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"A merciful heart can share its bread with the hungry and welcome refugees and migrants" Pope Francis

Wulkan  - | 3136
3 Aug 2016   #31
What you meant to say was that my German and Polish are better than Crow's truly broken English

Nope, Crow's English might be simple but it's not broken unlike your Polish or German.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
3 Aug 2016   #32
My Polish is probably on a par with Crow's English, but neither knows German as well as I or Jolly:-)

A mute point, as I'm clearly right in this instance!

As far as the clear split in opinion between what Francis preaches and the points of view I've read thus far, hard times are always the acid test for what unites strong faith vs. recurring fad.

The mean-spirited hypocrisy which supports "Jesus wasn't no creampuff!" and other bilge one hears throughout the broad country of the US, justifying bullying etc. instead of the really tough love of true compassion (even when it strains) is a sharp contrast between those who merely call themselves Christians and those who ARE Christians, and needn't go to Church every Sunday to prove it!!

Europe's center is indeed being challenged nowadays, more probably than at any other time in recent history, at least since WWII and immediately after. It is precisely in times such as these that the resolve and love of Pope Francis is relished as never before.

Dirty shame on those who justify attacks on Muslims (including those who errantly attack Christians Europe in the mistaken belief they are doing Allah's work), when Christianity itself has taught "Hate the sin but not the sinner!"
Crow  154 | 9463
4 Aug 2016   #33
We Slavs should kindly, very kindly, ask heeds of Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Churches to give us back Svetovid. Together, Christ and Svetovid. Only then we can expect it to work. Sure, money would go to Christ. Svetovid volunteer.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Aug 2016   #34
??? Come again?

To paraphrase: "We Slavs should expect that the Christian churches pay heed to our wishes and return........" (I think)

Am I getting warm?:-)
Crow  154 | 9463
4 Aug 2016   #35
By the God, what`s wrong with wooden Svetovid`s statue in Christian Churches? That could be awesome. Christ Himself would rejoice with us. That would be real Christianity, truly tolerant. i can imagine and feel it. On the contrary to those who hunted our Slavic (ie Sarmatian) ancestors and Svetovid, in order to bring us and ``save`` us in true religion and cross. Those who promoted Christianity by violence actually disgraced Christianity.

We would be closer to nature with reactivated Svetovid. More humane, more aware of ourselves, more for our own civilization, capable to offer more to our children and humanity, etc.

We Slavs should kindly, very kindly, ask heeds of Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Churches to give us back Svetovid.

here i wanted to say `heads`, not heeds. To put cross on myself how did it come to this mistake, i myself can`t tell. Must be stupid automatic correction
4 Aug 2016   #36
I've found a footage of a discussion with a Polish journalist which took place on German TV (in German, but decently subtitled in English):

Her views on Muslim immigration are representative of the views currently held by the vast majority of Poles in Poland. Actually, contrary to what she says, not even Catholic church in Poland, suggests now that we open our borders to the masses of Muslim refugees. The Polish bishops simply have a better grasp of local realities than Pope Francis does. They had a private conference with him during his recent visit, and judging by later comments of his spokesman, they must have made him see certain things in a different light. I do hope that His Holiness comes to terms with the sad fact that what's happening is really a religious war on the part of a considerable proportion of Muslims. Even if we don't mind to die as martyrs ourselves, we owe to our children to protect their future. We don't want to be like the Christians currently slaughtered in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria and many other places around the world.

There is another good film on youtube with the same lady journalist in a discussion with some Germans:

This time, the Germans are telling her that Poland must do whatever the eurocrats think is right. The blindness and arrogance of these people is mind-boggling. I hope and pray that Polish people finally wake up to the Soviet nature of eurocracy and firmly demand political devolution of this sick system. Otherwise, we should definitely follow the Brits.
Crow  154 | 9463
1 Aug 2019   #37
Say one great THANKS BUT NO THANKS to all who suggest to Poland to accept more Muslim refugees, even if that may be Vatican itself or even more monstrous EU. Just sow on TV how Syrian migrant killed man with the sword in Germany, in Stuttgart, on the middle of the street. That morbid frau Merkel managed to destroy Germany. Did really perfect job.
pawian  224 | 27236
1 Aug 2019   #38
PRIEST STABBED Horror in Belgium as Father is knifed after he 'allowed asylum seeker into his home to use shower'

Didn`t Jesus forgive his executioners while on the cross?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
1 Aug 2019   #39
He did I wouldn't, I am the son of a soldier of the Polish II corps, I always do unto others (enemies) before they do unto me.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
1 Aug 2019   #40
Being a generous person doesn't also mean being a doormat:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
1 Aug 2019   #41
Didn't Jesus forgive his executioners while on the cross?

His life and his attitude would have been different had he been married with kids. You (editorial) tend to do strange things when you are single and without any responsibilities. If I were related to God, anyone closer than six feet would die a very painful and spectacular death.

Technically and logically, having other options, Jesus committed suicide.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
1 Aug 2019   #42
Technically and logically, having other options, Jesus committed suicide.

true very true, as they say he died for us, BUT for the likes of dolno and rich who have families !!! **** would have landed upon Their god forsaken a$$es even before they realized they had a problem with us.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
1 Aug 2019   #43
While turning the other cheek isn't usually an option either in my opinion, Jesus' teachings represent all the best towards which
we all should strive, even if we never make it.
Most of us though aren't even close:-)
Crow  154 | 9463
1 Aug 2019   #44
People, Pope was drank when spoke about refugees. Forgive Him. It was vine or something more volatile that spoke out of him.
pawian  224 | 27236
29 Aug 2023   #45
Papal infallibility is a dogma of the Catholic Church

Knowing history very well, I have always objected to this sick dogma. Infallibility of immoral murderers that some popes used to be??? Amassing. :):):)

Fekk the black mafia big shots in the Vatican and elsewhere!
Support your local hard working priests who retain true faith and profess love of Jesus and their brethren.

  • images.jpg
Lyzko  44 | 9745
29 Aug 2023   #46
Whenever the topic of human perfection is brought up, we know it's a sure recipe for disaster.

How many a cruel demagogue has deemed his word "infallible", only to discover the latter only will bring about their downfall!
jon357  72 | 23361
29 Aug 2023   #47

They're only considered infallible if they're speaking ex cathedrawhich I don't think he (or most of his predecessors) have.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
29 Aug 2023   #48
Amen, jon.
pawian  224 | 27236
29 Aug 2023   #49
That Prick Pope addressed young Russians in this sickening way:

You are the children of the great Russia, the great Russia of the saints, the king, the great Russia of Peter I, Catherine II, this great empire, with such great culture and great humanity. Never give up this heritage. You are the heirs of Mother Russia, go forward with her. And thank you for the way you are, for the way you are Russians," said Pope Francis to young Russians

Pope, fekk you!!! Fekk you like certain sick grandpas!
Luke1410  - | 146
29 Aug 2023   #50
Ok so most charitable interpretation... the Pope was making inroads to better relations with Russian Orthodox Church before the war and he hasnt given up hope, he believes that by addressing young Russian Christians with a message of unity, hope and forgiveness, the power of the Russia Orthodox Church can rise up and oust Putin and bring the war to an end.

Least charitable interpretation.... he's a South American communist siding with his commie mates Putin and Kirill against Poland and Ukraine to bring about a new world order...

I think its closer to the former, the internet will disagree.
Novichok  4 | 8748
29 Aug 2023   #51
"A merciful heart can share its bread with the hungry and welcome refugees and migrants" Pope Francis
How many, dear Pope, and who is going to pay for it? Those 70% of Americans living p2p with a couple hundred bucks in their savings accounts?
pawian  224 | 27236
29 Aug 2023   #52
I think its closer to the former, the internet will disagree.

Why only the internet? Common people don`t need the net to disagree.
AntV  3 | 670
29 Aug 2023   #53
I have a confession to make:

As part of the Popish cabal I have access to the Vatican network. I unwittingly intercepted a dispatch early last Wednesday morning entitled "Address to the Mordorian Youth." As I read the dispatch it became clear that what I was reading wasn't a critique of Tolkien's masterpiece by some Vatican backbencher, but a prepared speech to be delivered by The Man in White himself.

As I continued reading it became clear that the address could either be a clarion call for angelic West or have major repercussions for world peace and stability. This address could be like dropping a neutron bomb over Mordor, and knowing Sauron's lack of moral rectitude and disregard for all things non-Mordorian, the response could be cataclysmic. The prospective harm was too much a gamble.

After 3 minutes and 27 seconds of agonizing over this moral tug-of-war, I decided to do something.

So, I passed it on to Bobko to edit the address. It is Bobko's edition that has become world news.

You see the dispatch I intercepted was the official speech Pope Francis was to give to the Russian youth.

I see now I've harmed fragile Catholics and Mordorian-haters.

To assuage this offense, I give you the original address Pope Francis was to give the Russian youth:

You despicable young Orcs of murderous RuSSia, the inferior RuSSia--den of sinners, thieves, and serpents. This loathsome wasteland of bankrupt and repulsive culture and reprehensible Orcanity. Throw away your murderous ways, renounce your ignominious history of treachery. Admit you are execrable and deplorable--heirs of wretchedness. Admit you are irredeemable and unworthy to exist in the City of Mankind. Recoil and beg for our mercy. Scum!

So, ultimately, I am the prick (with Bobko's aid), not Pope Francis.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
29 Aug 2023   #54
Something not quite right is going on in the mainstream Christianity these days. Comrade Bergoglio's usual antics aside, here's what Russian Orthodox Church is planning to do...

... they are going to canonize Александр Васильевич Суворов - the butcher of Praga. Is this the kind of great Russian saints the Pope was talking about?

What an unfortunate turn of events in the two largest mainstream Christianity denominations... quite sad ... or am I missing something... hmmm...


Nice one, Anti. Any idea why ROC are planning to canonize the Butcher of Praga? It will probably be received in Poland in a similar manner to UOC canonizing Shukhevych (which they don't plan to do, I hope).
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
29 Aug 2023   #55
Or maybe the mainstream Christianity is too corrupt?Maybe all the money, all the titles and honours, and all the palaces of gold and marble did something to their brains? WTF?
AntV  3 | 670
29 Aug 2023   #56
When you put the Vatican's Press Office response to Francis' statement together with a decade's worth of clumsy Francis speeches, it seems quite obvious, at least to me, that Luke is correct in his above post. I miss JP2 and B16's clarity.

I have very little knowledge of the ROC. Little I do know makes it seem to be somewhat insular and nationalistic--but that could very well sound idiotic to someone who is knowledgable about the ROC.

Or maybe the mainstream Christianity is too corrupt?

Heck, there's always been corruption in one degree or another within Christianity (mainstream or outside the mainstream). What is remarkable is how the Deposit of the Faith hasn't been compromised by it...regardless of how much stench some church leaders emit.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
29 Aug 2023   #57
Vatican's Press Office response

Sounded rather unconvincing if you ask me. Especially coupled with Bergoglio's direct mentioning of Catherine II, the great empire etc.

And ROC with their canonization of Suvorov...

It's all rather sad really...

how much stench some church leaders emit.


Evangelical simplicity - what happened to it?
AntV  3 | 670
29 Aug 2023   #58
I'm convinced he wasn't calling for imperialism, but the problem is that we have to be convinced. He's like a Trump in that he says things off-the-cuff that leaves way too much open for interpretation.

Evangelical simplicity - what happened to it?

I believe it's plentiful--we just don't see or recognize it. It's those who aren't, or we perceive as not being evangelically simplistic (and our perceptions can be wrong), that we tend to notice.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
29 Aug 2023   #59
In both RCC and ROC there are many great priests, monks, nuns, even an occasional bishop. It's the top rank (archbishops, exarchs, cardinals, patriarchs) that is the most venal and corrupt.

They have no faith. The bishops who refuse the access to church files in paedophile cases, corrupt local episcopates who live off state money and serve the political rulers, local churches who canonize war criminals, mockery of sacraments etc. The only way to explain it is that they don't believe in God. Simple as that.
Bobko  27 | 2130
29 Aug 2023   #60
I am not a fan of religion, as some might know here. So it's not a little bit strange, for me to defend Pope Francis. But I want to try anyway:

Catherine the Great, who was not even Russian (born Princess Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg), is almost universally regarded as one of the most important figures of the 18th century. She brought the Enlightenment to Russia, and created the conditions which started a huge wave of European immigration into the country. She also founded such cities as Nikolayev, Kherson, Sevastopol and Dnipropetrovsk (which Ukrainians are now claiming as "historic" Ukrainian cities).

Her treatment of Poland, while perhaps unjust from the point of view of Poles, was totally normal policy for a statesman of her time. Had it not been done by her, it would have been done to a further extant than actually occurred - by the Prussians and Austrians.

Now as to the Russian Orthodox Church:

It is bewildering to me, how so many soldiers were made saints by the early church. One of those things which I find very confusing. However, you must admit that the ROC is definitely not unique in turning killers into saints.

Suvorov has a reputation of a martyr in the Russian historical tradition. He brought Russia some of its greatest victories (while sleeping and eating with the soldiers as an equal), only to be discarded by Catherine's son like a piece of trash. He is known to have been extremely pious, and kind (again, look to the way he treated his men). Applying modern Polish grievances to him, is as ahistorical an approach as blaming Catherine for following thorough on the partitions.


That's all, for my apologetics. As I've said - it's strange to me to make saints of soldiers.

Home / News / "A merciful heart can share its bread with the hungry and welcome refugees and migrants" Pope Francis

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