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Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people

Paulina  17 | 4465
27 Apr 2024   #331
The idea of getting rid of co-education is interesting.

I think it's possible that it would make men and women more of "aliens" to each other than they are now, imho. And where it would end? Universities should be segregated too? lol

Btw, why do men like you have this need to separate yourselves from women and eliminate them from all kinds of fields and roles in society?

I don't know why Paulina gets so worked up about it.

Worked up about what exactly?

I don't buy feminist theory, and frankly I'm bored with it.

And I don't buy patriarchy, misogyny and sexism and I'm not only bored, but fed up with it.
Torq  8 | 954
27 Apr 2024   #332
I think it's possible that it would make men and women more of "aliens" to each other than they are now, imho.

Here's a good essay on the detrimental effects of coeducation...

Worked up about what exactly?

The idea of not forcing teenagers above certain age into compulsory education if they don't want it.
AntV  3 | 670
27 Apr 2024   #333
why do men like you have this need to separate yourselves from women and eliminate them from all kinds of fields and roles in society

Well, we don't have that need. Your conditioned feminism is misinforming you.
Paulina  17 | 4465
27 Apr 2024   #334
The idea of not forcing teenagers above certain age into compulsory education if they don't want it.

And I explained it to you why I think it's a bad idea, so why are you pretending that you don't know why?

Well, we don't have that need.

My impression is that you do. Of course, it may be not only that - it's possible that it's mainly about having control and power.

Your conditioned feminism is misinforming you.

Oh, really? Have I or feminism invented countries like Afghanistan? They don't exist? lol
Torq  8 | 954
27 Apr 2024   #335
Well, we don't have that need.

Don't you just hate when that happens? You say one thing and you are accused of something totally different or the worst kind of bad will is ascribed to you.


AntV: I think women should retire 5 years earlier than men, with full pensions.
Paulina: You f*cking mysoginist sexist arsehole! You just want to keep women away from the job market as soon as possible and confine them to taking care of their grandchildren while men enjoy their comfy jobs for 5 years longer! Why do men like you even exist???!!!

AntV: I think women should retire at the same age as men, with the same pensions.
Paulina: You f*cking mysoginist sexist arsehole! It's typical that you don't take into account that the burden of bearing and raising children is mostly on women! Of course, they should keep raising new generations and work as long as men do. You make me sick, you women-hater!

AntV: I think men should retire 5 years earlier than women, with lower pensions.
Paulina: You absolute pig! So, you want to enjoy retirement with your pals while we are working our arses off for slightly higher pensions? OH EARTH--how can you bear carrying such creatures!

etc. etc.


I explained it to you why I think it's a bad idea

And I explained why you are wrong to which you replied with your typical "you're talking out of your ass". *rolls eyes*
Paulina  17 | 4465
27 Apr 2024   #336
You say one thing and you are accused of something totally different or the worst kind of bad will is ascribed to you.

I'm sure that men in Afghanistan say that they only... EVER... want what's best for women and girls :))) That's a LIE though. They mainly want what's best for men.

And I explained why you are wrong to which you replied with your typical "you're talking out of your ass". *rolls eyes*

Because you are until you prove it with a poll :)
AntV  3 | 670
27 Apr 2024   #337


My impression is that you do

All I can say is your impression is misinformed.
Paulina  17 | 4465
27 Apr 2024   #338
@AntV, if I'm wrong then why views of men like you always somehow get close to the way Islam views and treats women?
Ironside  50 | 12916
27 Apr 2024   #339
o which you replied with your typical "you're talking out of your ass". *rolls eyes*

Hence I established a long time ago she is stupid, toxic B'tvh, as a bonus or as a cherry on the top a feminist. phew!


I'm sure that men in Afghanistan

you should go there for a year I'm sure you would kiss feet of every Polish man if you would have came back, on the other hand seeing how twisted you are you might like it.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
27 Apr 2024   #340
Torq = It's just common sense, nothing else. I don't know why Paulina gets so worked up about it.[/quote]
Told you that Paulina is a moron and it shows.

Now guys, she is just a little psychotic is all when it comes to her feminism.

why do men like you have this need to separate yourselves from women

Because women are total drama queens that cause men a lot of unnecessary stress which makes it hard for men to focus on their education.

Universities should be segregated too?

That is a tremendous idea for higher education for those that are there to learn and not to just party and be looking for a husband to take care of them financially.

Face it Paulina, your Woke feminist ideologies have destroyed the traditional family and workplaces that have worked so well in the past.
Now just look at the mess we have. Kids don't even know which bathroom to use.
Will you ever admit that your way is not working so well as we watch society deteriorate ?
Paulina  17 | 4465
27 Apr 2024   #341
AntV: I think women should retire 5 years earlier than men, with full pensions.

That's not what men like you and AntV are saying :) Men like you are saying that it would be better if women didn't work, because men would have higher salaries then :)))

AntV: I think women should retire at the same age as men, with the same pensions.

I wouldn't have anything against that IF men would be as likely to take care of their kids, household and grandkids (and to the same extent), elderly parents and their disabled adult kids as women are.

AntV: I think men should retire 5 years earlier than women, with lower pensions.

I wouldn't have anything against that IF men switched their roles with women in taking care of kids, household, grandkids, elderly parents and disabled children.
Novichok  4 | 8748
27 Apr 2024   #342
And I explained why you are wrong to which you replied with your typical "you're talking out of your ass". *rolls eyes*

Good post, T.
Often my method of asking questions takes less effort and locks the enemy in a position. That's what cops do before they interrogate and place the scum under arrest.
AntV  3 | 670
27 Apr 2024   #343

Again, you approach this whole topic from a jaundiced radical feminist point-of-view. We would first have to deconstruct that POV to have a real and honest conversation. And, as you can see by my paltry number if posts in PF, I don't spend that kind if time on PF.

But, to put it briefly, men like me din't view women as chattel, but as complementary partners. We see that by nature, men and women have differences. But, these differences complement each other-they din't compete against each ither. We each have our distinct roles-these roles have some overlap, to be sure. I don't view my wife as property but a unified partner.

The problem with feminism is that it springs not from a complementarian approach to the sexes, but a competitive and divisive approach. It boxes masculinity into a non-masculine brutishness.

Anyhow, I am off to do manly things that my wife sucks at.
Torq  8 | 954
27 Apr 2024   #344
Anyhow, I am off to do manly things that my wife sucks at.


Ladies and gentlemen, AntV has left the building (to do manly things!).

*full respect*
Paulina  17 | 4465
27 Apr 2024   #345
Again, you approach this whole topic from a jaundiced radical feminist point-of-view.

No, I only share my personal observations, impressions and conclusions. I'm also sharing with you how the stuff that men like you are writing makes me feel as a woman.

The problem with feminism is that it springs not from a complementarian approach to the sexes, but a competitive and divisive approach.

Nope. If a woman wants to be a chef at a restaurant it's because she wants to be a chef at a restaurant and not because she wants to be a better chef than a man or because she hates men :)))

Good post, T.

Nope, I still don't see any poll being posted by Torq :)
johnny reb  49 | 7974
27 Apr 2024   #346
F men would be as likely to take care of their kids, household and grandkids (and to the same extent), elderly parents and their disabled adult kids

Quite a opinionated statement that you keep repeating here, Love.
Men absolutely DO help take care of their children and do household duties and care for their elderly parents.
Sounds like you came from a very dysfunctional family or had a dysfunctional marriage yourself and that's why you bang on over and over and over how men are useless in a marriage and why you see things in a very negative manner.

I only share my personal observations, impressions and conclusions.

Take your pity party elsewhere Paulina because I am tired of listening to it because even the old Reb himself does the cooking, (I hate cleaning), washing, grocery shopping while going to the kids ball games, taking them fishing, hunting, and most of all to church with me, not to mention, keeping the vehicles running in proper order, aiding my elderly relatives to the grocery store and doctor appointments and stopping in to check on them once a week even if it is to only have a beer with them and chat for twenty minutes.

See, my buddies and I are "old school" while the "new school woke men" values have been destroyed by feminism.
Paulina  17 | 4465
27 Apr 2024   #347
But, to put it briefly, men like me din't view women as chattel, but as complementary partners.

In case of certain group of men (usually right-wing, nationalist or Muslim) that "complementary" usually translates into - women are only good for what men think women are good for.

We see that by nature, men and women have differences.

Those differences don't make women unable to work in professions. Women aren't just able to give birth, raise kids and do laundry. They're capable of much more.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
27 Apr 2024   #348
I hope Lech Walesa live long enough to be arrested by the people of Poland that will revolt against traitors.
Lenka  5 | 3531
27 Apr 2024   #349
What is better - parents pushing kids out to schools

Definitely better that way.

and then suddenly find studying fascinating.

Maybe not fascinating but enough to get themselves a trade.

Nobody is talking about throwing anyone "into the world with nothing"

You are. A 13 yo with limited writing/ reading and basic maths, with no trade, most likely not very involved parents thrown into the adult world... Makes sense....

For the people I'm talking about,

For one, it's a big, huge assumption that the kids t you are thinking about would be the ones to quit. Most kids at 13 find school an obstacle in real life. I knew plenty of intelligent kids that would jump at the opportunity.

Whil there is place for manual labour don't try to pretend it exists in abundance. And factories are definitely getting out of those people reach

1- you don't have to be gifted to learn how to be a plumber, hairdresser etc.
2- I think you are really overestimating parents. The amount of times I heard people calling theirs 5 and 6 yo ' not academic ' and not giving any support to give the kids a chance.

salaries should be higher but as long as there are hordes of women willing to do the job for peanuts money,

Easy solution - guys stop doing the jobs and pay will increase! Great solution Torq!

And then we go into legal stuff- kids labour, who gets the salary, what protection you have in place to protect those kids from things they shouldn't be involved in etc...
johnny reb  49 | 7974
27 Apr 2024   #350
They're capable of much more.

And many intelligent women do instead of whing about it.
You've got to want it and work it and woke feminist women demand it and given to them by taking the poor me privileged woman avenue.

you don't have to be gifted to learn how to be a plumber, hairdresser etc.

Can you do either ?
OP Crow  154 | 9463
27 Apr 2024   #351
See, people like Lech Walesa would be first to escape when sh** start. His job would be done, and Poland would be on the way to ruination and oblivion, serving its purpose as canon fodder. So why would Walesa stay? No, he is used to luxury.

But, who knows, maybe he stay as Zelenski did. To secure his job is done to the very end. To the last Pole.
Paulina  17 | 4465
27 Apr 2024   #352

Maybe I'll read it later out of curiosity, but I have no time now for reading propaganda of some "Republican, conservative and Catholic" club. Give me stats, data - from reliable sources.
Bobko  27 | 2130
28 Apr 2024   #353

Harvard and some... Oklahoma State.... are not that much different.

The economics professor at Oklahoma State could very well have finished Harvard.

The economics textbook used at Oklahoma State is probably the exact same one as used at Harvard.

Why then, do Harvard and Oklahoma State produce such different graduates?

The difference, I suspect, is in that most of the class at Harvard is already composed of exceedingly smart kids. They keep the professor on his toes with their questions, and he has to constantly provide them with extra material to read.

This seems to me like a simple scenario. Do you disagree with it?

Can you imagine, transposing this model onto the elementary, middle and high school levels? Would the same factors drive different results?

Do you think you are super virtuous and Christian as a society, if you make a bunch of smart kids artificially limit their potential - so that the other 70% of idiots could feel good?
Lenka  5 | 3531
28 Apr 2024   #354
smart kids artificially limit their potential -

Why limit their potential? They have all the resources they need.

70% of idiots could feel good?

Not feel good but reach their potential. Why does the potential of smart kids is above the potential of the less gifted?

are not that much different.

Besides the prestige. Which means more money, being able to hire better professors, having better research facilities and being attractive to students with better results

In Poland, at 14 (just year after Kania's cut off point) kids choose secondary school and at that stage the more gifted get swooshed together and the same goes for less gifted. No interference
Bobko  27 | 2130
28 Apr 2024   #355
Why limit their potential? They have all the resources they need.

This makes me think you were yourself a bad student.

Bad students drag down good ones. Fact.
Lenka  5 | 3531
28 Apr 2024   #356
This makes me think you were yourself a bad student.

You can think what you want. I was the lazy student that hears 'if only you applied yourself you could have straight As". Never had a problem with the material as such. Never was even close to be left behind at any year.

I just strongly believe in education and it's great powers. I also believe everyone should be given a shot and 70% shouldn't be disregarded.
Paulina  17 | 4465
28 Apr 2024   #357
This makes me think you were yourself a bad student.

Bad students drag down good ones. Fact.

I haven't observed or experienced this "fact" during my education.
I was always one of the best students - at primary school, at secondary school, at high school and at the university and even at private art classes and at private English classes.

And yet - I have the same views as Lenka.
Also, Lenka is intelligent and logical, so I personally doubt that she was a bad student.

if you make a bunch of smart kids artificially limit their potential - so that the other 70% of idiots could feel good?

How is the potential of smart kids being "artificially limited"? Smart or gifted kids simply do more - and that's often encouraged by the teacher. My art teacher at secondary school could see that I could draw and so she talked me into joing her free extra art classes after school. She inspired me to go to art school.

My Polish teacher at high school wanted to make me take part in the so called olimpiada.
As for English - I decided to take private English classes at high school on my own, because I liked English and wanted to be better at it. This didn't end there though - I was also consciously watching news, films and TV series and reading books in English, because I knew that will help me improve my English (and because I simply enjoyed it).

In Poland, at 14 (just year after Kania's cut off point) kids choose secondary school and at that stage the more gifted get swooshed together and the same goes for less gifted. No interference

Exactly. So there's "selection" taking place later on. Everybody knew what were the best schools in my city and all the smart kids wanted to get in. I'd be trying to get in one of them too if it wasn't for the fact that I chose an art school (to my Polish teacher's great disappointment lol :)).

And, of course, there were entrance exams for my art school - from art subjects. There was drawing and painting exam, sculpture exam (I had to take private classes before that, because I never did any sculpting) and history of art exam (and, again, I took private lessons with a former teacher from that art school to increase my chances). Besides the entrance exams they were also looking at your previous academic results. The best results from both exams and previous academic results would land you where I personally wanted to be - at "painting and gilding" specialization. So, you can imagine how beyond happy I was when I got in :)))
Novichok  4 | 8748
28 Apr 2024   #358
I was always one of the best students

If you were one of the best students you would know that a "fetus" is a live human being and that abortion is an act of killing a live human being.
Lenka  5 | 3531
28 Apr 2024   #359
I haven't observed or experienced this "fact" during my education.

I do understand where they are coming from but they are misguided in my opinion. Don't take into account many factors, the fact that not every kid thrives in highly competitive environment etc.

Lenka is intelligent and logical, so I personally doubt that she was a bad student.

Thank you. I wasn't a bad student but I could never be ar*ed to apply myself properly. I started to be better in high school and uni thanks to implementing strategies better suited to my needs (e.g. a big game changer for me was writing on loose pages in uni that I could sort into subjects later. I was always notorious for forgetting my specific notepad in school and then I couldn't carry on taking notes until I rewrote the missing notes etc. One year my friends rewritten few notebooks for me just because the teachers were so obsessed with them :) ) Not to mention at that stage I had greater impact as to what I'm learning

Everybody knew what were the best schools in my city and all the smart kids wanted to get in.

It's quite funny really. When I was in primary school we had a school that was always in competition with us. Both schools wanted to be on top. The other schools had a bit better area (only slightly as they were like 2 streets apart) and the approach of making 'better classes' with smarter kids. Mine didn't. Yet for all the years me and my siblings went there we kicked their asse* in sports and a learning competitions.

So there's "selection" taking place later on.

Of course there is.
And I do believe it was better if it was done at 16. Kids rarely know themselves yet, can have a clash with certain teachers etc. How many times did we see kids downmarked by teachers?
Bobko  27 | 2130
29 Apr 2024   #360
I do understand where they are coming from but they are misguided in my opinion.

Thanks for at least not doing a "Paulina", and calling us invaders from Mars or Jupiter.

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