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Polish MEP Korwin-Mikke's latest outrage, insulting women

OP jon357  72 | 23361
8 Mar 2017   #61

Hominids? What about the missing link? Really Greggs, that's scraping the bottom of the proverbial...

Have you ever had an IQ test?
gregy741  5 | 1226
8 Mar 2017   #62
Yes but Gregy, my IQ is certainly higher than yours...:) :) :) Work that one out, if u can..:)

i had 119 last time i measured few years back..but my brain slowed alot with age and disconnected from education.
Ironside  50 | 12916
8 Mar 2017   #63
and why this is BS?if higher iq gives you ability to create and invent,why not better paid?

Ability is not the same as sureness, its all depends on individual circumstances. Are you telling me that all people you dealt with in your business arrangements whose income was higher had been also blessed with a higher IQ than yours?

What about Indie, commie China? Your income would depend more on your position on a social rung or on the position of a family you were born to.

You're building sand castles here.

and thats justify pay gap

There is no pay gap. Not on a general/average basis not in Europe or America.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Mar 2017   #64
i live in London and from among 1000-ds street sweepers i seen,i never encountered a woman.doing this

I can assure you that those street sweepers and casual building site labourers are earning more than the hordes of female office and domestic cleaners (kind of female equivalent)

Well mine was a lot higher than that , last time i was tested (yes a long time ago too, so probably less now) . But that is all really beside the point. There are so many other factors that indicate success and high earnings, as Ironside pointed out.
gregy741  5 | 1226
8 Mar 2017   #65
Are you telling me that all people you dealt with in your business arrangements whose income was higher had been also blessed with a higher IQ than yours?

am not saying IQ its a definitive factor..i believe GOOD family upbringing is the MORE IMPORTANT one.also culture and others.but still ,IQ its factor.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
9 Mar 2017   #66
i believe GOOD family upbringing is the MORE IMPORTANT one

What about those who have no family?

Ability is not the same as sureness, its all depends on individual circumstances.

Spot on, Ironside.

There is no pay gap

The three Cs, cooking, cleaning, care. Jobs you can do if you have to raise a family.
Ironside  50 | 12916
9 Mar 2017   #67
not saying IQ its a definitive factor

I think you should first think over what are you arguing about. Korvin talks about abstraction his mental construct, build to illustrate his theory and at the same time to gain him a free publicity and acolytes.

You on the other hand seemingly picked up a wrong end of the stick. Let be precise here.
On average in the western societies there is no pay gap between sexes.
Whereas IQ is an important factor in getting a good income is yet quite another issue.

That theory about women being less intelligent than men on average is not really supported by scientist. There is rather a natural inclination for a different kind of intelligence. Some of which is more pronounced in womenfolk and some more pronounced in menfolk. .
Bieganski  17 | 888
9 Mar 2017   #68
Yes it is a shame that women are discouraged from STEM subjects.

That's not true at all. Western governments and schools have been falling over themselves and throwing money around left, right and center for this latest feminist concocted affirmative action craze.

So it's not a lack of encouragement from society but rather very simply and unsurprisingly a complete lack of interest from fawned-over females.

Ambassador Opens Lean in Stem Conference in Warsaw

"An important element of the STEM debate is a call to increase the participation of girls and women in STEM education and activity. Unfortunately, many girls lose interest in science too early in their education."


However, a female lawyer, for example, would obviously deserve to be paid the same for doing the same job as a man...

Another feminist canard to try to secure even more costly privileges in society for themselves.

Equal pay has been on the EU books since 1957:

"Equal pay for equal work is one of the European Union's founding principles, embedded in the Treaties since 1957. Article 157 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union provides that each Member State shall ensure that the principle of equal pay for male and female workers for equal work or work of equal value is applied."


So the challenge is for you to show where females, particularly female lawyers, are getting paid less than their exact male counterparts. So no, don't bother with the overplayed feminist sleight of hand trick of comparing a male lawyer involved in corporate law on an international scale to a female lawyer churning out bog standard letting agreements in a sleepy suburb and then whining there is a gender pay gap in the same career field.

And you need to be honest and admit that women (most of them actually) take a lot more time off from work than men do. Even in countries with universal health care and paid maternity leave.

Face it, no company or country can afford for women to occupy positions at any level of an economy and then pay them to sit at home most of the time.

That's not equality. That's the unsustainable and demented mentality of female entitlement.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
9 Mar 2017   #69
That theory about women being less intelligent than men on average is not really supported by scientist.

Exactly. It's a simple matter of equity.
gregy741  5 | 1226
9 Mar 2017   #70
hat theory about women being less intelligent than men on average is not really supported by scientist.

if that the case, could argue that the men "kind of inteligence" is more "profitable" in certain social conditions such as free market -i theory of course.

how would you enforce equal pay and equal presents of female ,in software programming where female dont exist?huh.any ideas?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Mar 2017   #71
software programming where female dont exist

well they do....
gregy741  5 | 1226
9 Mar 2017   #72
well they do

get any game-most sophisticated software-to credits and read names.-,you see how they exist there..its non existing existence..hehehehe
Ironside  50 | 12916
9 Mar 2017   #73
how would you enforce equal pay and equal presents of female ,in software programming where female dont exist?huh.any ideas?

In the same way you would enforce equal pay for men in the modelling business - not at all. Top female models earn ten time as much as top male models. Figure this one out.

By the way what are you arguing about?
gregy741  5 | 1226
9 Mar 2017   #74
By the way what are you arguing about?

telling you,even if female has different inteligence,it has to be one which is not transferable into financial reward as males ones.and thus less pay is justifiable.

nobody will pay you fortune for being "emotionally inteligent" or whatever thay call it
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Mar 2017   #75
Western governments and schools have been falling over themselves and throwing money around left, right and center for this latest feminist concocted affirmative action craze

I have not seen that in my recent experience to be honest.
Bieganski  17 | 888
9 Mar 2017   #76
Anyway, women have stronger legs than men and a higher pain threshold, so not so weak at all.


Women avoid physical work like the plague. Not just because they are physically weaker (a biological reality) but because they suffer same sex social pressure to wear expensive clothes and hide their flawed and aging skin behind loads of makeup. All of which risk being ruined if they actual did the same work at the same level as men do.

Physical activities like sports too are gender segregated and for a good reason. And it's not because women would always beat men at things like running or weight lifting. The exact opposite is true and you know it. Why else do you hear women complain about the transgendered like Caster Semenya competing in women sports?

No proof either that women have a higher pain threshold than men. Want to trot out that favorite feminist example of child birth? Yeah, once women give up the morphine, stop having c-sections, avoid modern fully equipped, fully staffed hospitals with private suites, and start giving birth the way Mother Nature really intended then and only then should we consider the claim that they are "not so weak at all."
OP jon357  72 | 23361
9 Mar 2017   #77
Women avoid physical work like the plague

So do you, Bieggers, so do you...

Of course you could always try a shift as a nurse. You would learn very quickly what the word exhausted really means...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Mar 2017   #78
transgendered like Caster Semenya competing in women sports?

Caster Semenya is not 'transgendered' AFAIK.

Why are you being so hateful? I am a woman and don't have 'expensive clothes and make-up to 'hide my aging skin' - just getting on with things as best as I can like normal people do. Sawing logs, whatever needs doing, y know. Maybe it's just the women you have chosen to hang out with?

Btw you don't get 'morphine' when you are giving birth. Just saying.
Bieganski  17 | 888
9 Mar 2017   #79
I have not seen that in my recent experience to be honest.

It's been all over the media on both sides of the Atlantic for years now. Politicians have been talking about it and setting aside money for female participation in STEM. Schools have been prioritizing it and setting aside places for females to participate in STEM. Even you brought it up. But as the American ambassador to Poland correctly pointed out in the link I provided the low numbers are due to low interest from females. No one is going to excel at anything which they don't care about to begin with no matter how much time and money you throw at them.

Besides most females today are so pampered, materialistic and shallow that they are far more familiar and interested in the magazine Marie Claire rather than the life and work of the physicist and would-be role model Marie Curie.

Indeed, this is what inspires today's "empowered" females:

She doesn't:

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Mar 2017   #80
ha ha Maria...a fine role model indeed...:)
OP jon357  72 | 23361
9 Mar 2017   #81
Besides most females today are so pampered, materialistic and shallo

Have you met most females? Spent much time in the developing world. Lived the life of a woman in your town who gets up at the crack of dawn, gets the kids off to school, does a full day's work and comes back to cooking, cleaning and childcare?

No, but you think

most females today are so pampered

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Mar 2017   #82
..and if you knew anything about Maria's life, you would know how hard she had to fight to be taken seriously as a scientist. She was told that her brain was too small and weak to have any scientific thought for example...:):) She was told to stop bothering...

She was truly exceptional. A less determined woman could have been just as bright and ended up teaching school all her life.

yeh i wish i was fukcing 'pampered' - what a joke. Men walk away from their responsibilities and then we have to read shyte like that.
Bieganski  17 | 888
9 Mar 2017   #83
Of course you could always try a shift as a nurse. You would learn very quickly what the word exhausted really means...

Wow! Just take a look at your casual gender stereotyping! There are plenty of highly professional, skilled and committed male nurses in this world.

Btw you don't get 'morphine' when you are giving birth. Just saying.

My gawd!

And you actually pointed out a moment before that:

I am a woman

Here, do some reading dear:

The Effects Of Morphine: Labour Pain Relief Explained

It may sound scary (or just what you want) but morphine-based pain relief is a popular pain reliever for labour


Using Narcotics For Pain Relief During Childbirth

"What types of opiates are used during childbirth? The most frequently used narcotic medications are:

- Morphine
- Stadol
- Fentanyl
- Nubain
- Demerol"


If you believe (or being a woman "feel") that Korwin-Mikke is lying about women then just remember the old saying that every lie has a kernel of truth.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Mar 2017   #84
well i was never offered any fkucking morphine, I can assure you. It harms the foetus. Maybe it's different in the states and that is why you are all so dopey...:)
OP jon357  72 | 23361
9 Mar 2017   #85
your casual gender stereotyping! There are plenty of highly professional

Check out the gender stats for nursing, Bieggers, there's a good boy.

It harms the foetus. Maybe it's different in the states and that is why you are all so dopey...:)

Explains a lot...
Bieganski  17 | 888
9 Mar 2017   #86
Maybe it's different in the states

The first link I gave you has a web address. They weren't doing an article about child birth advice to American mothers.

Dopey indeed.

Check out the gender stats for nursing

Then you would know that men are underrepresented in the nursing field and (to take the feminist line of thinking) are therefore underpaid compared to their female counterparts.

Why do you support this inequality so much so that your knowledge of nursing is extremely sexist?
OP jon357  72 | 23361
9 Mar 2017   #87
therefore underpaid compared to their female counterparts.

Don't be silly...

your knowledge of nursing

Proves you're talking out of your ass as usual...

Korwin-Mike is not only an international laughing-stock bringing embarrassment to Poland, he's also just plain wrong...
Atch  22 | 4299
9 Mar 2017   #88
What I find most objectionable about the guy is his outrageous views about child pornography. On the one hand he advocates punishing child abusers severely and on the other, legalising child porn. Of course this would be ok according to his nibs because it would be computer generated, not involving any actual living children.
mafketis  38 | 11137
9 Mar 2017   #89
men and women are equal in general intelligence

My understanding is that there is no significant difference in average IQ between men and women but the distribution is different. Women cluster around the middle and men or more spread along the whole bell curve.

Therefore there are very few dangerously stupid women (and no shortage of dangerously stupid men) but at the other end there are far fewer transcendentally brilliant women than transcendentally brilliant men.

A useful heuristic, mother nature plays the odds and plays it safe with women and goes all out boom or bust for men. This is also why there are almost no women who could not find a romantic partner if they really want one and no shortage of men who are completely excluded from the mating market....
Atch  22 | 4299
9 Mar 2017   #90
women are paid less.cos undeniable intelligence gap.

And yet, strangely, bearing in mind that boys and girls sit the same exam papers:

And here's a rather long but interesting article as to why girls don't opt for science and maths based options at third level.Bear in mind that in Ireland there is almost an equal number of girls and boys taking higher/advanced maths. So why do so few of those girls go on to take a maths based degree when they're clearly capable of it:

Although the examples given are from Ireland, apparently these kind of stats are reflected elsewhere.

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