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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

Atch  22 | 4299
28 Feb 2018   #841
He's no Austin Powers anyway :D international man of mystery.......

He's basically a typical North London Jewish lad with an eye for an opportunity. As for his profile in Poland, he fills a niche in the market so to speak. The most doubtful aspect of his background is his Israeli army career which seems to have been quite glowing. That's harder to check because I'm sure they guard their records quite closely. However I'm equally sure they're aware of him and would be quite quick to disassociate themselves from him if he were making false claims. Unless of course he IS an international man of mystery and has been planted by Mossad! Quite frankly, who cares.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
28 Feb 2018   #842
Polish people ought to care, if he is telling the government what they can and can't do. That's a step too far. Of course, for now they don't appear to be listening to him, thankfully.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 Feb 2018   #843
Yeah Polish people esp on the right are onto his BS. But, I can see what he's doing and yes like atch said he is filling a niche role that Poland and PiS need. As much as I want Poland to be as independent and sovereign as possible, it's foolish to think we can just do away with US/British/Israeli/etc interests in Poland due to geopolitics, our military alliances, etc.

I remember my mom showing me a video of him like making a big event with some PL body builders to move headstones of Jews that were like in disrepair and moving them to a new spot. He's a showman, but not as constantly public like Trump - only when he needs to be. Otherwise he just ignores it which creates even more mystery amongst people. But its rather clear what his purpose and overall goal is
3 Mar 2018   #844
This should prove interesting. The Polish League against defamation ( RDI ) have filed a lawsuit against an Argentinian website under the new anti-defamation laws:
TheOther  6 | 3596
3 Mar 2018   #845
The Polish version of the ADL files a lawsuit in a Polish court against a web site that sits on an Argentinian server? That'll scare the site owner. LOL! Good luck getting the Argentinian government to agree to extraterritorial jurisdiction in this case.
Tacitus  2 | 1274
6 Mar 2018   #846
Another foreign policy masterstroke by PiS.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
6 Mar 2018   #847
In Poland, it is as of February now a punishable crime to even insinuate, either in speech or in writing, that the country was in any way affiliated with Nazi doctrine, rather that Poland was a, if not THE, victim of such crimes!

In Germany, correct me if I'm wrong on this, it is an equally punishable offense (either jail time, a whopper of a fine, or both) to make light of the Nazis, intentionally down play the impact of the Holocaust, or utter open anti-Jewish slogans etc.

In the US, as of Sept. 11, it is against the law to even as much as joke about bombs at an airport or (if Trump has his way!) besmirch the name of the US president. Freedom of speech, liberty of expression??! Give me a break!!!:-) Racial slurs are NOT as of yet legally punishable offenses; all one risks is either a mega tongue lashing, a couple of broken front teeth, or a combination of the two.

Interesting too, that in the wake of the Fla. massacre, guns are still allowed, and, on another note, flag burning cannot be punished, while destroying US currency CAN!!LOL

Thus far, it appears that Israel is the only country in which one can lampoon/insult the president with impunity, even spout Holocaust denial without fearing a jail term in most instances.

Crazy world we're living in.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Mar 2018   #848
spout Holocaust denial without fearing a jail term in most instances.

No jail time but they would be at serious risk of bodily harm or worse, rightly so.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
7 Mar 2018   #849
Another foreign policy masterstroke by PiS.

I wouldn't take it as fact yet because politico have reported it from some source, so let's wait and see. Would the USA really make it that obvious that they basically just do what the Jewish lobby tells me? I wouldn't have thought so.
gregy741  5 | 1226
7 Mar 2018   #850
spoke person of State dep. denies that.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
7 Mar 2018   #851
Jonny Daniels is just a PR guy.If he was anything like some of the things I have seen suggested then he would have covered his tracks better.

A quick search on the internet will find you where he lives and that it's a 20 minute walk from his father's home.
He's not trying to hide anything.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
7 Mar 2018   #852
spoke person of State dep. denies that.

There we go, someone is trying to unnecessary stir the situation up even more. No truth to it. The USA would be mad to just openly state that they're done with Poland unless they change their law. It would effectively be seen as the USA blackmailing countries unless they are run how they want them to be run.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Mar 2018   #853
Its bs stirred up by and politico who are owned by the same zionist organization axel springer sa. Their very mission statement is zionist
G (undercover)
7 Mar 2018   #854
No truth to it.

True or not, screw them and full ahead.
TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Mar 2018   #855
axel springer

Do you know who Axel Springer was, Adrian? He was the German Rupert Murdoch - the owner of the largest right-wing tabloid in Germany, the BILD. Never ever a Zionist; rather the opposite.
Crow  155 | 9736
7 Mar 2018   #856
You Poles are right but you don`t know how to negotiate with Jews. Wtf is that? Is that by some higher plan or it just happening.... I don`t like it
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Mar 2018   #857

The person and organization are two different things. Their mission statement clearly spells out Zionist principles.

All foreign media that negatively portrays Poland and damages its sovereign interests ought to be appropriated with wyborcza first on the list

Crow the last time poles tried negotiating with Jews on the future of Poland hundreds of thousands of poles ended up shot, deported to Siberia, put in prison, etc. They cant negotiate with Poland directly and like usual since they're too pu$$y to act on their own they run to their aipac bought and paid for goy politicians in the us to do the dirty work for them - whether its to get away with massacring Lebanese college kids, bombing Palestinian hospitals, starting another war in the middle east, or this time Poland. Its just too bad that trump got so entangled with NYC Jews that it clouds his America first vision. As long as aipac exists, congressmen and senators are allowed to keep dual us Israeli citizenship it will remain Israel first, America second.
7 Mar 2018   #858
mafketis  38 | 11284
7 Mar 2018   #859
In other news, some sick people think that sending teens to Europe for 'holocaust trips' is a good idea. Teenagers do not have the level of maturity needed to deal with that type of historical trauma.... It does fit in with traditional Israeli attempts to create a fortress mentality in the population, I guess.
7 Mar 2018   #860
That's BS. Who are you to judge whether or not someone has the maturity? Almost all Polish kids go to Auschwitz as teenagers. Some are ready some are not. Do Poles attempt to create a fortress mentality in the population?
mafketis  38 | 11284
7 Mar 2018   #861
The current government is. And haven't you read the reports of terrible behavior by traumatized Israeli teens in Poland?
Crow  155 | 9736
7 Mar 2018   #862
Crow the last time poles tried negotiating with Jews on the future of Poland hundreds of thousands of poles ended up shot, deported to Siberia, put in prison, etc.

Never mind. Start new negotiation. Back in past Serbians were excluded from the mathematical formula. Now, we are back as crazy unpredictable element and that makes everything possible. Together, we may shaken Anglo-Jewish symbiosis. We have more to offer.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Mar 2018   #863

I saw Auschwitz for the first time when i was like 10 or so. Its frightening but if i could handle it as a preteen so can others. Thats the problem with the world today especially with men. Being an effeminate tight jean wearing hispter who talks about their feelings and cry about bs

And yes the israeli teens act as if they own the place and wander around in poland acting like they own the place. Theres been numerous reports of israeli teens acting like q bunch of pr1cks and terrorizing older poles. Its disgusting. Naturally you won't hear about it from zionist owned media but atleadt a few polish politicians have the cajones to tell it like it is whenever israelis come to poland

Better yet, they dont have to come. If they dislike poland so much and have a problem with our version of historical events they can easily stay put or visit other countries. Yet israel, as pis says, is doing whatever they can to maintain a monopoly on the holocaust and ww2 suffering
8 Mar 2018   #864
The Polish version of the ADL files a lawsuit

The new law does even apply in this case, there is no claim of Polish state responsibility. It's about the missing use of a photograph.

even spout Holocaust denial without fearing a jail term in most instances

It's illegal in Israel and many other countries.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
8 Mar 2018   #865
Interesting that it's illegal in Israel as well. Seems "free" speech is no longer so free!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
8 Mar 2018   #866
There is free speech but there is also the twisting of historic facts for some political gain, the holocaust is the worst crime committed by humans in history.

It is horrific beyond any belief. there should be laws and the penalties should be grave to to say the least.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
8 Mar 2018   #867
While I have to agree in principle, this indeed changes the very nature of the concept "freedom of speech" then, doesn't it.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
8 Mar 2018   #868
Yes this does, and I agree with you. BUT this one law should stand, and people should also stand with it, I don't just see this as a line in the sand for the jewish victims but also a beacon for all those murdered by acts of genocide.

This has to be a warning to all humanity NEVER to repeat this type of crime. or deny the victims the right to truth.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
8 Mar 2018   #869
A point well taken, dolno.
Crow  155 | 9736
10 Mar 2018   #870
Pressure on Poland incresing

Seams that USA joining to Israel on case of Polish law to criminalize term 'Polish death camps'.

I read Serbian online news this morning. This caught my attention and I would like to share initial info on it with you...

Potvrđeno - napeto između Poljske i SAD
Confirmation - sparks between Poland and USA

Varšava -- Šef poljske diplomatije Jacek Čaputovič priznao je postojanje dokumenta koji potvrđuje postojanje napetosti između Varšave i Vašingtona.

Translation: Polish chief of diplomacy Jacek Chaputovich admitted that there are documents that confirmed sparks between Warsaw and Washington.

Also article bringing info of Polish portal that had access to internal document of Polish ministry of FA and founded out that Polish president and PM got message from US that they can`t expect meeting with USA president or highest ranking USA officials until problem is resolved.

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