask the americans and the american families who lost their sons and daughters in the middle east the same question. we've lost over 4,000. don't think for a second that the war is popular amongst most americans.

That wasnt my line of thought. I know many Americans are opposed to the wars in the MiddleEast.
But percentage wise youve still got a good percentage of people who want to attack Iran, keep the trrops even longer in that area as well.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
9 Jan 2012   #30
USA KEEPS THE gates open to ILLEGAL immigrants from say Mexico

This is not true Legend. It is getting harder and harder for illegal immigrants to cross into the USA via her Southern border. The tide is not stemmed completely because if it were agricultural production in the Southwest would be ruined for lack of workers to pick the incredible bounty of food we grow here.

the reason is pretty simple - Mexican kids born in the US will be Democratic voters - Polish kids in the US will more likely be Republican voters

American born Polish kids may be more likely to become Republican voters but only very slightly. Both Mexican-Americans and Polish-Americans tend to vote for Democrats.

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