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Polish military contingent in Lebanon.

Alien  23 | 5533
12 Oct 2024   #1
There is a Polish military contingent in Lebanon, normally about 230 soldiers, currently probably more. In connection with the war, should Poland evacuate this entire (peacetime) contingent? There is simply a danger of Poland becoming entangled in the current armed conflict in the Middle East by accident or provocation.
jon357  72 | 22950
12 Oct 2024   #2
As far as I know, they're there as part of a NATO action, so although Israel has allegedly (and inexplicably) targeted NATO bases, any decisions will be NATO ones.
OP Alien  23 | 5533
12 Oct 2024   #3
part of a NATO action,

These are UN troops, not NATO.
jon357  72 | 22950
12 Oct 2024   #4
Yes, I'd forgotten that. In which case it will of course be a UN decision rather than individual countries.
OP Alien  23 | 5533
12 Oct 2024   #5
UN decision rather than individual countries.

The Spanish general who commands the entire international contingent calls for a halt to weapons deliveries to Israel. Provocations (from every side) are more than possible.
Barney  17 | 1637
12 Oct 2024   #6
Poland in the UN strongly condemns Israeli attacks on UN peacekeepers in Lebanon.

Its beyond belief that the rogue state which owes its existence to the UN should be attacking UN mandated peacekeepers.
Barney  17 | 1637
12 Oct 2024   #7
The Polish government declined to support the UN secretary General after Israel declared him persona non grata. I wonder if Poland has an opinion on the delay in issuing arrest warrants for Israeli war criminals. Something is rotten in the ICC proving its critics right, charge Putin and others not in the rules based order's orbit and ignore the Good war criminals.
jon357  72 | 22950
2 days ago   #8
charge Putin

Of course. It depends on whether or not there's evidence sufficient to bring a case. With Putin they've had time to collect and collate hard evidence. They aren't a kangaroo court that brings cases just because members of the public say online that they think they should.

BTW, the ICC chief prosecutor is a devout Muslim and no friend of Israel, despite it being the only democracy in that region.
Barney  17 | 1637
2 days ago   #9
It depends on whether or not there's evidence sufficient to bring a case.

In the cases of Hamas and Israeli individuals the chief prosecutor thinks there is. His job is to uphold the law it is not to be a Muslim which is a dog whistle.

Its peculiar that it is taking so long to issue arrest warrants reinforcing the global view of bias and political interference by the "rules based order" crowd.
jon357  72 | 22950
2 days ago   #10
the chief prosecutor

In which case, doubtless he'll act should there be evidence. Hopefully they will deal with Hamas, Hezbollah and their overseas enablers and supporters first.
Barney  17 | 1637
2 days ago   #11
This investigation goes back years, he believes his team have the evidence. The question is whether the ICC applies the law without favour and why the delay.
jon357  72 | 22950
2 days ago   #12
he believes his team have the evidence

If they do, they do. The priority however is bringing Hamas, Hezbollah and their overseas enablers and supporters to justice and ensuring that Israel are given every support in securing a safe, stable and thriving future as the only democracy in the region and with more teritory and an absence of terrorism sponsored by Iran and r*SSia.
Poloniusz  4 | 869
2 days ago   #13
I wonder if Poland has an opinion on the delay in issuing arrest warrants for Israeli war criminals.

Just read the wall of shame at the UN, where in September 2024, Tusk's regime sat on the fence rather than join the rest of the world in calling for savage Zionist stormtroopers to be booted out of Palestine.

UN General Assembly demands Israel end 'unlawful presence' in Occupied Palestinian Territory
Barney  17 | 1637
2 days ago   #14
Its strange that the Polish government refused to support the UN secretary General given that Poland in the UN called for an end to attacks on peacekeepers. Netanyahu is now calling on the very same UNSG to remove peacekeepers which is the height of hypocrisy.
OP Alien  23 | 5533
2 days ago   #15
, where in September 2024, Tusk's regime sat on the fence rather than join the rest of the world i

At that time even Germany abstained from voting, for which the German Foreign Minister received a heavy scolding.
Poloniusz  4 | 869
2 days ago   #16
Its strange that the Polish government refused to support the UN secretary General given that Poland in the UN called for an end to attacks on peacekeepers

Tusk is a meek Eurocrat who takes his cues from his real boss, Ursula von der Loser, who is herself an eager-to-please Zionist stooge.

Press statement with Prime Minister Netanyahu

This is the moment for unity.

And Israel can count on the EU.

- Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) October 13, 2023

Indeed, just look at the body language in this other photo:

It's clearly not a meeting of equals.

Von der Loser is totally submissive, thus effectively making Tusk a complete cuck to that Zionist gangster via proxy.

At that time even Germany abstained from voting

My comments above apply to Germany as well as other EU states which abstained or voted against the resolution.
Atch  21 | 4147
2 days ago   #17
There is a Polish military contingent in Lebanon,

The Polish contingent in Lebanon are part of what was originally the Irish Battalion, now called IrishPolBat. The Battalion headquarters are Camp Shamrock but the Irish and Polish troops are deployed in different areas. Ireland is not intending to pull out. If we don't, Poland won't either - and as Jon says it would have to be a joint decision between the Defence Forces of both countries with the UN. I'm pretty sure Ireland won't want to leave.

"THERE ARE APPROXIMATELY 380 Irish men and women currently serving as peacekeepers with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) - at the heart of Israel's ground offensive against Hezbollah.

They comprise the majority of the Irish-Polish Battalion - IrishPolBatt - a mechanised infantry battalion, supported by one Polish mechanised infantry company.

Our troops are primarily deployed over two main positions in UNIFIL's Sector West, adjacent to the border with Israel. Battalion Headquarters, Camp Shamrock, is located at UN Position UNP 2-45 close to Bint Jbeil.

Other Irish troops are located at a forward position, UNP 6-52 near Maroun Al Ras - the scene of recent heavy fighting between Israeli Defence Force (IDF) special forces and Hezbollah.

Our Polish counterparts are based at UNP 6-50 south west of Yaroun, again, close to the Israeli border."

Here's the map of the current positions, Irish troops to the left Camp Shamrock Battalion HQ in the middle, Polish troops to the right.

Ironside  50 | 12331
2 days ago   #18
Its strange that the Polish government refused to support the UN secretary General

I don't find it strange. This government consists of the most inept twerps they are in Poland. Saying that the other major party is also sucking up to the US and that means being sycophant to the Israeli like most Western governments.
OP Alien  23 | 5533
2 days ago   #19
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) -

The UNIFIL mission consists of over 10,000 soldiers. Soldiers who will not be so easy to evacuate, and provocations are growing. I did not know that the Poles are together with the Irish.
jon357  72 | 22950
2 days ago   #20
Soldiers who will not be so easy to evacuate

I doubt they'll evacuate.
Ironside  50 | 12331
2 days ago   #21
What good is the UN for anyways?
jon357  72 | 22950
2 days ago   #22
Generally a lot of good, though they get let down by member states. They do a lot in a crisis, and people who complain about migration would have a lot more migration to complain about if it weren't for the refugee camps they run here in central Africa.

Their peacekeeping forces save a lot of lives too.
OP Alien  23 | 5533
1 day ago   #23
doubt they'll evacuate

Netanyahu wants to officially get rid of them. They are inconvenient witnesses to what is happening there.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
1 day ago   #24
Why "inconvenient"?

All muslim fanatics NEED to know what are the consequences of keeping to pi*** off Israel.....should start thinking if it wouldn't be truly better to leave off these mad fantasies and start settling and more cheering and partying and Baklava when Jews are murdered but spreading fear and dread in their people, knowing they will have to pay dearly for that, double and threefold!

Some people need the hard brutal lecture before they really often as these lectures are needed, you know!
OP Alien  23 | 5533
1 day ago   #25
double and threefold

Or thirtyfold? Like in Gaza.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
1 day ago   #26
....or a nuke like in Japan....whatever is necessary to end a war!

Some people just need longer....
OP Alien  23 | 5533
1 day ago   #27
end a war!

Just like with russia this war will end with the signing of a peace treaty. The situation is stalemate.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
1 day ago   #28
Hizbollah, Hamas, IS and a peace treaty with Israel?

OP Alien  23 | 5533
1 day ago   #29
@ Bratwurst Boy

Yes...someone will get a Nobel Prize for this again.
OP Alien  23 | 5533
1 day ago   #30
Israel's attacks on peacekeeping forces in Lebanon continue unabated. Even the German Spiegel is reporting on it, even though negative reporting on Israel is practically forbidden in Germany. Germany has about 150 peacekeepers in Lebanon.

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