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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

TheWizard  - | 217
6 Jul 2018   #1441
I don't see how i am helping jew haters by rejecting fake hostory, 70 years of victimhood games and their entire ungratful browntongue agenda. Not to mention their bs hollywood propaganda for decades against poland. They are scum as far i am concerned and i would not aid them in any way and i certainly don't believe what they say. As for hating i dont care if some redneck hates them i just have zero respect for them, wont be going out of my way to do anything as i see the whole lot of them as worthless. Some redneck who hates jews is going to hate just about anybody anyway.
mafketis  38 | 11143
6 Jul 2018   #1442
Poland played no role in the holocaust. Period. Israeli (and more broadly Jewish) opposition to the law was based on the fact that Poles feel no collective guilt over the holocaust and that drives them insane with rage.

I was against the law from the beginning, but I'm also against holocaust denial laws, the truth has nothing to fear from open discussion.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Jul 2018   #1443
'too lenient' on Poland and their role in the Holocaust.

How can they accuse Poland of this? there was no Polish government in place to run and police the country. in effect it was lawless and under the sphere of Russian and German military control, there was nothing to stop looting shooting and the settling of old scores, be it Jew or Pole on the receiving end,
TheWizard  - | 217
6 Jul 2018   #1444
They are mental. If the people that died to rescue them and hide them knew that now so many years later that crap was being said than i think not a single jew would have been saved. As for guilt yeah, i feel guilty for once thinking these sods were worth saving.
mafketis  38 | 11143
6 Jul 2018   #1445
. If the people that died to rescue them and hide them

The radio show This American Life had a show on a young Jewish woman who went to Poland (actually she was in a couple of episodes). Anyhoo, at one point she decides to visit the people who concealed her mother. Her mother had never spoken well of them saying they only did it for money and when she visited them they spoke of how much they had like her mother and were sad she never tried to contact them after leaving.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
6 Jul 2018   #1447
Well, it is not like you can deduce who is telling the truth here. Of course the Polish would deny doing it all for the money.

Like most things in life, it might have been a combination of both. Just because you accept the money does not mean you might fell compassion for someone.
Lyzko  45 | 9748
6 Jul 2018   #1448
Poland certainly DID play a role in the Holocaust, Maf ol' boy, albeit a relatively minor one! No more than any other European country, save perhaps for Bulgaria, Albania, Denmark and Sweden, Poland can't be let off the hook entirely. That's neither bigotry nor "fake news" on my part, that's unvarnished truth telling, much as I must admit a number of my people have (un-)successfully attempted to capitalize from fellow-Jewish suffering, shaming themselves as well as us, along with dishonouring the dead.
mafketis  38 | 11143
6 Jul 2018   #1449
Poland certainly DID play a role in the Holocaust

And what role was that (considering there was no functioning Polish state at the time)?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Jul 2018   #1450
Poland certainly DID play a role in the Holocaust

Tell me who was in government at that time, which law allowed the persecution of Jews, which law allowed the Jews to persecute and deport Poles in the east.
Lyzko  45 | 9748
6 Jul 2018   #1451
Come on, people! You know I'm not referring to the Polish Government in Exile, housed in London, but about any number (small number admittedly) of rank-and-file Poles who unfortunately did not show the grass roots support of most Danes, but often displayed great hostility towards local Jewish neighbors.

Bottom line, for all the good, decent Poles who were truly Christian and helped Jews often at great personal risk for them and their family, there were also plenty of others who aided the enemy based on little else other than sheer Jew hatred. What was their excuse, huh?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Jul 2018   #1452
who aided the enemy based on little else other than sheer Jew hatred

And what about all the Jewish run labour camps in Siberia, what was their excuse heh
mafketis  38 | 11143
6 Jul 2018   #1453
but about any number (small number admittedly) of rank-and-file Poles

Ie individuals, the country of Poland is not responsible and bears no guilt for the actions of some individuals at a time when the country was under hostile military occupation by two foreign powers.

What was their excuse, huh?

They were trying to stay alive when that was very, very difficult?

Again, they were individuals acting on their own and the current government of Poland bears no responsibility for what they did then (if any are still alvie)
Lyzko  45 | 9748
6 Jul 2018   #1454
You're referring to the gulags, essentially Communist tools of keeping their fellow citizens in line. Shameful indeed. Extermination though was not meted
out on ALL prisoners, starvation was something common to all such prison systems of that time, not merely the Soviet ones:-) One could exculpate onself from continued

incarceration, if one curried favor with the higher ups.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Jul 2018   #1455
the current government of Poland bears no responsibility for what they did then

100% correct. The operating rule is: I am not responsible for what I am not able to control.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Jul 2018   #1456
. Shameful indeed

What about the Jewish soviet collaborators involved with deportations in the east and also Katyn where tens of thousands of poles and loyal Polish Jews died, yes it is called the hidden holocaust for a reason.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
6 Jul 2018   #1457
Stella Goldschlag snitched more Jews to Germans than all Poles combined.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Jul 2018   #1458
What about the Jewish soviet collaborators involved with deportations

What does religion have to do with this?
mafketis  38 | 11143
6 Jul 2018   #1459
In the Soviet Union "Jewish" was a 'nationality' and not a religion.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Jul 2018   #1460
About 500,000 Jews served in the Soviet Red Army during World War II.
Which made each and ever one of them enemies of Poland during and after to the Soviet invasion.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Jul 2018   #1461
In the Soviet Union "Jewish" was a 'nationality' and not a religion.

How can "Jewish' be nationality without a country? What about 'Jewish' in Poland? Also a nationality? Two guys living in Warsaw from birth and one is Polish nationality and the other Jewish nationality?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
6 Jul 2018   #1462
For the leftards Jews that died during WWII were Jews but regarding others ethnicity doesnt matter to leftards. Often you see some foreigner that not even speak Polish considering himself a Pole coz he has Polish Passport. It is all what leftardism is about. Bending truth to their needs.
mafketis  38 | 11143
6 Jul 2018   #1463
How can "Jewish' be nationality without a country?

In SovietSpeak 'nationality' is roughly 'ethnic group' but historically in Russian speaking lands if Jews who converted to christianity were still Jews and never Russians.

In Poland there was never such a clear national policy and lots of folks in modern Poland have some Jewish ancestry they're unaware of. the communist period probably strengthened the idea that Jewishness had nothing to do with religion and everything to do with ancestry.

And if you were really Polish you'd know that 'nationality' in the Soviet Union is normally translated as 'narodowość' because (among other reasons) there were obligatory Russian classes when you supposedly lived here..
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Jul 2018   #1464
I studied Russian for four years and 'Jewish' in the USSR never came as a subject. You are just making it up to smuggle that old bs about me not being Polish.

Back to 'Jewish'. Today, in a non-communist Poland, what is 'Jewish'?

Please, no lectures about Soviets, Russia or me.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Jul 2018   #1465
Well rich there's an old saying of polish jews that goes something like

'Wasze ulice, nasze kamienice' kind of translates to your streets, our buildings

Pretty much anything involving high finance, large property deals, the judiciary, etc you can expect Jews to be involved in. It's no different than other European countries like ukraine where there's a disproportionate amount of Jews in the ruling class or even a place as obscure as Moldova (see curious case of ilan shor). 2/3 of the capital in polish banks isn't even polish. No different than polish media which is in german Jews hands. Now that its been out in the open, pis is seeking to buy back shares to keep polish media and certain financial institutions in polish hands, with much support from poles.

Thousands upon thousands of Jews changed their names to more polish sounding ones so it's nearly impossible to know who's actually a pole or jew or pretending to be another. Hell my cousin converted to Judaism because he insists it spoke to him better than christianity but the real reason which he'll never admit ie as a young judge it'll tremendously help his career.

Many of the crypto Jews remain firmly in the eu/po camp. Although it's nice to see an increasing amounr of Jews supporting the nationalists and exclaiming how poland is far safer for a jew than France, Germany, UK etc due to lack of Muslims
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
6 Jul 2018   #1466
I'm not referring to the Polish Government in Exile

Right, so why keep saying Poland when talking about responsibility? Why not say 'some Polish people?'

As for the 'what is Jewish?' question being debated above, Jewish can be a religion or ethnicity/race. It can be one of the other or it can be both. Most American Jews for instance, do not identify themselves as religious Jews, but also aren't Israelis, they are Americans. Yet they still identify as Jews though, ethnically. I don't know why every time you say Jewish, some people immediately think you are bringing religion in to the discussion.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Jul 2018   #1467
Simple. Because every time 'Jews' anywhere talk about tolerance they always mean religion.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Jul 2018   #1469
When did they talk about anything else that is applicable to the Jews when tolerance was discussed? So, no lectures about blacks and Latinos.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
6 Jul 2018   #1470
Jews generally believe most people in the world don't tolerate them. They call it antisemitism, and it doesn't have to have anything to do with religion.

Home / News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

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