i can prove anything i want, through links found in google.spare me this pls.i tho we are adults here
Sweetie, you can't even do this. Even the basic info about the difference between the brain size of men and women you gave was incorrect.
I feel like I'm discussing with a 12-yeard-old (I'm being generous now) and you're telling me about adults lol
if real man were in power ,those guys would be nailed by their balls to the nearest bridge
Oh, you don't want me to go there, gregy741, trust me. Want to talk about Cambodia where "real men" are in power and about what they are doing to 12-old-girls? You see, men in Cambodia believe in a superstition that having sex with a virgin gives them youth and health. Of course, you can ba a virgin only once and what's more there's another problem - because of the extent to which men in Cambodia are whoring around without using condoms there's a problem with AIDS among prostitutes. So they go for younger and younger girls because the younger they are the more likely it is that they are HIV-free virgins.
So, very young girls are in demand but, of course, what girl in her early teens would like to be a prostitute, right? But where's demand there's a way. There is a lot of poverty in Cambodia and many poor families (sometimes parents do it consciously, sometimes close relatives claim they can get work for them in some menial jobs in a different town but sell them to men as sex slaves) sell their daughters to those pedopohiles and ephebophiles. Those men rape them for a week or two and after that they give/sell the girls away to brothels. In one of the documentaries about Cambodia that I've watched a 13-year-old girl was sold by her aunt to a brothel where she was raped by up to 20 men every night. When she asked the human traffickers for a time off because she wasn't feeling well she was beaten and made to drink water with shards of glass. All of that at the age of 13. Just imagine that.
Even if the girls escape their lives are pretty much over because for a poor girl the only future is marriage and men want only a virgin for a wife.
So they end up as prostitutes, they get AIDS and they die. Then another generation of young girls arrives, they get AIDS and they die. And this is how it goes.
In theory the equality of men and women is enshrined in Cambodia's constitution, but in reality women there are second class citizens. And prostitutes are simply treated as subhumans (I'm being generous again, because I have an impression that even animals in Poland are being treated better). Which is of course bitterly ironical because many of them, if not most, are victims of human trafficking and should be helped and shown empathy.
It often happens that when a prostitute meets the client it turns out that there are other men present, his buddies, and they want some too and so the prostitute is raped by all of them and paid only for one client. Gang rapes are a problem too. There's a lot of porn in the country, men simply watch it in pubs, bars, etc. it's everywhere. So they go in groups to bars, watch porn and then they want to try it out - whatever they've seen in the film. They go out, grab some girl, usually those selling beer in bars and rape her. Prostitutes also say that, unlike Western men, Cambodian men like to do it in groups. I guess it's a kind of group entertainment for "real, brave men".
One activist (a Western man) said that there was a case in which a 16-old-girl was gang raped, raped with a knife (with the sharp end) and then her breasts were cut off. She bled out to death in the street. It also happens that bystanders are joining in the rape, btw.
I think one of the most shocking things that I've ever heard on a documentary was a story of a Cambodian prostitute who was raped by 50 men during one night. First they raped her at some house/shed in the village. Then they dragged her to the fields and continued raping her for the rest of the night. She passed out a few times. After some time one of the rapists said to her: "We will f*ck you until you die". At that point she got a stroke.
When she was telling about it I noticed scars in neat rows on her forearms - she was cutting herself.
This hell on Earth for girls and women takes place not in some "libtard" Western country with "feminist politics", not even in a Muslim country, but in a patriarchal, conservative, traditional, 96.4 % buddhist Cambodia.
I'm sorry, but what I've noticed is that the more patriarchal the country is the more f*cked up it is. And not always only girls suffer from this. I'll mention just one thing, connected to Afghanistan - bacha bazi. If you don't know what's that all about then google it and if you have a chance - watch some documentary.
but we have millions female voters with their fkin "sensitivity" and monsters like this gets 2 years and some community work programme
Judging by the article in Wikipedia they were given sentences from 5 to 20 years in prison (for me that's not enough for raping children, btw).
Gregy, in my opinion it's the other way around - the law isn't "feminist" enough in this respect.
In Poland a man for a rape often gets a year in prison. A year! It's as if he stole a car or sth! It even happens that they get suspended sentences. Can you imagine? How women are supposed to feel safe after testifying against rapists in court if the rapists don't even make it to prison?
You think that women like such situation? That this is what they're voting for? Poland is a Catholic country, it's still pretty conservative by Western standards, it's not a haven for "femi-nazis", I'm sure you know this.
Look at this:
This Polish man raped his two daughters
for years, one of them couldn't take it anymore and committed suicide.
He got sentenced to
11.5 years in prison and he can't get anywhere near his other daughter, his son and wife for 5 years lol
Look at the comments:
For such a crime such low sentence is laughable and a tragedy!!! In the US he wouldn't get out of the prison for the rest of his life, because they would sum up the sentences for him. In Poland for good behaviour he will get out after a few years and he will have a laugh at the justice.I often read such comments under Polish articles about rapes in Poland both from men and women. Sometimes they cheer each other up by saying that at least the rapist will be treated "accordingly" in the prison by his fellow inmates (the urban myth says that rapists are raped in prison by inmates on regular basis, but I don't know if it's true).
Women in both Poland and the US can vote so why such difference (at least perceived) in sentences?
what men?
All those presidents, prime ministers and MPs in Parliaments, city mayors, town mayors, etc. It's not only that - most of the police are men, the same with judges.Those are the people who make laws and who execute this law. And they are mostly men.
its voters who determine what social ideas are being pursed.and women are more likely to vote.on "social justice warriors"
You would have to prove it with statistical data.
and those muslims were brought here and nursed by women voters.
Again - prove it with data.
vast majority of man are right wingers,women are leftist due to their mental differences.
Mental differences lol Gregy, you would have to show data for this :) Show me statistics proving that majority of men are right wingers and majority of women are leftists (for example by showing voting patterns or sth among the two sexes).
men like risk and competition thats why they chose capitalism,
Gregy, gregy... lol Communism was invented and implemented in the most cruel ways by men. You talk a lot of bullsh1t.
woman- care and "tolerance" and all those social justice idiocies.
Wow, so Jesus was a woman? :D
ohh silly girl. woman emancipation required more than just voting rights or equal employment. most important was economical independence from man.
Oh, silly boy, I know how important economical independence was (and still is) for emancipation of women :)
so they achieve it,throu diverting resources by taxing men and provide woman with all different walfare benefits and other privileges and priorities.
What on Earth are you talking about? ;D Taxes are paid by both men and women and they existed long before anyone could even dream about women's emancipation lol Also both men and women get welfare benefits, so what are you on about?
thus state replaced man in duty to support familly.
Only rich states can afford to support their citizens with welfare benefits and what not and do that no matter whether they're "libtard & feminist" Western democracies or extremely patriarchal and conservative Saudi Arabia, for example (which was referred to as a "Welfare State" since citizens of the kingdom were at one time heavily subsidized by oil income by the royal family of Abdullah - but that's apparently all changing with increased population).
I would recommend to you to read stuff, watch documentaries, visit other countries - maybe you'll learn something about the world, life and people and you'll widen your horizons.
and family is being considered outdated and attacked nowdays.cus it mean chains for woman.
Funny, it's usully women who want to get married and have a family and men, at least that's the stereotype, avoid it like fire lol Men are using exactly the same word as you - that marriage is putting "chains" on a man :)
Paulina .watch this and tell me what you think?:
You want me to watch something titled: "
Why on Earth would I waste 18 minutes of my life on watching this? Have mercy lol I've wasted enough of my time with you and I bet this video is as "factual" as your comments lol
I don't know, maybe if I provided you with link to a video containg 18 minutes long rant titled "
Why men are MONSTERS and other UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS" then you would watch it with great interest but I'll pass for the time being, sorry... I've read a lot of comments on Rooch V forum and blog + your comments, I'm afraid that an overdose of similar content would make me hate and despise men.
Korwin-Mikke: Tusk to nie jest polski polityk!
What one can be sure for certain is that Tusk isn't a woman (look at the thread title, Crow).