This is a real case of racism on American side.
In the mean time Polish officials are trying to suck on Americas tits trying to get a good rep.
Go ask the Polish families who lost their sons in the MIddle East for a nonsense war for an honest opinion.
Poland was completely wrong to join Americans and NATO(spits).
Unfortunetly many people dont see this until they experience loses themselves.
Since the Poles aren't wanted in the UK we should take them off their hands. Heck they could repopulate Detroit.
Detriot is almost a thirld world city. I think multicularism and DIEversity have taken its toll there.
America used to be 90 percent white. Nows that number is 65 percent or less.
Then just look at the US debt, 50 million who are below the poverty line, and another 50 million who are barely above that line.
The middle class is dying, the poor are getting poorer and yet USA KEEPS THE gates open to ILLEGAL immigrants from say Mexico while not allowing Poles the right to immigrate easier.