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Polish MEP Korwin-Mikke's latest outrage, insulting women

jon357  72 | 23673
4 Mar 2017   #1
This guy makes people cringe here in Poland, not least because of the coverage abroad of some of his more toxic comments:

he argued that women should earn less than men "because they are weaker, they are smaller, they are less intelligent. They must earn less, that's all."

NoToForeigners  6 | 948
4 Mar 2017   #2
Guy's crazy but he's right about homosexualism being a mental disease.
OP jon357  72 | 23673
4 Mar 2017   #3
As I understand it, he didn't mention human sexuality...

Nor is he qualified to say what is or is not a disease.

He did however denigrate women, the latest in a long list of offensive acts that are done only to provoke. The last one cost him thousands; hopefully this will cost him thousands more.

A marginal figure (who once stabbed himself in a restaurant toilet and blamed a non-existant Chinese assassin) with very little support and a habit of deliberately offending.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
4 Mar 2017   #4
You aren't qualified to comment on a foreign to you country of Poland and its govt yet you constantly do that.
OP jon357  72 | 23673
4 Mar 2017   #5
Don't be silly, notty

Korwin-Mikke (who made the vile and outrageous comments in the European Parliament) is a disgrace. Hopefully this will be even more expensive for him than the last time.
gregy741  5 | 1226
4 Mar 2017   #6
well.he got a point.ppl should be paid according to their talent ,creativity regulate it add,women have about 30% smaller brain,and 15 points iq less.

women in Poland are responsible for less that 2% of patents and inventions.go " credits" in video games for example.women are non existence in creating this products.just as a example.

if they are equally capable as men ,then they will have no problem proving this
.so far ,gap in gigantic and it dint close an inch since emancipation.
OP jon357  72 | 23673
4 Mar 2017   #7
15 points iq less.

'Decades of research show unequivocally that men and women are equal in general intelligence (IQ)'
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
4 Mar 2017   #8
well.he got a point.ppl should be paid according to their talent ,creativity regulate it add,women have about 30% smaller brain,and 15 points iq less.

You can't publicly say that. You'll be branded "sexist" regardless of scientific evidence backing up that claim. It's the very same with multiple scientific researches in the past about average IQ OS different human races. The results of those show that the blacks are the least intelligent of all. Many of those researchers are branded racist now by loons like Jon357 and others.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
4 Mar 2017   #9

Pasting a link to the leftist website ahahah

This in turn means scholars avoid the research area which "too hot to handle".

See. Because of libtards and their (artificial) equality you can't even research over the issue or you instantly getting branded "chauvinist".
gregy741  5 | 1226
4 Mar 2017   #10
You can't publicly say that

everyone knows that.its so obvious that billions of libtards lies cant hide it. thats why ppl are getting rid of em right now.they have enough of this libtard,femine idiocy
Crow  155 | 9729
4 Mar 2017   #11
Brat Mikke? He is very popular in Serbia
gregy741  5 | 1226
4 Mar 2017   #12
he likes to insult libtards with the truth,they cant handle
Szczebrzeszyn  - | 5
4 Mar 2017   #13
All Hail Korwin-Mikke. After all, you speak the truth in name of the Polish Gods. May the Almighty bless you for speaking the word of the Lord of PiS
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
4 Mar 2017   #14
Guy's crazy but he's right about homosexualism being a mental disease.

shame that doctors and scientists do not agree with you.
but what do they know, right?
Wulkan  - | 3136
4 Mar 2017   #15
Korwin-Mikke who made comments in the European Parliament

His comments made him millions new fans around Europe and they are the best things he has ever done, I don't agree with a lot of his believes but his speeches in EU parliament were epic.
OP jon357  72 | 23673
4 Mar 2017   #16
Lord of PiS

A total laughing stock, isn't he...
Wulkan  - | 3136
4 Mar 2017   #17
the Lord of PiS

Korwin is actually one of the biggest haters of PiS, no knowledge of Polish politics? why writing about it then.
gregy741  5 | 1226
4 Mar 2017   #18
no knowledge of Polish politics?

libtards and knoledge.hahahahahahahaha
they are waging a war against biology,reality and facts...its funny to watch.wonder who will win it.

shame that doctors and scientists do not agree with you

yea,sure, the ones from this nordic gender institute..anyone who is interested to hear them "scientists" google it . its all fun
i quote chairmann,when said that women are differend brain anathomy,she replied:
"i dont care about biology or anathomy,social studies are superior and they will CONQUER other scientic disciplines"
hahaha..libtards idiocy at its best
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
4 Mar 2017   #19

but, tbh, that's the answer i was kinda expecting.
gregy741  5 | 1226
5 Mar 2017   #20
it remind me of famous Polish gender scientist and researcher .,some palikot idiots.who ,after years of researching,come to undeniable conclusion,that more children are being born from homosexual relationships. hahahahahahahaha.can give you link to video where she present her findings.

funny..she said that during conversation with K.Mikke:
2.30 -scientists in action.hahahahahahahaha

libtards scientists struggle against reality: hehehehe
OP jon357  72 | 23673
5 Mar 2017   #21
Such an irony, in the country that gave the world the first scientist to receive two Nobel prizes. Perhaps she was secretly male.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Mar 2017   #22
Decades of research

PC-inspired research tries to prove most anything concommitant with thta lefty-utopianist ideology...that Negroes as evrery bit as good swimmers as Caucasians, that Caucasinas are overall better runners than Negroes, that homosexualtiy is not a mental disorder, that women make better coal miners than men, etc., etc., etc. And the PC dictatorship also have ways of removing from the net whatever does not conform to their biases and even effecting painful reprisals against dissenters.
OP jon357  72 | 23673
5 Mar 2017   #23
PC-inspired research tries to prove most anything concommitant with thta lefty-utopianist ideology

Don't be silly.

We already know you have as low an opinion of women as the international laughing stock Korwin-Mikke, and we already know that you're anti-science. Very naughty.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Mar 2017   #24
Korwin is actually one of the biggest haters of PiS, no knowledge of Polish politics? why writing about it then.

He doesn't hate PiS at all. He's been rather silent about them ever since he started getting cash for breaking the 3% threshold.
Crow  155 | 9729
7 Mar 2017   #25
As I said Serbians likes brat Mikke and he loves Serbians

Janusz Korwin Mikke - Uznanie niepodległości Kosowa to wielki błąd

Janusz Korwin Mikke o paradoksie Kosowa
OP jon357  72 | 23673
8 Mar 2017   #26
The latest instalment. The video shows the clown Korwin-Mike interviewed by ITV. You couldn't make it up...

Crow  155 | 9729
8 Mar 2017   #27
Remember. All who speak truth must appear to be little bit crazy. Take my position on this forum. See
OP jon357  72 | 23673
8 Mar 2017   #28
A very funny interview. He's essentially mae Polish politics a laughing-stock...

little bit crazy.

A little bit? Not that Korwin-Mike would care about the truth if it jumped out of a bush at him (or stabbed him in the toilet of a restaurant like the famous 'mystery Chinese assassin' when he stabbed himself a few years ago)
Ironside  51 | 13114
8 Mar 2017   #29
The latest instalment

Geez ... why he insists on speaking in English is beyond me. wow..
OP jon357  72 | 23673
8 Mar 2017   #30
I think he just likes the publicity - plus they pay for interviews. The irritating thing is that he's of course introduced as 'Polish MEP' leading more than a few people who watch it to think that his views are normal here and that he has widespread support, which of course he doesn't

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