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Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
18 Jan 2019   #181
And it's interesting...many people in Germany say the deep divisions inside the population and the rougher language and loss of good behaviour in politics is a consequence of the mass immigration and its failures, especially rising after 2015.

But Poland doesn't have said immigration problems. But nonetheless it too seems to have become a country with a deeply split population which fights each other with ever more mercilessness and ever less will to compromise.

The same happened in Britain, in the US, in France...but it aren't the illegals, so it must be something else.
18 Jan 2019   #182
They decry any individualism or community action, and have paranoia as to the accuracy of public accountability.

There is certain amount of accuracy in what you have written, but I still want to think that there is more that connects Poles (regardless of the place they live in, or their political leanings) than what divides them. We are one nation, in language, history, customs and even, to large extent, religion - that's why this relentless tribal war (PO-PiS, left-right) has to stop before it's too late.

If you don't like heat get out of the kitchen. Nobody forced him to involve in politicks or became a mayor eh?

There is a fine line between what we could consider justified and properly expressed criticism, and what is best described in the term "szczujnia".

Yet, what are you doing here is just adding fuel to a fire. People like you are a part of the problem not a solution.

Balance, Iron. There has to be balance in nature--if there are people who, without an ounce of respect to the mourning family and thousands of danzigers lamenting their loss, choose to slander the recently deceased mayor and bring up all the old accusations against him, then, quite naturally, voices will rise in his defence. My voice is one of them.

Inviting Germans to meddle into Poland's internal affairs? A visible sign what a great man he was.

Not this again. Germany is Poland's most important trading partner and political ally (even though the tie was weakend in recent years), and it is visible everywhere in the country not only in Gdańsk. As for our city--it is full of both Polish and German heritage, and there is no in point denying or fighting it.

I understand he was your 'father' figure or whatnot. (...) Sure you loved him.

Father figure, not really, but I did love him--yes. Although it was a difficult love sometimes: as a traditional, conservative Catholic I sometimes found it difficult to understand some of his decisions, but I won't talk about it now.
bolek_tusk  3 | 156
18 Jan 2019   #183
The right side of Poland (both politically, and geographically) would prefer to be still in the Soviet Union.


"Bliżej nam do Moskwy niż do Nowego Jorku". Wałęsa w wywiadzie dla Sputnika chwali Putina

Of course Bolshevik collaborator Bolek always had a soft spot for the Soviet Union.

I'm sure that Kaczyński is not all that fond of closer links to the people who assassinated his brother, the one who warned about the likelihood of a Russian invasion of the Ukraine in the speech which angered Putin so much that he planned to get rid of him:-

Polish President Lech Kaczynski delivered a confrontational speech in support of Georgia at a rally in Tbilisi, Tuesday.

"We are here to take up the fight. For the first time in years our eastern neighbours show their true face that we have known for hundreds of years", Kaczynski addressed the crowds gathered at a rally in Tbilisi on Tuesday evening.

"They think other nations should be subordinated to them. We say no! That country is Russia," Kaczynski shouted to the applauding crowd.

The Polish President accused Russia of still believing "the era of the empire was coming back," and that "domination was a characteristic of the region". He explained that many nations had been familiar with "that domination which had brought disaster upon all of Europe".

In Kaczynski's assessment, the current situation demanded a sharp reaction.

"We are here today so that the world reacts even stronger, in particular the European Union and NATO. Some had thought the Presidents were afraid of coming here. No one was afraid! Everyone came!", Kaczynski continued.

The crowds gathered outside the Georgian Parliament in Tbilisi responded enthusiastically to Kaczynski's accusations towards Moscow's actions. They shouted, "Poland, Poland, Friendship, Friendship, Georgia, Georgia".

President Lech Kaczynski arrived in Tbilisi late last night and was accompanied by the Presidents and PMs of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Ukraine.

The same happened in Britain, in the US, in France...but it aren't the illegals, so it must be something else.

There is a deep resentment among ordinary people towards the Bolshevik elite who are forcing globalism/multiculturalism on them.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
18 Jan 2019   #184
"They think other nations should be subordinated to them. We say no! That country is Russia," Kaczynski shouted to the applauding crowd.

Just supplant "Russia" with "Germany".

Kaczynski loves his Poles perpetually at war best...

There is a deep resentment among ordinary people towards the Bolshevik elite who are forcing globalism/multiculturalism on them.

What exactly do you mean by that? Poles are all over Europe by now...
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
18 Jan 2019   #185
Poles perpetually at war best..

What wars?, I dont think Poland started one in the last 100 years, am I wrong?
18 Jan 2019   #186
The right side of Poland (...) politically

There is always a question of what we consider "right". In Poland there is a lot of socialist parties (and I personally find any sort of socialism, no matter if it's the PO or PiS variety, rather repulsive--especially the national-socialist kind annoys me) and very few who could be considered proper "right-wing".
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
18 Jan 2019   #187
What wars?, I dont think Poland started one in the last 100 years, am I wrong?

I think K. would like one...
bolek_tusk  3 | 156
18 Jan 2019   #188
Why is promoting the Constitution of the Republic of Poland a political thing?

It is no such thing - it's just a KOD political slogan. Most KODders have no idea about what it says in the Constitution , they are just repeating buzzwords they have learnt from some Soros funded institute.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Jan 2019   #189
I'm sure that Kaczyński is not all that fond of closer links to the people who assassinated his brother,

Except he wasn't assassinated. If he wasn't fond of closer links, why did he meet Putin sympathiser Salvini?

BTW, if you have proof that he was assassinated, please inform the public prosecutors. It's been 3+ years now and still no evidence of an assassination.
bolek_tusk  3 | 156
18 Jan 2019   #190
Just supplant "Russia" with "Germany".

Ever heard of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact? It's what we have today except it is now the Merkel-Putin pact.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
18 Jan 2019   #191
I think K. would like one...


No Pole wants war, we have suffered enough due to war, we want peace and to be left alone to manage our country, If government steps too far out of line the democratic elections will throw them out.

All this politicising the presidents death here on the forum is very saddening, as far as I know a nice and well loved guy and had support from voters on all sides to become mayor.

It is not in any parties interest to have supported the actions of this madman, after all violence begets violence, who knows the next in line to be murdered and from which political party for that matter.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
18 Jan 2019   #192
Ever heard of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact? It's what we have today except it is now the Merkel-Putin pact.

Yeah....well....and in this world, your world, Adamowicz was a traitor to the polish people and had to be killed for the good cause.

God have mercy with you!

I'm bowing out here...
bolek_tusk  3 | 156
18 Jan 2019   #193
very few who could be considered proper "right-wing".

Care to define what that means?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
18 Jan 2019   #194
President Lech Kaczynski arrived in Tbilisi late last night

How old are you Bolek? do I have to ask you to act your age? More hate speech. Once President Dougpol is in power you will have your social media removed for an initial period of 6 months until you learn to be a useful citizen and stop propagating lies.
bolek_tusk  3 | 156
18 Jan 2019   #195
Adamowicz was a traitor to the polish people and had to be killed for the good cause.

Stop putting words in my mouth!

Adamowicz was a popular and successful politician. His murder was heinous and totally undeserved. I would not condone any murder of a politician, not even Hillary Clinton who was the epitome of evil. But, like with probably 90% of politicians, they have a tendency to 'bend' the rules and get away with it and to a large extent it goes with the territory. I am not going to pretend that Adamowicz was squeaky clean, just a 'normal' politician.


I do apologise for the error of my ways. I have now seen the light and will in future bow down and praise Fuhrer Merkel and her right hand man Herr Tusk, and will support the the EU - erm ... Fourth Reich and hope that it does everything possible to take away the national identity from those horrible Polish supporters of PiS and establishes our common European erm German values on each member country and its citizens.

18 Jan 2019   #196
Care to define what that means?

You mean which parties I consider right-wing? I suppose the only Catholic-conservative party qualifies (Prawica Rzeczypospolitej) as well as UPR or Wolność (former KORWiN). Unfortunately, these are rather small parties with small support and they tend to ally themselves to various socialist parties (PR to PiS), Wolność to national-socialists recently.

Polish political scene is overwhelmingly socialist these days: we have PiS (etatist national socialists), and PO (etatist international socialists), SLD ("proper" socialist), PSL (agrarian socialists), RN ("proper" national socialists), Nowoczesna-Teraz (progressive socialists) etc. etc.
bolek_tusk  3 | 156
18 Jan 2019   #197
It's been 3+ years now and still no evidence of an assassination.

Where do you get 3+ years?

It's less than one year!

I dont think Poland started one in the last 100 years, am I wrong?

Poland went to war with EU in defiance of its dictat regarding reforms to Poland's corrupt judicial system...

Not sure how long it will take Fuhrer Merkel to assemble an EU army to invade Poland, but it was Poland's fault for starting things...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Jan 2019   #198
Poland's corrupt judicial system...

If it's corrupt, I suggest you go to the public prosecutors with your evidence. So far, they haven't produced any evidence of corruption.

Where do you get 3+ years?

PiS won the elections in 2015, and a few months later, claimed that they had the truth about the crash. In fact, they kept making that claim up until a few months before the local elections, when it was conveniently forgotten about. These days, no-one is talking about it.

Still, if you have proof that it was an assassination, please contact the public prosecutors AND the right wing media.
mafketis  38 | 11137
18 Jan 2019   #199
It's less than one year!

Do you have any idea how many times they pulled that "new evidence to be revealed soon" trick? I lost count but every couple of weeks at one point.

How much evidence was ever actually revealed? Zero, nic, nada, niente, nenio, rien....

If they had evidence they would reveal it instead of this 'soon to be revealed' nonsense....
bolek_tusk  3 | 156
18 Jan 2019   #200
I suggest you go to the public prosecutors with your evidence.

The public prosecutors have to put their case before a judge, and we all know about the level of corruption in the judiciary... The are still largely indoctrinated in the old ways of the Soviet Union. It will take a long time for the corruption to flow out of the system since it became so deeply embedded.
mafketis  38 | 11137
18 Jan 2019   #201
we all know about the level of corruption in the judiciary...

No we don't, please explain oh person who does not live here and consumes a restricted diet of propaganda

The are still largely indoctrinated in the old ways of the Soviet Union

Not especially, that's not even part of PiS propaganda as far as I know... (that was the excuse they used to gut the military, not the judiciary)
18 Jan 2019   #202
Yes. One has to admit that for a party who so vehemently proclaims their anti-communism, PiS are surprisingly bolshevik in their methods.

*sighs*... socialists... they are all the same deep inside. *rolls eyes*
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Jan 2019   #203
The public prosecutors have to put their case before a judge

I think you're making excuses for not reporting what you know.

If they had evidence they would reveal it instead of this 'soon to be revealed' nonsense....

Dear Bolkusz is just behaving like all the others. He doesn't have any evidence, all he has is the word of Macierewicz.
mafketis  38 | 11137
18 Jan 2019   #204
...that he'll be the next Misiewicz! (snare drum, pop, standing ovation! Thank you! Youv'e been a wonderful audience! I'll be here all week!)
gregy741  5 | 1226
18 Jan 2019   #205
PiS are surprisingly bolshevik in their methods.

i sense "szczujnia" here..stop hate man.
see bro,how easy is to interpret everything as "hate"?
there is no hate in Poland...healthy political competition..its media and few hysterical ppl ,making it looks like its some civil war going on.

PIS is actually too respectful for their political opponents.they should be tougher with them and their behavior
18 Jan 2019   #206
i sense "szczujnia" here..stop hate man. see bro,how easy is to interpret everything as "hate"?

There's no hate at all in merely noticing interesting historical analogies. :)

By the way - what's with the "bro" and "man" thing? Are you Jamaican? Sorry, but I haven't visited PF for quite a long time, and I don't know half of the people in this thread.

there is no hate in Poland

As a Pole, living in Poland, I beg to differ. Perhaps you have different standards of political debate in Jamaica, I wouldn't know--I have never been to your country, but many people in Poland have noticed the escalation of political hate-speech recently.

PIS is actually too respectful for their political opponents.

Quite right. When I think of Kaczyński, Kurski, Macierewicz, Ziobro or Pawłowicz, they do indeed strike me as walking epitomes of respect.
gregy741  5 | 1226
18 Jan 2019   #207
By the way - what's with the "bro" and "man" thing? Are you Jamaican?

would be bloodclad if a were jamaican

Quite right. When I think of Kaczyński, Kurski, Macierewicz, Ziobro or Pawłowicz, they do indeed strike me as walking epitomes of respect

hate again. they in fact very polite and respectful people..its your hate making you think different.they are all very educated ect. you would never hear disrespectful words from them,so often used by the ones like niesiol palikot,owsiak,sikorski bartoszewski,nitras ect.
18 Jan 2019   #208
Ha, ha - good one, Gregy. :)

You fooled me--for a moment I thought you were being serious.

Anyways - it's rather late in Poland, time to catch some z's.

Good night, man.
gregy741  5 | 1226
18 Jan 2019   #209
Ha, ha - good one, Gregy. :)

you hating bro,are you Nazi?
you laughing when someone call PIS person respectful? thats hate bro.
hatred is strong with this one
brudzinski pls lock this man

you said,asking question online about financial things,its called "szczujnia"
so what would you call prosecuting someone more than 70 times and this person was found innocent 70 times?
as it was with ziobro
Crow  154 | 9463
18 Jan 2019   #210
Just tell me in short who did this. Is Germany behind this? EU? Do they got killer?

Home / News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing

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