No truth then in news reports that 20% of voting ballots were spoilt and/or in some areas a vote had already been cast by means of a cross or tick BEFORE the ballot paper was handed to the legitimate constituent to vote with? In other words, some reports allege many ballot papers were handed to people to use to vote but a 'X' was already on them in a pre-selected candidate's tick box. Although it's hard to believe, Ii indeed that's true then I'd say it's a pretty good reason to do the election again.
Local elections - anyone care to comment?
in some areas a vote had already been cast by means of a cross or tick BEFORE the ballot paper was handed to the legitimate constituent to vote with?
I'd say it's very hard to believe. Voting fraud does exist in Poland, at least at a low level (a few years ago a Sołtys was found to have 42 people registered as living in his 3 bedroom house) but essentially things are done correctly in PL and something like that would have come up immediately, loudly and under media scrutiny.
Certain political tendencies like nothing more making than wild allegations, the wilder the better. Paradoxically, they are the ones most likely to get up to something dodgy.
To vote for Sejmik one had to choose one candidate, the booklet for Sejmiki had several pages - many marked one candidate on each page....not bothering to read or educate before voting.
Any irregularities anyway should and would be dealt by local courts. If elections would be repeated then only locally. Again no need to new elections countrywide some argue for (PiS SLD)
Very disappointed with SLD....I understand and expect not much from Kaczynski who would call the elected president "ten Pan" but SLD?? ... questioning election and calling for making them again, nationwide is a big surprise to me and first of all disgusting, political antidemocratic maneuver. Bag of scumbags they are along with PiS now. Miller who could pride himself of getting us into EU now is questioning our young democracy.
Elections were local - for those not understanding - there is no assembly of all elected, no such institution -only locally, where protests are examined by court we could have elections done again.
Any irregularities anyway should and would be dealt by local courts. If elections would be repeated then only locally. Again no need to new elections countrywide some argue for (PiS SLD)
Very disappointed with SLD....I understand and expect not much from Kaczynski who would call the elected president "ten Pan" but SLD?? ... questioning election and calling for making them again, nationwide is a big surprise to me and first of all disgusting, political antidemocratic maneuver. Bag of scumbags they are along with PiS now. Miller who could pride himself of getting us into EU now is questioning our young democracy.
Elections were local - for those not understanding - there is no assembly of all elected, no such institution -only locally, where protests are examined by court we could have elections done again.
"ten Pan" but SLD?? ... questioning election and calling for making them again
They've a lot more in common with PiS than you'd think. Confusion and chaos suit them both - and alleging a fiasco certainly suits them at the moment.
Poland: Occupying protesters evicted from Electoral Commission HQ
An interesting source you've found there, Crowie...
25 Nov 2014 #37
It's the officially state funded Web site of the country that wants to wipe Poland from the map, so it's more predictable than surprising from a fan of Russia.
rubyedixon - | 1
6 Apr 2024 #38
[Moved from]: Local elections in Poland serve as an evaluative tool for the Tusk administration's performance
The upcoming local government elections set for Sunday, April 7th, represent a significant milestone for Poland's anti-populist coalition government, which was elected last October.
This electoral event, involving approximately 200,000 candidates, serves as a critical test for the coalition's popularity. Additionally, a second round is scheduled two weeks later for mayoral candidates who fail to secure 50 percent of the votes.
Polish local elections operate within a unique framework, encompassing multi-tiered contests for city mayors, regional assemblies, and numerous local councils. At this level of governance, the focus shifts from national to local concerns, with campaign rhetoric centered on practical and everyday issues. Topics range from infrastructure projects like roads and roundabouts, to educational initiatives such as building new schools and nurseries, as well as investments in local sports facilities and funding for fire brigades.
Despite the emphasis on local matters, national debates still have an impact, resonating within community gatherings and discussions.
The upcoming local government elections set for Sunday, April 7th, represent a significant milestone for Poland's anti-populist coalition government, which was elected last October.
This electoral event, involving approximately 200,000 candidates, serves as a critical test for the coalition's popularity. Additionally, a second round is scheduled two weeks later for mayoral candidates who fail to secure 50 percent of the votes.
Polish local elections operate within a unique framework, encompassing multi-tiered contests for city mayors, regional assemblies, and numerous local councils. At this level of governance, the focus shifts from national to local concerns, with campaign rhetoric centered on practical and everyday issues. Topics range from infrastructure projects like roads and roundabouts, to educational initiatives such as building new schools and nurseries, as well as investments in local sports facilities and funding for fire brigades.
Despite the emphasis on local matters, national debates still have an impact, resonating within community gatherings and discussions.
Various funny incidents have taken place at the local elections today
A man was offering voters money for voting for the candidate he indicated. He offered 4 beer cans and a bar of chocolate to encourage people to vote for his female partner.
An unusual situation occurred at the polling station in Słubice. One of the commission members saw a voter who placed a gun on the ballot card. Although the weapon turned out to be a fake, officers had to arrive at the scene.
A bizarre situation occurred during Sunday's local government elections in the Wieruszów commune - the name of one of the candidates was not on the ballot papers. The error was noticed and corrected within half an hour of the start of voting in the local elections, and the ballots with the mistake were immediately withdrawn and replaced with the correct ones. Despite quick intervention, three voters managed to cast their votes using defective ballots.
During Sunday's local government elections, at one of the district electoral commission's premises in the Załuski commune in Płońsk county, a woman tore the collected voting card and then left. The chairwoman of the commission reported the incident to the police. The circumstances of the incident are being investigated.
Possible electoral crime in the Płaska commune (Podlaskie Voivodeship). The police are checking whether a woman running for a seat on the commune council transported voters to the voting site and paid them for voting for her. On Sunday, the police received a report about a candidate for the commune council in Płaska, who was supposed to transport people to vote, the police said. The candidate was also supposed to provide a financial benefit to one person to persuade him to vote in a specific way.
The second report concerned the destruction of an election banner in Białystok. - The police are conducting legal proceedings in connection with the reports, Krupa said.
Among the incidents of breaking the election silence on Sunday, Krupa mentioned, among others: "setting up an advertising device" to conduct an election campaign in Sejny, in Hajnówka placing leaflets of various candidates near the polling station, and in Białystok destroying and hanging posters and agitating by sending text messages.
A man was offering voters money for voting for the candidate he indicated. He offered 4 beer cans and a bar of chocolate to encourage people to vote for his female partner.
An unusual situation occurred at the polling station in Słubice. One of the commission members saw a voter who placed a gun on the ballot card. Although the weapon turned out to be a fake, officers had to arrive at the scene.
A bizarre situation occurred during Sunday's local government elections in the Wieruszów commune - the name of one of the candidates was not on the ballot papers. The error was noticed and corrected within half an hour of the start of voting in the local elections, and the ballots with the mistake were immediately withdrawn and replaced with the correct ones. Despite quick intervention, three voters managed to cast their votes using defective ballots.
During Sunday's local government elections, at one of the district electoral commission's premises in the Załuski commune in Płońsk county, a woman tore the collected voting card and then left. The chairwoman of the commission reported the incident to the police. The circumstances of the incident are being investigated.
Possible electoral crime in the Płaska commune (Podlaskie Voivodeship). The police are checking whether a woman running for a seat on the commune council transported voters to the voting site and paid them for voting for her. On Sunday, the police received a report about a candidate for the commune council in Płaska, who was supposed to transport people to vote, the police said. The candidate was also supposed to provide a financial benefit to one person to persuade him to vote in a specific way.
The second report concerned the destruction of an election banner in Białystok. - The police are conducting legal proceedings in connection with the reports, Krupa said.
Among the incidents of breaking the election silence on Sunday, Krupa mentioned, among others: "setting up an advertising device" to conduct an election campaign in Sejny, in Hajnówka placing leaflets of various candidates near the polling station, and in Białystok destroying and hanging posters and agitating by sending text messages.
According to exit polls, results are roughly what most expected... PiS has the highest result (but less than Oct? I thought it might be higher since the frequency was a lot lower).
Also lewica finished behind konfederacja (boo hiss)
In good news Trzaskowski easily won reelection as mayor Warsaw in the first round (as did Dulkiewicz in Gdańsk).
Also lewica finished behind konfederacja (boo hiss)
In good news Trzaskowski easily won reelection as mayor Warsaw in the first round (as did Dulkiewicz in Gdańsk).
Also lewica finished behind konfederacja (boo hiss)
Good, why would you cheer for those crazy leftie morons? If you miss them go to the US.
In good news Trzaskowski
How it is good news? It is not good news for the city.

why would you cheer for those crazy leftie morons?
At least they're not pro-russian like konfederacja....
pro-russia = worst option for Poland
At least they're not pro-russian
Whoever told you that is a political idiot or lied to you.
At least they're not pro-russian like konfederacja....
Yes, it is an astounding paradox. Far right Konfederacja is pro Russian. While standard left who stemmed from communist apparatchiks is patriotic - it was them who staunchly advocated Polish membership in NATO and EU 30 years ago. Amasing!!!
political idiot
Calling names won`t help you sweep the truth about pro Russian far right Konfederacja under the carpet.
Far right Konfederacja is pro Russian.
You lying B'tch. You are known to be a liar.
standard left
Are scumbacks and belong in prison.
Young people prefer to ignore local elections as voters coz they have no idea who to vote for.
However, some youngsters treat local elections as a career development. They run for positions of rural mayors or local council members. Even as young as 18. Amasing!
However, some youngsters treat local elections as a career development. They run for positions of rural mayors or local council members. Even as young as 18. Amasing!
They run for positions of rural mayors or local council members. Even as young as 18
There's one in posters near me that looks about 15. Presumably he's 18 if he's standing for election however looking at the poster I'd be more likely to give him a shilling for washing the car than trust him in serious matters.
An update, of the two people I know who were standing, one (the very right wing one allied with Konfa) didn't win (good) and the centre right one who was standing for Platforma did win (also good).
Young people prefer to ignore local elections as voters coz they have no idea who to vote for
It's more that older people are more closely attuned to community issues.
They run for positions of rural mayors or local council members.
And some of them win!!!
older people are more closely attuned
Yes, exactly. They have more time to check on candidates.
I must admit I didn`t have that time to do the checking and I just voted for the party which I always support. However, I didn`t vote for No 1 in the list, which is customary in Poland when voters don`t know how to vote. I chose the youngest candidate and she was 21. Young people need support from elderly teachers like me.
BTW, in Polish elections you put a cross next to the candidate you choose.
How about elections in the UK? Do you put a tick for the positive choice?
They have more time to check on candidates.
More that they're more interested in their local community.
I just voted for the party which I always support
Me too, and frankly I loathe the candidate both personally and politically however he stood for the right party.
How about elections in the UK? Do you put a tick for the positive choice?
Obviously I vote in elections (local and national) in both places and there are differences and similarities. The U.K. doesn't usually use the list system (though in some places that exists in specific circumstances).
Generally in the U.K. for national and local elections you have one small voting slip with the names of the candidates and their party and you put an X next to the candidate you want to win. As teachers however, we both know that when marking papers X is what we put next to an incorrect answer and to be fair, that's how it often is in elections...
Trzebnica became an election sensation because one vote determined who would be the mayor there. Now it turned out that in one of the committees the sister of the winning candidate counted the votes. One of the rival candidates has already filed an election protest.
The case will be reviewed by the court
:):):) I thought Brits use their positive ticks in elections, too. :):)
The case will be reviewed by the court
X is what we put next to an incorrect answer and to be fair, that's how it often is in elections...
:):):) I thought Brits use their positive ticks in elections, too. :):)
Various funny incidents have taken place at the local elections today
This incident was a bit dangerous:
- In a certain village, there was information that the current mayor, who is running for the position again, together with his deputy, transported voters in private cars to the polling station. Another candidate for mayor in this village decided to intervene and stopped the car driven by one of these men, and because the other man did not want to stop, the candidate was driven several dozen meters on the hood of the car - Sych described the situation.
- Therefore, the event had potentially serious consequences. The man who traveled on the hood was taken to the emergency room. The police confiscated the driver's driving document. It took actions under Article 498 of the Electoral Code (conducting electioneering during the election silence - ed.) and Article 86 of the Petty Offenses Code (threat to road traffic safety - ed.) - he added.
Today we had the second round of local government elections.
Some big cities were experiencing am extra time after the first round 2 weeks ago.
Exit polls:
Aleksander Miszalski ( KO ) 51.1 %
Łukasz Gibała ( KWW Łukasz Gibała ) 48.9 %
Jacek Sutryk ( KWW Jacek Sutryk, with the support of KO ) 67.8 %
Izabela Bodnar ( Third Way ) 32.2 %
Rzeszów -
Konrad Fijołek ( KWW Konrad Fijołek, with the support of KO ) 56.1 %
Waldemar Szumny ( PIS ) 43.9 %
News platforms go red with breaking news
Some big cities were experiencing am extra time after the first round 2 weeks ago.
Exit polls:
Aleksander Miszalski ( KO ) 51.1 %
Łukasz Gibała ( KWW Łukasz Gibała ) 48.9 %
Jacek Sutryk ( KWW Jacek Sutryk, with the support of KO ) 67.8 %
Izabela Bodnar ( Third Way ) 32.2 %
Rzeszów -
Konrad Fijołek ( KWW Konrad Fijołek, with the support of KO ) 56.1 %
Waldemar Szumny ( PIS ) 43.9 %
News platforms go red with breaking news
The election took place in April. In the elections citizens chose councils for their local areas as well as members for little parliaments which rule the whole voivodship. There are 16 voivodships aka districts in Poland.
As it had been expected, rightists lost in major and medium cities, won in the towns and the countryside.
As for little parliaments, they also lost in most - see orange parts of Poland which were taken over by the pro democratic parties. Blue is where rightists won. The crossed area of Podlaskie voivodship is the one where they won initially but lost power due to renegade rightist politicians who decided to join their opponents. The question mark is on Lesser Poland voivodship where two rivaling rightist factions can`t settle their quarrel who should become the leader of the little parliament.
As it had been expected, rightists lost in major and medium cities, won in the towns and the countryside.
As for little parliaments, they also lost in most - see orange parts of Poland which were taken over by the pro democratic parties. Blue is where rightists won. The crossed area of Podlaskie voivodship is the one where they won initially but lost power due to renegade rightist politicians who decided to join their opponents. The question mark is on Lesser Poland voivodship where two rivaling rightist factions can`t settle their quarrel who should become the leader of the little parliament.
where they won initially but lost power due to renegade rightist politicians who decided to join their opponents.
Rightists practised the same tricks after the previous elections in 2019 when they ruled Poland - they bribed opposition politicians to join them for positions and perks. In this way they took over the Lower Silesia voivodship.
That is why they indignant whining over their own politicians doing the same thing but in the reversed direction sound so hilarious. :):):) Karma always returns, boys and girls.
3 months after the elections PIS still isn`t able to choose their leaders. The candidate promoted by PIS Chairman has been rejected 5 times by the councillors, including those from PiS. Amasing!
candidate promoted by PIS Chairman has been rejected 5 times by the councillors,
At last they chose their leaders. But PiS Chairman had to swallow a bitter pill when his nominee was rejected. Amasing coz it shows that Kaczyński has no power to pull all the strings.
swallow a bitter pill
Courtesy of Tusk you will have many bitter pills to swallow thanks to his guests who are happy to enrich you. Enjoy.
you will have
No,I won`t. Don`t panick so senselessly. Keep your composure like an adult person should.
No,I won`t.
Don't come to me crying if you will...