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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Feb 2018   #481
WP - an article from naTemat that's worth reading about our old friend. Even they (if I understand correctly) are openly suggesting that something isn't adding up about his whole story. It seems that suspicion and dislike of him is actually uniting left and right in Poland...,kim-jest-jonny-daniels

The article and comments here are quite telling:

I want to know why Daniels is proclaiming himself to be Polish as well, and why he's so keen to avoid mentioning in the Polish press that he was born British and brought up British.
G (undercover)
7 Feb 2018   #482
Daniels guy most likely was sent here to check and report if the business goes as planned. Hence his hysteria regarding re-opening Jedwabne investigation - as that's their wunderwaffe on the way to getting off us $100 billion.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
7 Feb 2018   #483
@Dougpol and TheOther, we seem to have misunderstood the use of the word "democratic". Indeed, it has often been an incorrectly used term throughout history, e.g. The German "Democratic" Republic, however in 1933, Germany was still in the shadows of the albeit ill-fated Weimar Republic prior to Hitler's seizure of power. Therefore, by his very being elected, rather than literally thrust, into office by mob violence, one can conclude that he was "democratically" elected. The election process is one of the cornerstones of Western democracy and so I apologize for splitting hairs about this.

Interesting to consider a side issue, namely, that ordinary German citizens weren't threatened outright if they didn't vote for Hitler, that is, pollwatchers never tried to scare them away at the polls, in rather stark contrast to African-Americans in the US South being frightened and harrassed by local authorities into not voting for the leader of the very country in which they were citizens. And I'm speaking of long AFTER 1924, following the law which finally allowed blacks the right to vote.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
7 Feb 2018   #484
by his very being elected, rather than literally thrust, into office by mob violence, one can conclude that he was "democratically" elected.

Ah - see what you mean now Lyzko. Yes, they did take him, because he really wanted the job:(
Lyzko  44 | 9711
7 Feb 2018   #485
...and because he mesmerized an all too gullible public into believing that he and he alone was Germany's savior!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
7 Feb 2018   #486
an all too gullible public

Not comparing evil with todays' world, but some peoples are just as gullible today in falling for blame politics:(
Lyzko  44 | 9711
7 Feb 2018   #487
You're damned right, buddy! Poland may be such an example.....or, naturally, the US under you know who! Germany by contrast, is one of the most self-scrutizining, maddeningly self-examining nation on earth today.:-)
Bieganski  17 | 888
7 Feb 2018   #488
One can only question why you fail to address the issue of your ancestors not returning to Poland to help in the time of her greatest need.

It goes without saying. They never needed to return to Poland because they never left.

I want to know why Daniels is proclaiming himself to be Polish as well, and why he's so keen to avoid mentioning...

I'm surprised he hasn't joined the crowd and been posting on PF for years. He sounds just like you and your British cohorts on here who pretend to know more about Poland and be more Polish than the average Pole while being born British and brought up British.

So do tell us your first hand account. The answer lies within you.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
7 Feb 2018   #489
to avoid mentioning in the Polish press that he was born British and brought up British.

You, linking to a wprawo piece delph? I didn't expect that.

As for the natemat piece, I was hoping there would be more inside information on who he might be and what other connections he really has, but I suppose that would require some hard investigative research. They have pretty much just gone through a timeline of events since he appeared in Poland - what ceremonies/events he has attended, who he has spoken with, who he seems to be spending a lot of time with, who he has attacked etc. As for him being raised in Britain and then joining the Israeli army for some time, this stuff can even be found on his website - he doesn't hide it.

As you mentioned though, there is interestingly nothing on his website about any connection to Poland - yet he keeps mentioning that he is Polish. I suppose many Jews have got a Polish background, so it isn't impossible.

I think the left and right's uncertainty about him is there for different reasons. The left basically don't like him for mingling with PiS and the right. The right feel he has more of an agenda than he is showing in public and don't trust him.

You're damned right, buddy! Poland may be such an example

Are you drawing comparisons between Hitler and PiS [or even Hitler and Trump for that matter?]. Do you believe Poland would really be a better place if it was still run by PO? There's no blame politics in Poland [as Doug suggested], just normal patriotism and protecting the country from false anti-Polish propaganda, whether from abroad or domestic.
gregy741  5 | 1226
7 Feb 2018   #490
good book for Netanyahu:
150 000 jews in Wermacht.
"150,000 men, including decorated veterans and high-ranking officers, even generals and admirals"
its more accurate to say that Auschwitz was jewish death camp

its just getting hilarious.
countries that officially condemned Poland for adopting this bill apart from Israel:
Norway,Ukraine and today -France.
now,what those countries have in common in regard of SECOND WORLD WAR and Holocaust??Vichy anyone remember?
now waiting for condemnation from Estonia,Italy,and Slovakia
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
8 Feb 2018   #491
It is strange that Poles who supposedly make such a boastful scene of their apparent christian virtues are so keen on digging up the dead to prove some self-serving theory. First it was the 92, and now it's Jewish murder victims, and the illogical point making of "Well - it was only 450 dead actually...."

Tasteless at best on both counts. In a perfect world we should let have the victims of both tragedies rest in peace.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
8 Feb 2018   #492
Oh and as far as so called jewish soldiers serving in the polish forces, out of 4k jews all but 1k deserted the polish ii corps. Some soldiers rofl. One of the yellow cowards would end up being pm of israel.

Well if wr didnt do such research then wed still believe that 4 mil jews were killed at Auschwitz and not the now recognized figure of 1 million. The earlier exaggeration was clearly political and actuallt the original figures cited in the 50s was millions more. Such moves are just one step to destroy the holocaust industry and challenge the zionists claims. No more focusing only on jewish victims and more focus on the tens of millions of others who perished. Theres no reason for israel and jews to be thought of as the only victim or even the largest group of ww2 victims.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
8 Feb 2018   #493
Totally agree with you there as far as the only victims.... although the Jewish population was of course the largest civilian war victims if you discount the Soviets' genocide on their own peoples. I thought that had been put to bed by Polish/Jewish contingents together at numerous death camp ceremonies. I well remember the joint service at Auschwitz on the anniversary of liberation, and the father in law was invited there as an witness to the event, but he declined, as he happened to share your view that the Jewish dead historically had inordinately too much of the victim status
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
8 Feb 2018   #494
Not exactly. They werent the largest civilian group as there were far more soviet and chinese civilian deaths. In fact the amount of germans and poles who perished is closer to the amount of jews. But where are the billions going towards poles, soviets, chinese, etc? Where are the annual hollywood movies portraying the struggle of poles or even soviet citizens? Where is the ukranian or hungarian equivalent of the fraudster elie wesel? Why isnt katyn watched all over the us including in colleges but yet movies like schindlers list are?

Its high time to focus on the tens of millions of others who perished. The jews already received enough of the spotlight and more than enough billions - a lot of which was based on fraudulent cases as the number of holocaust claims to receive money filed by jews exceeds the number that actuallt died.

Well this is just the first of hopefullt many more steps to finally set the record straight and let the woeld know that jews werent the only civilian victims and in fact arent even the largest group.
Atch  22 | 4299
8 Feb 2018   #495
Oh and as far as so called jewish soldiers serving in the polish forces, out of 4k jews all but 1k deserted the polish ii corps.

Where did you get those figures from? They are completely inaccurate.
Atch  22 | 4299
8 Feb 2018   #496
so called jewish soldiers serving in the polish forces, out of 4k jews all but 1k deserted the polish ii corps

Having read your sentence again, I think you unintentionally made a mis-leading statement. You need to make a distinction between the Polish forces and Ander's army. There were 100,000 Jews serving in the regular army of Poland at the outbreak of war. Many of them died on the Polish soil in the first weeks of fighting. There were indeed approximately 4,000 Jews serving in the Polish second corps and they began 'deserting' in Palestine in 1943. Many of those 'desertions' were sanctioned and assisted by Polish officers.

Some soldiers rofl. One of the yellow cowards would end up being pm of israel.

Begin was given official permission to leave six months after arriving in Palestine and like pretty much everyone who left the Second Corps he went on to continue fighting with the Irgun. You can dislike his politics but you can't legitimately call him a coward or a deserter.
Antidote  - | 3
8 Feb 2018   #497
Decades of Jewish fake history's going to take more than several weeks to fix it. May as well start now.
Ironside  50 | 12928
8 Feb 2018   #498
keen on digging up the dead to prove some self-serving theory.

Well, it is evidence Doug. Tell that to the police investigators digging up dead bodies or its remains. A proper investigation can or exmaple give a serious clue not only to the identity and number of killed but also can give a serious pointer as to who was a culprit.

You came across as having serous deficiency in brains department Dougie, I mean - really?

Many of those 'desertions' were sanctioned and assisted by Polish officers.

Wasn't sectioned. Those were real desertions. They simply wasn't persecuted as the high command of the Polish Army decided they are not gonna chase them as they are Army of volunteers.

So, yes I can call him deserter.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
8 Feb 2018   #499
Those were real desertions. They simply wasn't persecuted

Yep that's absolutely true. Anders was a good man. Even when they deserted his army [punishment for desertion would be death] Anders just decided to leave it and let them go, rather than chasing it up and punishing the for it.
Atch  22 | 4299
8 Feb 2018   #500
Menachim Begin requested permission to leave the Polish army and was granted an honourable discharge. And General Anders own words were "I gave precise instructions not to pursue the deserters. I considered that the Jews who saw their first duty in the struggle for Palestine's freedom, had every right to that view."
Ironside  50 | 12928
8 Feb 2018   #501
and was granted an honourable discharge.

Blah blah, a polish citizen, didn't want to fight for his country. Tell us more about Jews and how great they are. There wasn't anything honourable about it.
Atch  22 | 4299
8 Feb 2018   #502
It's not a question of how great they are. It's a question of being truthful and for you as a Pole, it's a question of knowing your history.
Ironside  50 | 12928
8 Feb 2018   #503
I know my history thank you and I know how to understand it. Your understanding of this particular historical fact is flawed.
Antidote  - | 3
8 Feb 2018   #504
Too much revision. Camps were kept as a museum thing so no one would forget what the nazis did. Seems Zionists misused their purpose. I am in favour of bulldozing all such places, throwing and burning all the relics in various places and removing them completely before concreting over the lot. I would donate money so it can start tomorrow.
Atch  22 | 4299
8 Feb 2018   #505
Your understanding of this particular historical fact is flawed.

Facts are facts. When a soldier receives an official discharge he's not a deserter. You may feel that there's a moral question mark over his actions but he didn't desert because his absence was sanctioned. The question of Jews who left the Second Corps is a separate matter.

But in any case, lies have been told on this forum over the past couple of days about the lack of contribution by Jews to the Polish war effort. Even at KatyƄ there were several hundred Jewish officers amongst the victims.

It seems that with Polish Jews, it's a question of damned if they do and damned if they don't - the memory of those who served, those who died on Polish soil in 1939, those who were decorated for bravery, those who fought, died, or were wounded, throughout the duration of the war has been sneered at and belittled by the ignorant, the dishonest and of course the trolls.

I just think it's wrong and shouldn't go unchallenged.
Ironside  50 | 12928
8 Feb 2018   #506
You can feel what you like but that is not reason to beautify an perfume the past in order to straighten some real or perceived slights.

Generally speaking Jews (meaning as in the majority of the Polish Jews) never had been particularly patriotic or overtly supportive of he Polish state.
We can show some examples of this or that that would seems to contradict the truth of the matter but only on the surface. Those were just actions of small minority or people who I would call Poles of Jewish origin, that is quite not the same as 'Polish' Jews.

Also in the IIRP there were about million or so Jews from Russia that had not clue about Poland and were foreigners in Poland for some reason they were offered a refuge from the Russian revolution.

Begin was an underofficer of the Polish Army his honor and his duty was to see the war to the end. Then and only then he could seek his fortune in Palestine.

So there is nothing honourable in his discharge, while unspoken assumption was that if not discharged he would go AWOL.
If anything that shows magnanimity and generosity of the sprit of the Polish general than anything else.

As for people like DD who are questioning this or that. I think that he is just beating abound the bush looking for some clues to what in fact is a very simple issue. Jews in general weren't supportive towards Poland or the Polish state and their attitude was purely mercantile.

It is not a judgment it is a simple statement of a fact.
Atch  22 | 4299
8 Feb 2018   #507
Jews in general wasn't supportive towards Poland or the Polish state and their attitude was purely mercantile.

Are you talking about pre-war??
Ironside  50 | 12928
8 Feb 2018   #508
the IIRP

Are you talking about pre-war??

That should give yo u a clue - yes.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
8 Feb 2018   #509
They deserted because 3/4 were too cowardly to continue on and fight alongside the british. They preferred to stay in palestine and lay the groundwork for future ethnic cleaning campaigns. Israelis are only courageous when they have guns and tanks and their opponents are palestinian teens armed with slingshots and rocks

Most so called polish jews didnt even speak polish. The majority had absolutely no loyalty to the legit government or the polish state. They were all too quick to side with the soviets and ussr backed AL amd red army almost immediately after the invasion. Most politically active jews were commie sympathisers and regularly sabotaged and informed upon polish operations even in the polish aoviet war. After the war, the surviving jews that remained in poland took their rage upon average poles and ak patriots who risked their neck. Due to much soviet bootlicking, they were given positions in the ub, nkvd, as prison admins, etc which they promptly used to kill real polish patriots and real soldiers from the ak and nsz. Facts are facts. For every few hundred jewish officers killed in katyn there were thousands of jews who killed ak and nsz members.

The jews were aware of zegota and the aks help towards esp warsaw jews. That doesnt matter to the jew or zionist. As the talmud says, ally with those who are helping you then turn on them when the time comes. Amd the jews did just that by slaughtering scores of ak members. And they knew all about the talmuds teachings considering jews didnt go to polish schools, no they went to yeshivas. If they knew polish itd be easier to hide them but when you have some dude with curly hair around his ears he cant speak the native tongue... well what do you expect
Atch  22 | 4299
8 Feb 2018   #510

Ok, I just wanted to clarify that I understand correctly. You would probably be of the opinion then that Jews didn't feel Polish. So why do you think that was?

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