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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

Lyzko  44 | 9711
29 Mar 2018   #1051
The truth is that the Jews were already as it is slated for total extermination. Therefore, I focus on Polish collaborators, since again, as long as the gentile Poles remained in their place, didn't make waves so to speak, and obeyed their German "superiors", they were allowed to live.

Such was never the case with the Jews (check out the Wannsee Conference transcripts if you don't take my word for it; 11,000,000 intended originally for annihilation!!).

Their fate had been sealed by the Nazis ever since Hitler took power and so they were forced into far more dire straits and had to to whatever they had to do to simply stay alive!
mafketis  38 | 11127
29 Mar 2018   #1052
obeyed their German "superiors", they were allowed to live

that's a load of baloney, Poles were slated en masse for extermination with a few for assimilation (lebernsborn) and a handful to be kept around for amusement value.

did you see the movie I linked to? you really should
Lyzko  44 | 9711
29 Mar 2018   #1053
Not as yet. Did you ever check out >Der ewige Jude< (1935) by Fritz Hippler??

Think you might change your mind a wee bit after you do. Couldn't sleep soundly for several days following.
mafketis  38 | 11127
29 Mar 2018   #1054
Think you might change your mind a wee bit after you do

What do you think needs changing?
kaprys  3 | 2076
29 Mar 2018   #1055

Another video worth watching (with some very poor, but understandable, English subtitles for about 30 minutes) - Władysław Szpilman talking about the war.
Surprisingly enough, his attitude towards Poles is different from Lyzko's. He doesn't hesitate to mention Jewish collaborators.

Lyzko, I challenge you to watch the video.
30 Mar 2018   #1056
Hitler would be smiling in his grave with this talk of Polish and Jewish collaboration. Turning his victims against each other was all part of his plan.
mafketis  38 | 11127
30 Mar 2018   #1057
So, what you're saying is that Lyzko should be renamed.... Hitler's Little Helper!!!!!
kaprys  3 | 2076
30 Mar 2018   #1058
Watch the video. The amazing thing about is that Szpilman talks about both about good and bad things he experienced during the war - he talks about Poles, Jews and Germans. One's nationality doesn't determine one's decency.

And it's not about Hitler's victims turning against each other, though it probably happened, too. Lyzko's family didn't experience the war in Europe. Yet he dares to generalise about Poles during the war. Why wouldn't I comment on this? Especially that he keeps justifying Germans. My family suffered from what they did.

In the meantime another anti-Polish website was founded by a Jewish American. Why is it ok to talk about Polish antisemitism but Jewish anti-polonism is a taboo.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
30 Mar 2018   #1059
Thanks kaprys,,the video was extremely enlightening.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
30 Mar 2018   #1060
It's up to Poles to counter Zionist propoganda and explain how Jewish Bolsheviks killed millions of innocent people - including Poles.
G (undercover)
30 Mar 2018   #1061
as long as the gentile Poles remained in their place, didn't make waves so to speak, and obeyed their German "superiors", they were allowed to live.

Thousands of Polish Goys died in Auschwitz before first Jews were sent there.

Their fate had been sealed by the Nazis ever since Hitler took power

Utter nonsense again and again, the Holocaust didn't really start until early 1942.

Therefore, I focus on Polish collaborators

You always focus on someone else and never admit your folks ever done anything wrong. In this aspect, you are similar to your Muslim "brothers".

Jewish Bolsheviks killed millions of innocent people - including Poles.

Bolsheviks were made of many different nationalities, including some Poles. But indeed the Jewish input was significant. Apparently, they never acknowledged that (and scream "anti-semitism" whenever that's mentioned) while at the same time, with sadistic pleasure, desperately search for any case of "collaboration with Nazis", try to put on trail some 100 years old grandpas, who don't even remember their birth date, and all the other unhealthy stuff. Therefore there's no sense to "hold dialog" with them. Just ignore all the nonsense, more and more people see that it's all becoming truly cartoonish.

the Jews

Those were some Semitic folks living in several countries in Europe, not "Da JOOOOS !!!". What is your connection to those people, on what grounds do you "claim" their "suffering" ? In Poland, leaving all the family histories and experiences aside, we still even now see the effects of WW2, huge lose of human capital, economic effects, buildings with bullet holes had not been uncommon here until 90's, even our borders were shaped by WW2. While you folks sit in NY and think that because 3 generations ago, some Semitic folks were murdered in Europe, that somehow gives you the whole "moral high horse" position. Totally ridiculous.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
30 Mar 2018   #1062
@G, you are mistaken regarding the fate of the Jews. Just read "Mein Kampf"....if you can!
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
30 Mar 2018   #1063

Just watch the Spzilman video that kaprys posted and shut up till you have seen it.
You are starting to annoy me with your narrowmindedness.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
30 Mar 2018   #1064
Jewish Bolsheviks killed

They did my grandfather was in the polish cavalry at the time , but lyzko is in denial , no jew has ever killed an innocent, no jew has ever invaded anothers land , all poles are bad and they need to pay.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
31 Mar 2018   #1065
Jews killed innocents too, no argument. Let's though not forget about the historical context. As with the Holocaust, it wasn't the Jews who somehow mysteriously "chose" their fate, as many Holocausts deniers such as the Irvings, Fred Leuchtners and others of this world have insisted!
mafketis  38 | 11127
31 Mar 2018   #1066
it wasn't the Jews who somehow mysteriously "chose" their fate

Just as it wasn't Poles who chose to be invaded by Germany and the USSR and have many of the worst atrocities carried out on their land.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
31 Mar 2018   #1067
The majority in Poland are not deniers in fact poles staunch supporters of truth regarding the holocaust, not forgetting the hidden holocaust that happened in the east of Poland.

Poland and the Polish people as a WHOLE were nor perpetrators of the holocaust, the Germans were.

As for deniers bring back the Nuremberg court and just hang the bastards.
kaprys  3 | 2076
31 Mar 2018   #1068
Holocaust denial is illegal in Poland.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
31 Mar 2018   #1070
Historical context? One of the main architects of Nazism was a Jew - Alfred Rosenberg. Himmler, Goering, Bormann, Goebbels etc regularly criticized him for 'not have a single drop of German blood.' Ironic that a Jew founded and lead the 'Institute For The Study of The Jewish Question'
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
31 Mar 2018   #1071
If the Jewish lead Bolsheviks didn't try to conquer Poland in the 20's, then again successfully after WW2, and today socialist Eurocrat Jews weren't trying to denigrate Polish traditional society through consumerism, multiculturalism, and the ridiculous laws of the EU all while buying up our most sensitive sectors - namely banking and media - then you wouldn't have such opposition from Poles. Imagine if wealthy Poles started buying up Israeli media and banks and started spreading messages that Israel should embrace the Palestinians, welcome the African migrants into their homes, and change the laws to allow for gay marraige and marraige between goy and Jew (you currently can't obtain a marriage license in Israel unless both parties are hetero Jews) I'm sure the nationalist leaning Israelis wouldn't be too happy. Then add all the superficial stuff like calling non-Jews goys and non-Jewish women shiksas. It's time Poles stop worrying about what international Jews think of us and cozy up to V4 and even in time Russia because the West will betray us again as they have time and time again.. PiS was on the right track with the news laws till they started playing chicken and lost because they don't have the nerves or will to stand up for the tens of millions of Poles that are sick and tired of the Zionist influence upon Poland. And to apologize for what some commies did 50 years ago? SHAME!!!
Telefon Zydowki do Radio Marija.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
31 Mar 2018   #1072
Apparently, you either didn't read or understand my post of late that Rosenberg was an ARYAN German of pure Baltic extraction.
You're probably just toying around here and knew it all along, right?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Apr 2018   #1073
Rosenberg was no German and regularly criticized for it by Nazi hierarchy... even the new Netflix series about the Nazi party points this out...

Another Jewish Nazi I can think of off the top of my head was Emil Maurice - Hitler's chauffeur, his other chauffeur being the son of a Polish miner...

Yet the Israeli media is quick to criticize Morawiecki for pointing out the FACT that there were all sorts of collaborators - including Jews.

The point is, there were Germans, Czechs, Finns, Norse, Swedes, Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, Jews, Hungarians, French, Arabs, Romanians, Latvians, etc who collaborated with the Nazis. This wasn't something that just one nation did. Even some British royals had an amicable relationship with Hitler.

If Jews didn't take advantage of the situation after WW2 in Poland and cause the deaths and deportation of millions of Poles you wouldn't have this animosity decades later. Poles were able to apologize for pogroms and the 67-68 expulsion (which they shouldn't of but that's besides the point) yet I don't hear any apologies from the Jewish community for deporting tens of thousands of Poles and killing the top command who fought against the Nazis along with tens of thousands of other officers - not to mention all the civilians who got caught up in the middle. It was enough for a Jew not to like a Pole, report him to his friends (or even his own boss) in the SB/UB which fact shows was majority Jewish and bam they're in a Siberian gulag or dead.

There were 2 known pogroms in Poland against Jews after WW2 - TWO..... Kielce and Jedwabne where combined a few hundred people died.... compare that to the tens of thousands killed by Jewish Stalinist judges like Stefan Michnik who sentenced AK fighters to death... If it wasn't the Soviet campaign against the 'rootless cosmopolitans' they would've continued their murderous spree. And for Poland to apologize for what some commies did to Jews 50 years ago? Shame!!! The Arabs were fighting to reclaim THEIR land - the land that was stolen from them due to a collusion between British Jewry and American Jewry (Balfour Declaration) in which the Brits two timed the Saudis.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
1 Apr 2018   #1074
Ahemm, then by your definition Walter von Darre (Agriculture Minister) who had Huegenot French forebearers along with the half-American Baldur von Schirach weren't "Germans" either, is that it?

Rosenberg WAS NOT JEWISH and yes, he had a Baltic accent in his German, but was of Aryan pedigree, for pity's sake!!! Geezloueez, Eichmann wrote he was teased in school as "Der Rabbiner" (the rabbi) because apparently he had dark hair and eyes, but was obviously a non-Jew also, not to mention an actual Mischling, Luftwaffe General Erhard Milch etc.... who in fact WAS a quarter Jew.

Get your facts straight at least.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Apr 2018   #1075
He was an Estonian with Jewish blood. My boss identifies as a Polish Catholic yet 3/4 of his family is Jewish by his own admission - similar to Rosenberg....Millions of Jews converted to Protestantism (with a lesser amount Roman Catholic) in Germany even before ww2.. that's besides the point though... The fact is there were Nazi collaborators of every color, creed, race, religion, etc.

Although on paper the Nazis wanted a 'pure' German society in reality it was a mixture - hence the marriage/sex laws... Goebbels was with a Czech woman, Himmler was too short to be an SS member (but apparently not its leader), a guy that was part Jewish drove Hitler around....

weren't "Germans" either, is that it?

Not sure about those two - but I do know Rosenberg and Maurice definitely had Jewish blood, as did a good portion of other Nazi collaborators - including the Jewish Finns in the article above...

Get your facts straight at least.

The fact is there were Jews, just as almost every nationality/religion, that collaborated with Nazis. Another fact is Jews in the NKVD, SB/UB, military, police, etc were especially cruel to Poles, Belorussians, Ukranians, Russians, etc. and killed tens of thousands while deporting millions - even those who fought against the Nazis and saved Jews during the war. I remember one particular story about a woman testifying on behalf of a Polish man that he saved her and her entire family - yet he was killed anyway because he wasn't fond of the new commie authorities. If we're going to be honest, we should be honest all around. However, it seems that the Zionist media liked to point fingers but never look at themselves. Everyone's got their version of events - it's time Poles shared ours.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
2 Apr 2018   #1076
About Maurice, that Milch fella, Dr. Theodor Lewald who headed the Nazi Olympic Committee and any number of others, I am well aware.
Rosenberg however, even Hitler himself......TOTALLY FABRICATED FROM WHOLE CLOTH!!!
Crow  154 | 9525
2 Apr 2018   #1077
Time is for peace between Slavs (ie Sarmats) and Jews. Honest peace. Poles to follow Serbians on this one. And Jews to stop pressuring.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
2 Apr 2018   #1078
Despite the animosity between polish christians and polish jews, poland is still one of the safest large eu nations for jews. In France especially jews are regularly attacked.

What would fix the relationship between polish catholics and polish jews is a long open discussions. Both parties need to play with open cards. Jews criticize Poles for antisemitism, Poles criticize jews for antipolonism. Yes there were pogroms against jews in poland. Yet the amount of jews that were killed during the 5 decades after ww2 to communisms collapse numbers several hundred. Meanwhile the amount of Poles killed directly or on the orders of Soviet jews esp ub/sb nkvd etc was tens of thousands. The zionists clown michniks family was especially active in persecuting poles - just as that douchebag adas does today albeit through his far left cfr soros appeasing media outlets.

Yes there we're poles who collaborated with nazis. Plenty of others just wanted to mind their own business and be with their family so they all domt end up in a concentration camp. The ak and its underground institutions held trials and carried out death sentences to poles blackmailing and extorting the jews and people who were hiding them. Yet the zionist media never mentions that. They dont mention how yad vashem awarded more poles than any other nationality with righteous amongst the nations.

The fact is the polish government, which was in exile in london during most of ww2 due to the western betrayal never condoned persecution of Jews.

Its time the jews and poles admit their faults and move on. Both nationalities have plenty of skeletons in their closet. It's time to kiss and make up and move forward. Otherwise antisemitism and antipolonism will continue as they are and perhaps eben grow.
Crow  154 | 9525
3 Apr 2018   #1079
Jews to learn to respect Svetovid. Then we talk of strategic alliance.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
3 Apr 2018   #1080
Crow to learn to write clear English. Then we talk ideas.

Home / News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

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