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Polish MEP Korwin-Mikke's latest outrage, insulting women

gregy741  5 | 1226
10 Mar 2017   #151
hes nowhere near know to the world as marie.cus he was man..and in man stantards he was standard achievement..million other man have done in the past

she is widely known cus shes woman..and that mean even for an average chemist she was is was a millennium long precedence
gregy741  5 | 1226
10 Mar 2017   #152
somenting interesting:
In December 1903, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded Pierre Curie, Marie Curie, and Henri Becquerel the Nobel Prize in Physics, "in recognition of the extraordinary services they have rendered by their joint researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel."[21] At first, the Committee intended to honour only Pierre and Becquerel, but one of the committee members and an advocate of woman scientists, Swedish mathematician Magnus Goesta Mittag-Leffler, alerted Pierre to the situation, and after his complaint, Marie's name was added to the nomination.

so it was political nomination after all...and am not surprised at was expected.a fraud as i always knew.leaching on husband work and connections.typical
Paulina  17 | 4465
10 Mar 2017   #153
i think you are stupid.

You know, you're so silly that it's almost adorable :D How old are you?

men were inventing everything and forging civilisations long before any school appeared.

That was because men held power since the very beginning and they held power not because they were smarter than women but because they were physically bigger and stronger than them. It's a well researched correlation in the animal world - species with males bigger than females are patriarchal (like gorillas, for example) and those with females bigger than males are matriarchal (like spotted hyenas).

Those who have power do what they want and take what they want, they can decide about they own fate and the fate of those subjected to them (women in this case), they can take privileges for themselves and can take take the roles they feel like taking.

Nowadays physical strength doesn't matter as much as it used to, the world has changed and so the tide has turned in favour of women who are physically weaker than men. Now it's brains that counts, not muscles. At least in those more developed parts of the world.

if women are so clever,why they were never leaders?

You can't be THAT ignorant O_O Did you even attend school?
Usually only men were ALLOWED to rule.
Don't you remember to what great lengths Henry VIII went to have a legitimate male heir? He even broke with the Vatican and changed the country's religion + beheaded his wife to get a new one lol

Sometimes women were allowed to rule either on their own, like Cleopatra VII Philopator, Elizabeth I of England, Catherine the Great or together with their husbands, like Isabella I of Castile and probably others that I'm not aware of. But that happened usually because there was no other choice.

And don't forget that behind every man there was usually a wife. Wives or even lovers of kings could have some influence on what was going on in the country, like in the case of Hürrem Sultan, also known as Roxelana, for example (she came from Poland, btw). She started the Sultanate of Women:

"Many of the Sultans during this time were minors and it was their mothers, the Valide Sultans, or their wives, the Haseki Sultans, who effectively ruled the Empire."

The TV series "Wspaniałe stulecie" or "The Magnificent Century" rings a bell? It's pretty popular in Poland.

i think you are the only one who remember,cus world forgot about them.cus they were rubbish

I don't think I remember any names of any math scientists, tbh, be that men or women. Well, maybe besides the ancient ones ;)

she even failed to pass exams in polish crakow universitet.

If you read the article in Wikipedia about Nawojka you would know that the Jagiellonian University did not allow women to study until 1897. At that time Skłodowska was already starting her research for her doctorate at the Sorbonne in Paris :D The same year she gave birth to her daughter, Irène Joliot-Curie, the future laureate of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry :)

In Poland she did study at Warsaw's clandestine Floating University, though.

shes a fraud like all of em. (...)i bet she clean glasses in his laboratory (...)always marry ritchest and most succesfull,to leach on his sucess

Wow, I really didn't realise the extent of your prejudice, stupidity and ignorance. Now I see it in full glory and it hurts my eyes lol:

double facepalm

they never create brands,civilizations,inventions

Civilizations were created by human beings in general, women had some part in this too, despite being restricted by men to a great extent.
You mean brands like Chanel? lol
And inventions:

and in man stantards he was standard achievement..million other man have done in the past
she is widely known cus shes woman..

Yes, and because "millions" of men have done it in the past it wasn't so unusual. Maria Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in Science and the only woman to ever win two Nobel Prizes. So obviously she's famous - precursors always are. She made history. It's also nothing unusual for teams of scientists to get Nobel Prizes - it happens all the time nowadays. This doesn't mean that she was "an average chemist" (she graduated from her studies in physics at first place and in mathematics at second place at the Sorbonne).

so it was political nomination

In what way was it "political"? It didn't cross your mind that she was overlooked at first because she was a woman? After all, those were the times when women in most countries didn't even have voting rights. They weren't treated seriously or considered equal to men. Even nowadays they aren't considered equal by some men, including you...
Ironside  50 | 12916
10 Mar 2017   #154
Ironside also doesn't live in Poland and I think he has spent a lot of time abroad.

Why would you bring me into your spat with gregy? I have nothing to do with it. I said my part and there is no reason for you to trying to undermine my opinions by talking about personal issues.

By the way I reside in the Warsaw Royal Palace, go there and ask for Mr Ironside if you don't believe me.
gregy741  5 | 1226
11 Mar 2017   #155
That was because men held power since the very beginning and they held power not because they were smarter than women but because they were physically bigger and stronger than them

sure..napoleon was 50 feet tall and could easily lift 57 tons

Usually only men were ALLOWED to rule.

this got nothing to to with allowing..they did,cus they were smarter,better organised,better charisma more intelligent,more willing to risk,more willing to sacrefice their life.ect. they didnt care about their shoes and handbags

thats why they climbed highest mountians,swimmed in deepest waters,walked through north pole and walked on moon

f you read the article in Wikipedia about Nawojka you would know that the Jagiellonian University did not allow women to study until 1897.

wiki is wrong on this one..she was enrolled but failed exams.i read it somwhere.

In what way was it "political"?

her loving husband made some phonecalls and convinved judges to hand over nomination to her by saying:
"listen guys,just give it to her,shes so cute and stuff,just do me a favor,then we can start propaganda saying woman can also be smart to some degree"

thats how it was
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Mar 2017   #156
sure..napoleon was 50 feet tall and could easily lift 57 tons

Napoleon, just like other male rulers, profited from millennia of patriarchy before him. During his time societies were still patriarchal and so men usually ruled.

Btw, he declared Joan of Arc a national symbol of France. Have you heard of her?

this got nothing to to with allowing..they did,cus they were smarter,better organised,better charisma more intelligent,more willing to risk,more willing to sacrefice their life.ect.

Of course it had everything to do with allowing. You think gorilla packs are patriarchal because gorilla females care about "shoes and handbags"? lol And what do male spotted hyenas care about? Fast cars, beer and porn? lol

Women in Great Britain had to throw themselves under horses during horse races and burn buildings in order to get voting rights and you tell me about shoes and handbags lol Idiot...

thats why they climbed highest mountians,swimmed in deepest waters,walked through north pole and walked on moon

That's what women are allowed to do nowadays (still not everywhere though) and what they are doing nowadays (except for walking on the Moon, but Mars awaits :D).

wiki is wrong on this one..she was enrolled but failed exams.i read it somwhere.

No, it isn't wrong. The first female students were allowed in 1894, but only at the pharmacy course. They were allowed on other courses later on.

Here's an article about those first students and what it was like for them:,121681,18170349,Studentki_w_gorsetach__Pierwsze_Polki_na_uniwersytecie.html

Tell me, gregy, you claim that men ruled in the past because "they were smarter, better organised, had better charisma, were more intelligent, more willing to risk, more willing to sacrifice their life and they didn't care about their shoes and handbags" (this cracks me up, btw, do you know how French men dressed in the 18th century, including kings, for example lol).

So what's your explanation for the fact that women weren't allowed to study at universities in the past and weren't allowed to vote but men were? Was it also because men were "smarter, better organised, had better charisma, were more intelligent, more willing to risk, more willing to sacrifice their life and they didn't care about their shoes and handbags"? :) Or was it because men ruled and they didn't allow women to attend universities and to vote?

her loving husband made some phonecalls

Did he even own a telephone? lol

thats how it was

Of course, gregy was there and knows it all *smh*
gregy741  5 | 1226
11 Mar 2017   #157
Of course, gregy was there and knows it all *smh*

gregy knows life
gregy741  5 | 1226
11 Mar 2017   #158
Or was it because men ruled and they didn't allow women to attend universities and to vote?

for the good reason,we now suffer from feminised politics. where logic reason and risk was replaced by emotions feelings.nothing make sense anymore.
criminals gets housed,funds,terrorists and jobless people got more funds and human rights than hard working people.
kids were being abused like in rotherham and nobody protect em in the name of some fuked up marxist utopia ideology. this is all women doing.

all "social justice" is nothing more than women leaching on society.they wanted economical independence so they invented it so they can get rid of husbands who were paying for them in the past.i could go on and on.
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Mar 2017   #159
Btw, in case someone didn't believe me about this:

That's what women are allowed to do nowadays (still not everywhere though) and what they are doing nowadays

"I think she was 13 or 14 years old ... saying 'I just wanted to tell you that after hearing your story I found the courage to ask my father for a bicycle.'

gregy knows life

It doesn't seem to me that you know much about anything, tbh. Let alone about women or their fate throughout centuries... I don't know where your issues with women came from but you're clearly deeply prejudiced.

for the good reason

Well, Ziemowit, looks like he does qualify as nothing more than a male chauvinist.

we now suffer from feminised politics (...). this is all women doing.

Ah, men raping girls in Rotherham is women's fault - interesting "logic" lol
You know, politics are still vastly dominated by men and Marxism and utopian socialism were all invented by men. I'm afraid you're probably giving women too much credit right now :)

so they can get rid of husbands who were paying for them in the past

"Interesting" conspiracy theory - makes no sense though since women don't need to leach on the society or their husbands for that matter because they can work nowadays and they do work. At least in Poland (you can't usually raise a family on one salary in Poland, you know). I don't know what it's like in the UK but I doubt it's that much different.
gregy741  5 | 1226
11 Mar 2017   #160
I think she was 13 or 14 years old ... saying 'I just wanted to tell you that after hearing your story I found the courage to ask my father for a bicycle.'

i can prove anything i want, through links found in google.spare me this pls.i tho we are adults here

Ah, men raping girls in Rotherham is women's fault - interesting "logic" lol

yes..not about some alien muslim animals,but if real man were in power ,those guys would be nailed by their balls to the nearest bridge.or simply beaten to death for this.

but we have millions female voters with their fkin "sensitivity" and monsters like this gets 2 years and some community work programme

still vastly dominated by men

what men? all social ministers are vastly dominated by women in europe...especially social welfare departments and educations.not to mention that you dont seem to understand how democracy works.its voters who determine what social ideas are being pursed.and women are more likely to vote.on "social justice warriors"

and those muslims were brought here and nursed by women voters.
vast majority of man are right wingers,women are leftist due to their mental differences.
men like risk and competition thats why they chose capitalism,woman- care and "tolerance" and all those social justice idiocies.

"Interesting" conspiracy theory - makes no sense though since women don't need to leach on the society or their husbands for that matter because they can work nowadays and they do work

ohh silly girl. woman emancipation required more than just voting rights or equal employment. most important was economical independence from man.
that was the old way,,man work and support woman family.
so they achieve it,throu diverting resources by taxing men and provide woman with all different walfare benefits and other privileges and priorities.
thus state replaced man in duty to support familly.and family is being considered outdated and attacked nowdays.cus it mean chains for woman.
gregy741  5 | 1226
11 Mar 2017   #161
Paulina .watch this and tell me what you think?:
Crow  154 | 9463
11 Mar 2017   #162
Korwin-Mikke: Tusk to nie jest polski polityk!

some of comments > on the same link, below the video > go see more


tusk to kolaborant i zdrajca a takich zabijali strzalem w leb na ulicy egzekutorzy POLSKIEGO PANSTWA POLSKIEGO wczasie wojny!!!!!

Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Mar 2017   #163
i can prove anything i want, through links found in google.spare me this pls.i tho we are adults here

Sweetie, you can't even do this. Even the basic info about the difference between the brain size of men and women you gave was incorrect.

I feel like I'm discussing with a 12-yeard-old (I'm being generous now) and you're telling me about adults lol

if real man were in power ,those guys would be nailed by their balls to the nearest bridge

Oh, you don't want me to go there, gregy741, trust me. Want to talk about Cambodia where "real men" are in power and about what they are doing to 12-old-girls? You see, men in Cambodia believe in a superstition that having sex with a virgin gives them youth and health. Of course, you can ba a virgin only once and what's more there's another problem - because of the extent to which men in Cambodia are whoring around without using condoms there's a problem with AIDS among prostitutes. So they go for younger and younger girls because the younger they are the more likely it is that they are HIV-free virgins.

So, very young girls are in demand but, of course, what girl in her early teens would like to be a prostitute, right? But where's demand there's a way. There is a lot of poverty in Cambodia and many poor families (sometimes parents do it consciously, sometimes close relatives claim they can get work for them in some menial jobs in a different town but sell them to men as sex slaves) sell their daughters to those pedopohiles and ephebophiles. Those men rape them for a week or two and after that they give/sell the girls away to brothels. In one of the documentaries about Cambodia that I've watched a 13-year-old girl was sold by her aunt to a brothel where she was raped by up to 20 men every night. When she asked the human traffickers for a time off because she wasn't feeling well she was beaten and made to drink water with shards of glass. All of that at the age of 13. Just imagine that.

Even if the girls escape their lives are pretty much over because for a poor girl the only future is marriage and men want only a virgin for a wife.

So they end up as prostitutes, they get AIDS and they die. Then another generation of young girls arrives, they get AIDS and they die. And this is how it goes.

In theory the equality of men and women is enshrined in Cambodia's constitution, but in reality women there are second class citizens. And prostitutes are simply treated as subhumans (I'm being generous again, because I have an impression that even animals in Poland are being treated better). Which is of course bitterly ironical because many of them, if not most, are victims of human trafficking and should be helped and shown empathy.

It often happens that when a prostitute meets the client it turns out that there are other men present, his buddies, and they want some too and so the prostitute is raped by all of them and paid only for one client. Gang rapes are a problem too. There's a lot of porn in the country, men simply watch it in pubs, bars, etc. it's everywhere. So they go in groups to bars, watch porn and then they want to try it out - whatever they've seen in the film. They go out, grab some girl, usually those selling beer in bars and rape her. Prostitutes also say that, unlike Western men, Cambodian men like to do it in groups. I guess it's a kind of group entertainment for "real, brave men".

One activist (a Western man) said that there was a case in which a 16-old-girl was gang raped, raped with a knife (with the sharp end) and then her breasts were cut off. She bled out to death in the street. It also happens that bystanders are joining in the rape, btw.

I think one of the most shocking things that I've ever heard on a documentary was a story of a Cambodian prostitute who was raped by 50 men during one night. First they raped her at some house/shed in the village. Then they dragged her to the fields and continued raping her for the rest of the night. She passed out a few times. After some time one of the rapists said to her: "We will f*ck you until you die". At that point she got a stroke.

When she was telling about it I noticed scars in neat rows on her forearms - she was cutting herself.

This hell on Earth for girls and women takes place not in some "libtard" Western country with "feminist politics", not even in a Muslim country, but in a patriarchal, conservative, traditional, 96.4 % buddhist Cambodia.

I'm sorry, but what I've noticed is that the more patriarchal the country is the more f*cked up it is. And not always only girls suffer from this. I'll mention just one thing, connected to Afghanistan - bacha bazi. If you don't know what's that all about then google it and if you have a chance - watch some documentary.

but we have millions female voters with their fkin "sensitivity" and monsters like this gets 2 years and some community work programme

Judging by the article in Wikipedia they were given sentences from 5 to 20 years in prison (for me that's not enough for raping children, btw).

Gregy, in my opinion it's the other way around - the law isn't "feminist" enough in this respect.
In Poland a man for a rape often gets a year in prison. A year! It's as if he stole a car or sth! It even happens that they get suspended sentences. Can you imagine? How women are supposed to feel safe after testifying against rapists in court if the rapists don't even make it to prison?

You think that women like such situation? That this is what they're voting for? Poland is a Catholic country, it's still pretty conservative by Western standards, it's not a haven for "femi-nazis", I'm sure you know this.

Look at this:,69/gwalcil-trojke-dzieci-corka-popelnila-samobojstwo-jest-wyrok,672009.html

This Polish man raped his two daughters for years, one of them couldn't take it anymore and committed suicide.
He got sentenced to 11.5 years in prison and he can't get anywhere near his other daughter, his son and wife for 5 years lol
Look at the comments:

For such a crime such low sentence is laughable and a tragedy!!! In the US he wouldn't get out of the prison for the rest of his life, because they would sum up the sentences for him. In Poland for good behaviour he will get out after a few years and he will have a laugh at the justice.

I often read such comments under Polish articles about rapes in Poland both from men and women. Sometimes they cheer each other up by saying that at least the rapist will be treated "accordingly" in the prison by his fellow inmates (the urban myth says that rapists are raped in prison by inmates on regular basis, but I don't know if it's true).

Women in both Poland and the US can vote so why such difference (at least perceived) in sentences?

what men?

All those presidents, prime ministers and MPs in Parliaments, city mayors, town mayors, etc. It's not only that - most of the police are men, the same with judges.Those are the people who make laws and who execute this law. And they are mostly men.

its voters who determine what social ideas are being pursed.and women are more likely to vote.on "social justice warriors"

You would have to prove it with statistical data.

and those muslims were brought here and nursed by women voters.

Again - prove it with data.

vast majority of man are right wingers,women are leftist due to their mental differences.

Mental differences lol Gregy, you would have to show data for this :) Show me statistics proving that majority of men are right wingers and majority of women are leftists (for example by showing voting patterns or sth among the two sexes).

men like risk and competition thats why they chose capitalism,

Gregy, gregy... lol Communism was invented and implemented in the most cruel ways by men. You talk a lot of bullsh1t.

woman- care and "tolerance" and all those social justice idiocies.

Wow, so Jesus was a woman? :D

ohh silly girl. woman emancipation required more than just voting rights or equal employment. most important was economical independence from man.

Oh, silly boy, I know how important economical independence was (and still is) for emancipation of women :)

so they achieve it,throu diverting resources by taxing men and provide woman with all different walfare benefits and other privileges and priorities.

What on Earth are you talking about? ;D Taxes are paid by both men and women and they existed long before anyone could even dream about women's emancipation lol Also both men and women get welfare benefits, so what are you on about?

thus state replaced man in duty to support familly.

Only rich states can afford to support their citizens with welfare benefits and what not and do that no matter whether they're "libtard & feminist" Western democracies or extremely patriarchal and conservative Saudi Arabia, for example (which was referred to as a "Welfare State" since citizens of the kingdom were at one time heavily subsidized by oil income by the royal family of Abdullah - but that's apparently all changing with increased population).

I would recommend to you to read stuff, watch documentaries, visit other countries - maybe you'll learn something about the world, life and people and you'll widen your horizons.

and family is being considered outdated and attacked nowdays.cus it mean chains for woman.

Funny, it's usully women who want to get married and have a family and men, at least that's the stereotype, avoid it like fire lol Men are using exactly the same word as you - that marriage is putting "chains" on a man :)

Paulina .watch this and tell me what you think?:

You want me to watch something titled: "Why Women DESTROY NATIONS * / CIVILIZATIONS - and other UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS"?? :D
Why on Earth would I waste 18 minutes of my life on watching this? Have mercy lol I've wasted enough of my time with you and I bet this video is as "factual" as your comments lol

I don't know, maybe if I provided you with link to a video containg 18 minutes long rant titled "Why men are MONSTERS and other UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS" then you would watch it with great interest but I'll pass for the time being, sorry... I've read a lot of comments on Rooch V forum and blog + your comments, I'm afraid that an overdose of similar content would make me hate and despise men.

Korwin-Mikke: Tusk to nie jest polski polityk!

What one can be sure for certain is that Tusk isn't a woman (look at the thread title, Crow).
Ironside  50 | 12916
11 Mar 2017   #164
patriarchal, conservative, traditional, 96.4 % buddhist Cambodia.

Ever heard about Pol-Pot, Red Khmers? What are you talking about? That is some commie nonsense.
Crow  154 | 9463
11 Mar 2017   #165
What one can be sure for certain is that Tusk isn't a woman (look at the thread title, Crow).

Paulina, my lady. For now. For now. But, when you look at him, who knows. Would you be so kind to open yourself? Would you?
OP jon357  72 | 23361
11 Mar 2017   #166
Ever heard about Pol-Pot, Red Khmers? What are you talking about? That is some commie nonsense.

I-S, read Paulina's post. Read it again and read it carefully.
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Mar 2017   #167
Ever heard about Pol-Pot, Red Khmers?

Of course. I've also watched the film "The Killing Fields"...

What are you talking about?

The Khmer rule lasted from 1970 up until Vietnamese invasion and occupation in 1978, I think.
In 1993 monarchy was restored in Cambodia.
According to Wikipedia "Theravada Buddhism is the official religion of Cambodia, practised by more than 95 percent of the population with an estimated 4,392 monastery temples throughout the country."

That is some commie nonsense.

Why, do you have other information? If yes, then please provide it and a source.

But, when you look at him, who knows.

I don't think he would look good as a woman lol

Would you be so kind to open yourself? Would you?

Um... What? lol O_O'
Ironside  50 | 12916
11 Mar 2017   #168
According to Wikipedia

Sure, rely on wikipeadia. Never the less why are you picking some cultures, different civilizations and talk some stuff that is totally unrelated to the arguments gergy made.

Why you bring some random examples of cruelty, crime or whatnot? what for? What you aim to prove? Nothing at all!

Why, do you have other information

That is country after totalitarian genocidal regime that almost wiped them out, those who are in charge are oppressors and those who where victims are oppressed, Buddhist my ass, those are brutalised people with posttraumatic stress disorder and after the civil war - hardly a good example of anything. Last of all a religious , conservative society.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
11 Mar 2017   #169
I-S, Cambodia is a largely rural society which was denuded by a totalitarian regime, years ago, and is still getting over that. Bad things happen wherever capitalism exists.

Tell us IS, why you think the bad things so far away in Cambodia relate to the tit Korwin-Mikke's appalling behaviour?
mafketis  38 | 11137
11 Mar 2017   #170
Bad things happen wherever capitalism exists.

You do realize that the worst problems in Cambodia were not caused by anything remotely like capitalism...
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Mar 2017   #171
Sure, rely on wikipeadia.

Why not? According to Wikipedia 87.5% of Poles are Roman Catholics. You think Wikipedia is also wrong on this one? :)

What you aim to prove? Nothing at all!

Iron, I'm afraid that trying to have an adult, normal, constructive discussion with you is absolutely pointless :) First you ask me what I'm trying to prove and then you answer on my behalf to yourself: "Nothing at all!" lol Maybe simply stand in front of the mirror and discuss with yourself? At least you won't be wasting my time.

Buddhist my ass (...) Last of all a religious , conservative society.

As I wrote - if you have another information and a better source then provide it.

those are brutalised people with posttraumatic stress disorder and after the civil war - hardly a good example of anything.

This is true, I was thinking about it too. However, Cambodia is just one example. I could also write about other patriarchal, conservative, traditional, religious countries. That's why I wrote that gregy741 probably wouldn't like me to go there (in that direction). India is a great example... Supposedly developing and pretty successful country. But the stuff that's going on there as far as women are concerned... No comment... Really depressing.

You do realize that the worst problems in Cambodia were not caused by anything remotely like capitalism...

Indeed. Although poverty is definitely one of the things that make the virgin trade possible.
Ironside  50 | 12916
11 Mar 2017   #172
Why not?

I told you why not! Have you failed to understand it?

I'm afraid that trying to have an adult, normal, constructive discussion

I'm too old to listen to such immature nonsense. . Either you say what you aim to illustrate by those examples
or you just prove gregy right. BC you are not doing whatever it is you think you are doing. Those are pointless stories and that Cambodia story out of the blue is just random!

I could also write about other patriarchal, conservative, traditional, religious countries.

Give yourself a break. You premise is idiotic to say the least. Focus on what you know - that is a western civilization and Christianity.

The real hell on Earth and the most Evil gov. on this planet were and are those that embraced leftie ideologies. With all those lofty claims and equality for women and so on.

If you're tying to prove that women have it hard. Of course they have it hard and men have it hard too. Life is tough and then you die. Are you one of those snowflakes or a female chauvinist that somehow believe that women have a worse end of the deal? well think again.
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Mar 2017   #173
I told you why not!

Iron, you wrote why you think Wikipedia is wrong about this. I'm sorry, but what you think is not enough for me. Provide other data and a source to back them up. I want data, statistics, some kind of proof, OK?

Either you say what you aim to illustrate by those examples

So what do you want from me exactly? You want me to explain it to you what my aim was in writing about what "real men" are doing to 12-year-old girls in Cambodia? But you just wrote that my aim is to prove "nothing at all" lol So now you're interested in my answer after all?

or you just prove gregy right.

You know, I have an impression that according to you even if I sneezed I would prove him right about everything... You have your mind made up already, it seems.

BC you are not doing whatever it is you think you are doing.

So what do you think I think I'm doing (that I'm not doing)? ;D

Those are pointless stories and that Cambodia story out of the blue is just random!

Nope, they aren't pointless nor random.

You premise is idiotic to say the least.

And what is my premise?

Focus on what you know

If I gave you the same advice would you stop writing about Poland and Polish politics? :)

- that is a western civilization and Christianity.

I don't live in the West.

The real hell on Earth and the most Evil gov. on this planet were and are those that embraced leftie ideologies.

And what about Nazism?

that somehow believe that women have a worse end of the deal? well think again.

There are countries where women have it not only worse but much worse then men. Are you denying this?
OP jon357  72 | 23361
11 Mar 2017   #174
the worst problems in Cambodia

Right now they have unbridled capitalism and as ever women are victims of this.
Paulina  17 | 4465
12 Mar 2017   #175
Iron, I'd like to comment some more on this, because I think you may not realise something:

Buddhist my ass (...) Last of all a religious , conservative society.

As much as cruel and genocidal the Khmer Rouge regime was, its rule lasted for a short period of time, especially if you compare it to half of a century of communism in Poland, 70 years of Soviet rule in Russia or still ongoing communism in China.

In 2012 74% of Russians declared themselves as Russian Orthodox. Putin (former KGB agent - don't forget) worked hard for this.
Cambodia may not be as religious as it was before the Khmer Rouge rule but it doesn't have to mean that it isn't a patriarchal, traditional, conservative society nowadays. The fact that Theravada Buddhism is the official religion of Cambodia already tells you something. The fact that men believe in ridiculous superstition (passed on to them by older generation) that sex with a virgin makes them younger and more healthy also shows how traditional (and backward) that country is. What I wrote about women being second class citizens didn't come from Wikipedia but from an older Cambodian lady in one of the documentaries that I've watched. She lives there and she's a woman so I guess she knows better than you or me, right?

And the fact that women are second class citizens means that it's a patriarchal society no matter how religious or non-religious it is.

Chinese society has traditionally valued boys over girls. Gender-selective abortions spiked after the introduction of the one-child policy in the late 1970s, and again following the introduction of ultrasound technology. China outlawed sex determination in the late 1980s to stop parents from finding out the gender of their child and abort or abandon girls. Doctors are forbidden by the state to tell the sex of unborn babies. But the practice still goes on. And deeply entrenched traditional ideas about female inferiority prevail, especially in rural provinces. This has led to skewed sex ratio in China. According to a 2014 census data there were nearly 116 men for every 100 women. This led to another pathology - men from rural areas kidnapping women from different regions and from cities and imprisoning them as "wives" (I've even seen a Chinese film about this on Polish TV). The same problem exists in India, a very conservative, traditional and religious country - boys valued more than girls, gender-selective abortions targeting female fetuses, shortage of women in more traditional, conservative regions, men from those regions with greatest shortage of women kidnapping or buying girls/women as "wives".

Despite China being communist for years it didn't manage to root out this traditional attitude towards girls/women so I'm not surprised at all by what's going on in Cambodia.

Also, I'd like to ask about this:

or you just prove gregy right.

Right about what, Iron? That if real men were in power rapist pedophiles would be nailed by their balls to nearest bridges? Where are those "real men" then - in which countries? And what gregy741 means by the term "real men"? Judging by his views real men would be those who think women are less intelligent than men and that they shouldn't have the right to vote, which is a basic human right. He also apparently thinks that "women destroy nations/civilizations" lol Do you think that if men with such Taliban-like mentality would rule in the West it would make Western societies better? lol Do you want to live in Afghanistan?

The retarded ways of how the West is handling its issues with its minorities doesn't have anything to do with women and their voting rights but everything to do with their colonial past and the trauma after the atrocities of WWII. As far as I remember from my history classes at school black males got voting rights before white females in the US. That really tells you a lot.
gregy741  5 | 1226
12 Mar 2017   #176
And what gregy741 means by the term "real men"

the exactly someone with opposite attitude to woman..someone whos not afraid and is capable of making decisions.not impotent feminized fags like hollande for example.fags like him are in power cus man give woman voting it?

western countries were paradises untill 70-ties when women got engaged in politics all going down to drain since then.turning western civilization into sthole.
sweden was most safe country in the world,now in capital of rape
Paulina  17 | 4465
12 Mar 2017   #177
the exactly someone with opposite attitude to woman..someone whos not afraid and is capable of making decisions.

It's so funny to hear something like that from someone living in a country where someone like Margaret Thatcher was a Prime Minister lol The Leader of the Conservative Party, The Iron Lady, supporter of liberal economy. I've talked to English men from the North of England who still hate her for "closing down coal mines and taking away free milk from children at school" lol:

"Thatcherism represented a systematic, decisive rejection and reversal of the post-war consensus, whereby the major political parties largely agreed on the central themes of Keynesianism, the welfare state, nationalised industry, and close regulation of the economy."

And another one:

"Thatcherism has been described by Nigel Lawson, Thatcher's Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1983 to 1989, as a political platform emphasising free markets with restrained government spending and tax cuts coupled with British nationalism both at home and abroad."

Theresa May is also a conservative politician and she doesn't seem to be backing away from Brexit.

not impotent feminized fags like hollande for example.fags like him are in power cus man give woman voting it?

No, I don't "get it". You assume that men with left wing and liberal views get elected only because women have voting rights.
But you haven't proven to me in any way that women always vote for leftist/liberal politicians and that men always vote for right wing politicians.

You also haven't proven your claim that the vast majority of men are right wingers and women are leftist.

It often happens in democracies that right wing and liberal/leftist parties win interchangeably. One time right wingers win, another time - liberals or leftists. So what does that mean, according to you? That in those years when right wingers win mainly men vote and in another years mainly women vote? lol

What happened in the US then that Trump got elected? Women suddenly stopped voting? lol
Poland was one of the first countries in Europe to grant women voting rights. Why then it still is one the most religious countries in Europe and still pretty conservative?

I'm sorry but your theory makes no sense.

It's also peculiar that you deny manhood to men with leftist views (Hollande). According to you Lenin and Stalin were "feminized fags" who were afraid to make decisions too? lol

western countries were paradises untill 70-ties

I'm sure they were - for white men with your views. The West still is a paradise if you compare it to the rest of the world (Central and Eastern Europe) included. If it wasn't, 1 mln of Poles wouldn't be living in the UK and people from around the world wouldn't be there either, including you.

sweden was most safe country in the world,now in capital of rape

I've discussed this with a Pole who lived in Sweden and he explained that Sweden has simply a different qualification of rape and they're counting offences in a different way nowadays than the rest of the Europe or sth, hence the high statistics of rape in this country.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
12 Mar 2017   #178
I've talked to English men from the North of England who still hate her for "closing down coal mines and taking away free milk

With good cause. The devastation caused in some parts of the country was pure evil. Nevertheless. She was a very strong person who rose to the top in the face of competition from men who were very skilled political operators. Korwin-Mikke would not stand a chance against Thatcher
mafketis  38 | 11137
12 Mar 2017   #179
I've discussed this with a Pole who lived in Sweden and he explained that Sweden has simply a different qualification of rape and they're counting offences in a different way nowadays than the rest of the Europe or sth, hence the high statistics of rape in this country.

read this and try to still believe that
12 Mar 2017   #180

Seriously? Them again?

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