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Life and work of Stepan Bandera - controversial figure of Europe

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
5 May 2023   #31
If you believe that Slavs are a separate race from other white people, then yes. numbnut here! :) Help me out....

Comparing to Germans/Austrians where stand the slavic people, meaning Ukrainians/Poles/Russians?

Easy words please... :)
Bobko  27 | 2074
5 May 2023   #32
Comparing to Germans/Austrians where stand the slavic people, meaning Ukrainians/Poles/Russians?

Well, first of all they are much more similar to each other, than they are to neighboring Germans. This is proof of a common origin, despite the huge geographical area over which Slavs are spread out. There are exceptions to this of course. Northern Russians, have more in common with Baltic, German, and Finno-Ugric people than with other Russians. The identifying genetic markers are the R1a and I2 haplogroups.

Second factor of difference, is probably that we are relatively new. From a European perspective, and kind of from our own as well. Germans are ancient, and you can read about them all the way down to tribes and individuals in texts like Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico. They appear throughout antiquity, play an important role through the various Gothic kingdoms, and then eventually play a key role in the Holy Roman Empire. Slavs during this period are shrouded in myth and legend. This newness plays out in all sorts of ways, from feelings of inferiority to the other extreme of superiority because we are "wilder".

Finally, the fact that we are descended from the same people, means we inevitably carry some similar traits. These make us closer to each other, than to our German or Romanian neighbors. Germans are organized, we are disorganized. Germans are pedantic, while we paint with a broad stroke. Germans are hard workers, while we need a good incentive to put out. I think these things are common, from Prague to Vladivostok.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
5 May 2023   #33
Thanks, that was very detailed, but I rather meant the between Germans and know? Wars and different countries and all, we are still familiar, sharing the same ethnicity, language, lots of history, heritage, culture etc.

And you called the Ukrainians even closer than that....that means for me that Bandera won't have treated the Russians/Poles the same as Germans did the Jews for example, you know what I mean? Not the ethnicity but the nationality....a huge difference.

As he fighted the Russians, didn't he then rather fight the stalinist oppressors? And can't you blame him?

Germans are organized, we are disorganized. Germans are pedantic, while we paint with a broad stroke. Germans are hard workers,

....I like these stereotypes too, but they aren't realistic anymore...sadly....
Bobko  27 | 2074
5 May 2023   #34
you know what I mean?

Yes, I think I understand now what you mean.

To understand how we can hate Ukrainian nationalists, and call Ukrainians brothers at the same time - please read this excerpt from the book above:

Because of the nationalist discourse that took place in eastern Galicia, the province was labeled as the Ukrainian "Piedmont." Because of their loyalty to the Habsburg Empire, Galician Ukrainians were known as the "Tyroleans of the East." In Russian Ukraine, on the other hand, the majority of the political and intellectual stratum assimilated into Russian culture and did not pay attention to Ukrainian nationalism."

We never knew these as$hole Ukrainians who hate us, they are a new element within our ecosystem. They were raised within greenhouse conditions by a Cossack-loving Austrian prince, with the express purpose of irritating Poles and Russians. It is why we want to kill every Banderite - exactly because as you said - "why the hell would he fight Russians?"

The East is the same as us, and so is the Center. The West of Ukraine is however a strange land, with strange people. It was easy to ignore them for a long time because it was primarily agricultural and poor compared to the other regions. Turns out ignoring those hillbillies was a big mistake.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
5 May 2023   #35
Galician Ukrainians were known as the "Tyroleans of the East."

Well....what a mess! If that description holds true then I come to think Ukraine will have to did the Tyroleans. They will have to get their autonomous region at least if there should be ever any peace. Russians will have to get used to that....and Ukrainians have to leave their russian part....

I see no other way!
Bobko  27 | 2074
5 May 2023   #36
I come to think Ukraine will have to did the Tyroleans.

I think everybody involved would be very happy if there was a new country in West Ukraine. Well, maybe not the Hungarians (they want the Carpathians back) and the Poles (Lvov), but everybody else would be very happy.
Lenka  5 | 3526
5 May 2023   #37
the Poles (Lvov),

Most Poles are not interested in getting Lwów back IMO. As far as it's Polish root are respected all is good
Bobko  27 | 2074
5 May 2023   #38
Most Poles are not interested in getting Lwów back

Alien  25 | 6359
5 May 2023   #39
They got Wrocław for it.
Lenka  5 | 3526
5 May 2023   #40
Maybe from your perspective but we have our borders and work on improving what we have. Your country chose a different path and is ruining it's name and bleeding the nation out.
mafketis  38 | 11127
5 May 2023   #41

Simply more advanced than primitive russians stuck mentally in the 19th century and dreams of empire....

The mongols set you back 300 years and since then you've only gained about half of it back....

Primitive russian ideas of empire puzzle and mystify the more highly evolved countries who want nothing to do with the loser russian 'culture'....
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
5 May 2023   #42
Don't know how you define ethnicities

I do.
Slavs are Slavs.
Russians are partly Slav, Poles,Slowaks and Ukrainians are complete Slavs.
Russians are the outsiders here.

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